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.. i>gi 11= !i fif j alii ;-3i 3 i^l'^lt :„■ If ■ I: v:::tfil|;|v3

rpes ne^ Zealand shipJ PING COMPANY ytijsiTBB). Hkad London O Js' I Ci.B: iJHL.. B RA^S.p H : Christchurch, 84, Bishopsgafce New . .. p|§||||^ „ Street, Zealand. \\gfigigg» ; w i.t hi nY The Company's Fleet consists of—m Tons. .; Tons. Tha Huranui ... 1054 The Wnikato..i 1053 „ Matauca... 898 „- Waimate 1157 « Opawa ... 1000 „ Waimea... , 85» „ Orari ... 10H „ Waipa ...1054 „ Otaki ... 1053 „ Wairoa ... 1057 : i, Piako ... 1000 Sf Waitangi 1161 „ Rakaia ...10S7 „ Waitara.;. 833' „ Kangitikei 1225 „ Wanganui 1000 These magnja'cent clippers are of the high-! est class at Lloyd'a, purchased^ or boilt specially to meet the requirements of I the trade betweeti the' Unitea Kingdom and New' Zealand. The Saloons and State Cabins are supiirbly. fitted suad* arr&ngedV and provided with every ; ireqnrßUe for the comfort *df : pßaeepgefs; ; The dtetty; scale (a :idm6; liberal. Second-ct^BS and Steerage aocomaiodation is all 'that ; can; bQ- desired, and : the ships are commanded by experienced masters. . .- ; .1 i . The Compiinjr also clb'arters'ehipaiof. the 1 ; high^ ■'claßi''a>' il requlreaii^ftd.'J-Tessela are-! despatched from London td knbh til the prlrici-! pal ports. in the colony with 1 slrfct punctualityi every . month: 'The Coinpany :' has lalways 1 ships loabld^ ! R6tne«aird from New Zealand. • A,rrarigeni^nta ! (for the'paeea'ges of IFriends •torbr from the colony— ana also ! for: the :con-! vey ahce bf cargo) can be mads at any of thd Branches in : - i Aijchx and lioinv&k Duubdeh '"; Niwik lifVEßOAfiarfcii Ne£sok WEwrflrciTow.; ■' : Or at the Head Offices: CHBrsTOHCBOH. Agents at Nelson, 283 SOLANDEIiS & 00. BRIDGE-ST., NELSON. HOWBITiCSOSBIEi ENGINEER^, MILLFEIGHTS; BOILER MAKER&, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS^ . , ." GESfERA'L, SMITHS,' '■ • moil SHIP BtjILDEBS, &c., &c. Eugimes, Boilers, Wateifwheals, Flourmilli, . Sawing, Planing, Flax, Quartz-^rusliing, and Agricultural Machinery of all descriptioni, Shafting and Gearing, Wrought Iron Piping ; for Fluming, Mining Tools, etc, Made to ; Order, op Repaired' on the shorteafi notice. |,■ Plans and Specifications prepared for this' abovementipned work if rebuked, ' ; and Estimates given. All sorts of Stbye Castings executed. ;Stov^ar Repaired equal to new. ; Highest Price given for -0W »Coppeif| Bmsll snd Cast Iron s " ; Mookbat & CBOsßiij haVing'taken over'tlie .'. Hardy-street MosTOBNTA^IW'oaKS, and sfe- ! cured the;eervie<ta'of air^ekgerienced workman; they are now prepa'rad^tb execute ordeia'.' far say desi|nf for p^Qnumental, Soiiiba|dnfee" ' m MftrblerGfaniia; KkWahuiiSni ArDloaih' 1 ' Stone.,, Tomb.Bailings,,from. 3/6 per fodt,OrnaistehtaVWicketi and PadaVM Gates blj every description in stock, or mada to order. ;'/ :;, .-. .;•;,.; h , >•-.. - , .. : . . ,3fo-;' Cure tliat fiiougli, andiise ili© ; bestrejnedy! | ;'\ la Btroag!y f^coftjmeflded.aSja^ sovereign] remedy for Bfonchitis, Whooping Cough, Ih-"-'MeiHHkl Atsttiffial'ttfis ofi!VoieaV:Crou^, | anl all affections, of the Lungs, &c. | pHISHOIiM'S WOBJi LPt>WDgRSi" ajre" \j the beafi.iaad safest, remedy known for. all intestinal afa[isoread\w6#itfß.-. \ Chiaholm's Blood Mixture cleanses tW j . blood fronitall impure matter/and is invaldaGhialiQl|i ( 3' AittibiHutia Pills are war-' ranted the beet remedy for Biliousness, GouS? Inesigestion, Giddinegs, and. all _ disordersloftbe at<)m*^i and aver.j ; See circSilaEs enclo^d! ° „ " PBBPABBBOSErB^ { /: OV' R; OBISH-O-LkJp?

■ , .1 . „ . X IVEaPOOL ; & LONDON & 1 AJ globe insurance company. Capital... ,„,., £2,000,000 Income £1,700,000 4 LL classes of FIRE RJBKS, In Town or JDL Country, tafeen at Current Ratefl. Claims settled without reference elsawliere. Rate aof premium and every other information may be had at the Office of the undersigned. N, EDWARDS & CO, S Agenta. mHE SWISS LLOYD MARINE *- INSURANCE COMPANY. The Company are prepared to issue Policies on Qold, Wool, and other Produce ahi Merchandise, to and from Australia, New Zealand, and Euroje, Intercolonial and Riverine Ports, Kost Indies, Mauritius, Java, China, and United States, at tlio lowest cucrcift rates of premium; OPEN POLICIES ISSUED. algbmtsVob Nelson: , N, EDWA RD S > N,D CO. A INSUEANCE COMPiM OE NHW ZEALAND. Capital ...w- £2,000,000; Insurances effected on Property afc lowest current rates. H. D. Jagksok, NELSON AGENT lssfr /COLONIAL INSURANCE COMV^ PANT OE NEW ZEALAND. Eire and [Marine Business on the most favorable terms. i286-'m W. M. STANTON, Agent. Hanseatic Fire Insurance Company. THIS Company is prepared to take all 1 kinds oi Fiie Kisks at lowest current rates. J. HOUNSELL, 17*0 Agent, Nelson. OUTH BRITISH FIRE ' . . , . And '. . .' ' ' MARINE DSStJBANCE COMPANY op ■•' NEW ZEALAND. , SiJBSciBiBED Capital ,£1,000,000 In 50,000^Shares 6t £20 each., ..Unlimited Liability of Large Body of SharJe. holders, resident throughout the Colony.! Invested Funds •..» «...ilßo,ooo. i : , . \ •;"' Bankers: ■'.'""' CbtoNiAr, Bisk op New Ze4lahi>. 1 Head Office .............. AnoKiANi)^ Prompt and Liberal in Settlement, ; Popalar and progressiW. Treminma (let year) 1872-3..i......... 534,032. Premiums (6th year) 1877-8 ........£534;961. Losses promptly paid at any Agency, at: option of insured. MARINE. -± Vessels, Freight, Cargo, efce. Insured to and from United Kingdom, America, China, Mauritius, Aatttaiia, Fiji, and South Sea Islands.: i FlßK.—liuildibga and their Contents, (Ships in Dock, Insured against Loss by; Firel ■, - _ BRAiIptiESAND'AiJE^IBg^ •'- | '■ Londpn,'SaH Francisco, andtlifpigW out New Zealand and Austfali^a, | . Colonlea ■ ; ;;NfeL ; Bb^/'^b6' r AGrii !f |s. ; ; ' :< T. R.: Hoddbb & Co ...*1,..,...l i :Richn*on(l ,R;.M. Sn|iTH..i{. ....i,......\7^keftdd ,J, S, Edrlstsn ..,......««.,....;i(Ip 4 iaeka JAB, J ,Rsn.f.y. ......i,........"Ta]ka&a W. O. HM.?,y »....,..Coriißgwood ■:., ... „ :A<^|NT^:'Nl!L^Q^y,r ;^ j

MONRY to LEND, on FREEHOLD SECURITY FELL & ATKINSON.; MONEY TO LEND. ON FREEHOLD SFCURITY, in sums to euit Borrowere, from £50 to : £1,000 and upwards, et current rates cf interest. PITT & MOOBE, 27 Solicitors, Nelson. MONEY TO LEND on approved FREEHOLD Security. Apply to RUNNY & SINCLAIR, Solicitors, Nelson. 725 H /CHALMERS runs a comfortable • \J SPRING CART CONVKYADJCE between RICHMOND & MOTU- . EXA 9 leaving the Railway BTATi6N, RionacowD, every Monday, WEpsEtvw, and Fhidat, at 10 a.m., and returning from Motceka every Tobsdat, TSuesdat, and Saturday, at B o'clock am. AU Parcels left at this White Hart Hotel, Richmond, and at Coppin'. fcwiN LN^Motueka. will be attended to. ' Engaged Seats to be, Prepaid. FOBGEf NOT THE Hardy-st. 'Baths! T;. BUTLER::, Warm, Cold, Swimming and Douche Baths. • . 976 T. MUNCASTEE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWEL LER, &c, TRAEALGAR STREET, NELSON. SCQTtf'S SAWING, PLANING, AND MOULDING MILLS, SASH AND DOOE FACTORt. Thb undersigned having * ' completed ' ; the erection of IMPROVED MACHINERY ifo prepared to execute, with the uttfiost deepatich ail orders with which lie may be fevored.' ; Flooring, Lining, Mouldingo, Bashet, and Doors always in stock. * Timbers, Shingles, and Building Materials of every description, 1 ■ • < ■ Builders' Ironmongery ,= > Corrugated Iroa Ridging and Spouting. ; Olasi all 6izes for Sale it loweafe rtmuasratlve rates. l ' t ■• . • •j . Joiners' Work prepared' Jo orders Sawing and Planing donfel for the Ttaqe. Planing tip to 24 iachea wide. ; Jomi ■S&di%= ; ! ";. TBAFALGARiSTRKBTNORIH. i . The Colonial Scotch tie Shojp, i WHERE all kinds of CAE^S, PASTRY,' BJTtfS ahd BRSp are made Sre>h every day.'. Hoj^Pies, Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa from it aim. to il p.m. . !".,' ' ' i '■ Wedding, Christening,-: and Birbhd'ay Caked 1 niad6 to-oidetonithe shorteßt notice. , :•: :. <i- j BAKER AND tASTRf Cdpt, I , Central- Bridge street, ; ". (ihe Shop lately occupied by Mrs Midd!em|ea) Country Friends always Welcome; j 1236— 6mo — : : ■- '-' j .■ A, Tratiti^tte^ \ T>RACTidAi.. ■W^diMMBR" i : aW 1

IMPERIAL ! BCHIEDAM BCHHAPPBi Dr. HABSAtt'a Report. ; The Analytical and Sanitary Inetftution, Si. Holboru Viaduct, EC. ! London, 9th May, 187?J Report on a Sample oi Imperial Schiedam Schnapps received from Mr H. J, Habt. j We have subjected a sampl? of the abpvrfnamed article to a very careful chemical analysis and examination. I The results of the analysis, which are se forth in a separate report show that this spirit is of good strength, practically fr|e from acidity, and that it contains but traces of solid matter in Bolution. It possesses la delicate and agreeable aroma, and a pure arid mild taste. Mr Habt's Schiedam Schnapps is a very superior article of its class, is w Jil purified, and is qnite genalno. \ (Signed) a rthob H. Habsall, M.bL Author of '• Food and its Adulteration." i Otto Hbkker, F.O.S. s PubUc Analysi IKill Wm. Johnson's Report. Government Analytical Laboratory, Melbourne* 23rd July, 1877. I Hbsri J. Bast, Esq. - ' Sir,— l havo the honor ;to. report for your information that . the sample of Imperial Schiedam Schnapps forwarded by you to! me has been submitted: to a searching chemical analysis and. critical examination, the result of which enables me to state that it iajthe Finest Sample of Schnapps thai as yet coma under my notice. ] It haa a pure fragfadt odour, and -Is absolutely free from any trace of fueil or other injurious imparity, and has evidently been distilled from superior rye grain, olways used instead of malt in the production of! the choicest qualities of Schnapps. It is very smooth to.tb'e palate,' and id thii reapeet com- = pan s favourably with other samples offfcred for sale. It may be 1 adVißed as equally} Suitable for medical or economic purposed.' ' ■ I haye the h6hour to be, §-c.j • (Sijfced) Wii, Johnsom, Analytical Chfewlsfc t6 the Goverataent oi Victoria, this Pure Medical Spirt, Superior to jany in the Market, and Lower in Price, is offered to the Public undef the full convictidn that it will supersede all others now in use. A. TRIAL IS EABtSESTLT SOLICITED. . N. EDWARDS & Co., Merchants, AGBKTS FOR NELSON. JL29O hi BUBDEKf I SEE D I \MERCIf JL KTI %^ \ Wholesale & Betaa, a/£ i i

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XIV, Issue 142, 16 June 1879, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XIV, Issue 142, 16 June 1879, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XIV, Issue 142, 16 June 1879, Page 1