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\' Red Orossltne* i-^O LADY BARKLY ft V 40 Tons, 75 iadioated horse power, J. Walker, Master will leave a under (weather permitting >.«•» Nelson for Waitapu, Monday, April 16, a ' 7 p.m. Waitapu for Collingwood, Tuesday, April 17 at 11 a.m. Collingwood for Waitapu, Wednesday, ApriJ 18, at 12 noon. Waitapu for Nelson, Wednesday, April 18, at 2 p.m. Nelson for Waitapu, Friday, April 20, at 10 p.m. Waitapu for Collingwood, Saturday, April 21, at 3 p.m. Colling-wood for Waitapu, Monday, April 23, at 5 p.m. Waitapu for Nelson, Monday, April 23, at 7 p.m. Nelson for Waitapu, Wednesday, April 25, at 9 p.m. Waitapu for Collingwood, Thursday, April 26, at 7 a.m. Collingwood for Waitapu, Friday, April 27, at 8 a.m. Waitapu for Nelson, Friday, April 27, at 10 a.m. Note.— Tickets must be taken at Office, Nelson. All Cargo to be alongside Lady Barkly by 4.30 p.m. 5231-12m JAMES S. CROSS A\ & Waitapu j J. Westrupp, Juy., Atatfer, LEAVES as under t weather permitting :— Nelson for Motueka, Saturday, April I*, at 7 a. m. Motueka for Nelson, Saturday, April 14, at 10 a.m. Nelson for Motueka, Monday, April 16, at 9.30 a.m. Motueka for |Nelson, Monday, April 16, at 12 noon. Nelson for Motueka, Tuesday. April 17, at 10 a.m. Motueka for Nelaon, Tueiday, April 17, at 12.30 p.m. IFARES Single, 3s; ss. On and after January 2nd., Cargo will be charged at the rate of 6s per ton (exclusive of wharfage at Motueka.) J.. S. CROSS. NELSON SCHOOL OF MINES. MR FENTON will OPEN his CLASSES (Analysis and Assaying) on FRIDAY NEXT, 13th inst., at 7*30 p.m., and continue them every following MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, and FRIDAY EVENINGS at 7.30 p.m., and on SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at 3 p.m. for about a month's duration. Fee to the Course 5/-. Free to Subscribers of io/- and upwards. A, COLEMAN, j Hon. Secretary. N.B.— Mr Fenton, -during his stay, will undertnke &nj analysis free for Members of his Class, and for non-members at a fee of 5/- 1188— td STOKE ROAD BOARD. TENDERS wiU be received by ihe above Bocrd uotil Noon of SATTJUDA?, (he 2 let inbtant, at the Office, Richmond, far Lowering No. 4 Bank, Clover Road. Specifications may be seen at Mr, Cuas BALCK'd Store, Hope. T?OBT. M. SMITF, Secretary Sboke Road Board. Richmond, April Hth, 1888. 1195- 3 A. A M O S, (Gate Pabjibnteb & Amos) CARPENTER And UNDERTAKER, TRAFALGAR SQUARE. -3m J. G. Harknbss And CO., LAND, HOUSE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, &c. WE have received instructions to offer ''for Rale Privately the following PROPERTIES situate in the Wftiineas : — ROSTKEVOR, the property of E. Moleswortb, Esq., with HOUSE, C T* TAGE, and ©ut-bui'dtngs, together ) 23 Acres of Land. HO USE and 15 Acres Land,, the property of E. B. Waring, Esq.- a flrst-claßß investment. 75 Acres first-class AGRICULTURAL LAND, with BUILDINGS and Improvements. About 30 Acreß of SPLENDID LAND, within tte Town restrict of Richmond. 50 Acres and HOUSE, the latter comparatively new, the property of Mr George Canton, — To be sold cheap, Several VALUABLE BUILDING „ „ SITES. TO LET. TO LET, with immediate possession,— the COTTAGE lately occupied by Mr. Alfred Mills. Also, TO LET for a Term. A O ACRES of good AGRICULTURAL LAND, with a Ton-roomed HOUSE thereon. There is a goad Garden and profitable»Orobar3. The latter has averaged from £50 to £60 per annum for Fruit alone.' FOR SALE in the rising Towuship of Bbigh.twa.ter : npHAT Desirable Freehold RESIDENCE JL situate at Brightwater, occupied by Mrs. E. F. Jones. The House contains Eight good rooms, is comparatively new, substantially built, and ba3 every convenience for a comfortable home. Attached to the House isHALF-AN AC^Eof LAND, laid out in Garden and Orchard ; the latter contains a cumber of choice fruit trees. The Property is in close proximity to the Railway Station, *nd is worthy of inspection by intending purchasers of a good investment. Also, near (o Station : )y -ROOMED HOUSE and ONR ACRE oi 4 LAND. The latter is specially adapted ior Gardening, and part is planted vritb young Fruit Trees. The House commande a good view of Bar rounding districts. Can be bought a bargain. FIRE INSURANCES effected at thf 1/west current rates. SgrOiFiCE.: — Richmond Town Board Office. J, G> Harkness and Co

THE PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY OF NELSON. THR FIFTY-THtRD SERIES of SHAKES will date from MONDAY NEXT, April 16, offering the boat of portunity for iat,Osidi',}g Subscribers to coniaunce as Shareholders of the Society. The Society h&9 no w complete d the Twenty, sixth year ci it* cxUtcnce, ft d the Security it rflera t^ Subscribers and its ecorotnical manage ent, are too well known to need comment. The PROFIT just declared for the Half* year ended Maroh 31, 1888, wrs at iho rate of *ight per cent, per aDnuni. THE USUAL MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION MEETING will be held at the Office, Hardy Bt, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, April 16tb, 1888, fro'n 7 to 8.30 p m. Stewards— Messrs. Everett and Finnet NOMINATIONS (in writing) . will bn received no to the Evening of April 16, of Caadidstos for the Offloe of Directors in the plao^ of the followiDg genUemf-n : — Messbs, Bethwite, Eot.ton, I;v<»beit, nnd Johns, who retira by < ffl uxbn of timo, bnt all of whom are eligible for r -election. f NOMINATIONS (in writing) will also be received of persona willing to act as AudiTOBB for the ensuing twelve months, GEO. M. ROUT, 1156— td Secretary. WANTED a smarf, acite young WOMAN for a Phop. Apply bv lettf r, Post Box 66. 1192 — 3 WANTED for a General Store near Nelson, a YOUNG MAN of good character and experienced in the work. Apply ROBERT SNODGRASS, 1189— t e Caledonia House. A RESPECTABLE' middle-a»ed perron from Home desires situation as HOUSEKEEPER. Thoroughly SotneoSioatcd, good References, both English and Colonial. Ad-dr-ra W. H. " Mail Office." 1173 -6p SITUATIONS.— I hftvs hundreds of Ser- (^ vanis and Employees of all kinds waiting Situations, and numerous Ordera daily from Employers. Hotels and all kinds of business for ssle.- ALEXANDER STEWART, 64 Willie-st, Wellington, IC3o— to ■ PRIVATE BOARD and RESIDENCE in the Country. — Accommodation, for 2 or 3 Boarders at MRS E. F. JONES' Brightwater. 3094—12 FOR SALE, -NEW Six-roomed HOUSE in Upper Collingwood street. Bathroom, Gas, well drained. Spply Mb H. BEATTIE, 1166 — 12 Colling wood-street. TO LET, a Six-roomed HOUaE, with Bath-room, Bcnllery, and Store-room, situate in Trafalgftr-Eqaare, lately occupied by Mr. Capper. Apply P. MOORE, 1107— tc Bnfrrier, Nilf-st. West. TO LET or FOR SALE a COTTAGE at Wakapuaka with fr«m ONE to FIFTY ACRES of Land. For particulars apply to JOHN OLDHAM, 1126— 1m "Werneth. FOR SALI or TO LET -The TENROOMED HOUSB and GROUNDS \n Manuka -St., recently occupied by the late Mrs H.*Buckeridge, adjoining the Property of C. Hnnter Brown, Esq. Th« House has Bvery Convenience, is most healthily situated, and commands a grand view of the City and Bay ; the Grounds (about 1 £ acres) are tastefully laid out.— Apply MbssrS PITT & MOORE. 1124— tc FOR SALE on Easy Terms. QAA ACRES of LAND at Tadroor, 80 O \J\J Acres in Gra-s. remainder Bush, at present in the ocen patios of J. F. Pahl. Apply to ALFRED ALLPORT, 1188— lm Stoke. WANTED— GREEN FLAX. 185-tc TOHN RUTHERFORD. T7KJRNIBHED APARTMENTS TO LKT JC at Clifton, near Takaka.— Two Bed* rooms and a Private Sitting-room, with Board and Besi'eacp, at a Farm House— hraltoy eitxiafion, facing the sea and close to the beach. Termo daring the winter months £1 per week for each adult. Horse and Trap for hire, if uq aired. References given. Apply Mrs. JAMES WINTER, Htfa., Clifton. 1131—26 AUCTION SALE OF Piano. JAMES & CO have received instructions from the Trustees of Col. Walcott, to Soil by Pablio Auction, On SATURDAY, 21st April, 1588, at 10.30 sharp— At the Nelson Auction Rooms, One PIANO, by Hopkinson. JAMES & CO., Auctioneers. For Sale. IGKISWOLD Knitting Machine^ suitable for working Men's Socks — small, medium, and large, Also, ILAMB Knitting Machine, Class Eight — steel bed, 164 Needles. — • This Machine is specially adapted for working Woollen Underclothing of all kinds, Football and Cricketing Suits, Cardigan Jackets, &c. M. M. Webstob, TRAFALGAR STREET

W. BoutS Sons " HAVB For Sale. Tbe PROPERTY at Foxbill, known ai " Robertson's," adjoining Mt Gaorga Ho\lftnd'is property. There are about Fi?e Acres of goo.l Flat Land, with a substantial Nine-rooiaed HOUSE thereon. A superior SMALL FARM PROPERTY at Hope containing Fifty-one Acreß of good Agricultural Land, threei.fourths flat land, remainder rising ground. The improvements consist of a good Eight-roomed HOUSE, bailt of rifiiu, seven years old, with 1 airy, &c ; also a Fout-Biall Stable, &c. acd other necessary farm out-buildingg. There is a first-class Orchard on th<» property, containing 350 really good Fruit Trees in full bearing. Half the land is at present under crop. This ia, in every re« spect, a most desirable property A Fonr-roomed COTTAGE PBOPERTY with Four Acres of Land, situate at Spring Grove. Most of the Land is laid oat as an Orchard, the trees being choice and in full bearing. Ap^ly Mbs. Thomas Mabtin, oa the premises, or to W. Rout & Son. A COTTAGE PROPERTY belonging to Mr. Plillip MerritS and situated <fl Cambiia street, close to Dr. Celen^an's residence, Pric £170. <»^- -<trrr. The HOUSE and LAND in Washington Read, belonging to Mrs. M. A. Brooks, and lately occupied by Mr. T. F. Leonard. That VALUABLE PROPERTY »Huate io Kawai etreet, owned and occupied by Mrs F. C. Simmons. Tbe Residence contains Eight Rcoms, with Bath-room, &c, &0., and has every convenience. Land 50ft by 264ft. Price £500. A FOUR^ROOMED COTTAGE Property off Vanguard street, near Post Boy Hotel, belonging to Mr. J. W. Simme, Land 60ft by 180ft. Price £180. A Comfortable TWO ROOMED COTTAGE and Allotment of Land, frontin Waimea street and belonging to Mrs. Aid-* ridge. Prioe £60. Tha BOUSE ana GROUNDS in Kawai* street, the property ef P. B. Engel, Eeq. The Home contains Nice Rooms, with Bathroom, and has many convenience*. Tbew are nearly 2} acres of Land, laid out as Orchard and Flower Garden, &e. There are also a Three-stall Stable, Coaoh-house, Wash-house, &c, &c. ToUTet. SIX ACRES of LAND in the Wood, lately used by Mr. Thos. Harley aa a Hop Ground. Immediate possession can be given. A COTTAGE in Alma Lane, lately occupied by Mr. Reiro. Rent sb. per week. That desirable VILLA RESIDENCE ia Trafalgar street Soutb , lately occupied by Mr. Worley and next to Mb. Thos. Scott's residence Thct desirabl RESIDENCE in Washiagtcn Valley, belonging to Mrs. W. E. Rowe. Bent £42 per annum. Famished or Unfurnished, tha HOUSE and Gbgwnds kn»wn aa " KINLOOH." The Houbs contains 12 rooms, with every convenienoe. Tbe Grounds consist of Three Aores of Garden, Orchard, and Paddock, with Stable, Coaob.-b.ouße, &0., &o. SHARES Bought and Sold on Commission. W. Rout & Sons, LAND AND FINANCE BROKERS, NELSON. BUN FIRE INSURANCE OFFICE, Established 1710. iSuM Insured in ISB6, £327,333,700. INSURANCES effected upon almosc everj description of Property at loweßt r&tei of premuim. Claims arranged by the Local Agents, an< paid with promptitude and liberality. Rates* of Premium, and every other in formation may be obtained of the under Bigned, W. ROUT & SO^S Age for Nelson, Maflborough, and Westland.

Beware of Chillc 0 ■ ' Blankets! Flannels! GOOD—BETTER— BEST— W OOIS L-GOOD— BETTER— BEST to; ' I Our NEW ZEALAND BLANKETS second to none— Read and try. Our NEW ZEALAND FLANNELS beat creaton— Read and Iry. Our NEW ZEALAND WOOLS the talk of the town—Bead and try. fiSp 3 See our Doors and Windows. Ulsters and Jackets. Having sold a great portion of ©|rfc first shipments. »we have supplemented our stock with another large quantity! $R3t arrived, including a number of large sizes, so difficult to get. Terms Cash, and save 25 per cent. Morey and Buttle, TRAFALGAR-STREET, NELSON. N.B.— We are still Selling SILK GLOVES at 2/- and 2/6. NEW GOODS. J. P. Black & Son^ opened White and Unbleached Calico and Lambskin Table Linen in Damask's and Napkins Flannels in New Zealand, Saxony, and Welsh Shirtings in Cotton, Union, and All Wool. | Also, just to hand — Butterick's Fashion Sheets and Cut Paper Patterns. I J. P. BLACK & SON, TIU-AL.IMT.

G. L. BEATH & CO. are now Opening "IEWWINTE R G O O D S * Wonderful Value in all Departments. G.L.JBEATH and CO., Corner Trafalgar and Hardy street

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 86, 13 April 1888, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 86, 13 April 1888, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 86, 13 April 1888, Page 3