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MT. ALBERT’S NEW MAYOR MR R. FERNER ELECTED. I (Special to "Northern Advocate.") ' AUCKLAND, This Day, The poll held yesterday for the Mayoralty of Mt. Albert resulted in the election of Mr R. Ferner. Details of the voting are as follows: — Mr R. Ferner :!or»6 iMr Cr . J. Pickens ..... 2501.... Informal {) Majority 465 The election was rendered necessary by the retirement of the former Mayor, Mr W. F. Stillwell, on his ap« pointment to the Magistracy.

WESTFIELD STOCK SALE j i i STEADY DEMAND FOR BEEF. | i i i SHEEP VALUES LOWER. i i AUCKLAND, This Day. Messrs Alfred Buckland and Sons, Ltd., report on their sale as follows: — Beef. —We yarded 137 head, as against 287 head last week, comprising 110 steers and 30 cows and heifers.' The demand was steady, with no improvement in values. Extra choice ox sold to 20/ per lOOlbs; choice and prime, 10/ to 19/; secondary and plain, 14/ to I.*/; prime young cow and heifer beef, 10/ to 17/; ordinary cow, 10/ to 14/. Extra heavy prime young steers ranged in price from £8 in/ to £9 2/0; seven from Frankton averaged £8 12/10; seven from Patnmahoe, £7 0/1; eight from Tiran, £7 n/; eight from Hamilton, £0 11/10. Heavy prime steers ranged in price from £7 10/ to £8 2/0; lighter, £0 7/(5 to £7 '»/; light, £5 0/ to £0 5/; small and unfinished, £4 to £0 2/0. Extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £4 10/ to £0 0/; heavy prime cows and heifers, £4 7/0 to £4 10/; lighter, £3 10/ to £4; other killable cows, £2 to £3 10/. Sheep. —Sheep were penned in more than average numbers. Values were again lower from. 1/ to 2/ a head. A total of 1204 sheep was sold. Extra heavy prime wethers, £1 7/ to £1 9/9; heavy, £1 4/ to £1 6/; medium to heavy, £1 2/ to £1 3/; light to medium, £1 to £1 1/0; unfinished, 18/0 to 19/9. Extra heavy prime young ewes, £1 1/ to £1 2/3; heavy, 19/ to £1 0/0; lighter, 10/ to 18/0; other killablcs, 13/3 to 15/9; other, 7/ to 11/. Extra heavy prime hoggets, £1 0/0 to £1 3/6; heavy, 18/ to 10/3; lighter, prime, 16/0 to 17/3; light, 14/3 to 15/; small and plain, 11/9 to 13/6. Spring lambs: Two spring lambs realised £1 7/ and £1 8/3 respectively. Calves, —The ealf pens were again well filled. There were few prime runners and heavy vealers, the bulk of the offering being small sorts. Bidding was keen and all mother-fed ealves sold readily. No heavy runners were offered. Mediumweights made £2 to £3 1/; heavy vealers, £3 4/ to £3 10/; medium, £2 10/ to £2 16/; light, £1 17/ to £2 3/; small, £1 5/ to £1 11/; rough and bucket-fed, 8/ to 18/. Bobby calves, 3/ to 8/. A total of 252 calves was sold.

Pigs.—There was an increased entry of pigs. Competition was steady for all classes, and our quotations were fully equal to those ruling last week. Choppers made £1 In/ to £3 3/. according to weight; heavy prime haveners, £3 1/ to £3 3/; heavy > haveners. £2 In/ to- £3; medium, £2 ;"/ to £2 9/; light, £1 18/ to £2 2/; heavy porkers, £1 13/ to £1 19/; medium, £1 9/ to £1 11/; light, £1 0/ to £1 8/; unfinished and small, £1 to £1 4/; good stores, £1 to £1 2/; slips, I;"/ to IS/; good weaners, 12/ to 14/; weedy and small, V to 19/. A total of 403 pigs was sold.

ADDINGTON PRICES. FAT SHEEP SELL BETTER. CATTLE IRREGULAR, (Per Press Association.—Copyright.) CHRISTCHURCH, This Day. Values for fat sheep at the Addington sale yesterday were distinctly better than at the last sale a fortnight ago. Fat cattle sold irregularly at little change in values. ■Store sheep.—There was a good sale

for owes, which wore better by 1/6 : co 2/ a head. For young ewes, up to 20/ per 1001b,s avas paid. Hoggets I showed little change. Two-toothed > owes made 17/ to 20/. Good soundI mouthed, 14/ to 17/0; ordinary si.v----j toothed, to 12/; good six-toothed, to i 10/; sound and failing-mouthed, 10/ to 12/; good three-quarter ewe hoggets, to 15/9; medium wethers, 0/6 to 10/0; ordinary wethers, to 8/6. , Fat Sheep.—A small entry included several outstanding lines of sheep from south of Rangitata. Values were better at last sale by 2/6 for light sheep and 2/ for medium and heavy. Extra prime heavy wethers made 34/10. Prime heavy, 26/ to 28/6; ordinary, 20/ to 22/6; light, 17/ to 10/6; extra heavy prime ewes, to 20/10; prime heavy, 22/ to 2.1/; mediumweight prime, 10/ to 21/6; ordinary, lij/6 to 18/6; light, 12/ to .11/ , extra prime hoggets, to 20/4; prime. 10/6 to 21/; medium, 17/6 in 10/; light, 11/6 to 17/. Fat Cattle. —About 100 were yarded. Some exceptionally good draft:; of Poverty P>ay and Southland eanle wore forwarded. Good beef made 22/

to 24/ per lOOlbs; sj>cc ; nl young beef, tn 26/; heavy, IS/ to 21/; medium, lb/ to IP/; inferior, flown to 12/0; extra heavy prune steer?, to £l3 7/0; prime heavy, £0 0/ to £11; mediumweight prime, £8 tn £10; ordinary, £j •'/ to £7 1."/; light, io id 10/; extra prime heifers, to £!» 17/0; prime, £0 0/ to £8 d/; ordinary, £l :"/ to £0; light, to £1; extra prime row.?, to .CD; prime, £d .I'/ to £7 10/; ordinary, £.4 Id/, to £d .10/; aged, to £4 Id/. Pat Pigs. —A medium entry in the fat pig section met with a fair demand, baconers being a little firmer. Choppers made 40/ to £4 (i/; baconers 36/ to £3 6/ (average price per lb, 4d to 4-Jd); porkers, 20/ to 33/0 (average price per lb, 3d to 4§d).

AT STORTFORD LODGE. | RATES REMAIN FIRM. | GOOD DEMAND. j I (Per Press Association. —Copyright.) j HASTINGS, This Day. Values were fully firm on last j week ’s rates at the Stortford Dodge j sale yesterday, when a yarding of 820 fat cattle met with a good demand Prime beef sold particularly well and realised rates which showed an improvement on those of last week. ' Lighter lines sold at rates which showed less improvement, while travelled drafts, which were in big supply, sold at rates on a par to sbghtly improved. In the early part of the sale a slight fall in values was anticipated in some quarters, owing to the siz.o of the entries, but. the good competition from outside ouyors kept the market firm. Prices were; Bullocks, medium to prime, £•> 1;>/ to £8; others, from £4 d/; cows, medium to prime, £3 1-V to £•>; others, from £2 *»/; heifers, medium to prime, £4 it/ to £0 4/; others, from £2 13/0. There was a yarding of 2oou fat sheep, the bulk of the entries comprising ewes and wethers. Values unchanged from last wmek. As the quality was slightly inferior there was little outside competition, local buyers purchasing the majority of the offerings. Prices were: —Ewes, medium to prime, 10/ to 22/; others, from 10/0; hoggets, medium to prime, 1(5/ to 22/; others, from 11/; wethers, medium to prime, 17/0 to 23/; others, 11/0. A yarding of 4000 store sheep came forward, many hoggets being entered. The quality "was plain, and rates showed little change from those of last. week. Ewes made 13/fi to 20/8; wethers, 12/0 to Id/; hoggets, 10/3 to 15/0.

BONDS AND SHARES. AT T STB ALI AN T R ANS A CTI ON S. SYDNEY, August 10. On the Sydney Stock Exchange today, in a rather quiet market, a generally steady undertone was maintained. This morning’s sales included; — Commonwealth 4 per cent, bonds: 1938, £lO3 7/0; 1957, £lO4 7/6; 1959, £lO4 15/; 1901, £lO5. Tooth’s Brewery, 38/0; Anthony Hordern, New Zealand delivery, 10/5; Broken 11:11 Pty., 37/; Wilcox Motflin, 8/5. Sales this afternoon included: — Bank of New South Wales, £33 7/0; 'National Bank, £5 paid, £0 8/; Colonial Sugar, £59 12/0; Howard Smith, 10/5; Australian Gas, A shares, £7 7/0; Anthony Hordern, New Zealand delivery, 10/5; ditto, preference. 19/101; Australian Provincial Assurance, 11/0; Australian Glass, 50/3; Goldsbrough Mort, 28/3; Henry Jones, '3B/9; Australian 'iron and Steel, preference, 15/9; Dunlop Perdreau, 18/3: Standard Cement, 16/3; Hoyts, A preference, 14/0; Meggitt’s, 20/71; Winchcombe Carson, 27/101; Wilcox Mofflin, 8/4; Broken Hill Pty., 37-'; Bulolo Gold, 88/; Bulolo Deposits, 2/71; Mt. Morgan, 39/101; Tooth’s Brewery, 38/0; Toohey’s Brewery, 23/0, Commonwealth 4 per cent bonds: 1938, £10.3 5/; 1941, £lO3 8/9; 1944, £104; 1950, £lO3 17/0; 1953, £lO3 17/0; 1955, £104; 1957, £lO4 5/; 1959, £lO4 10/; 1901, £lO5. Melbourne sales included: Goldsbrough mort, 28/3; Herald and Weekly Times, 45/0; Electro Zine, preference, 32/0; Taranaki Oil, 2/0.

j BRITISH WAR LOAN. APPROACHING PAR. (British Official Wireless.) RUGBY, August 13. War loan, 31 per cent,, is quoted at £O9 16/3, compared with £O9 18/0 yesterday. EXPERIMENTAL SHIPMENT. — % ABOARD THE OTRANTO. (Received 0 a.m.) LONDON, August 16. The Orient Line is fitting two small chambers in the Otranto for her next voyage for an experimental shipment ■'of chilled beef. Carbon dioxide is to be used in one chamber. GOLD AND SILVER, QUOTATIONS. LONDON, August .13. Fine gold is quoted today at £6 4/10 per ounce, compared with £6 4/0 yesterday. Silver is quoted at 17d an ounce spot and 17id forward compared with 17 13-16 d and 17ftd yesterday. The quotation for silver at per lino ounce is 19Jd, compared with 10 3-16 d yesterday.

LOCAL STOCK SALES. WALTER WAKELIX'S REPORTS. Walter Wakolin reports as follows; I held my usual monthly sales at Whakapara and Maungatapere and midmonthly sale at Kamo during the week. 'l'he yardings, which were very satisfactory, consisted, principally of dairy stock. Dairy cows and heifers of tin host quality met with keen competition, hut backward and; inferior cattle were not keenly sought. A heavy yarding of pigs at Kamo sold readily to a full bench of buyers. Quotations: — Whakapara, Monday.—Fat cows and heifers, £2 to £3 5/-; boner cows, 10/- to £1 5/-; 3-year S.H. Steers, £3; 2-year Steers, £1 15/- to £2 5/-; yearling S.H. Steers, £1 2/- to £1 7/-; store cows, 17/0 to £1 5/; best dairy cows and heifers made up to £5; backward S.H,

heifers ,Ci 15/- to £2 15/-; wether hog gets, 11/-; store jiifjs, £l. -M;iungata p ore, Tuesday.—Best dairy cows and heifers, £4 to £f>; backward, cows and heifers, £- to £-!; boner cows. £5 to £1 5/-; yearling Jersey heifers, £1 17/-; yearling S.H. Steers £1 10/-: yearling Jersey bulls, £i! to £.‘! 15/-. Kamo, Wednesday.— Fat cows aiK heifers, £l! to £.'l Id/-; a line of fat and. forward bullocks averaged £1 11/-; forward steers, £l’ Id/-; boner cows, .’>/■ n, £1 10/-; best dairy cows and heifers made £5 to £(! 1/-; Shorthorn springing heifers, £1 Id/- to £°. Id/-; backw.-nd Jersey heifers, £:i to £.l li’/O; inferior cows and heifers, ££ to ££ Id/-; dairy cows, in milk, ££ 10/- to £5. . Pigs.— Large stores, £1 I/-; slips, 15/- to 10/0; best weaners, 15/- to 17/0; medium weaners, 10/- to 14/0; store wethers, 11/0; forward, ewes, 0/-; r.m. ewes,) <*mply, 5/-, I

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Northern Advocate, 17 August 1933, Page 10

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COMMERCIAL Northern Advocate, 17 August 1933, Page 10

COMMERCIAL Northern Advocate, 17 August 1933, Page 10