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. WINTER '.GCffii^p|9i vW. SHOR T & : .." jBQS, 35^15 WHILST returning thanks for the large and . increasing patronage of the Nelson Public daring past so«sons, beg to intimate that for the opining winter they have imported, ex " Ruapehu," a first-ciass Assortment of WORSTEDS, SERGES (Fox's best in Blacks and Blues), BANNOGKBUEN and West of Englaod TWEEDS, also a range of BEDFORD CORDS in various Colorings and Palterne, including a Black specially suited as a Trouaering for country clergy, doctors, &c. MELTONS, &c, for Overcoat* in^great variety. The whole comprising one of the largest chows in the Tailoring Department ever offered in this City. An early call is respectfully solioifed. W. SHORT AND SON, lailors and Habitmakersy CLOTH HALL, NELSON The undersigned will be CASH PURCHASERS of the following in unlimited quantities : Quinces, ; Mushrooms < m t^£S d k . Garlic. S. Kirkpatrick & Co.

slulplioline > Skin Lotion. i A Oure lor Skin Diseases. * There is scarcely any eruption bnt will " yield to " Sulpholine " in a lew days, and c commence to fade away even If seeminglj J* past cure. Ordinary pimples, redness, bloicheß, scurf, roughness, vanish as if by c magic ; whilst old, enduring skin disorders, 0 eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosea, pruriao, tetter, 1 pityriasio, however deeply rooted, " Sulpho--8 line" successfully attacks. It destroy b the auij 5 maloulae which mostly cause these unsightly, ■t irritable, poinful affections, and always produces a clear, smooth, supple, healthy, skia. > " Sulpholiiic" Lotion is a mirvolloua remedy. Made on'y by J. & CO., London, It ia Bold or mo3t Oaomiab^. IJ ■< ■-!'s*, 2i^3d d Pepper's Quixiine and Iron , FOR GAINING TaTB %f> STRENGTH, &%J £&&.** Boußes <»nd develops tho nervouster.ergiea onrichea the blood, promotes appetite, dispels p. languor and depression, fortifleo tho digost- - ive organs. Ib a Bpecific remedy for neuralgia, indigestion, fever, chest affections, and 7. wasting diseases, &c. The whole frame is ~ greatly invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, tho mental faculties brightened, and tho eonatif : tution greatly sirepgtbeued. Botlleß, 32 doees, 4/6. Sold by Cacmistß everywhere n Insist apon having Pepper's Tonic only, not that of tho Chemist's own compounding, f Pepper's Tonic is specially valuable for the I ' Colonies, and hot relaxing climates.^ * Lock^er's Sulphur 7 Hair Restorer, a THE BEST, THE SAFEST, THE CHE APEST.— Restores the Color to Grey Hair.— Inatantly stops tho hair from fading.— Oc- *. caaionally OBed, Greyneßß is Impossible. 1 If the Hair is actually Grey, the Sulphur Restorer Jn six or seven days effects a great r, alteration. By a gradual action, scarcely ~ perceptible e»cu to .watchful observers Beveral darker shades will bo attained. In a T - period oi three weeks a complete change occurs, and a color exactly roßembling that „ lost will become manifest. Where the Snip box Restorer is applied ? scurf cannot exist, aud a sense of cleanliness * coolness, &c, prevails, which cannot result b from daily plastering the hair with grease. a bold everywhere in large bottles holding : * almost a Pint, 1/6 each. Be Bare to have 1 Lockyer'e. Made in London. Sold every. I where. . ... „„ 9 Taraxacum a liver iPn>rl nrili tri 1i n ■ medicine irQuopnyiiixi ' WITHOUT MERCURY, of great value for the Colonies. This fluid combination, as a stimulant to disordered liver, is eafer than calomel, bine k pill, or eo-callod destructive antibilious 5 medicines. In all cases of congestion, or . liver complaint, TARAXACUM and PODOPHYLLIN acts the aloggish liver in action, moves thfei stomach very gently, in--1 deed, giving a sense of- clearness and com- > fort within a few hours. The f.j mpVoma of liver derangement, headache, torpidity, cos- » tiveness, flatulence, heartburn, sense of over , repletion, shoulder pains, repugnance to food, general discomfort and depression, are ; buiokly dispelled by TARAXACUM and , PODOPHYLLIN, a fluid extraot of medicinal roots, prepared solely by J. PEPPER, ' Bedford Laboratory, Londca. Bottles 2/9 1 and 4/6. Sold by Chemists cvery^hete. Refuse all imitations, /^BACROFT'S ARECA TOOTH \J PASTE.— By using this delicious Aromatic Dentifrice the enamel of the teeth becomes white, sound, and polished, liL.; ivory. It is exu:-'j'Jia{r!y flagrant, aud spot-inily useful for removing i&crustations of tartar on aeglditeu it'Ctii, Sold by all Chotnists. Pvfcs 1/- and 2/G eaoh. (Get Cracioti'?..) EAFNESS, NOISES IN THi, EARS, &c— DELLAR'S ESSENCE for DEAFNESS should always be tried, as in numbers of cases, seemingly ucurable, it has done wonders. Slight Deafnesß, Obstructions in the Ears, and the Incessant Humming Sounds so frequent with affected hearing, are removed after two or three nights' applications. Boitioo i/ij j cold by Chemißts /■^IURED IN A FEW DAYS \J CORNS, BUNIONS, and ENLARGED TOE JOINTS. DELLAJVS CORN and BDNION PLASTERS nro he only real remedy. They differ from "all Plasters, or Compositions ever inyentcd. Bj instantly softening the callous surrounding, the pain goes at onoe, the Corn soon following. Bunions and Enlarged Toe Joints require more time for a perfect cure, but the action is certain, and relief instantaneous Any boots may be worn with comfort three hours after applying Dellar's Plasters; on □o account be persuaded to buy any other Boxes 1/1 1 each, are sold by all Chemists. Liver Complaints, Biliousness, Indigestion, S torn aoli Derangement, Cured by fIR, KIM'S Dandelion and Quinine V Liver Pills / (WITHOUT MERCURI j. The great English Antibilious Mcdi oine. Boxcb 1/1$ anda/p Seld everywhere ■ v >• jr«istaib.i 1 *

STEEDMitTS Soothing Powders FOR CHILDREN CUTTING TEETH. CAUTION TO PURCHASERS. ■:, The value of this well-known Family Meal* cine has been largely teßted in all parts of the ■world, and in all grades of aoeiaty for opwards of Fifty Years. Its well-earned ex. tensive sale has induced Spufioil* Imitations, some of which, in Outward Appearance, bo closely resemble the original, as to bare deceived many purchasers. Tho . proprietor therefore feels it due to the public to give a special caution against the use.of such vmttt Purchasers are therelore requested carefully to observe the four following distinctive characteristics, without which none are.genu ine:— lst.— ln every case the words JOHN STEEDMAN, Chemist, Walworth, Sdbbbt. are engraved on the Government Stamp affixed lo each Packet. 2nd.— Each Single Powder has direct tons ior the dose, aud the words John Sterdma 1 ;. Walworth, Surrey, printed thcieun. 3rd,— The name Steed man is always Bpelt ■with two EE's. 4th.— The manufacture is carried on. sole! y at Walworth, Surrey. Sold in Packets by all Chemists a 1 "! Medicine Vendors, at Is. lid.,and 2s. 9d. t-iuh. Sold by Kempthobnb, Pbossbb & Co Dunedin. M\j\J ? V IS take Pobtjuws from /?S. per dozen, at the O NEW STUDIO, H rdy-stree "•brTspees^s PRIVATE DISPENSARY, Established in Wellington for the Scientific and Speedy Cure of ohronio, nervous.aid'BJJeoial Diseases. The expert Specialist, ' Dri'Speer, is a Regular Graduated Physioian, tfluoated at Harvard College, U.S. He has detoted a lifetime to and is acknowledged to'bc the most expert Physician in his specialty in th« United States. Young Men and Middle-aged Men, who suffer from Nervous and Physical' , Debility, Loss of Energy or Memory, Brmf-| tions on the Face, Mental Depression, Kidmey and3ladder Troubles, &0., will de well te . consult Dr. Speer. Hospita Experien**. — . Having been Physician in one of th*. leading Hospitals of the U.S. enables him to treat all private troubles with excellent results. He wishes it distinctly understwi that he does not claim to perform impoofo bilities, or to have miraculous power) \» olaims only to be a Skilled and Suooasifml Physician, thoroughly informed is fcia specialty, ohronio Diseases in Men and Women. All applying to him will reoeiT6 \ his Honest Opinion of their Complaints. If • experimenting. He will Guarantee a Pod* tire Cure in Every Case he undertake^ •* Forfeit £200. Consultation in Office ex hf Post FREE. N.B. — All Medicines necessary for a am* plete cure can he sent seourt fromobaerration on receipt of symptoms. The Dootor's famous Pills, \ sore tnre fwr indigestion, 1b and 2s per box . Ointment fil per box. This Ointment poß^'.Tely;fM*i irritation, itohing, and all BkUiiifleases. % post, 2d extra. ■'"; - '. Charges moderate. B>aminaS«m «nd i.4] vice Free. Call or Address— Dr. H. J. Northern Chambers (Next Empire HoteiV Office Hours— lo to 13 a.m., 8t» 4 and I » 8 p.m. Sundays, 10 to 12. P.O. Box H6. N.B.— As a. Test DR. SPEER will send a trial bottle of H* medicine free of oharge (oarriagM exoepted) to any person applying tohim^fho will fire full particulars of their trouble. This will demonstrate his unbounded confidence i& these wonderful remedies, which are omly known to himself, and which for over 4w« . years have achieved such unvaried: success n his New Zealand praotioe. All applicants for a trial bottle of Ms medioine must enalose 2d stamp for reply "VTELSON EVENING MAIL Sobbohiption : 6d. per week, delivered town and suburbs; or 6s. per quarter, advance ; posted to any part of the colon* * : 9a l ' ,'.^ Advertisers in the country can. remit pay '. : V ment by Money Orders or Postage Stamps. ■' ;• Instructions as to the insertion or with "' y drawal of Advertisements in the EvENINa ' ■/ Mail must le in writing. Advertieementi eceived without saoh instructions will be , naerted until countermanded, and charge or accordingly. While every care is exercised in regard to he due insertion of advertisements, <te proprietors do not hold themselves respoD . Bible for non-insertion through accident . . from other causes ; and the proprietors ' reserve to themselves the right of omitting advertisements that may be deemed objectionable, even although auch adverriseroay have been received and paid for in usual course of business. For the convenience of advertfaew, replica ; , to advertisements may be senl to the JfiriJ 'i üblishing Office j but the proprietow ■ f fnot accept any%espinsibility ia this respeaV / • Births, I/-; Marriages, 2/6' each, cash ;^ ; booked ßirthß, 1/6 j ManiagesSl/-. • _, : % •.■■*; The Mtoenvng MtjMv* on view at the ";: 7 -J'< '■■& cipal Adveitisiag Agenta throughout -W^ world., ■■•••• /;. - ;:-j ;;.;■* - ; JMm^

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 85, 12 April 1888, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 85, 12 April 1888, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XXII, Issue 85, 12 April 1888, Page 4