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PERSONAL. Airs S. Worap has returned from Auckland. <s>,<?> <s> Airs Cotter has returned from a visit to Auckland. <§> <£ <?> 's> Airs Woodman returned by express on'Monday from a visit to : Auckland. <s> '* <S> <S> <?> Air and Airs Harington Walker, Whau Valley Road, are spending a holiday in Auckland. <S> <S> Aliss Mason has again taken up her ,'duties at Hora Horn, school and is staying with Airs Long, Apirrtna Avenue, after ftn extended absence owing to ill-health. '<s> ' <s> ' <s> , <?> 3> Air and' Airs J. L. Turnbull have arrived from Australia and are spending a short time in Whangarei before taking up residence in Russell. Mr and Airs Turnbull are guests at tho Leviathan Hotel. <s> <s> <S> ❖ Eloquent testimony to the popularity of Air Leslie Smcal was borne out last week when over 40 couples gathered ’at the Castilian Ballroom to celebrate the coming of age of the guest of honour. The time was spent happily in dancing and at supper numerous toasts were honoured. Air Smeal was tho recipient of a large number of presents from friends, and from the staff of L. C. Trembnth, the firm by which he is employed. Also a personal gift from Air and Airs Trombath was much appreciated. The duties of AI.C. during the evening were very capably carried out by Air T. Thompson. - ENGAGEMENT. The engagement is announced, and marriage is shortly to take place, between Leslie, only son of Mr and Airs F. W. AlcNamara, Taurnnga, and Gwendoline, second daughter of Air and Airs -J. Hardie, Whangarei. <s> <s> 4> ■ <S> The engagement us announced of Vera, second daughter - oj Air and Mrs F. G. Alullins, of Whinfell, Ardmore, to Norman Kempt, of Christchurch, son of Air and the late Airs Gregor Kempt, late of Waipu. gift evening. A social event of much interest was hold at the residence of Airs Tucker, Kensington Avenue, Whanga- , rei; last week, when she tendered a , complimentary gift evening jo Air V. F. (“Peter”) Peterson and Aliss Edith Forth, in honour of their approaching marriage. Upwards of 40 young people were in attendance, and a happy time was spent in music, dancing, games and competitions. Air John Tucker, eldest son of tho hostess, welcomed the visitors, and also extended the best wishes of the assemblage to the guests of the evening. Messrs Atilton West and Walter Forth contributed acceptable solos, and Air Peterson duly acknowledged the felicitations accorded to himself and his future wife. A splendid array of useful and valuable gifts vrere received, and the gathering ■ dispersed after hearty cheers had been given , the guests and Airs Tucker, followed by “Auld Lang Syne” and “For They Are Jolly Good Fellow's.” W.D.F.XJ. \ KAITATA BRANCH. s A meeting of the Kaitaia branch of j the W.D.F.LT. was held on July 20 in 1 Foster’s rooms. Airs Powell, vice- 1 president was in tho chair and there was a good attendance. One new' member was onrolltj®?. Airs Buckle gave an interesting address on the League .of Nations ami was.accorded a vote of thanks. The roll call, ‘ ‘ Household hints or the uses of choose,” brought forth some quite original ideas from members. Two competitions wore held, Airs j J, Sow'ter and Airs Aforieo being the j winners. Aliss Hilary Parker won the gift donated by Airs Pettit. Tho Pukepoto members held a “bring and buy” table and raised the sum of £1 0/0 to swell the AV.D.F.U. funds. The competition for next month will be “The best spring bloom,” (flower or shrub). Airs Bloomfield has kindly consented to be judge and she will also give members a talk on gardening. The blooms are to go to the hospital after the judging. ' The roll call will be “Suggestions for enlivening the W.D.F.TJ.”. Afternoon tea, was served by the hostesses, Alesdames T. ,Scnn, IT, Parker, W. Parker, D. Jan son and W. Perkins.

[The Lady Editor ia always glad to receive news of social items—weddings, dances, parties, etc.—for inclusion in her page. Engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Communications should be addressed to Lady Editor, care of the “Northern Advocate.” To facilitate inclusion, all communications should reach this office not later than 4 p.m. on Friday. No copy can be accepted after JO a.m. ou Saturday.]

WEDDINGS. CLARK—LTLLEY. A wedding of wide interest was solemnised at Christ Church, Whangaroi, on .Inno 27, by the Rev, H. T. Steele, when Coral, second daughter of Mrs Lilley and the late Air H, Lilley, was married to Lawrence, eldest son of Airs Clark and the late Air W. L. Clark, of Christchurch. The bride, who was escorted by her uncle, Air W. E. Lilley, was dressed in a gown of ivory serge georgette and lace and carried a shower boncpiet of roses and carnations.

In attendance as bridesmaids were Afiss Thelma. McCullough and Aliss Lois Lilley, cousin of the bride, who wore frocks of paventure blue crinkle crepe, with dove grey felt hats and carried bouquets of pink gorberas and maidenhair fern, Betty Lilley made a dainty flower-girl,- wearing a long frock of pale pink georgette, relieved with bine, and carried a basket of pink flowers. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Commercial Cafe, where Mrs W, E. Lilley received the guests wearing a black ensemble, and carrying a sheaf of rose shaded poppies, while Airs Lilley’s mother wore a black velour coat relieved with burgundywine hat and scarf, and carried a sheaf of violets and ferns.

Later the eonplc left for a holiday spent in the South, the bride travelling in a navy blue eoat, with hat, shoes and gloves to tone, AIcLE A N—MOREL A ND. A pretty wedding of much interest was solemnised on “Wednesday evening at St. Peter’s Church, Waipu, between Aliss Irene Alorcland, only daughter of Air and Airs W. Aloreland, of Finlayson’s Brook, and Air Donald AlcLenn, only son of Air and Airs D. At. AlcLean, of Waipu. The officiating minister was the Rev. Sinclair, of Paparoa, and Airs C, McLean played the Wedding Alarch. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a white satin beaute frock and embroidered tulle veil with a coronet of orange blossoms. Site carried a sheaf of Christmas lilies, ■She was attended by Aliss T. AleCullough, of Whangarei, as bridesmaid and little Aliss M. Palmer as flower girl. The bridesmaid’s dress was of powder bine suede crepe with shoes and mittens to tone. The flower girl was attired in pink erepe-do-ehino with floral headdress. The bride’s brother, Air K, .Moreland, acted ns best man.

After the ceremony a reception was held in the hail where some throe hundred guests were received by the bride’s mother, who was attired “in a nigger brown ensemble. She carried a posy of violets. The bridegroom’s mother wore figured crepe-de-chlnc. T.hc evening was spent in dancing, and after supper the cake was cut. Later the bridal couple left for the honeymoon, the bride wearing a royal blue ensemble with hat to match. EIGHTIETH BIRTHDAY PARTY. A number of friends and relatives of Mrs W. Mallindiue assembled at the home of her daughter in First Avenue, on duly 14, in honour of her 80th. birthday, and the party which followed was a fitting celebration of a memorable occasion. The esteem in which Mrs Mallindiue is held was exemplified by.the number of presents, letters and telegrams received from her well-wishers. , WOMEN’S CIVIC LEAGUE. The monthly general meeting of the Women’s Civic League was held on Wednesday, duly 2a, There was a good attendance of members and friends. At the kind invitation of the Post and Telegraph Department, the members were shown through the Automatic Telephone Exchange, and as some of the officials explained the working of the exchange it was a most instructive and interesting afternoon. The thanks and appreciation of the League were conveyed to the officials by the president, Mrs Evans, j “ . ] UNIVERSITY WOMEN’S CLUB. MUSICAL EVENING. The duly meeting of the University Women’s Club, field at the home of Mrs Blanshard, Oranga Road, was a musical evening provided by Mrs Blanshard and Miss McCorma ik. Some, women composers were chosen as the subject—Maude Valerie White, Charninade, Liza Lehmann, and Amy Woodford Findon. Interesting facts about the life of each composer and the nature of her works were given. To illustrate each, Airs Blanshard saug songs and records were played. Some of the items wore: — “When the Swallows Homeward Ely” and “Let Us Forget,” by Aland Valerie White; “The Little Silver Ring,” by Chaminade; “GoodMornfing, ' Brother Sunshine” and “The Wood Pigeon,” by Liza Lehmann; and, from Amy Woodford Finden’s works, “How Alany a Lonely Caravan,” '“Loss Thau the Dust” and “Allan be With Us.” Aliss McCormack accompanied each song, and the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Those present wore: Alesdamos Blanshard, Alonzies, Aforris, Wynyard, Briggs, Sligo, AlcKenzie, Afisses Bain, Thompson, Lamb, Henderson, Higginson, Johnston, Cathie, McCormack, and Scarfe.

COMING-OF-AGE PARTY. The home of Air find Airs R. T. Gibson, Powhiri Avenue, was the scone of :i very happy twenty-first birthday party lust Monday night in honour of Mr ken. McLennan. A largo number of Methodist Bible Class members and friends assembled. To the accompaniment of music and merry-making games, interspersed with singing and elocutionary items, a most enjoyable time was spent. A bountiful sit-down supper was provided, during which Mr A. Kelly proposed the toast to “The Guest of the Evening,” and presented him with a symbolic wooden key, which was made by Mr H. Cliff. On behalf of Bible Class members and friends, the Rev. E. E. Sage presented Mr McLennan with a handsome electric table lamp. The recipient suitably responded, expressing his great appreciation of the fellowship he had found in Church and Bible Class circles, as well as in the Gibson home since he came to Whangarei. Twenty-one candles wore lighted on a decorated birthday cake, which was in duo course cut and dispensed. After supper all repaired again to the slttingroom, where joy nnconflned continued until to the strains of “Auld Lang By lie" and “Lo, Here is Fellowship,a most enjoyable evening was brought to a close. GALA NIGHT AT MANGAPAI. WATOTTRA A. AND P. BALL. There was a packed hall at Mangapa i on Thursday, 2(!th, when the above ball took place. Waiotira and Alaungakaramea were represented by many A. and P. members and friends, and a full bus from Whangarei with the local people also present, swelled the crowd to fill the hall to the utmost capacity. An orchestra of five dispensed nuis'm full of “pep" and vigour. Two novelty dances eventuated, the winners of the Monte Carlo bein,g 'Miss A. Blagrovo and R. Douglas. A statue one-step was won In' Mrs Cross and Mr Rouse, Manga pa i ladies provided a sumptuous supper, the members of the association in particular working very enthusiasticallv.

A very lino tnrkoy ”1 von by Mr A. Hayward for hidden number guessing, by a eoineidenee was won by the donor, Mr Hayward handed the bird In and it was sold to Mr .1. O’Shea for 10/ti. Proceeds from the turkey amounted to approximately £2. The total profits for the evening were in the vicinity of ft!. Afler supper, Mr 11. Cliff spoke a few words to the audience, saying how pleased he was to lie able to welcome the president, Air A. Stephen, back after his indisposition. Mr Stephen, in a short speech, thanked the people for their attendance, and in particular the ladies for their fine efforts to make the function such a success. The men on the committee also put in considerable time in arranging and preparing for the dance. This was the second of the three dances to be held for the show, funds. Among the. ladles present were:— Mesdames Gulbransen, black satin, diamante trimming; A. C. Hayward, blue metalesse, shoes to tone; Manning, blue velvet; A. 0. Webb, kingfisher blue satin; Cross, chenille georgette; S, W. Crawford, apple green georgette; R. .laggard, rose jumper and navy skirt; .1, O’Shea electric blue windswept satin;T. O’Carroll, navy crepe de chine; S. IT. Ormandy, floral organdie; E. 11. Harrison, violet diagonal frock; A. E. Carter, rose pink crepe de chine and lace; E, McConnell, tangerine crinkle crepe, black coatee; L. Woolhouse, diagonal striped elephant skin; P. R. Carter, black satin; Parkin, pink velvet; ,T. E, Milne, black georgette and lace sequin trimmings; L. B. Einlayson, lemon floral taffeta; A. R. Cavayc, midnight blue crepe de chine; Churstain, black metalesse, with black lace; T. A. Sunnex, Waiotira, cornflour blue, cloak to tone; R. Lee, red and white check taffeta. Misses P. Churstain, lemon georgette, chenille coatee; E, Thorne, sea green silk georgette; F. Cubitt, poAvder blue crepe morocain; Linda , Wilkinson, pink crepe with black vel- ! vet cape; Kate Quinn, sunkist lemon matalasse; M, G. Thomson, pale green organdie; M, Carter, green crepe-de-chine; Mavis Hayward, ivory satin and lace, shoes to tone; G. Finlayson, emerald green satin; .1. Ringham, shell pink crepe-de-chlne; N. Blagrovo, red crope-de-chine and organdie; E. Patterson, lemon satin; Grace Thomson, shell pink crepe-de-chine; E. Thomas, lemon organdie; J. Snell, grey crinkle crepe trimmed with cherry, and shoes to tone; M. Ballantyne, pink AvindSAvept satin Avith pink shoes to tone; Chapman, Avine ring velvet; Mary Bench, salmon pink snede crepe, bridge coat to tone; I. Wonzlick, white satin; M, Whittle, salmon pink sand crepe; Helen Smith, blue tartan silk taffeta; D. Poos, black chiffon velvet, sequin cape; A. Whittle, old gold crinkle crepe; E. Horne, blade satin boauto, diamante trimmings; M. Macdonald. lettuce green georgette, white velvet coatee; M. Vaile, frilled pink organdie; D. Carter, flame avool craqnelle; T. Bell, lemon satin taffeta; C. Webb, pink katin brocade; J. Leo, midnight blue georgette. CHRIST CHURCH DANCE. There was an attendance of about SO couples at the fortnightly dance of the Christ Church Vestry in the Parochial Hall on Wednesday evening. The floor was in good order and excellent music was provided, Mr W. Reynolds Avas M.C. O’wo prizes for a Monte Carlo dance, presented by Mr Cos. Wright, wore won by Miss J). Steele and Mr Hooner.

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE. • T AH EKE. Alenibers of the Tahe;<e Women’s Xnstinte celebrated their second birthday on .Inly DR with a social afternoon. Alenibers of the Taheke Native Institute wore guests. After a session of community singing, the roll call, limericks, (mused much amusement. Competitions for the tasting ami guessing the correct names of 12 different articles used in a kitchen, was won by Aliss G. Ramsey; for nursery puzzles, bv Airs Is. O. Goodhew, and for fishing, by Airs E. Robbins. A cushion, 'donated by Mrs W. Pen nev Avas won by Mrs W. Pin. Airs Al. iW.’ Koymor recited. Afternoon tea was served by the I committee who were hostesses. A tcake, decorated with a banner workled in silks to represent the Institute |badge, flowers and two kewpios, douI at eel by Air W. D. White, was cut by i tho president, Airs Alaxwell, and passed around. I Community singing and the si ; giug of Hie Nation Anthem brought the a:V. moon to a close. A dance was hold in the evening in the. Taheke Hall, extras being played bv Airs S. Cope and Mrs E. Robbins. Mr C. Goodhew was ARC. A fowl roadv for the table, donated by Mrs \V. 11. White, was won by .Mr Koymor. AIART'A. Nearly 100 people met al the Mama Hall on July 10 to celebrate Hie second birlhday of the ALima Women’s Institute. Visitors from Whangarei, Hiknrang! and Whamunki were pre--out, Mrs Harrison. Hie president, received Hie guests. Much praise is due to Hie members of Hie Institute for a pleasant afternoon, A dainty afternoon tea was spread on a in Hie midd.e of tho hall, conspicuous upon it being a very tine birthday cake made by Aliss Bwinboiime and iced by .Mrs Day. Quite an excellent pa.•gramme was rendered, commem-lug ivHi Hi.“ InsHInle Song, followed be community singing. Misses Wnr-ingtrn. of Whangaroi, entertained tho guests wird a number of dances, which were gmatU enjoyed and heartily encored. I'iee members gave an excellent j.eriormanee in a play. “Riding Down c rom Bangor" was sung by Mrs TDss, w.-.Ht four members acting. Recitations wee given by Airs Clon.don v Hikuraugi), Airs Day and Mrs Fergusso.i. A “dumb” charade caused amusement amongst the guests. The hidden name was guessed by Airs Warrington. Evervone present received a slice of tho birthday eako, and a pleasant afternoon was brought to a close. WHANGAREI. The monthly mooting, over which Airs Holmes presided, was held in Hie Friendly Societies’ Hall. Several new members wore welcomed. After the business of choosing a delegate to represent Whangarei Centre at the formation of the new Federation on August IT, Mrs Scally, in the absence of Mrs Green, ably demonstrated the making of artificial flowers to an enthusiastic audience. Two-minute impromptu speeches delivered by several members, proved very interesting. The “recipe exchange.” an innovation, was popular. A “singing circle”

is being formed, and Mrs Blansbard is | to woild 1 In* baton. Mesdamos Fairley,} McMillan ami Komi, tlio hostesses, | sorvod an' onjoya l>lo afternoon tea, lifter which a competition was hold, it being won liy Mrs Blanshard, The nioollny concluded with the singing- of the farewell song and National An thorn. PAKl,’\ BAY, At tho July mm ;‘eg >.j : ISo Parta Bav Women's Institute, tho one-act play, “Aunt .lane’s Emancip ition, ‘ ’ was stayed and warmly applaudod. A diarv and book of photos from tho Antarotic took tho place of the usual demonstration. The competition for plain shortbread resulted in a win for Mrs Harwood. The roll call, “Useful Proverbs," exhibited the usual philosophy. WAIKJEKIE-WA 1.-ULTRA. Waikiekie-Waiotica. hold their monthly Women's Institute meeting on duly 10 in the Waikielcie Hall. The roil call was “Quaint Sayings of Children," which caused a great deal of amusement. Mrs Dorehill, of Maumi, gave a most interesting and hepfnl demonstration on glove-making, Mrs Ex ley was elected president in plaee of Mrs Leech. Mrs Leech was a most aide president and her resignation was accepted with much re- j grot. Tho competition scones was judged by Mrs Dorehill and won by Miss M. On i ley. The hostesses were Mrs Woodward and Mrs It. P.abe, KIP IP AKA. Mrs Ellin pr sided over a well at- ■ tended meeting of the Kiripaka ' Women’s Institute last Tuesday. Mrs H. Sands was welcomed with tho first institute baby. The enjoyabb- programme arranged by Mesdamos Ellin and Johnson consisted of community singing and roll call “Funny Stories.” A competition, “Best, household article made within an hour” was won bv Miss A. Tee, who made a floor mop. A \ote of thanks was passed to Airs H. Snell for the very interesting demonstrations she gave on moccasin-making and tin-ware.

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Northern Advocate, 28 July 1934, Page 5

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SOCIAL NEWS Northern Advocate, 28 July 1934, Page 5

SOCIAL NEWS Northern Advocate, 28 July 1934, Page 5