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Ahmed The Cobbler

(Sent in by Jean Dreaver, Kauri R.D. Kamo). In the city of Ispahan, lived Ahmed, the cobbler, an honest and industrious man, whose wish it was to pass through life quietly; but he had married a handsome wife, who was far from being Contented with his humble sphere. Siftara, for such was her name, was forever forming foolish schemes of riches and grandeur, and though Ahmed never encouraged them, she tinued to persuade herself that she was certainly destined to a great fortune. One evening, while in this state of mind, she went to the Baths, where she saw a lady retiring, dressed in a magdigcent robe, covered with jewels, and SUWduhded by sieves. On making enquiry, she learned that; it, was the wife of "the chief astrologer to the king^vWith,'this information, she returneft.home., Her husband met her at the door trbut. was received with a frowmVnor • eould all his caresses for several hqdrs.obtain a smile or a word. At tehgth-she 'said, “Cease your caresses, unlfss you are ready to give me fr proot that you love me.” “Whdtr proof?" exclaimed poor you desire, which I will not j£yb? ,? “Glt/e over cobbling,” said she, “turn astrologer. Your fortune will be .made,' and I shall be happy.” “Astrologer!” cried Ahmed. “Have you forgotten who I am, that you want me to engage in a profession which re-

quires so much skill and knowledge?

“I neither think nor care about your qualifications,” said the wife. “All I is that if you do not turn astrologer! Will be divorced from you.”

The gobbler but in figure of the astrologer’s wife had taken possession of Sittara’s imagination. She dreamed of nothing else'. What could poor Ahmed do? He was 'dbtingly fond of his wife, so he sold his little stock, and bought an almanac, a magic wand and a table of the signs of the zodiac. He then went to the market place crying:

“I know the sun, the moon and the Stars. I can calculate nativities. I can fortell everything that is to happen.” A. crowd soon gathered round him. “What, friend Ahmed,” said one, “have you worked till your head is turned?” - " “Are you tired of looking down at your last,” cried another, “that you are now looking up at the planets?” and a thousand other jokes assailed his ears.

While everybody was gazing at him. a lady passed by, veiled, having just lost at the Baths, a valuable necklace and earrings. She was in great alarm, but on being told the story of the famous astrologer, she went up to Ahmed, saying, "Find my jewels and I will give you fifty pieces of gold."

The poor cobbler was confounded, escape the public exposure of his ignorand looked down, thinking only how ot ance. The lady had, in the crowd, torn the lower part of her veil. He noticed this, and wishing to inform her of it in a delicate manner, he whispered, "Lady, look down at ’ the rent." Ahmed’s speech brought at once to her mind how her loss could have occurred and she exclaimed with delight.

“Stay here, thou great astrologer. I will return immediately with the reward thou so deserves!." She did so. carrying in one hand the jewels, and in the other a purse. "There is the gold for,thee," she said, “thou wonderful man. to whom all the secrets of nature are revealed. When thou desiredsl me to look at the rent, I recollected the rent near the bottom of the wall in the bathroom where I had hid them, I can now go home in pe«ce; and it is all owing to thee." Ahmed returned home, again thankful to Providence for his preservation, end fully- resolved never again to

tempt it; but his handsome wife renewed her entreaties and threats to make her fond husband continue his career as an astrologer.

About this time the kings treasury was robbed of 40 chests of gold and jewels. The officers of state used all diligence to find the thieves, but in vain. The king sent for his astrologer and’declared that if the robbers Were ;Jiot detected by a certain time, he, as iwel.l as the principal ministers, should be, put to death. Only one clay remained.

All their search had proved fruitless. when the astrologer was advised to send for the cobber, who had become famous for his discoveries.

'• “You see the effects of your ambition,” 1 said Ahmed to his wife, “the king’s astrologer has heard of my presumption and will have me executed as an imposter.”

On entering the palace; he was surprised to see the chief astrologer come forward to receive him, and not less so to hear himself thus addressed: “The ways of Heaven, most learned Ahmed, are unsearchable; the high are often cast down, and the low are lifted up; it is my turn now to-be depressed by fate, it is thine to be exalted by fortune.”

This speech was interrupted by a messenger from the king, who desired the attendance of Ahmed. When he came into the king’s presence, he bent his body to the ground, and wished his majesty long life and prosperity. ■ “Tell me. Ahmed,” said the king “who has stolen my treasure?” “There were forty thieves concerned,” answered Ahmed. “These questions,” said Ahmed, “I cannot answer now, but I hope to satisfy your majesty if you will grant me forty days in which to make my calculations.”

“I do so,” said the king, “but when they are past, if the treasure is not found, you shall pay forfeit with your life.”

Ahmed, returned to his house well pleased, for he resolved to fly from the city where his fame was likely to be his ruin. On imparting this resolution to his wife, she said to him with scorn,

“Hear me, Ahmed, I am determined thou shalt not escape: and shouldst thou attempt to run away, I will inform the king’s officers, and have thee put to cieath even before the forty days are expired. Thou knowost me too well, to doubt mo keeping my word. So take courage and endeavour to make thy fortune.” The poor cobbler was dismayed at this speech. “Well,” he said, “you shall be obeyed, you know I am no scholar, and have little skill in reckoning; so there are forty dates. Give me one every night, after I have said my prayers, that I may put them in a jar and by counting them I may see how many days have gone by and how many days I have to live.” Meanwhile the thieves had received accurate information of every measure

taken to discover- them. One of them was amongst tjie crowd when the king sent for Ahmed, and hearing that he had declared their exact number, he ran to his comrades and exclaimed, “We are all found out! Ahmed has told the king that there are forty of us.”

“There needed no astrologer to tell (hat,” said the captain. “Forty chests having been stolen, he naturally guessed that there must be forty thieves; that is all. Still it is prudent to watch him. One of us must go to the terrace of his house and listen to his conversation with his wife. He will, no doubt, tell her what success he has had in his endeavours to detect us.”

Soon after nightfall one of the thieves repaired to the terrace, just as the cobbler had finished his prayers and his wife was giving him the first date.

“Ah!” said Ahmed, as he took it “there is one of the forty.”

The thief, /hearing, these words, hastened to the gang, and told them that the moment he took hiis post ■ Ahmed said to his wife, that one of them was there. Tno spy’s tale was not believed, but it was determined to send two men the next night, at the same hour. They reached the house just’ as Ahmed received the second date, and heard him. exclaim; “To-night, there are two of them.” The astonished thieves returned and told their still incredulous companions what they had heard. Three men were consequently sent the third night, four the fourth, and so on, and Ahmpd exclaimed aloud; “The number is complete! To-night the whole forty are here.” All doubts were now removed. Even the captain yielded, and declared that it was hopeless to elude a man thus gifted. He therefore advised that they should make v a friend of the cobbler by bribing him with a share of the booty. His advice was approved of, and an hour before dawn they knocked on Ahmed’s door. The poor man jumped out of bed. and, supposing the soldiers had come to lead him to execution, cried out:

“I know what you are come for. It is an unjust and wicked deed.” “Most wonderful man!” said the captain, “we are convinced that thou knowest why we are come. Here are two thousand pieces of gold, which we will give thee, provided thou wilt say nothing more about the matter.” • “Say nothing about it!” said Ahmed. “Do you think it possible I can suffer such gross wrong and injustice without making it known to all the world?” “Have mercy upon us!” exclaimed the thieves. “Only spare our lives and we will restore the royal treasure.”

The cobbler started, rubbed his eyes, and being satisfied that he was awake, and that the thieves were really before him, he said in a solemn tone. “Guilty men! Ye are persuaded that ye cannot escape from my penetration, which knows the position of every star in the heavens. Your repentance has saved you. But ye must

restore all that ye have stolen. Go, straitway carry the forty chests exactly as you found them, and bury them a foot deep under the southern wall of the ruined Baths. If you do this punctually, your lives will be spared. If ye fail, destruction will fall upon you and your families.”

The thieves promised obedience and' departed. About two hours after, the royal guard came, and desired Ahmed to. follow them.. Without imparting to his wife what had occurred, he bade her farewell affectionately \and she exhorted him to be of good cheer.

A reward suitable to their merits awaited Ahmed „and his wife. The good man stood with a cheerful countenance before the king, who, on his arrival, immediately said: “Ahmed, thy looks are promising. Hast thou discovered my treasure?”.

“Does your majesty require the thieves or the treasure? The stars will only grant one or the other,” said Ahmed. “I can. deliver up either, not both.”

“I should be sorry not to punish the thieves,” answered the king; “but if it must be so, I choose the treasure.” “And you give the thieves a full and free pardon?” “I do, providing I find my treasure untouched.” “Then,” said Ahmed, “if your majesty will follow me, the treasure shall be restored.”

The king and all his nobles followed the cobbler to the ruins of the Baths. There, casting his eyes towards heaven. Ahmed muttered some sounds which were supposed by the spectators to be magical conjurations, but which were,

in reality, the prayers and thanksgivings of a sincere and pious heart for a wonderful deliverance. He then pointed to the wall and ordered the attendants to dig there. The work was hardly begun, when the forty chests were found, with the treasurer’s seal still unbroken.

The king’s joy knew no bounds. He immediately appointed Ahmed his chief astrologer,, assigned to him an apartment in tfie palace, and declared that ho should marry his only daughter. The royal will was carried into execution as soon as formed. Sittara was-divorced as she had so often threatened and the princess took her place, but- the change did not alter the character of Ahmed. He became daily mere attached to the beautiful princess he had married, and he could not help contrasting her character with that of his former wife whom he had ceased to love, and of whose unreasonable and unfeeling vanity he was now fully sensible. —Copied.

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Northern Advocate, 31 January 1939, Page 2

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Ahmed The Cobbler Northern Advocate, 31 January 1939, Page 2

Ahmed The Cobbler Northern Advocate, 31 January 1939, Page 2