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Nehon Cathedral, j A SPECIAL SERVICE will be held in the j Cathedral THIS EVENING, com- 1 menoing at 8 o'olook, J _ Tbe sermon will be preached by tbe Rev. I . Canon Stanb^bd. 2143—2 j - • Caution. .- 1 AN V PERSON with GUN or DOG TRESPASSING on TE AROWHENUA RON after this eat*, without j written permission from tbe ( -wrier, will be I PROSECUTKD. 2164— tc AT> X>AWSoT • XT • JTi» Authorised SUKVfcYOR 3653-tc and VALUATOR, MOTI'FKA. ~~ WAKATU UNITED ~ GOLD-MINING COMPANY, Limitbd. A CALL (21st) of ONE PENNY per £hnre was made by tbo D rectors at a I Meeting held this day, to be payable to the I Manager, at the Company's Office, Nelson, I on WEDNESDAY, Uth instant. I SHEPPARD J. REEVE ', Manager. Nelaon, 2nd July, 1888. 2159—2 W A I'M E A Entertainments A SERIES of ENTERTAINMENTS will be given, aa nnder, by Mb. C. C. HOWARD, of licton, in aid of tbe Circuit Funds of the Wesleyan Church : — TUESDAY, July 3, Spriig Grove Church.Subject • Tennyson's •• May Qieen.' WEDNKSDAY, July 4, l toko Public L'all. Subject : Humorous Readings. THURSDAY, July s,FoxhiU District School Subject : fiuraorous Readings. FRIDAY, Jaly 6, Wakefiatd. Subject; •'An Evening with Dickers oni Tennjßon.'' Chair wiil b 3 taken by Rev. W. G. Bakkb. MONDAY, July 9, Richmond. Subjeot: "An Evening with Dickens and Tennyson.' ; Tbe Entertainments will commence at 7.30. Selections of Music will be interspersed with the several items (f the programme each evening. Admhsion l/~ eieb. Children 6d. — 2 j Cash bale is still on. Su — — ook at the following Quotations as a Bum pie of how I am sacrificing the Goods :— GOOD Brown Holland 4d, y yard. 1 Eight Ladies' White Handker- » j. chiefs tor 1/-. 3 pairs Ladies' 1/- Hose for 1/-. A few more of those Bd. Towels for Dress Stuffs reduced from 9d. to sd. All Outstanding Accounts must he 2 settled immediately. r ; Jas, HART, I GENERAL DRAPER, \ Lancashire House, BRIDGE STREET. R. T. Melbuish, BEING A Direct Importer 9 Is in a position to give his custom? rs all the advantages possible from suob an arrangement. FOR THE Autumn % Wintet Season there is a very complete assortment of NEW GOODS in each Department The collection of DRESS MATERIALS never before having b^en co perfect. Orders for DRESSMAKING executed with the least possible delay, the charges are moderate, tbe style and flc beicg perfect. Erbsh Goods are constantly received in the MILLINERY AND MANTLE Room, thus offeriag the Latest Fashions for BilectijD. N. Z. BLANKETS AND FLANNELS in various qualites and colors. Sole Nelson and Marlborough Agent for LIBERTY, Regent street, whose Goods are so much enquired for. TRAFALGAR STREET, NELSON. Just Received, , A SPLENDID LOT OF NEW BIRTHDAY CARDS CONSISTING OF— Embessed Ivory, Hand-painted, Folded Silk, Hand-painted Satin Pads, Handpainted .Porcelain, Flatinotypes, Art Gems, and Carbon Photos of Miss Hai'erffH', Ra" Beeche'r, Her Majesty tbt Q.-i ■ v, &t\, &v. ■ AUo, a select etcok of Ladies' New PLUSH HAND BAbrf, assorted colors, from 2/- each. A Bpecial line of CHURCH SERVICES and CHE <P BIBLES. Full stock of SANKEY'S HYMNS, including the quarto editi >d, At *7. HounselVs.

WANTED. A MARRIED COUPLR without inonmbrance. Worncm toxna be a good Boubi 1 keeper. Apply - 2865-3 « K. P." Mail Office. s "YOUNG MEN'SINSTITUTE ( (Am Saints' Sohoolboom). LECTURE, "The Chemistry of .Everyday life," with numerous Experiments, by JOHN HOLLOW AY, Esq., on FRIDAY, 6!h instant. H. M. FIELD, 2160 — 3a Hon. Secretary. HEAVY White Calico at 2s 6dnnd 2s lid, oheap at tbree times the moaey, *t tbe Ancklfind Clothing and Drapery Co.'a Sale. 2166—1 NELSON TRUE BLUES, No. 51. THB above Lodge will celebri'e the 12th July by h-lding a SOIKEK am SOCIAL EVENING. Admission!/-. Farther particulars in future advt. — 1 *| f\ DOZ. Ladies Caahmere Hobs at 10^d, JLvJ' wholesale price Is 6d, also 8 dozen Cashmere Hose to be cleared at Is 6d, at the Auckland Clothing aod Drapery Co.'b Sale, THE FUNERAL o! the late Mb. WILLIAM BRKNT will leave hia residence TO-MORROW, at Eleven o'clock, for the Spring Grove Cemetery. 2963-1 For Sale. mRAVELLBRS' RIiST HOTEL, Riwaka, JL containing Twelve Rooms, nearly new, and in flret-cla'B order, and cow in tbe occupation ef tbe owner, Mb. James Arnold ; together with either 10 or 24i acres Land, at the op'ion of a purchaser. '(he, lan Ms some of the best is Riwaka, and part ia in hops. For further particulars apply to PITTA MOORE, 2161— t 0 Solicitors, Nelson. FOR SALE OR TO LET, on account of owner leaving tbe district in September next— A moat desirable PROPKRTY, on Britanaia Height?, peer former Flagataff Sta'ioo, consisting of nearly Two Acres of Land, with a new bix-rocmed HOUSE, substantially ruilt and very compact, with every convenience. The land hag a splendid soil, and part of it has been deeply trenched *nd planted with choice Fruit Trees in bearing. The position cannot ba surpassed for its healthy situation, and magnificent view of harbour and bay. It is sheltered from high winds, and has v splendid pro.uenade. To pufchnsers retj easy terms will be accorded, spreading over « number of y are. — t c Apply to C. HAULING. CITY OF NELSON. Town Clerk's Office, 3rd July, 1888. SEPARATE TENDERS will be received at the ab-ve Office until FRIDAY, the 6th instant, at Four p.m., for 1, Carting Broken Metal. 2. Forming Footway in Halifax-st. Specification may be seen at the City Sur« yeyot'a Office. H. V. GULLY, 14S4— 3a Town Clerk. Ia the matter of " The Mining Companies' Act, 1886," and of THE ENTERPRISE GOLD MINING COMPANY, Limited. BY AN ORDER made by His Honob Me. District Judge BROAD in the above matter, the Twenty-ninth day of Jane, 1888, on tho Peti icn of JOSEPH AUTY HARLEY. a Shareholder in the aboven&med C mpacy, IT WAS ORDERED that the sai 1 > om any be WOUND UP under the provisi >no of the said Act, and by the said Order MONDAY, the Ninth day of July, instant, at Noon, was appointed as the time for a GENERAL MEETING of the CREDIT" ORH of the said Company, to be held at the Office of Ihe said Company, in Nalaon ; and it was farther ordered that the Winding up pro-ce-dings ehould be carried on at Neltoo, and that the said Order should bo served upon SHEPPARD JEFFAJES REEVES, the Manager of the ssid Company, by leaving a Copy thereof with him, at the Office of the said Company, and that tbe same should be forthwith advertised ones in the Colonist and Evening Mail Ne ispapers. FELL & ATKINSON, 2153-1 Solicitors for the said Petitioner. fADVT.J To THB EDIIOB 0? THB "EfKNINft MaHi." Sib— Allow me a f«w words in reference to Mr Standring's letter of June 28th, No doubt Isaiah lxvi, ,24, speaks only of "carcasses," i.e., as the chapter shows, those of ungodly Jewß who will come under God's judgment at Jerusalem ia the last days. This, however, cannet be used to weaken the force of passages in the New Testament which clearly go further. The fact is, that in. the Old Testament neither etarnal life nor eternal judgment is as clearly revealed as in the New. As to judgment, which is the present question, the New Testament is as plain aa possible. "Eternal judgment" (Heb vi 2.) "Everlasting fire," "everlasting punishment," (Matt, xxv., 41, 46). "Fir« came dowa from God out of heaven," &0., (Rev. xx., 9), has no more to do with the subjeot than 2 Kings i, 10 — 12. In Rev. xx., 10, it is false that " sinful humanity " is a»t included ia "they shall be tormented"; the "beast" and "false prophet " being, as is plain from chap, xiii, 5, &c, and six, 20, clearly men. See alco the punishment ef those who " worship the beast, &c." in chap, xiv, 9—ll. That "the lake of fire,'*' "the second death " in Rev. xx, 15, xxi, 8, should mean no lasting punishment, is, therefore, in« oredible, save to those wilfully blind. What" ever Mr S. may mian by. referring to the marginal reading "unto tbe agea of tbe 9g«8," it m'.y hft-well to etrvte th&tthe Greek wur'Ttuu •' 1 "•■tfrii'l 'or " evarlasting" is ulik<> applied to the punishjnent of thft wicked, the life of the righteous, and (Rom. xvi, 26) tbe existenoe of God Himielf. Leo me add that the same book (Revelation) i which so plainly seta forth the judgment of I the lost no less clearly proolaima the freest I salvation through the gospel of Christ. " Lot him that is athirst coose: and whosoever will, let him take 'the water of life freely." (Ro». xxii, 17.) , I am, fee,, I 2151—1 €L W. G.

J. P. Black & Son hare just opened a few pieces Choice Evening Shades Pongee Silks. Also, a line of SILK PLUSH @ 4s. 6&» y yard, very superior value. Owing to the increasing popularity of, and demand for. the class of KNITTING WORSTEDS kept by this him, it has been found necessary to again and again replenish the stock. Ail the leading Shades urc now obtainable. J. P. BLACK & SON, Trafaigar-st. T. Muncaster, »-a ' M w***M,^ BM g| MMn)| JUST RECEIVED— A New and Select Assortment of GOODS, including some of the latest and most artistic designs in Art Pottery, E P. Ware, Salads, Case Goods, &c, &c. A Large and Select Stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELLERY or view. Watch and Jewellery Jobbing executed at tjje lowest remunerative price©. TRAFALGAR STREET, &ELSON.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 154, 3 July 1888, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 154, 3 July 1888, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 154, 3 July 1888, Page 2