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The Nelson Evening Mail. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1875.

> : r T ' ■ ;.Ai jew weeks hence 'and^we shalTiKp : deep in the yovikx of a gi^e'rale'lection * whicfi for: ia" while will -engross public attention^and at such times questions of -social importance are apt to be overloGSed>nx.<JaffLof the gKafclejidCof' democratic government; r. is tp .enable communities,, Jio, - v initiate^ .and, -..carry through measures for the sanitary and social well-being of the^people^. The liealth..of cities, in^heir early stages^ of necessity. ; |iuffer from ; waat. of drainage, and a cpffijDlete^system of sewage fok etfee eentres^>£ population in New Zea-^ .land wp^ldVc| them far greater - blessings th'aji the passing of the Abolition of Prpp|ces Bill, except so far as , that measure may Become* a means ,pf£ procuring^?. in the matter of wmge Nelso%; lias done morattiaitt '•afly^city in the col6ny3he !t wprfc*'inay be said to have only beg'un^ and we are glad :to*findr th^t Webb has given notice he will bring the subject be- = fpre, the, jCity Cpuocil at its next meeting The following is Cr.'^Webb^ •notice of motion, given on the Ist instant: — " That ife be' an iosiradtion to the Sarreyor to take levels of, and prepare plans for, the construction ofsewera in the undermeotioQed stratts, naraely— Vfaiaaea-atreet, frdia Halrdystreet to Halifax-street; Hardy- streQfi; from Trafalgas-gtrset to Miltoa-atreet; Nile-etree6 East, from trafalgar-gtreeft' to iMiltoa-stefeel; Collingwood-Btreet, from Bddgei-steeet to Bfontiatreet. Such levels and plans to be prepared with' the view of this Council conetructing such part yeail/, as tri«y be Seethed adyiaable^aEnt" that the whalebekld off=^a oneunifoFiqrpha.>'j ; ; ',-, , , 1 ,_ , H . If Mr Webb, carriqa his motion, andl, is instrumental;^ making Nelson what it really should be — one of the most healthy cities in- the world— his fellowcitizens will owe him a' debt of lasting gratitude. But more will be required than the motion as ; now worded contemplates. Provision will have to be made .for: discharging the sewage fa? down;- yip thp n t^de^ay so as to pie- 1 vent it Jbeihg lodgedon the nwdflat ; orj better still,, utilise what, .for oar agriculturists, would be of priceless value. There is' another matter connected with the sanitary condition of Nelson to Which attention should bei directed. It is notorious thafc fever of a typhoid character is always in the north corner of the city. True, the Wood is flat and andrained, but this only half explains the cause of the sickness prevaUing^n the.localifjy. The practiceof collecting large heaps of .^filth, and decayed vegetable and '-animal matter for hopidressing, and leaving it to ferment on the ground for weeks and months together .barely covered with soil, through which poisonous gases escape, is the true cause of fever in the neighbourhood. We should be sorry to see any obstacle thrown in the way of an industry which has thriven so well in Nelson, but surely something might be ((one by an energetic' City Council to preserve the public health on the north side of the Maitai, without seriously interfering with the hop-culture there, for which the soil is so well adapted.

A correspondent of a Taranaki paper complains that, while butchers there can buy beef at from l±d to 2d per pound, they charge for it to their customers the exorbitant price of 6d per pound. No leas than four mares have dropped twins to horses of the Wanganui Stud Company this season. The first was a mare belonging to N. G-. Morse, Esq., and, although the foals appeared to be healthy when born, both died. The Press Agency in Auckland is charged with suppressing an ugly rumor, which' reached Wellington privately, that one of the largest wholesale houses ill the northern capital was fined the other day £20 for. passing false entries to evade the ad valorem •

daw, and J&gntiq&po£s|lie occurrence wa|i likewise kept ofefeof^Uthe news*.paj^j|ite.fS|Mr^b£B lifri, in\ Attillatff, has also |t|ea||bd £100 for br|a|h jp| the CiJßtdns Afjg which likewiie| w|sjpassed|oYer bypf&e Telegraph . t Ag^^\SeeiDg|h|^ip§'of uainteresfeg ing trash telegrSpoW to newspapers,^ the Agency is greatly wanting in duty to its customers when it tries to shelter a culprit whose mal-praetice it should l\ A^^ m *M^ t |tiedi|i,^a34a& consigned i to tfiein \NW ' J & complete stock of machinery for the manufacture -of^-bjaekete^r.tubs,^ and- -«ther,^useful* articles of wooden ware ; and a gentleman ha£4rrivell wh&Mtolaave charge of the manufactory. TTterfiuit r teees in the Poverty Bay'v District are sufferingfmore: 4 or : |^ss from ..a species of blig|[t,^hich"igi making its 'appearance onftfie^young oraßfcties and eating into- the very heart o| wood. Theblighfc is of a. different Mature to that hitherto met with! 'O '■■ i ; •-■ '-J ; The returned football; |fea]!n)played a match in, Jiuek|and , on , last against • ailicbiriers, 5 'aka.- ; *-ih6 great vsatiafaction of all "good Aucklanders we^well^Salfen, 1 scaring d&lyli p«iiil^« ;aga|ii^2l^l be se|n,"f isay^.tfie', JSeraldi '}■ « ; tha,iVqn. their;,owl^:--ground, the repteaentatire; team ;eus&-j tamed a greater thrashing than; tb'e'ysi \ did in any one, of ;the games played South, revealing tHe fact that much the }better players were left afe home." This was; a, sajye . .forj" wound^ : pride. 7> : The Aacjrtandh cqr^ponden^ pf a iDunediu^|japer, &a ! speaking oi'tKe;nonf sucqes;, o^thp^rthern! team < in: the, SouthernJ cifyj says":— •" You' will be' able quite ;to}rea|iaß |h^^cf,tfip we qon't atf- -all "relish the "thrashing our kickists received afc^ Wellington and in your city. .^brmaddjexeuseaLfdr their thrashing; in the lEmpirjeJOn^j, puttings it 1 tolsesiraMknlks;. ?butt wsdbfe'tj see cur way quite cjearly what excuse to allege for their defeat} at your hands. Of course r wethinlcvthafr if this man or the .other r had, taken the place of^a second or a. third, or if something' Ha'd^ happened which did not, and could not .be expected . to, ihafe the ) result wdulHf have been quite : different, w We can think of or admit anything but that our men are inferior ltd any other. ;i My idea is that, had our - representatives possessed a little moire skill, .and ajcaasiderable amount .less of conceit, they would — : — well," they would , have been at home, and only ,talked;about th^ trip they have^underfcaken. Butthen ifei is treason to juggest.this idea here/ On the 29th 'ultimo the 5 eldest daughter of Mr W. Sfeockly, of New Plymoutii|caugh§ sight tff -her/ infant brother, about fifteen 'months old, is" he tumfel^finttf.a !w# thirty feet deep,haviflg from .fifteen, ta twenty of water in it. ' The 1 brave giri; without a moment's hesitation, jumped down after the child, whom she caught before he sunk a second time, and^managed-'to Support him until her screams attracted notice and the bucket; was lo r wered, .by means. ,of which she. and her charge effected their escape. . Singular' to say, neither the ydUrtg lady r rior the child were seriously injured.

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Nelson Evening Mail, Volume X, Issue 266, 7 October 1875, Page 2

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The Nelson Evening Mail. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1875. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume X, Issue 266, 7 October 1875, Page 2

The Nelson Evening Mail. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1875. Nelson Evening Mail, Volume X, Issue 266, 7 October 1875, Page 2