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'.i'.'ilUT'r. "V^ia ? V SADDLERY ! SADDLE RYM "■ '■ ' '1 ,T" L ,^ P ;'-'* * 3 ° f ' • ' ° : i • "--^ !■<•» SADDLEBY> \A-^;\< •„-. .. - --'.77'" !j -' '■-'' ' •' k '■*__-]& .; ; i». ; /.T a .;. ?.-,. j!«n .. ?» -.7- ».-— r-s lf ' ... ..-;■[.: ' 'inp H E inhabitants of '&bls e on ' ,(, are TOv.TgE ? INH4BiTANfI?s, i;S OP , r NELBQfy "A " shewiag that they appreciate a i Qqast ani* mas_.boroit.*h:.v goqd ar tide -byr.ther support, the V;. have -heen y S? „ ,' r ;, fl ,, r ;-. , r -^->- -,^ 7 7,,:.,:. , n " '- ; -giving te; this : exceltefit aod] 'agre^le stimu- 7 .,..., .''NOTICE '•- -NOTICE ' 1 Ihe undersigned feels bimselFam ply repaid - "'~ " -' •*"• • ', ;j ,'- ) '. ;- ::ii -^ --y -^"' -•• there wUI be .a small delay % t0 "w^^S!' f iri:feW*M*al''b_ tfi^'next v iibi^eni, ani>a. QiB S S^ly overstock*!, and to J Aiakb rbbm present stock is nearly exhausted, he wonld opp other .rrivb.they h^Cdeadviw all those who-wish to secure another ' ter SM9S*I«P ;»?F?? of; ; their, toe i supply t*Ho io" aiiniae 3 fa^rder to prevent ;W° c Mi^!?-!^ S? ■ W^ s _. --TSi"*^* . Tr *P MoipcH, at 'CoEt Patca, '* 7 i^ F^^.X^^'^.L-"'*o/'i»J'-J*iJ,/^ : B , bR'GAsk. L '° :r "^:.^ ; . •=):-:'!... ':''.'.-::;j;:; ' 'iA /[ AW^KLE^H^gfOj W- w, '. . inw ONHiActow^ 1: ...- ,:-.,-. ■■ ~ r?!7: 1 , 157cases7of Choice Saddlery andj ] Eon- §^e I— six head r of JDUNG : ' Harness of e veisr* deßDriptioiL' ,• - rf oAiTLE t from2to»4wa;T?s , oid', Also ex^Ei^Msh iishißo.Lachnagai': about Fitb ob Six r Tons White and Brown fc . „,„,-.,.,: -j,., ...... '.,r\.;.?, .. , Oaah prioes, • eaklt potatoes? o » V ,7-77 '' !v J - , :" li _; " 4 :: v j : . a » Wk ' 198 --Waimea West. «^W §?ddl^from d . .„ ;{ 0 « »r.. ;{.-?■• r^ •■>.•,..,.., ru* _"r^"r"a. t Also., a splendid assortment o£ ' ;.:<v.M 'a^£.'fe r^_fe!':?i «. } " 7 Gents'; anil 1 'BbyT-'SaMlea fcrdSi 1 ""* I !^^ ( ■w 2 «Bif4lg^ii.S -All'Hogaifn^Qents' S*ddleSi~fromr\.<'-*i.loe:io ' *• 3'€!»3HBSa ''Gba^-iAll^ver-staiie^/^agrJi^oo-'-i -r^o-i " „, ;^B^^____^^s^- io .„■-} ■>..., .,,4 iX p 4r .o ; '"' " 'r ß '" C! ' : piVJii."«ir«-fc.vv>iii«.* i,:,0 ' ,{e "- r,^" f| -90b 1 . . trobg Saddle," Bridje and v '~ " J '." . [0 . rj .PoWic Works Offic^, . T} , T 6 x i\i. h3l \P ,:PH li 7'"^ p.m >- ...i (polomal Architects Branch), nd - j. •• 6 k.««te jißV.j^ Www^^Jil. ,- P - ' : : £ „ '.-.. i 7 Wellington, 'JithfJaouiry.-ig??. Q , .., ,, m-I L^C^iL ••• s ""' i^ 1 9V^?V!'.•|■; ,, i• , • i. (ouEown make)tfrom .«.v;^.'j«i i^a.'^O ."-O rfIIENDEBS are inyited fgr the EBECTION . Good strong- Stated .Trap Huneu 77 0 0 u BLENHEIM. ... j. 0 ,-,7 t ,; 7 - - GbodWbngpibUgh''HaM6SS,-'frßfn'' c 2 !r '6 ' Qbri^rat -^Conditions, Specifications, vahdj 5 ..^ -fe .'..- i^iU.ri/oi i^f.Qj seen- atthe Offices of i : tbe c Goad StroogiSnafae: Bridles. from -ni&si fi-AO Corouial]Architect r Wellington, and at the afjpws.pejfcj^h: ... „.;.. ;,-., v , ..... 0.3 0., Offices, Auoklaudi 'Nelaon, , Gents'.' ani^£adl^ 'Biding Whips'. '7 Chri«^hbrch', and Dunedin. ... „ ~ YAi'(jm Jl ''-'£.[ "'f.'; '?..■'"■ '■;..' 0 : 6: s J " J TienderJ>ddrb*sed tothe Hon.,tho-Mi. isfe 1 } \' ' '.WaiSerprbof Ponchos uiways,onn'and? r ; . I:! o^ Fubjlb, Works, and- marked ! oute?iie rw 'Tbn- i)r - iV,:i '- "' , '4iiii ¥ iL.;_i £i^'^lkiV : ''■••'M ■ ,;dbrsiQr,G^bralG 0 v e rnment'«cesi^Bienl -^i^^^^^S^^'i -'-^ ' i 'nefml^iUbe receive* at tbe office :9 fJb. ••^r?jS^oPu^^ 1I ?r?'!^^ l ? !^ 6 ? , i ■■ nadJßrayjed'to to- noon -of MONDAY, thd „j r '..,... "T^' 1 ".' "['■,' ■ l *i$ 3 ffi;^pfo™-r;x*iK-' ■'■ 1 :;. %v ;";PE^-& F TSoftKl^. EUI M l ' Tejf graphic Tenders will bo recelp?edL. pj«o-| Wahuf&ture^of'everytl^KraiiJ ' i tfM§& <6bft original Tende? an4 ;f . deposit, are i ' lb'jged : wfth District Engineer aii,.tbe( t tfme •"^'• ,f: » Tji-sJ r. Trade,." i-^7-> r-;- ,-i r .. j : above specified. „.'",„ • — _„ . r; rߣ {| DOßt . s^^ Br j K^ i . 80M . :i g 8oa^ a . xTba.loWfiat or any Tender, . not necessarily . ' '■•"■ '■ J - :! i ■& V- ■ ■■' -? >" -»-.n • sccepttdJ " . .i. .... j I , . t , , . - - .•■'•: - : "*W H CLAYTON. ! , _T i IHBISTMAS'eABOSfatU : "' J "»»" I7ttj|.:-;MA.U '" ... <^oSfal.AwfiftEOfc ! l"^ 3l ' r »^' 7- <■■ iB iDOAS &mm , ;r . ,;.;_7 ; ';'/_;■ PROVINCE.^ J H_" *-'° }I ' J ' fi ' _i___l_l_i •-: •• fl'-Ti-l- -.i7.'~7' r^'i ■/-«.! :C3-n!!/'i T;7l{"- j;< ■ M_. J t '• W '"'' "" • ./- . ; 7Wil\ Jiow offur the wholqof her well-seleCt£l'&ibe r &'oi£ ! ' -° ;B ' lfi - 0 -' ■"'■ ■"-' whrnml Mil limhl mum i■■ - : : c - - : - l : ; •' ;--'■ '•Rf&A'feßLE^ 6f ccmv, I& H KA Y rif I . As tbe Whole must be cleared by the end of March. i/ .'! ! L -0-rrr?r a ii') T-TI;.; '.'• W,:.' ?.:'■' '. -J ! -•-7. .1. i i.i' TEB'MS' CABH. . "109 • - ' - v ■ I „.-.[,- .-I j-'. j.iM.T.m.i 'ii. .i— ■ '" ' .iL,i^,|... „.......,»■ t,,,,,. „.,, ,„.. gg, „7'j'.. P..<J) : 6;6 ! K.S''7'-7- ;..'7' :' HAYING, purchased the entire stock of PAPERHAINGINGSifroi.. Messrs FELL Buos.j Merchant?, Blenheim, at & grebt reduction.^ com iM«fop«c&, ,b§gf .toiiaform t^jiubUq thas he, will SEI4i the , above at a "VEBY LO W , PBIG% in order,- to make for a direct shipment; per " Helen penny » npw dajily expected. ■■<.! 7i ; .u 7 >> . o -ii ••.= ; •'■?■'-. \[,: ; \ j. P. COOKE haa alao on liand ! a good stock of VaraMies (all kinda), Frenoli ! Polish, Methylated Spirits, 1 Oils, iOolors, Genuine ;Wbite Lead, Sorim, . . Tacks, wlass,"&(i7 ' . J ' "- [J. •[.'.;, ". 7 ' ' ' ; "'' ' ' r*Q— — r- — r~r"' ! ,7'.. .7 ;'.."'', . r .,.. I .■-••.rv:; -.-:.-,■ ROYAL BLUE HOUSE, HAfibY-^TRfeET- T: " : " ; sooo . „„( v _ ' ;......_ _ | <P@l^|^._; tt ';|(|i6 ' :.,vjiT. „:'• \'.'!i 'i^fe &&feit*sssis?nf§ Direct from England. j ? ?:;7 8 T : „ i ;;"r7IRi:c3KEEiMCOI«_Os r» •/•.•;.! : . .IK!':- : - V-i :•;•.•. ftJIO'? I- '-■-."• ■ " -ll - ' I . — J-~ nr-nr-.^ lav -)(.": ;?..f:M3s:f..'!lvhi:ar'-.0.1-r ! : •«-:,; | »39loaTjLd. .aROdERY DEPARTMENT. v.- :.:.- f x; „?ei^s iif ,^lf-(?he3ts ani Boxes, 5 of rt ,; :;;f; " v ' '; ; C ' r ' ; " : "'' !: :d ''::^ rftri'^ ! f^tAßS Vr^_ '"r" - ! ' r, ; Brown, Medium,- and TFinesfc White, EU^fi^S^d l^l^'biliuibe^^oSf. | ; i> i ! - ' -'' ' "? ; :v v; : ::. , '; r soaps:- - V; ? -^ -m >■'> '^ ■: *■ •-■: j : : 7 j , ) ;7.J,,7N^lspn^Dun^ ; ; 11 •' '"■ V! - ; ; - : ''-"/' '•"' Currants,- Raisins, Figs, Nuts, :^e. r ".^ : . il; ; Confectioinery, Co¥b( 'MouP, Oatmeal, Candles, Vinegar, &ci ■ J . Paint, o,Us,'!]S. rpse^ Paper Hangiugsi •- -:-• -? •; ;-n ! iWoolPacksjGorn'Sacks.: hih 'i^'H, \ C» u'.o-'^-l-'ii-i vj ;->-'" r-.i;?^- | : " Window ©lassi from Br-10 to 24 x 3p. * ' // .Vvj : "'; ' V: ", -'.: : iV .' " ''' ' | 'Ironmongery of ©yery description' jio v ,; f!l; _.J t >.*7- j, .;,,',(,'.'..; „.., (! . • -.•• ' 1 J(ipls and A^Hciil&aral 1 Implements ;| " •"""■• 7;. j ;,;7 r , ; ' : .. .7; '. i ,." ; !! ' J '''"'' '' j - .( A-.l^g <. -^feeUra'ssor^' Stopk.of:, Nails, at reduced., ricje^., , :- . | ?' r \~'!\ ' ■. V, %'" jtß^^^U and bili^^A^B,'; .,.,. *, w ■ ■ j ; . ( : 0 !■«■ •■' - «:. n': „ 7 BO qt ,; -'AND ' SHOE DEPARTMENTS •'■' '' «' ■ ■ -•'"-' '■*«.£ P. ■{! I H jiff I "J!p' .'" • «.»w^ .wa,**.* . __• * . A layge Stock ;of Men's, -Wamen^,, ami Childqepj's, of ; every. useful description. ! Electro-plated' C^oods, Toys,; Stationer r, Books,' and various flt^ier S^ancy Goods 1 . ;*, ! "": 3 . ; 7?^ r ;;';/^'Pp^? aKY depai^menl] 7() cf .,, -„•■ -■■■ ■! v Contains a very choice assortment <*s: Plain, Check'Tiriilsfand^FaUby AlpaccaS, ; ' . -.:> „,., Mohairs,- Jiustres^fc; ;Coatuu:ierin , ©arabfrc-3nd"Stuffs -r— -r - .... Blaek andiColorediSilks;;^ Japanese, Jr sli.^oplip^^l,u3|ins, Cambrics: y ! .:. Fisch^'-Jackdts^Capeis^hnd Children^^Drestoj^Sheetings^ Shirtibp; ' h .;J'..i r „.^3ppprjc«v«SJS£Ts^ 'o«^^^tl c£ *\*l£^lliAi "-VSQff an. Calicoes, Quilts, &o. -.«... -...—....-. .. ■ ?:w::;\; ,:,.7-;, U7 n GOODS.;- 1 .:;; -^ I':r-^1 ':r-^ •-{!::- .-.- •■•:,. v : < Alpaccas,, Coburgs, .French Merinos, Crape Cloths, Baratheas, Paramattas, and -; v Bareges. ■"'■' : " f ■■>'■■•■ -^ v ■ ■■■<■ I -. '\i\ P&jey'g Patent Paper Curtains. • ( ' : s ? A. Splendid Stock. Ladies' Underclothing ; also, Straw Hats in latest styles,- at .' : oi. ijgreatly: reduced prices .: ; m j i'./i'.l ,r. .'. Tv. 7!7./j-.:7. .-.-., -J , j •Feathers, Flowers/ Kibbons, Hat Ornaments ; Ecru Nets, a varied and Choice ..' r ' i .7 (1 :.. 7 .A3Sprt.menjb; ''.-;, ; : ; .: > Miilinery7in nil its branches 7, ;.7; {-; ,- : : ..,{... . :., „ j, • ..- „ CLOTHINGI-r~Coats. Trousers, Wnd Fests V Ties, Belts^Braces. Collars, Hats; 'in great variety '"' ' J ' " Tweeds— Nelson, Mosgiel, English' and Scotch Olothibg of all descriptidns cut td order by7an experienced' Cutter ;. Now Pafe- ',;..;.; ternsjon hand. ;.. ,'7,77. ';.. ', j ... •,/■■ ... „ . -, A few good Hand Sewing- Machines; less than Oost Price. ■ ■ ■■■■; , | ) -;o; i- • '-' 7^\ R - -^'^ C( *' ' "ittyite an earljj inspection, and without quoting prices, quantities, ortediictions, their Stock |will bear favorable comparison for assortment and prices with any House in the Trade. The whole, of the Summer Drapery, and^ancy: Goods havoAttndergone Further Beductioris, to clear before Xqr. mmon .d.jwfr/u.v.i j-,-..-;. , I --- -t.-;., - ,-.-:.- .13$ ■ I

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 20, 23 January 1877, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 20, 23 January 1877, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume XII, Issue 20, 23 January 1877, Page 3