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I T OST laafc Wednesday between Waimea JJ rond and Bri'ftnnia Heights, a GOLD EAR-RING. Finder Rewarded afc MAIL I Offioo 1802 -to XirANTED to PURCHASE, a strong fV TRAP HORSE, suitable for delivery work. Must W thoroughly staunch acd quiet. Apply VIATOR, 1812—9- Mail Office, \J|/"A!NTJfiP, within ten minutes' walk of Tf the PosUoffloe, a FIVE or SIXROOMED HOUSE, either Furnished or Unfurnished, for a term. Rent monthly, in advance. Apply TENANT, 1805— t c c/o Wail Office. F 'NOTICE! ; " A LL ACCOUNTS OWING to Isr -OL May M USX BE PAID by the 10th instant otherwise PROCEEDINGS will be taken to recover the same. . 1806-3 W. TYR'EE. mo LET—A Two Stall- STABLE and X OOAOH-HOUSE in Lower BRIDGE Street— A.pply Blaii. Office. 1691— t o FilOR SAI/E oriTOfLET. — That SixIJO ro»med HOUSE and Land in. Shel-bourne-street, recently occupied by the late Mrs Passmoke. Gas and water laid on. Apply on the premises to 1528— ato MISS SHAW. WANTED— GREEN FLAX, 185— to T(,HN RUTHEiIFORD, Potatoes!! JUSL RECBIVKD, a fw more Tons, which I offer at *£&/£$ a Sack, or 6/- a Sack, D££&BD. JAMES HALL, Hardy street. ___ 1576 — t 0 MRS. CHERITON,- MILLINER AND DRESSMAKER, (Opposite Everett Bros.) Terms Moderate. 1528—26 A"O "OAWSON, • SZ • lll> Authorised RUTtVKYOR 5653-tc and VALUATOR, MOTURKA. THE TRUSTEES of the NELSON SAVING BANK have MONEY TO L*E N D on approved Freehold Sf curity, in sums to suit Borrowers. j Apply to GEORGE HODGSON, Manager. 28th May, 1888. 1734— t0 FOR SALE. ONE Good TRAP HORSE, suitable for Carriage or Express. Guaranteed staunch and perfeotly qu*ot. 1728— t c Apply Mail Cffice. Just Received: BIRTHDAY and WEDDING CARDS, a very choice assortment. HAIH and CLOTHES BRUSHES from 1/- each ; COMBS from tn each, garden's and Rimmel's PERFUMERY from 6d per bottle. Breidenbach'asnd Pe»r»* FANCY SOAPS, SPONGES, & SPONGE BAKETS. ALBUMS in great variety, large size to hold Cabinets, f r>m 5/- each. FA N S of. every description — White, Black, Colored, Kmbroide'red, Hand Painted, Feather, Plain, &c, &o. MUFF BAGS from 10/6 each. VJAKKiY W BAZAAR. TO MEET THE TIMES. Firewood! Firewood! bakebTbros. are now delivering FIREWOOD AT TUE UNDEKMENTIONBD PRICES : 7ft. Bed Pine> Cord... 28/---2 ft. „ ... ... 33/Ift. „ ... ... 37/---4 ft. Manuka 30/---2 ft. « 8«/---lft. ,; 40'- • &.U Wood guaranteed to be sound, dy, and fnll measure. COALS AT CURRENT RATES. Orders received at the Office (opposite the .Congregational Chur h) will be promptly attended to. Baker Bros,, MOULDING, PLANING, AND SAWING MILLS, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, ' HARDY AND GLO'STBR STREETS, NELSON. J. P. BLACK And SON are Selling Heavy Twill Kaiapoi Blankets at the following prices :— For Single and Double Bed Sizss. Grey ... J5/~ I 18/- ami 21/White ... 18/- 23/- and 23/---lu addition \o these are kept OTHER MAKES OF . JV. Z. Blankets, EQUALLY GOOD VALUF, and very superior in quality and finish. And SON, TRAFALGAR-STREET.

jl^ . Red Orpss J4ne» \ , §JQ A LADY BARKLY V - 40 Tons, 75 indicated horeepower, J. Walkb^, Master will leave as under (weather permitting.--Nelson for Waitapu, Sunday, June 10, at 9 p.m. Waitapu for Gollingwood, Monday, June 11, at 8 a.m. Oollingwood for Waitapu, Tuesday, June 12, at 9 a.m. Waitapu for Nelson, Tuesday, June 12, at 11 a.m. ' , Nelson for Waitapu, Thursday, June 14, at 9 p.m.Waitapu for Oollingwood, Friday, June 15, at 11 a.m. Oollingwood for Waitapu, Saturday June 16, at 12 noon. Waitapu for Nelson, Saturday, June 16, at 2 p.m. Notb,— Tioketa mußt be taken at Office, Nel« . son. All Cargo to be alongside Lad; Barkly by 4.30 p.m. 3231~12m JAMES 8. CROSS ■"■s* "Si- 'fflaitapu? J. Westrtjpp, tTu>%., victor, LEAVES as under, weather permititisr : — Nelson for Motueka, Tuesday, Juna 5, at 3 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, June 6, at 7 a.m. Nelson for Motueka, Wednesday, June 6, at 4.30 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Wednesday, June G, at 6-30 p.m. Kelsen for Motueka, Friday, June 8, at 5 p.m. Motueka for Nelson, Saturday, June 9, at 7.80 a.m. .•fares Single, 3s ; JReturn, ss. On and after January 2nd., Cargo will be charged at the rate of 6s per ton (exolusive of wharfage at Motueka.) J. P. ("SOSS. SITUATIONS.— I hovo hundreds of Ser- £? vants and Employees of ill kiuds weiting 1 Situations, and numerous Orders daily from Employer?. Hotels and nil kindß of busine-BPS for BaIe.— ALEXANDER STEWART, 75 Lambton Quay, Wellington, 1030— to Mrs. Bird DESIRES to very heartily thank her numerous friends and customers for the hrg« amount of patronage with which they bave favored her during ihe lo&g neries of years that she has been in the Butchery business, and to express Lhe hope that hsr efforts to please tbem will contiuuo to msefc with th' ir approbation. Spec al attention has always been paid to the m&nufactura of SAUSAGES, with the result that the demand has bean bo groat ' that in order to be prepared to meet the large orders with which ehe has bsen favored, she haa found it necessary to erect new machinery, by tho oid of which efce wilt now be able to sopply FRESH SAUSAGES in any quantity and at any time. It is needless to eny that MEAT and POULTRY of the finest description* will, in tbo future, as in the past, bs always obtainable. ANN BIRD. TBAFALGAB-BTUr.r,T. 1793 — tC FOR SALE or TO LET -The TENROOMED HOUSES and GROUNDS in MA.NtrKA.-ST., recently occupied by the lato Mrs H. Buckeridge, adjoining the Property of O. Hunter Brown, Esq. The House has Every Convenience, is most healthily situated, and commands a grand view of the City and Bay ; the Grounds (abeut 1J acres) are tastefully laid out. — Apply Messrs PI L'T & MOORE. _ 1124: — to AUCTION SALE OF ENGLISH AND COLONIAL FURNITrTRE, JSx e.s. Doric, Wellington. JAMES & OO ha»e reoeived instructions from the Shippers, and also to close several Hcea ii different Estates, to Sell by Public Auction, At the Nelson Auction Rooms, On WEDNESDAY, the 20fch instant, commencing at TWO p.m., A. CONSIGNMENT OF English Furniture Ex e.s. Doric ; aho. a quantity of COLONIAL FURNITURE, CUTLERY, HARDWARE, &c, Sec, . COMPRISING : Three BJaek and Gold Cabinets, 1 Black and Gold Conaol Table and Mantel, 1 Mat bio and Walnut C'cffanier, plate glass bank, 1 haudßsmo Sideboard, 3 Canterbury What, nots, I Ladies' Mahogany Wardrobe with drawers and eliJe9, 1 Morocco Dmi ;g»rooaj Suite, 2 hindsomo lolaid Ocoasional Tables, 4 Trimphfc Tables, Mahogany Telescope Dining Tables. 12 Dioing-room Chwrs, 1 Carfer* back Cheffonier, twelve (12) Walnut Willow osated Chai-8, 1 real English Oak j Cromwell DioinK«room Suite, H Colonial Cheffioniers, 12 Vienna Bentwood Chairs, 2 Fan?y Cretonne Spring seated Couof-es, 2 Colonial Sofss, 1 Drawing-room Chair in Velvet, 2 Invalid Chairs with foot rests, 2 Ladies' and Gentlemen's Chairs iv Horsehair, 2 English Mahogany BraSE-tiound Chests Drawers, 5 Colnnul Cheats Drawers, Bevil-plate Mirror, 3 Twined Pillar Mahogany Toilet Glasses, 6 Mahogany do. with jewelled drawera, 4 Polishei Drcadng Tables, 6 Towel horses, 1 Walnut American Organ, 1 Rosewood Piano by Kirkman, 1 Ladies' Walnut Work Table, 1 (J x 6 Brass Tabular Bedstead, 1-2 Double French Bedsteads, blßdi-brjwa, sreen and gold, 2 supe ior Half-tester Bodsrcad-, 10 Single French Bedstead?, black-browr, gr o and gold, 1 Cbilds' Patent Spring Cot, 2 Feathor and Down Beds, 1 Wire Spring Mattrass, 2 l'ouble Sptioß Matt r asses, 9 assorted Flax MattraS3fs, 18 Pillows, 27 assorted Tapestry and Pile Hearthrugs, 6!> yards Linoleum, 3 very haodsooae Japanese Crsams, i suporior Inlaid Japanese Trays, \ Qentlernen'a Silver pbted Drossiog-case, 1 GiltTtmopioce under plfis3 f hadr, i English Hall Clock in mahogany, 12 II .ie Brooms assorted, 5 assorted Fenders and Flreirons, 3 Gaa lleatiog Stives, Copper and Tin Po( table Boiiors, 2 Hip and fcpoaste Baths, 3 Foot Batb3 and Foot Waraier. 2 Geres' Baiidles, 24 a*aortecl Whips, 1 Miin.-r's Firf«proof Safe, 15 cevt McLeod's Beat Household Soap, and a gr<;a! many otier articles p): both English anc Colonial Fim*Uura and other rfom9st:< requisites wbbfe will bo fully deaoriood it the Catalogues. Catai^ooues may ba had in a few dajs a tie Ofiloo of tho Auctioneers. The Auction Room* will be Lit Up on Tuerdat, 19th June, from 7 to 9 p.m. giving ie tending purchaser an opportunity of inspectlug the Goods and markinj tbo Cat alogaos prior to the Sale. Terms Easy ; as arrßngomenis with th AuotioaeT can hi made for three month) bills. JAMES & CO., AuotioDeers.

W. Rout & Sons HAVE * To Let, VILLA RESIDENCE in Bridge street lately occupied by Mrs. Weatcn, situated next to King's Store. A very superior HOTCSE and GROUNDS, in Washington Valley, three minutes' walk from Railway Station. Low rent to a good tenant. A HOUSE in Milton street, lately occupied by Mr U: Walkey. SIX ACRES of LAND in the Wood, lately used by Mr. Thoß. Barley as a Hop Ground. Immediate possession can be given. ! That desirable VILLA RESIDENCE in Trafalgar street Soutfj, lately occupied by Mr, Worley and next to Mb. Thos. Scott's residence For Sale, Several CHOICR ALLOTMENTS of LAND, with Fron»ageß to Vanguard, Alfred, lipabi, and Franklyn streets. We can effect a Bale oven if a small deposit only be paid ; the balance to be paid by weekly or monthly instalments. Help can also be given those doairous of building on the property. } Two COTTAGES of Four Rooms each, situate at the corner of Grove and Tasman streets, nearly new, well built, and iron roofs. Price £K0 and -£180 r< speotively. A small df-posU o«ly required, the reßt can be raid off by monthly inata mentß, extending over a period of years, if so desired.' A good chance for workiag men or othera desirous of be oming their own landlords, instead of continua ly raj ing rent The PROPERTY belonging to Mr. Greenem, and situate in Washington Valley, next Mrs Rowe's property. A GROCERY STORE and DWELLING. HOUSE, Bituate at the comer of Vanguard and Alfred streets, just beyond Victory square, A splendid opportunity for a workng man, as. a* wife would be abla to do the shop duties while he attended bis work The purchase of this Property can be arranged to suit a person of very little ready money. Price £295. , The PROPERTY at Foxhill, known, as 11 Robertson V adjoining &* George Hoiland'B property. There are about Five Acres of good Flat Land, with a substantial Nine-roomed HOUSE thereon. A FOUR-ROOMED COTTAGE Property off Vanguard street, near Post Boy Hotel, belonging to Mr. J. W. Simms. Land fiOft by 180 ft. Price £180. A Four-roomed COTTAGE PROPERTY with Four Acres of Land, Bituate at Spring Grove. Moßt of the Land is laid oat bb an Orchard, the treeß being choice and in fall bearing. Apply Mbs, Tbomas Mabtin, on the premises, or to W. Rout & Sons. The HOUSE and LAND in Washington Road, beloDgiog to Mrs. M. A. Brooks, and lately occupied by Mr, T. F, Leonard. Half-an-Acre of LAND belonging to Mrs Raymond situate in Washington Valley, opposite Mr Wm. Fredk. Tay or. Will be sold cheap. MONEY TO LEND in any sums to suit borrowers, at lowest rates of interest. SHARES Bought and Sold on Commission. W . Rout & Sons, , LAND AND FINANCE BROKERS, I NELSON.

; Another Opportunity ! j- 2500 V " New l)ress <"-k h Materials lOgd., Having bought the Balance of a Wholesale Wabkhousb Companx's Stock of DRESS MATERIALS at a price var bklow what we could import ?..:•■''. 2»them for, we have decided to offer them to the public at eucli 5 . a price as must effect an immediate clearance. 0 should see them ! 15 '^''Remember the price— lOJd per yard; Patterns sent by \ Post to the Country. l ft _- .. o|o Terms Gash, and Save Twenty-five per cent. f MORBY &'BUTTIiE, 5 TRAFALGAR.STREET, NELSON.

I Buy only the Kaiapoi Blankets and Flannels, l^feA^'l&oiA new Zealand wool, they are trie best value in tne colony, su pport loc ali industries. fc|&J|:^Wle bed Kaiapoi Blankets, at 17/6 and 18/9 per pair J ' Large Plaid Kaiapoi Rags, at 18/6 each _ I Kaiapoi Twill Flannels, at 1/11 yard • §BPSk" ] ''^'pbttble bed Kaiapoi Blankets, at 23/6 and 28/6 pep pair Shetland Grey Kaiapoi Flannels, at 1/O^d, 1/4^, and 1/9 yard Very best Kaiapoi Crimean Shirtings, at 1/11 yard Blan'ketß, at 15/9, 18/9, and 21/- per pair | White Kaiapoi Flannels, at 1/3, 1/6, and 1/9 ] White Kaiapoi Flannels, at 1/3, 1/6, and \ft. I^^^^S^**' '-' " <yThe abeye are offered at nett mill prioeß, and are to be had only from ■BA - : ; f.L. BE ATH' and- COMPANY. '

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 131, 6 June 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 131, 6 June 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 131, 6 June 1888, Page 3