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Maternity Services In N.Z.; Commission’s Report Under Review


Moving that the report be referred to the Government for consideration. Dr. D. G. McMillan (Govt., Dunedin West) said one could not but admire the efficiency and thoroughness with which the Minister of Health, the Horn P. Fraser, had carried out his portfolio. Dr. McMillan then proceeded to deal at length with various sections of the committee’s report. He stated that it had become apparent to the committee that there was an increasing tendency on the part of women to avail themselves of the services of maternity hospitals throughout the Dominion in preference to bearing infants in their own homes. There was also an increasing tendency for them to have Ihe services of both doctor and nurse, and not just a midwife. A more efficient service could be rendered in cases where both doctor and nurse were present than in those in which only a midwife was in attendance, and even better service could be given in a properly-equipped maternity hospital.

Dr. McMillan slated that modern methods of giving optimum pain relief necessitated supervision by a doctor-, and it was also easier to make provision in hospitals for the working of reasonable hours by nurses than in some instances where maternity nurses were in charge of cases at their own homes, or l at the homes of their patients. Maternity Hospital’s Value. He went on to refer to services which maternity hospitals were giving the community, and stated that in practically all matqx-nity hospitals visited by the committee nurses owning them were receiving only their bare living. They were doing good service, and he considered they were entitled to a larger subsidy from hospitals. Dr. McMillan stated that he did not think the conditions laid down were very onerous, and, contrary to the contention that regulations would ‘ create a shortage of nurses, they were designed to increase the number of nurses taking up maternity work. Under present conditions, he said, young nurses very often refrained from entering maternity services on account , of the long hours of work necessitated and he thought one of the marked results of the reduction in hours would. * be that more nurses would enter this service. The regulations came into force in September, and he thought he could j give an assurance that the Minister - would not be too strict in his interpretation of the regulations where cases of emergency arose, ]]. Nurses’ Hours. The hours provided were 48 per week, * Mr S. G. Holland (Oppsn., Christchurch North): That includes mealJ hours as well, doesn’t it? ’* Dr. McMillan; Yes. Nurses are human,, like ourselves, and require * some time for their meals. Mr Holland: I did not mean what ; the Honourable Gentleman evidently thinks I meant. I merely was inquiring if 48 hours included meal hours, v Dr. McMillan; I am sorry I mis- ■ understood what the Honourable Member thought. Continuing, Dr. McMillan added that probably the most valuable part of the * Plunket work was that which went the heading of “mothercraft.” Relief of Pain. Speaking of relief of pain in childbirth, Dr. McMillan said the committee realised that optimum relief was not being given in public institutions and it was obvious that under present conditions poorer women were not receiving as much pain relief as betteroff women.

reference was made in tire report to old inconvenient hospital buildings, and he expressed regret that the past Government had seen fit to reduce the hospital grant by some £200,000 during the slump years. He was certain that the present Government would leave no stone unturned to make provision for bringing hospital buildings up-to-date, and that there would be no question of economy at the expense of mothers, as had obviously been the case with tire past Government. Report Commended. Mr. J. Hargest (Opposition-Awa-rua), referring to the National Government’s reduction in the hospital grant, said no one on the other side of the House would dare to say he had evidence that any mother cr child ,had •suffered in nursing service in a hospital as a result of that economy, which the previous Government had found necessary during the slump four years ago. He considered the committee’s report a very interesting one, and it should serve as a splendid historical record of the conditions of maternity hospitals in 1937. Moreover, it should prove of inestimable value to the Minister of Health.

Continuing, kr. Hargest expressed the opinion that an insufficient number of maternity nurses were being trained to meet requirements throughout the Dominion. In Invercargill, several maternity homes had appealed to the Health Department to assist them in securing the services of maternity nurses, but had been unable to obtain them. It was a position which the Minister of Health would have to face up to when the hours oi work regulations for nurses came into force in September. He urged the Minister to defer bringing the hours of work regulations into operation until he was certain they would cause no grave disability to licensees of private maternity hospitals. The Minister Replies. The Minister of Health, the Hon. P. Fraser, thanked the chairman and members of the committee for the valuable work they had done, and ho said he wished to support the tribute which the committee paid to the valuable services of maternity hospitals throughout the Dominion. With regard to the small income of licensees of maternity hospitals, the Minister added that when the Government's proposed social legislation came into effect it was hoped the income of those hospitals would be more assured than ever before. He? l said he ivould be very sorry to see the introduction of any regulations stultifying the efforts of those hospitals. Mr Fraser admitted that there was a temporary shortage of nurses in New Zealand, due to a number of reasons, but. speaking of the hours of work regulations, he would ask the Hon Member for Awarua if he objected tc the hours of nurses being reduced to a reasonable number.

Domestic Help Bureau. Mr T. H. McCombs (Govt, Lyttelton) said he agreed that the committee’s suggestion that the Government should inaugurate a young women’s domestic help bureau was a good one, and he also agreed with the finding of the committee that there should be resident house surgeons in maternity hospitals to give mothers optimum pain ■ relief. He agreed with the chairman ‘that outside doctors should be allowed to send their patients to maternity hospitals and attend them there themselves. He commended the Minister for his foresight in making investigation before deciding on his policy. Mr W. T. Anderton (Govt., Mt. Eden) said the report of the committee must be regarded with (Satisfaction, because it meant the commencement of a wholehearted effort to improve a service which was the most important in the Dominion. Health of Maoris. Mr C. H. Burnett (Govt., Tauranga) urged the necessity of . making provision for the native population in the Bay of Plenty area. He was chiefly concerned about their health. Pie referred to native housing as a very serious problem. and said that although the Government had done a great deal to improve the position, much remained to be done. Mr A. C. A. Sexton (Indp.. Franklin) stressed the importance of the population being constantly increased by young people, upon whom the success of most of the schemes for the future depended. Ho could not conceive any worse condition than a community with an undue proportion of aged and elderly people. Hospital Grant Reduction Blamed. Continuing the debate when the House resumed at 7.30, Mr J. Hodgcns (Government-Palmerston North), said

Mr Hargest: No, but I think the institutions concerned should be given proper lime to make provision for the application of the regulations. The Hon. P. Fraser: I am glad that the Hon. Member agrees. The second part of his reply may be taken for granted. The Minister continued that abnormally long hours were not good for anyone. He assured Mr Hargest that the position with regard to Invercargill maternity hospitals would be thoroughly investigated, and if it were found that a disability was being created, every step would be taken to adjust the regulations to meet requirements. Keen as he was to make conditions easier for nurses, it would be ridiculous, and he was sure nurses themselves would agree, that anything should be done at the expense of mothers. The Minister said he took it that the whole House would agree that nurses should have reasonable hours, as thcii health was of the greatest importance. In conclusion. Mr Fraser paid a tribute to the work of the late Sir Truby King, and said there was no fear about the future of the Plunket Society. Adequate Provision Needed. Mr W. A. Bodkin (Oppsn., Central Ctago) said the necessity for making adequate maternity provision was recognised by everybody as the first duty of the State, and he joined with other members in commending the committee for the value of its report. It was gratifying to find that the committee had found, in every part of the

Dominion, conditions that suggested in the main that adequate' provision had already been made. It was quite evident that New Zealand had a hospital service of which it could be proud. Difficulties had to be contended with in remote country districts, largely on account of the sparsity of settlement and difficulties of transport. More Pay, More Nurses. Mr P. Neilson (Govt., Dunedin Central) discussed hospital services in Dunedin, and said he agreed with the report that hospital nurses should have more pay. He felt sure that if greater remuneration were offered the country would stand a better chance of getting girls to enter the nursing service. He also considered that the offer of better wages and greater opportunities for recreation would assist in solving the problem of the lack of domestic assistance. Backblocks Requirements. Mr W. J. Poison (Opsn., Stratford) agreed with previous members that the report was a very valuable one. He instancedv several cases of hardship occurring in maternity cases in the backblocks, and urged that the Government shotild give some measure of assistance in these cases. The Women’s Division of the Farmers’ Union handled just such a class of work, but was handicapped on account of lack of funds, and he suggested that the Government might supplement the funds of the Women’s Division, and also of the Plunket Society, to enable them to supply a nurse-housekeeper service to country people. Domestic Drudgery Elimination. Mr J. Robertson (Govt.. Masterton) advocated the use of every up-to-date facility in homes in rural areas to eliminate domestic drudgery. This, he contended, would alleviate to a large extent the present shortage of domestic assistance. Mr C. A. Barrell (Govt., Hamilton) discussed the condition among the Maoris, and contended that some maternity cases among the Maoris were a disgrace to the country. This morning the House’ proceeded with the discussion on the report ol the committee of inquiry into maternity services. Mr W. M. C. Denham (Gov., Invercargill) expressed pleasure and surprise at not hearing expressions from the Opposition that the report was merely a further step towards Socialism on the part of the Labour Government. The country, he said, would not have a greater asset than healthy, happy children, and modern maternity services would contribute to that. lie discussed factors such as housing and inadequate income, that could be detrimental to proper family development. Japanese Immigration. Mr H. S. S. Kyle (Oppsn,, Riccarton) said that various maternity and social services had been inaugurated long before the Labour Government had come into office. In fact, under the Labour administration, the number of miaternily hospitals had decreased. However, ho added, every endeavour had been made to reduce maternal mortality in the Dominion, and to encourage an increase in the birthrate Despite all efforts, however, they had irresponsible people outside the House advocating the introduction of 5.000.000 Japanese into the Dominion. He thought the present was an opportune lime to introduce such a subject, which, had developed something of the aspect of an international affair. Cables had been sent abroad. and replies had been received on the matter. If such a suggestion were* to be adopted, he

added, it would be better to revert to conditions of 100 years ago and hand the country back to the Maoris. The Minister of Health, the Hon. P, Fraser: I think the Hon. Member will find the House fairly unanimous on the matter. Mr Kyle: I am glad to have the Minister's assurance on the point, which is of great importance to the Dominion. Wrong- Attitude to Motherhood. Mr C. M. Williams (Govt., Kaiapoi) discussed disease affecting maternal mortality, and said that one disease which was common to both human beings and animals was apparently due to a nutritional defect. Veterinarians had combated it, and he thought the medical profession might learn something from their experience. Referring to the suggestion that Japanese should be invited to come to New Zealand, he said there was no need to invite them, because, if the country remained empty, they would come anyway. Mr E. 15.I 5 . Meachen (Govt.. Wairau) thought people had a false sense of value, and the problem of declining motherhood should be corrected by proper education. Many young women •appeared to look on motherhood as something to be ashamed of. A new psychology should be created, and motherhood should be something tc be proud of, not hidden. Dr. Buck Should be Retained.

Mr E. T, Tirikatene (Ralana—Southern Maori) discussed maternal conditions among the Maoris in pre-Pakeha days, and said that changes that had taken place in food and habits had brought about change. The Government was endeavouring to improve the standard of living among the Maoris, and Maoris appreciated it. However, Maoris should be encouraged to help their own race, and he suggested that Dr. Peter Buck should be giveii sufficient inducement to remain in New Zealand and work for Ills own people. Mr Dickie (Opposition—Patca) said that previous Opposition speakers had approved of the committee’s report and he also approved of it. He discussed the previsions which were made for maternity services in Taranaki and paid tribute to the work of the Plunket Society. Mr E. L. Cullen (Government— Hawke's Bay) said he was pleased to support the member for Riccarton’s protest concerning the invitation of irresponsible people to Japanese to come to live in New Zealand. More Maori Nurses Wanted. Mr Cullen advocated the training of more Maori nurses for maternity services among the Maoris. The work being carried out by Pakeha nurses in this direction was excellent, but he considered Maoris would feel more at home with nurses of their own race. Mr W. J. Broadfool (Opposition— Waitomo) paid tribute to those nurses and organisation'; who for many years past had been educating the Maoris to appreciate the value of the maternity services which were being placed at their disposal. Mr C. R. Petrie i Government —Hauraki i said the Minister now had a comprehensive survey of the position of maternity services, in which weaknesses as well as strong points were (jointed out. at his disposal, and ho could act accordingly. The House adjourned for luncheon at 1 p.m.

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Northern Advocate, 15 July 1938, Page 6

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Maternity Services In N.Z.; Commission’s Report Under Review Northern Advocate, 15 July 1938, Page 6

Maternity Services In N.Z.; Commission’s Report Under Review Northern Advocate, 15 July 1938, Page 6