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i Soothing , Spup:. H . wfll .reHtre t&e poor «ttffetar fmmedfafe^. 1 ; ft y ; prf«ctlyr iilrmloss etad p'eas^nt to taste, it pi^ uMirnatWat qoif t sleep, by relieving Ihe child Ittmffiafft and the little ,oiti rub awake, ?• a^brlghtf** » üb&ton;" R Woili^ tiie chi}a3e sefteita the •ignis, allays all piin, relieves windrK'gufctfers thefeowety apd,-?hehj;a6 known? remedy for "Vfent^v ..and , dfe^h^a,, ;^et'itee . Rising frqnj teething or other %3seji.7 Sold .ejjerywherj at-is. ,l|q. ; pee. 'tfettjte., 493 Oxford street, Loadoh; '';'' L !; ;| J1092 • U »:i..i>< i■ , y „,,., i v .:i'.Ui. V:-:.; T- I M'i-.i'-* DYSENTERY, Q£OLERA, •'■'* FR.VBB ■ - ' ' m uk» eomim, Waos, --*& ! ] • "Tpl Ji l'Cosssi BROWNED -1/ (Ex Artny Medical Stafi) iQ^'H.^^O^^O^'^ N : E ; ;i ."fei^a Oii^iaflafadMly 'Gfe^in^i,;.^ .. '..dAwri^W.-rr^ice-C^wii^llor &4 frd?i#ood s&tejf Cob** 1 i: Mj#ti£. ! doubtedly the inreator of "CHLORGDYSE;" [that the story 6f~tta aftenatfat.-FtesEaatt : [being the ia^ento^wK^ deliberately aotcue, j which hl9 regre^;f $fciwen 9WM& to. : Eminent HoapitaiiEtSfslcfintdf London stated J that Dr J. Collxs Beowsb was the discoverer ! and mean no otlier tqaiv.l)? J&eownh^-— Sie \Tim9B,aiJvlf / l§'ifa4y_ x «■'• * * i aaing'aiuy other ij/jtti'' '•' - ■ ' '- ?~~- • " ■ ri ' 1 ■ EF--DjR, J. COL&IS BsO-^B'/J; o <^EW)^q^sl|B.; ! qaiet, refreshbig sleep, reliarsrfiipi^ndalnis ; the pystcm, reseoras tfee-dergnged faacttoas, j and stimulates HdiTtliyiictJdiS o'ftiie seeratioas oftheibody 9 jfithtratirafeatiag say of thine UQpieaaactifeauUiaieeadiDg.tlieoaeofoptußi. j d i?°j| y^??9^^v^ayjj^^ i^| v a^hoar)| tsuod^ | 16 .^ !Bs'H*M& < ? pee«j!aß tes&^ito., itq^^^^^ri^fn/'clll^fxanffr f wqnaer^itc^a; ,fi£e(i|paj['asiea epcT'iiß i^ o^ jfas q^n^fin^he.rpilowinglS^ ti? l * l ', li '■ \ Tj)i ?^BB. %.# W^ W^MJH)'. i „ , «earalg|ft, (pough^.-jCraaip, , .The Kight, Boa , E&I MM copimufeed to c ..#o ,Cqlle^' j^!%M^fto*i^ to th,e ; effec6 .that rUie ' of' ft'ii^' eer vice ia 'Cholera was. 'Chiorodyp^^-^See £ance«, December 3l, t lß6#. ~ : ' ;'• f;; From A. r Mo»ydftßßy,- Esq., late Ifl^ctor of Hosplfikls, BqmTJiy :-"'*etil6rbdyn6if* a moat valuable reE^edV f in -Neapajgiaj- Asthma, and . pfafiatenf.'^'t 1 % , it jT'fairlj? o'''#»«■'0 '''#»«■' my restoration to'heaKb.aftep eighteen! mdntbV aetei?e SQfferiag.'and'jwhen all otliac reo^iles had failed.!' „• .;, ;a 5-.o '.-..«,: o .-f. •«■■?■ v. ■ Dfi Lowe, Medical t Miadodstyuitt lodifa reports (December, 186£)::— ? f TSute la oeacly ; 6?ecy;Gage bFtChdleeiiQiwhifih)Dt. JL:<Do6M* B&OKSHs'a Ghtopad^Eewaj admiaiateccdj -tUa patient recose'redL"; : .':;_;<- ;{,v', :. ,-, : j.. ; y'- _.-, Extraptrffom jth^e '■ffegieid Times, January 12, 1866;— "Chlorodync '!■ prescribed by i scores of orthodos ; ;^d|cal ; O( coura^lt would noithU3«be . Btaira^rly,'popjulsr t did Jit not 'supply „* want add fill a place.' " Extract from the General Boaed of Health, Londoß, as to it£effle«cy ia Gholera :— 'f So atroriglyc'oavineed «tee*'»d <& W&i ini'm&n Value of thi* remedy, tttdb wooanaot too forcibly i rge the necessity of adopting -it in •U-caaee.' •• •. ,;.':.! .' >•.• ■; .^ : ,. ■■ „ j Beware of spacious -icd! dangerous :comw pounds sold ad •tCktoaoDTKß,'' from which frequent fatal results have fpllawedi ; : : a See^leadib^^^a* tteleitPkutwtdxutical Journal, Ist August, 1*69, which states that Dr. J Cbiiis BeiJvSsb was- the 1 Inventor of Galbkoditnb ; that! ifl !«ttlwftva gfghfc .to uaahis preparation wheaChlorodyce ia ordered. -.?■ ; CAUTION;— None .; geotiiaa.' without thi words, ,,'! Da. dT. Cocuts Beowrb" da th« Gdveratbenfi stamp. '^>?afwhelmiag medical teafeimeny accompanies each bottle. : Sote Manufacturer : j. T. D&y'BNppßT, 33, Great Kaasell-atree^ BlcoaMbury, ■_'"•/, '' . '•,,' .London. 1 f ' /7" /-V Sold in bottles, Is. Ijjd, 2«. 9,j.,ftQd 4s. 6d. Wholesale Agent for New Zealand : Messrs. SEMPTHORNE, PROS9ER> &00. . . . Dunedfa! ' - ■ ); ' '2472^26 ' -•'■•"■ - • ' ■ '- ■ . ■ • ..■ • / Tg-E ATING|'S qOUqa 1 Ld?EHQ|f^ The best and safest remedy for . Coughs, : : : Asthma, BaoNcaiTig, HOAHSBNES3, , .'■■;' ' ' DiFFicntxir op Breasbino, ACOBMULATION Off JTHLKOM. ' ' These Lozeneed contaia no o^ium nor any. deleterious drug, thereiore the most delicate can take them with perfect confidence. *No remedy is:so sptedy- aad]qer|a|n ia it* :beaeflclai effects. ' CORE of ASTBIf/V o? tEiSS 1 STASDCainscroas, near Strpud,. " i, . '" '...'■-.! , ..Qloacestershire. : Sir— Haying &een trouhled wUii J Asih'ma lor several >earß; I could flnd no relief from any medicine wbateVer, utitU ! 'I was isdWced 6bpQt two years; ajgo,' to ¥ try a bos oi yotie valuable Lozenges, and fou'tid such relief itom them that lam determined' for the itita^e never to. be wiehoat a Bok df theak iv house, and wiil do all in &y pd#er to recotnmend them to my friends. ■■•■•"■. If you conaider tUp above teatinioalal Of any advantage, you areqaita a{ .liberty So oiak* what use of it you please. I am, Sir, your most obliged servant, Thomas Keating, Esq. ' ' * WaO * Bold in Boxes and Tins, by all Druggists. BEATING'S BQN^BONS or WOEM TABLETS, A PURELY yEGBTAI?LE v S^EEf MEAT, both in appearance and taste, • most agreeablg method of adraiQistering tha ssasffSSwjas ; f^sss^ia and mild preparation, and is especi3fy adapted for children. . ,; ' ' Sold in Tins; by all Chemists and Dra^Ssfci. ; CAUTIOK.-5«-The public are requested bear the Trade Mark, as herein ahown- " KeatiDg, 97 St. Paul's Churchyard." Trade Mark. THOMAS KbltinG;, London, Expobt Chbmisi and Dbuooist, Indents «dr pure Drugs- and Chemicals carefully executed. A V— OcJ 673 | - ; THE Undersigned is always prepared to SELL or BUS- SHAKES in the Bank of New Zealand National Bank - Fiji Bank ' New Zealand Insurance Company South British Insurance Company National Insurance .Company ' Standard Insurance Company other leading Companies. *' JOHN R. MABIN,

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume X, Issue 266, 7 October 1875, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume X, Issue 266, 7 October 1875, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 Nelson Evening Mail, Volume X, Issue 266, 7 October 1875, Page 4