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r Ths only business at the Police Court this morning oo Deis tit 4 of the fining of two or three unfortunates whose horeoa and cows 1 had been permitted to stray oo tho /* reets. : Intending competitors in the VKrious i bioycle, foot, and trotting tacs to be held under the auspices of the Nelson Bicycle Club on the first Monday in August aru re« taiad.d that entries close a!; 8 o'clock tomorrow evening*. Tlie Track Association have two men at work forming ft trotting crack outeide tbe present bioycle track, and tht-y hops to get the work completed about Monday next. Some seven or eight owners of troitiog horses havo inciDia- ed their intention of entering for the two trotting events, the prizes for which are valued at five and six guineas respectively. The bicycle raoes promise, aB usnal, to be well oomcstod, and the various Football Clubs will see that they are represented in the footballers championship foot racer. The programme for tha day is of a most varied and attractive descrip* tion, and the Committee deserve great praise for their efforts to provide the public with such excellent sport. We understand that Mr Martin Simonsen haß made definite arrangements to bring hia Opera Company to Nolson early in September, foF a week's season. The Company is now .in Welliag'J-W-, from whenoe they proceed to Auokland, tak-flf tfeisoi. on the return trip, There was a large attendance last night at the entertainment given by the Congregational Band of Hope, The programme was a ; lengthy one, consisting of recitations, songs, and mu3io, and eaoh item was performed most creditably. The ohair was taken by the Rev. R. J. Williams* who stated that there were no lose than 150 ohildren belonging to tbe Band ot Hope, .

Lady Onslow and Lord Granley arrived by the Takapuna this morning, and -will reside during their stay in Nelson at Warwick House. Notwithstanding oounier j-ttractior-* elsewhere there was a good att^nd-iuce at the Royal Rink las. night, on t'>o roeasion of Miss Mabel Sylvester's flret »*.*p..-->r*'nce, a good deal of curiosity being excited by the notices whioh had appeared of htr skill as a Bkatar. The first portion of the entertainment consisted of fanoy skating, in whioh she certainly is a profioient. Some of her feats were very difficult, yet were performed with the greatest ease, while her waltzing Waß elegance itself. For the eeooDd --ar., threa rows of lighted tap^ra, e^oh row a dozen yards long, twelve tapers to tho row, were placed on the centre rf t,he floor a yard npart, acd the gas being lowered the performance commenced. Th<* way ia which Miss Sylvester threaded her way in and out between these tapers, now on hot)* fett, now on one only, was something m-iiveHou'', and her d-exterity called forth repeated rounds of applause. There is every likelihood, after last night's exhibition, of her ilrawing crowded houses during the remaini. _ - two ni-/h_r_ of the season. At the distriot meeting of Oddfellows held I at Wakefield yesterday, it waa decided to respeotfully request the Registrar of Friendly Sooieties to obtain from tho Crown Law Offices an opinion as to the legal status of unregistered Societies, I*, wua further resolved to form a Committee ot once to make arrangements for an Oddfellows pionio on tho 9.h November, on the same lines as that, which proved so fluoqeesf ul las'* jear. Sunday next, being the lar-t day oa whioh service will be held in the* Wesleyan Churoh, speoial valedictory services will be held morning and evening. Thb entertainment given a f < the Theatre last night in aid of the Wakatu Boating Boating Club's fends was woll patronised, the gallery and baok seats being filled, whilo there was a foir sprinkling in the front Beats. The performance commenced with a Christy Minstrel show, with the usual attendant of songs, jokeß, looal hint?, &0., in whioh Messrs Folckman, Simpson, Hull, Hogg, Armstrong, Boyce, Lucre (Bonce), and Stallard (Tambo) took part. The soug, " Miss Clara Nolan's Ball," was capitally rendered by Mr Lucre, and created roars of laughter, and he received an enoore. The second part consisted of songs, comio and son imeotal, and a reoitation, "The Lifeboat," was given with much effeot by Mr J. 01 over. A couple of songs were very nicoly rendered by Misb Utranage, and Mr Haynes Bang " True to the last though he appeared Co be a little norvous, Mr E. Wainhouse scored a suocesf*. with his comio song " The Dado," while Mr Larkins and Master Armstrong were also successful in the renderirg of their aoogs. Altogether the entertainment, was a decided (.access, and Bhould be tha means of addiog a considerable sum to the funds of tho Wakatu Olub. Thb Wellington correspondent of a contemporary gives the following amusing sketoh of the appearance of the House at an early stage of the stonewalling, whioh, has now assumed such formidable proportions :— -*' At 1 o'olook eight members reclined peacefully and at full length on the benches : Sir John Hall, Messrs Mitohelson, Lance, Dodson, Buxton, Monk, and several messengers sleep the sleep of the juat; Mr Fish is deep in statist tical works ; the Minister and Mr Walker seek recreation in the papers, and several others are attempting to preserve the appearanoe of interest iv the remarks of the member for Oaversham. - The Colonial Secretary, in charge of the House, refuses to agree to the adjournment of the debate ; and two strangers who sit still in the strangers' gallery wonder what on earth it all means. At hahVpast 1 the Speaker intimated that he would leave the chair for 10 minutes, thus indicating his opinion that there was not muoh ohance of the House adjourning for some time. "

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 160, 26 July 1889, Page 2

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Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 160, 26 July 1889, Page 2

Untitled Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXIII, Issue 160, 26 July 1889, Page 2