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... , " J 40 Tons; |B Hdioated torsepo\ver, J, WAiikßß, Master will leave; as lUa.der (weather permitting).- ; Neisoh;:for Waitapu,', Stfnclay, June, 10, 1 at 1 ,J) p.m.' . -„' • • ; " ' Waitapu for Collingwood, Monday, June .11, . at 8 a.m. , , _ , : ;„: Collingwood for Waitapu, Tuesday, June 12, : at 9 a.m. „ ,„ / Waitapu for Nelson, Tuesday, June 12, at 11 a.m. Nelson for Waitapu, Thursday, June U, at 9 p.m. Waitapu. for Collingwood, Friday, June 15, at 11 a.m. Uollingwood for Waitapu, Saturday June 16, at 12 noon. • : ' . Waitapu for Nelson, . Saturday,' June 16, at 2 p.m. . •„. -..'' • Note.— Tickets mast be taken at Office*' Nelson. All Cargo to be alongside Lady Barkly by 4.30 p.m. ; 4281 -13 m JAMBS S. GROSS ' fe\ : 'S. Waitapu, J. Westrtjpp, Jtrr., Master, LEAVES as under, weather permit*uar : — Nelson for Motueka, Friday, June 8, at 5 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Saturday, June 9, at 7.30 a.m. Nels«n for Motueka, Tuesday, June 12, at 730 a.m. Motueka for Nelson, Tuesday, June 12, at 10 a.m. Nelson for Motueka, Wednesday, June 13, at 8 a»m. Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, June 13, at i 10-30 a.m. FARES Single, 3s; i Return, ss. On and after January 2nd., Cargo will be charged at the rate, of 6s per ton (exclusive of wharfage at Motueka.) J. *. '" : <>BS. QITUATIONS.— T haya hundreds of .Ser> ™ vaots and Employees of all kinds waiting Situations, and numerous Orders daily from Employers. Hotels and all kinds of business for solfi.- ALEXANDER STEWART, 75 Lambton Quay, Wellington, 1030— to . Mrs. Bird DE .SIRES to very heartily thank her numerous friends sad customers for thi large amount of patronage with which they have favored her during the loi<g series of yearß that fine bas been in the Butchery business, and to express the faope that b«r efforts to please them will continue to meet with their approbation. Speo'al attention has always been paid to the manuf actura of SAUSAGES, with the roault that the demand has been bo great that in order to be prepared to meet the large orders with which 6he has bsen favored, ahe h&3 found it necessary to erect new. machinery, by the aid of which she will now be able to supply FRESH SAUSAGES in any quantity and at any time. It is needless to say that MEAT and POULTRY of the finest deßcriptiona will, in t»e futaie, as in the past, be always obtainable. ANN BIRD. Trafalgab-rtrrkt. 1793 — tc OR SALE or TO LET -The TENROOMED HOUSE and GROUNDS in Mantjka-St., recently occupied by the late Mrs H. Buckeridge, adjoining the Property of 0. Hunter Brown, Esq. . Tho House has Every Convenience, is most healthily situated, and commands a grand view of the City and Bay ; the Grounds (about 1£ acres) are tastefully laid out.— Apply Messbs PITT,& MOORE. _ 112^— tc AUCTION SALE OF ENGLI-H AND COLONIAL FURNITURE, Ex s.s. Doric, Wellington. JAMES & CO have received instructions from the Shippers, and also to close several lices i~i diforenb Estates, to Ssll by Public Auction, At the Nelson Auction Rooms, On WEDNESDAY, tha 20th instant, commencing at TWO p.m., A. CONSIGNMENT OF English Furniture Ex B.q. Doric ; also. & quantity of COLONIAL FURNITURE, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, &c, &c, COMPRISING : Three Blaik an! Gold Cabinets, 1 Blaok and Gold Oonsol Tablo acd Mantel, I Marble and Walnut C:>cffonter, plate glass back, 1 handsome Sideboard, 3 Canterbury Wuatnots, I Ladies' Mfthosany Wardrobe with drawers and slries, 1 Morocco Dmijg-room Snite, 2 hindsomn Inlaid Occasional Tables, 4 Trimpbt TaMeß, Mahogatsy Teleacops ■Dioing Tubles, 12 Dining-room Cfcuira, 1 Carvoi back Chfff )nier, twelve (12) Walnut Willow seated Chairs, 1 real lingliah Oak Cromwell DininK-rooin Suite, 3 Colonial Chtffoniers, 12 Vienna Bentwood Chairs, 2 Pan -y Cretonne Spring seated Couc'e.4, 2 Colonial Sofas, 1 Drawing-room Chair in Velvet, 2 Invalid Chairs with foot rests, 2 Ladieß* and Gentlemen's Chairs in Horsehair, 2 English Mahogany Brass-bound Chestn Drawers, & Colonnl Ches s Drawers, Bevil-plate Mirror, 3 Twiated Pills r Mahogany loilef Glaesee, 6 Mahogany do. with jewelled drawers, 4 Polished DresUng Tables, 6 Towel hotsGP, 1 Walnut American Organ, 1 Rosewood liano by Kirkman, 1 Ladies' Walnut Work Table, 16x6 Brass Tubular Bedstead, 1-2 Double French Bedsteads, blacker awn, green and gold, 2 supeior Half-tester Bedatnad', 10 Single French Bedsteads, black-browp, gr- c i and gold, 1 Ohilds'. Patent Spring Cot, 2 Feather and Down Beds, 1 Wire Spring Mattrass, 2 Houble Sp-.iog M«ttrasß?B, 9 assorted Flax Ma tras«B. 18 Pillowß, 27 assorted Tapestry and Pile Hearthrugs, 65 yards Linoleum, 3 very handsome Japanesa Creams, 4 superior Inlaid Japanese Trays, I Gentlemen.* Silver plated Dressing-case, 1 Gilt Timepiece under gluss Hhadp, I English Hall Clock in mahogany, 12 H ir Brooms assorted, 6 assorted Fenders and Fir-; irons, 3 Gas Heattnfc Staves, Copper acd Tin Portable Boi'ers, 2 Hip and Sponge Baths, 3 Foot Batba ana Foot Warmer. 2 Get ts' (raddles, 24 assorted Whips, 1 MiiWa Firf-proof Safe, lq cwt. MpLeod^s Bpst Household Soap, and a great many otaer articles, Ql :. both English and Cplflnial a,Qd o(|htr domesfcc requisites wbfch will ba tally described in tho Oatalpguea. . CAXALoaifBs may be had in afowdajsat t ie Office of the Auctioneers. The Auction Ro-.mi will be Lit Up on Tuesdat, 19th June, from 7 to 9 p.m., giving intending purchasers an opportunity of inspection the Goods and marking the Catalogues prior to the Sale. Terms Easy; as arrangement with the Auctioaer can ba made for three months' bills. JAMES '& CO., ■ Auctioneers.

IJM road andßrt^aania ; tfrigtftif fgWAD -. teAIIrBING. ■#'»#* Re^M^ed I^Mail koffioa. j----. £ : -; ." -fH'^'\ ' i?**? H° mRAPPED RABBITfFw ANTED in liny JL quontity.—R. FARLEY, . j 1821 -8 Btldge-atreat, Ntlaop. T7K)R SALE or >TO|LE*. — That SixJD roomed HOUSE and Land in ShfelI bourne, street, recently ocoupied by the late I Mrs Passmore. Gas and water laid off. J Apply on the premises to | 1528—ate MISS SHAW. I TITANTED— . i ▼ V GREEN tfLAX. j 185-to TGHN RUTHERPORO., Potatoes!! TUSL RKCRIVKD, a (w more Tons, ** which I offer at 4ft/€$ a Sack, or 5/- a Slick, DELIVERED. JAMBS HALL, Hakdy btreet. 1576-—to Just Keceiyed: X>IRTHDAY and WRDDING CARDS, a D; very ohoice sesottment. HAI ' and CLOTHES BRITBHEB from 1/- ea-h ; COMBS from 6p «<ich. Sardon'a and Riramsl's PERFUMERY I from 6d per bottle. BreMonbnch'Band Pe^r»a FANCY SOAPS, SPONGES, & SPONGE BAKETS. I ALBUMS in great varisty, large size to I bold Cahinf fci, fr <io 6/- each, J FANS of every description • White, j Black, Colo^O", Kmbroiderofl, Hand I Piloted, Feather, Plain, &c, &c. MUFP BAGS fiom 10/6 each. WAJttLI4.I O BAZAAB. I Music Warehouse^ TRAFALGAR-ST., ( Next Mobet & Buttiik's). GO Sul TUNED, REPAIRED, *?"• C*S* .*5 AND V §^ RENOVATED 1 m v TONE AND TOUCH, Cb k| .:),% - TOWN OR - 2S" ■'z'AW- ■- • • ■'•S :. •■■*';.• -■■ "-^* ' ■.. SJ V '■ •■'. .■- / . -•■ 3^ SO L D t. % | • • : : ON . I DE;FiB RED §i PAYMENTS, %.; AND gH •S.. ...JET OUT ON HIRE. S :. . ' ' — c SHEET. MUSIC 5$ i ,At HALF-PRICE |* ft^ 1 :'. FOR CASH. g H, Collier & Co., TRAFALGAR STREET, ; jEttaai^^oaxr. ( TO MEET THE TIMES. Firewood I Firewood! are now; delivering FIREWOOD AT T E UNDERiPENTIONED i PBICEB t— 7ft. Red Piue f Cord... 28/- ' 2it. » 33/- --. ,Ift. 37/- - f 4ft.: Manuka ... ... 30/- --. 2ft. „ ... ....35/---lft. ,\ „. v 40'AH Wood guarsnteod tn be sound, d-y, arid foil measure. - edALs AT GU KRIS NT BATES. Orders received at the Office (opposite the Congregational Churth) will, be promptly attended to. Baker Bros,, MOULDING, PLANING, AND SAWING MILLS, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, HARDY AND GLO'STER STREETS, NELSON. J. P. BLACK And SON are Selling Heayy Twill Kaiapoi Blankets at the. folio wing prices : — Fob Single and Doublbßbd Sizfcs. Grey ... 15/- IS/- and 21/White ... 18/- 23/- and 28/Io addition to these are l;ept OTHER MAKES Of N. Z. Blankets, EQUALLY GOOD VALUE, and very superior in quality and finish. J. F; Black And SON, TRAFALGAR-STREET.

"> (JaaijSef ~ wT oihis; J|t%te . N^^^wil^liatti^i/ North Carpiiia, who aßsodnded with assejalast ßlarohi have £dhe to Canada. They have lost or earned off £60,000, inoluding a sum of £9000 iri' oash from the vaults. Of the latter sum £4000 was in gold, and to carry the coin, they took along with them the bank's negro porter. This is one the boldest instances of fraudulent absconding ever known. Three more members are now added to the oolony of defaulters in Oaaada. , Minneapolis, toin., has achieved even more unenviable notoriety than Chicago. It appears from a searoh of the country records that about 1800 divorces have been granted in Hennepin County since 1859. In 1886 there were. 107 divorces, the largest number granted ' in any one year. There were 160 divorces asked in 1887, .and some of these oases are still pending. Of the -whole number of divorces granted, 35 per cent, were for oruel and inhuman treatment, 25 per cent for ' desertion, 15 per oent tor drunkeneßß, 15 per cent for infidelity, and 10 par oent for other causes. About 60 per cent of these divorces were granted to Americans. On an .average from year to year there baß been a divorce for every ten marriages. This places Minneapolis in the lead of any other city m America, and let us hope in the world, in the matter of thß proportion of divorces to marriages. fjiLunrc Man.— "Wells' Health Kehewer,' restores health and vigor, cure Dyspepsia, mpotence, Debility. At druggists. Kempthorne. Proaser & Co., Agents, Christohuroh

Jf. Rout & Sons HAVE To Let. VILLA RESIDENCE in Bridge street lately occupied by Mrs. Western, situated next to King'B Store. A very tmperior HOUSE and GROUNDS, In Washington Valley, three minutes' walk from Railway Station. Low rent to a good tenant. A HOUSE in Milton street, lately occupied by Mr fcL. Walkey. SIX ACRES ot LAND in the Wood, lately used by Mr. Thou. Hatley an a Hep Ground. Immediate possession can be given. . 1 hat desirable VILLA RESIDENCE in Trafalgar B.reet South , lately ocenpied by Mr, Worley and next to Mb. Thos. Ssott's residence For Sale. Brveral CHOICR ALLOTMENTS of LAND, with Frontages to Vanguard, Alfred, 0 ipabi, and Franklyn atreets. We can effect a Bale even if a small deposit only be p id ; the balance to be paid by weekly or monthly, inatalments. Help cm also be given those desirous of building on the property. Two COTTAGES ot Fou' Room's efefeb,, dtuate at ths corner of Grove and Taaman streets, nearly new, well bnilt, and iron roof?. Price £U0 and £180 rfspeotiveSy. A sm*U deposit only reqnirtd, the rest can be paid off by monthly inßta'ments, extending over a period of years, if so desired. Agood chance for working men or others desirous of booming their own landlords, instead of cootihua ly paying rent The PROPERTY belonging to Mr. Greenem, and situate in Washington Valley, next Mrs Eowo's property, A GRGCERY STOBE and DWELLING. HOU3E, situate at the coiner of Vanguard and Alfred atreets, juot beyond victory square. A splendid opportunity for a work* ing man, as a wife would be abb to do the shop dutieo whi'o he attendi d bis wo:k The patohaae of this Prop^ can ba arranged to suit a person of very little ready money. Price £295. The PROPERTY at Foxtail, known as "Robertson's," adjoining .v r Gsorga HoU land's property. There are about Five Acres of good Flat Land, with a, substantial Nine-roomed HOUS K thereon. ; . , . > A FOUR-ROOM BD COITAGE Propeit? off Vangaard street, near Post Boy Hotel, belonging to Mr. J. W. Sitnme, Land 60ft by 180 ft. Price £180. A Four-roomed COTTAGE PROPERTY with Four Acres of Land, situate at Spring Grove, Most of the Land is laid out as an Orchard, the trees being choice and in fall bearing. Apply Mkb. Tbomas Mabtin, on the premises, or to W. Bout & Sons. The HOUSE and LAND in Washington Road, belonging to Mrs, M. A. Brooke, and lately occupied by Mr. T. F. Leonard, Half-an- Acre of LAND belonging to Mrs Raymond situate in Washington Valley, opposite Mr Wm. Fredk. Toy or. Will be sold cheap. MONEY TO LEND in any Bums to suit borrowers, at lowest rates of interest, SHARES Bought and Sold on Goinmiflßion. W. Rout & Sons, LAND AND -FINANCE BROKERS, NEESOK. A"O "OAWSON, « IT • Xi> Authorised SURVEYOR 8653-tc and VALUATOR, MOTUKKA. THE TBUSTRES of the NELSON SAVING BANK have MONEY TO LEND on approved Freehold Security, in sums to suit Borrowers, Apply to GEORGE HODGSON, ■Manager. 1 08 M» Ufa ir 1H8« 1734— tC

We are to have a ouriousbigamy case, so I am told (writes this Melbourne correspondent of the Lyttelton Times), figuring in the law courts, the history of which is shortly I this. A young Melbournite, son of a bank manager here, went; over to New Zealand a couple of years or so ago, and while there he fell in love with a pretty girl; and seoretly married her. A short time after he returned to Melbourne, but like a young fool was too frightened to tell his father of his marriage, as the bride was as poor as a church mouse. In the meantime the girl's father takes her England, as he disbelieves her story, .of a marriage. After a time the young bridegroom crosses over to New I Zealand to find his wife, and not being able { to discover any trace of her, imagines himself a free man, and forthwith marries again. This the first wife discovers after a time, and her father having died in the meantime, comes over to this country to claim her rights. This will make a pretty kettle of fish, and the dibbing. up of the same will get all ,the gotemouohes of societj tattling for a twelvemonth. This year Easter day was early, occurring on the Ist of April. The ecclesiastical year is, in the language of experts, " a long year — that is to say, it is a year of 55 weeks from Easter day of 1888 to Easter of 1889. It iB emious thai the ohuroh year and the calendar never agree, the former either being a week or twd longer or shorter than the latter. Thus, the past year was short, the present one . is long, then a Bhortone and so on. Two long years never occur together, but the short years, on, the contrary, always come in pairs, except every Bth and 19th year, when a- single one happens as if by chance. The next time Easter Sunday falls on April 1 is in the year 1923, four Easters following on that day at intervals of exactly 11 years — 1923-34-48---56— and then no more till the 21st century, beyond which we need not look. ' A case of lynch law is reported from Tokomaru, on the Manawatu Railway Company's line. Some of the settlers have found provisions mysteriously vanishing from their houses for some time past, and suspicion fell on a man living in the locality. He was accused of the thefts, and one settler offered to provide him with bread, &c, &c, free, on condition that he ceased his depredations. This had no effect, and the settler in question came home early one day and shut himself in his own dairy. Not long after, the suspected party made his appearance, and having ascertained that he was apparently secure from interruption, proceeded to help himself abundantly from the larder. He was caught in the aot, and a, sound thrashing administered. He was then handed over to the tender meroies of the other parties despoiled, and it ia said that the lesson administered will have a beneficial

Another Opportunity ! 2500 ¥fc New Dress (<^S"./.). Materials lOgd., — o— ---■■ ■•- . Having bought the Balance of a Wholesale Warehouse, Company's Stock of DRESS MATKRIAJjS? at a price fab below what we could import for, we have decided to offer them to the public at such a price as must effect an immediate clearance. '"Oj - - Everybody should see them! . . _O'' v , , •.■'■.' . ' . iS^pßeineinber tke price — lOJd per yard. Patterns sent by Post to the Country. ' o , Terms Cash, and Save Twenty-five per cent. Morey & Buttle, I TBAFALGAR-STREET, NELSON.

u3^!kssTY7\'T m % SHf\ A IXlin . A special purchase of Gents' Heavy Tweed Overcoats, worth 355, will be SKW^JijXViVJw A I O cleared at 22s j6d. New line Gents' Heavy Kaiapoi Tweed Overcoats M&^X)'k-< •? ;** J '-* i • - Ullt^rillSii clt OOCS, ■ .. m^M^^" New line of Gents' »Heavy Kaiapoi Tweed OVJBKOOATS offering at 355. ■R^BncLleK variety of Boys' and Youths' OVERCOATS, best makes, from 10s6dto 205., at

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 133, 8 June 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 133, 8 June 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 133, 8 June 1888, Page 3