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TOWN EDITION. Nelson Evening Mail. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1888.

II X Honor Mr Jus ioa Riohnvjnd arrived by the Takapunt tbis morning, and will open tte criminal siuings of 1 1. c Supreme Court to-morrow morning at 11 o'clooje. Th« first osbh will be that of Arihur Gibson, indiote i for larceny, as ihe Cbrietohurch dfetecive, who r.rre*ted him, sud whrse evidence ia important,, is requir.d ia the Suu'h ia the early part of next wek. A CABLE received from tie Bishop of Nelson Bta-es that he nnd Mrs Snter and the Rev F. W. Chattenon are reluming to Nelson via Auckland. They will probably arrive here on Tues !Ay ncx f . By the Rotomnhana which arrived at. the Bluff yesterday Mr aud Mrs T. Fuld and daughter were patß. : n°er', returning from a visit to England. They will probably arrive herein ihe .sumo learner as the Bishop and party. An entertaiDraont in connection with t^e Bapiist Baad of H'-pe s>iil hn given thia evening, when tho fcMrtPea girla who take part in the floral wci'atiorß w:ll each have something to say about tbe flowers ahe holde in her hand, The collection will he in ai'> of the annual picnic, r.nd is is hep"d that the church will te well fillrd. The Oily Rifles finished firing the tbir.l Belt match on the Wfikajju-ka and Miitfti ranges yesterday rnorniugr. There werr> 28 competitors, range 30o"yrdB, 10 shotß, Wimbledon targ t3 nnd scorii.ij. Tho following aie tho first five prize wiuners with scores and handicap : — 300 Hep. TI. Col-Sergt Jackson 40 pit 40 Oapt Rowling ... 84 3 37 Pvt Frost ... 31 6 37 Oorpl Ho;kr ... 36 nor 36 PvtConnell ... 27 8 36 Tho second ola^s m dai was fired for at the earns range, 10 shots, aDd was won by Pvb, Young with a soore of 28. At the monthly mooting of lhe° Philosophical Society he'd iasu night, Mr A. S. Atkinson in the chs\ir, Mr Kingsiey reported tbe receipt of of a number of exhibits for tho Museum, among lh*m being several moa bones which ho had uneartbod in a cay« in Auiaoed Valley and he thought, ibat from these, and Lonrs already in possecn ei4n of the S.ciety, a t keleton of t u e gi^anlic bir I might \.e set up. Ha had also received a life siz:d drawing hy Mien A. CMdwell of t'.o fish Trachyptn-ras found a. Para P&ra. Mr Kingley thenreid along'hy and intere.-fc-iug paper ov. ' Our lußCcfc Enoruiea," for which he received a vote of thank". We regret to announce to-day the death of the late Mr Jacob Watson which took place at his residence, Wakefield, on Saturday last, after a long and painful illness. The deceased arrived here in the ship Clifford in the year 1842, and since that time has resided in the Nelson district, and haa been a hard working 1 and much respected settler. The Town Volunteers will parafe tomorrow evening at 6 o'clock for judging distance practice, Thb following tenders have been received for filling in and fencing a portion of ground near the Toi Toi Valley school : — A. Brown, £29 (accepted); Mr Millar, £31 14s; Mr Maloney, £32 10a ; Mr Lambert £34 10s. At a meeting of Committees appointed by the Southern Star and Victory Lodges of Freemasons held last night it was decided to hold the Masonio picnic on the Ist January, when it is expected that there will be a very large party. The MoUieki Hortioul:ural Show lakes plsce to-morrow, and Nflaoa resident's desirous of visiting that district will have a capi'al opportunity of doing bo by tue am-Tt lillle steamer L»dy Barkly, which leavea the Commercial Wharf at 8 a.m. Wrc have been shown tho drawings by Miss E. C. Harris, of Nelson, for a art of books of New Zealand flowers, berri'o. and fernfl, 10 be engraved on stone and published in London aa soon aa a sufficient numb; r of aubecribara c»n be obtained to coyer the expenses of publication. Tnt^ set will con'iot of time numbers, each lo coutaia twelve ■ llastratioss, N». 1 flowers, No. 2 berries, No. 3 ferns. Miss Harris in endeivorinf? to supply a want long felt in New Zealand by publishing this series of tirawi; gs at n very mbdora'6 price bo as to pUco them within tho reach of everyone. Books of colored illustrations of New Zealand flowers h-ve been published, but they are necessarily beyond the reaoa of peovlo in general , as few oan afford to giva threa or four guineas for them. We have little doubt that these books will become most popular. Few people are acquainted with the variety, beauty, and unique forms of the New Zealand berries, and those who are fond of ferns and have lew opportunities of seeing them growing, will be especially pleased with the twelve examples given. The number of First Class awards and medals which Misa Harris has won at various colonial and international exhibitions show that she is particularly fitted for this work, as her paintings have always been considered not only artistic, but botanioally oorreot. We wish her the success she deserves in this'new venture. In tho District Ojurt at Oamaru (.he o*Ler d»y, dealing wit.h a bankruptcy cueo in w'sich the liabilities amouu'ed to £ii, Judge Broal made a strong comment on ton iniquity of suoh methods of <asing off Jiabilitifs. Tho cost of filing, ho said, would amount to £10, or about 26 per cent of the bankrupt indebtedness. Such n, bankruptcy was a farce, susd was* another inM.anca of ( the fact that the machir»ry of the ' Court I w»s fieqasnt/y used as an ir' device to evade tho provisions of the Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt Act. A man ran into debt, was .cued, arid eubsi quently brought up on a judgment summons, whereupon to avoid being sent to gaol, nr;d no mMtsr bow few or paltry his debts w?re, ho , protnp'.ly filed a declaration of insolvency. Wb clip thn following from " Cigarettes " in tha Wellington Press: — Were you nt the Mosical Featival rebearsnl laat eve:.iag? No, df:ar boy, I wanted to keep a clear head for tho Goldeu Legend to-night ! Ah I Than you didn't hftar Robert Fnrker pi' oh info th-'SB giggling youne thing* amnng the sopranos? By Jove ! Did he ? Wh-tfor? Oti 1 They h.<d their li'tle joke, you know, atnont; themselvea, aud were laughinj? &t ill Y"e, and then? Roter Paiker jumped down thoijr throats, bn'on and all, nnd o-.llcd them frivolous, and saitl they were to rem-mbor thiy were n'H rehearsing the Grand Duohess, or tommy rofc of that kindl Poor little things! WouldnV. le, them havo tloir liu,l<; joko, 'h! Whai, waa ihe j'jko, do you know? Som"! litrle jcu d'esprit at the expennr, of ono of the other young girls, a frisky youn^ thing of 40 or thereabout, aa to " Why vva" a wedding ring in her case like Sir Aishur Su'livnn'd greatcafc work?" AnßWcr— -• Bacauao it is nothing bub a Golden Lsgeodl" Oh, cornel That was too badl Parker was quite right 1 The Mahakipawa correspondent of the Express writes ;—■" Matters are very flourishing juac now iv tho building trade. New plaoea of business are going up daily, and, i judging from the fact that old established j business places are going ia for enlarged pre raises, there appears to be every confidence of tbe ultimate prospect of this field for some time to come. Fresh arrivals are hastening the erection of their stores as mrtoh as possible, and imposing icon and

wooden buildings are going up side by side with the more modest pole and calico tene ment, giving an air of picturesqnenese to the place, altogether new to those who have not seen a diggings township. I hear that it has been decided to creot a liall suitable fox meetings, dancing, &a.; and that the proprietor of the land hus made liberal concessions to the promoters It is whispered that Mr Kennedy, the comedian, who is here at present, is not altogether uninterested in the venture.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 287, 4 December 1888, Page 2

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TOWN EDITION. Nelson Evening Mail. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1888. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 287, 4 December 1888, Page 2

TOWN EDITION. Nelson Evening Mail. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1888. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 287, 4 December 1888, Page 2