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Nelson Evening Mail. MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1892.

According to tho Wollington newspapers tho Govoriimonfc proposes to establish fivo industrial farms in conueofciou wifch r the Labour Bureau. Auckland, Woilington, Chmtchnrch, Dunedin, und Envoi*, cargill aro oaoh to havo ono of tho farina in its neighbourhood. Tho sizo of tho farms is to vary from oighfc hundred to fifteen hundred acres, and tho intontion is that thoy shall bo tilled by mon who cannot find othor work. Among thoso who apply for employment at fcho Labour Bureau aro clerks, artisans, and others, who aro quito ignorant of country work, aud it seems that ifc proposed to mako tho farms training schools for such men, in ordor to qualify them as furm labourora aud buahmon. Tho mon aro to bo obligod to build their own housos, bufc bho Govern, monk will find tho materials. Rations will bo supplied aud small wages. Ifc is intended to work tho farms on fcho cooperative system, giviug thoso who aro iudufltrious aud show a fitness for tho work a sharo in tho profits, if auy. Tho Govornmout ib now negotiating for fcho purchaso of about a thousand aoros of land noar Waikanao, closo fco fcho Wolliugton and Manawatu railway, in ordor to create -*. farm for tho Wollington district, on which ib is proposed te plaoo a hundred mou, Tho Govornmout is thus followiug iv tho footstops of Genoral Booth iv attempting to mako agricultural labourers of mou who have all thoir lives followed othor callings. Tho material to bo dealt with is, of courso, I very different. Thoro is nofc ia New Zealand fcho great oriminal and outcast olasß wifch whioh tho Salvation Army is doaling, bufc thero is this similarity jn fcj 10 _^ 0 cases, that in oach thero is fco be au attempt to farm land wifch unskilled labour. That fcho motives of tho authors of tho flohomo aro oxcollonfc thoro is no doubfc. Tho Govornmonfc has a most difficult question to doal with when an appeal is mado fco ifc fco fiud work for a largo uumbor of mou, bufc of the B-aecess of fcho farms thoro can bo littlo hopo. Aa a rulo tho successful, farmers iv Now Zoalaud havo been those who havo worked thoir laud with tho help of their sous. Thoro havo booniuuumorabloinsfcaiicosof failure I on the part of capablo farmora who om. ! ployed experienced labourers. As for amateur farming, it has beou iv uiuofcy- ! nine casos out of a huudred a vory expensive amusomeufc for those who havo ' indulged iv ib. No farmer, who expected ; to make a living out of hia laud, would consent to employ aa ploughmen aud \ othor farm labourers, mon, who had uob , only boon brought up to othor callings, , bub had failod to earn their liviug by i them. If fcho sohomo is carriod ont, as i soon as mou havo becomo ÜBoful thoy will bo drafted oil' to private omploy. ' moub. Tho oxponso to bho taxpayers is J protty sure to bo utterly disproportionate ' to fcho advantage fco be obtaiued. lf tho farms aro complofcoly fcillod ifc will bo ! necessary to have an exporioucod and , highly-paid mauagor for each, aud con- 'j .sidormg bho quality of labour to bo employed a number of oveiHoorts uuder f tho managors will bo required. Tho 1 whole scheme bears the stamp of havin" boou drawn up somo ouo totally ignoi" ! aut of fanning. No ono who kuow what * caro aud knowledge aro requirod to get ' fcho greatest possiblo amount of work oub \ ot horses, to roar and fatten stock, and to grow crops would over huvo believed that farming could bo carriod ou wibh the loast officioncy iv suoh a manner, lho Government may sot aside all hopo I of introducing tho co-operative prinoiplo. i 1 rohb thoro assuredly will nob bo, aud ib is nob likoly bhat fcho labourora will have tho powor or bho inclination fco boar any ' part of bho loss which is inevitable ' In our report of tho City Council on ) baturday wo omitted to givo a question put | by Councillor Webster to tho City Surveyor Councillor Webster asked tho Surveyor if ho , would w.iui 500 oa*ktt of cement a month / ' ibo answer to tbo question was that ho would. Sixteen casks would be wanted nor ' dioin ior block making, ; .iul when tho work I got into lull (jiving v largo quantity of ! cement would be required i'or tuo UiaiL Q _ ihe wall. Duking the mouth of February tho great- ' I est rainfall in nny part of the oolony whero 1 a register is kept was at Miii'ord Sound whero a fall of no less than 21*01! inches was recorded. Itain fell ou fifteen days, and on fche tilth of bho month 5*17 niches fell. Tiie smallest fall at any station was afc Capo Oainpboll, whoro I*os inoh was recorded. A ersoriL mooting of tho Nelaon City Rifles will bo held to-morrow evening, when I the business to bo opnsiderud will ho (he eleotion of olhoery. j

*"*"*"""* ■■■l»*.— ii..i ll ...1,,, w .i, „,...,,, i.n MM |^ M fc To Correspondents,--" 2 "—Your letter is quite incomprehensible. His Honour Mr Justice Riohmond will not visit Nelsoa during the coming circuit, ns thero ia no business, either criminal or oivil, to dispose of, An old identity at the Port, a man named William Koberts, was found dead in his house, near tho Gasworks, yesterday morning, The deceased way aboub on the previous day as usual, but on the milkman fjomy to the house yesterday morning he lound him dead. "Old Roberts," aa ho ww generally called, was a mariner, aud has led an adventurous life. Ho was for a time one of tho crow of tlio famous bngantino Black Diamond, commanded by tho uotonous pirate aud "blaok-bird catcher," Bully Hayes. Tho deceased has no relatives in the Colony, but it is under- i ?i°ni Ji f *i ° . a ? ? CoUl>lß of Bistow livi «-i in the bhotland Isles. fa The executor of tho late Mr Wm. Snow acknowledged by an advertisement which appeared iv our columns last week that tbo Now Zealand Government Life Assur-! anco Department paid the amount of insuranco cue, aad that moreover without appli. cation tho Department made a rebate on the premiums, because ie appeared that mr Scow insur a cd ear y ° UDger fcha " h ° atated whea ho Thk Autumn Show iv connexion with tho Moiueka Horticultural dooiety will be held on Wednesday next. The Nelson Orchestra Land will bo preeent. The Lady Batkly wil run an exoursion trip from N.lson, leaving here ot eight o'olook in the morning, and leturmng at nine o'olook lhe same eveniug. Harvest Thanksgiving Services wore held yes oidoy at tbe Cathedral, whioh was very prettily decorated for the occasion. Every Si ? i, grail i A ni fruit waa "presented. Bpeoial harvest hymna were sung. Thb operetta " Red Riding Hood's Res, cue will bo given at the Theatre Royal this evening by tiie pupils attending the Toi Toi Valley sohool. The dress rehearsal held on baturday evening passed off exceedingly well, aud there is overy reason to believe tiiat fcho performance to-night wili ba a great success. As there is every urobabihty that bho Theatro will be crowded, wo should adviso those who are go-! ing to attend, to buy tbeir tiokeis beforehand, 'lhe oantata, whioh will be produoed with onouestral accompaniment, is said Ll„ ? l 6ty ? rel & oue ' and 6 roat V*™ have been taken by Miss Gasooigne to make the perlonnanoo worthy oi general support. Thkjus was a good deal of excitement iv lakaka on Saturday whon a poll of ratepayers was taken ou the question whether a loan of £2000 should bo raised for the purposes ot extending the E.iafc Takaka road to Lindsay s plain, and ereoting a bridge over the river at Paino's ford. The result of the poll was that the loan was authorised by a majority of sixteen voters and tweufcy-tour VOto3. J The ordinary meeting of the Dovedale lload Board was hold on Wednesday, Maroh loth. Present-Messrs John Win (chairman;, ji, Kenyon, A. Jordan, aud 11. Eban. lhe beoretary reported haviug graded a porturn of Ross's J{ o . lt] . The !, oard iußfcril^ ed nun to call for tenders for the samo, alao tJ peg oft work i Q Eden s Valloy, on Cozens road, tho bauk ou tho Moutere road, and a gravelling contract near Air ilodder'a store, ami to invito separate tenders for the several works, thu tendeis tj bein by the next meeting oi the Board. Vouchers were signed for £6 U) a id, The Returning Officer was instructed to givo the necessary notice ot the eleotion to bo held iv May, when all the members retire in torms of the Aod. The lioard then adjourned uutii April 20. The annual meeting of the Philosophical Society will be held this evening, when the election of oilicers for tho ensuing year will take place. Tho curator will read somo interesting papers. Special servioes in oonneotion with the anniversary of tho Congregational Ohuroh were held yesterday. The Re V W. A. Evans presided at both services. Owim to the s.s. Boric leaving Lytteiton earlier than was expected, the English mail by her will olose to-morrow at five o'olock, aud will bo forwarded by the s.a. Penguin which leavea to-morrow evening. Tenders aro oalled in another column for extensive alterations to the New Zeal md Clothing Factjry's premises. iMiHBBB Look Bros, will sell' to-morrow at Motueka, in additiou to Mr Hylaud'a stook implements, Ac. a numbor of horsea, farming implements &o. on aooount of Mr F. 0. Greenwood md various other owners. Messrs Sharp and Sons will sell at Hillwood, Wakapuaka, to morrow, on behalf of Mr b. Neville, 2800 sheop, consisting of merino and crossbred owes, wethers and hoggets. A co.ioh will le ive tho oflioo of the hrm afc tt*3o am. The sale will begin at 11 a.m. The Assistants' Association appeal to tho pubho to show their sympathy with the Wedneeday ha f-holiday movoment by ehoiv ping before ono o'ciook on Wednesdays — Advt. ' Imi'Outant to tiie Ladies.— Wo under-st-md that tho dressmaking department afc Messrs Everett Bros, of Bridge-street, is now under the management of a really firstclass dressmaker recontly from Loudon, where sho was engaged in largo aud wollknown ikuis in Regeufc and Bond streets • bo the ladies of Nolson may now roly upon being able to prooure costumes to order equal to anything to be obtained in tho colony,— Advt.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 71, 28 March 1892, Page 2

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Nelson Evening Mail. MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1892. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 71, 28 March 1892, Page 2

Nelson Evening Mail. MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1892. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXVI, Issue 71, 28 March 1892, Page 2