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iVA Auckland (000 kilocycles).—-J j Selected rc'-onlings; 3.1.", liter-| ;i ,y selection by tke Announeer. A.Or ! ' 'l'iblren’s session; eoiuliiejed by Cin-J .'crcllii. 6.60; Dinner music session, j 7.0; News and. market; reports. 8.0: j R-lny from the Auckland Town Hall j of a concert by ilie Auckland MuiiiC. j i>;, 1 Band, under the conductor,ship of I Afr George Buckley, assisted by IYA j artists. —The Band, the National Anthem, march “The Vedette” and overture “Pique Dame”; tenor, .Mr R. |Eskrigge, “E Lucevau le Welle”; selection, Baud, “Two Excerpts from the Pathetic ■Symphony”; clontralto, Miss Ik Gribbin, “Like to the Damask Rose”; characteristic piece, Baud, “The Mill in the Black Forest,” selection “Rienzi” and waltz ‘ 1 Stories of the Forest of Vienna”: flute. Mr H. McLennan, “Lucia Fantasia”; tenor, Mr B. Eskriggo, “Thank God for a Garden” suite, Bund, “Suit do Ballet” and “Coppelia”; cornet, Mr F Bowes, “Emmett’s Lullaby”; contralto, Miss PGribbin, “Moorings”; intermezzo, i Band, “Flirtation” and march “Crusader”; programme of dance music from the studio till 11 p.m.

2YA Wellington (720 kilocycles).— 3 p.m: Selected gramophone recordings; 3.3o'and 4.30, sporting results to hand. 7.0; Children’s session, conducted by Aunt Molly. 6.0; Dinner music- session. 7.0; News, market reports and sports results. 7.40; Talk, Dr. J. L. G. Sutherland, “Education on the Air.” S.O: Relay from the Town Hall of concert by the Wellington Apollo Singers. 10.0: Dance music* programme. 11.0: Sporting summary. 3A’A Christchurch (080 kilocycles) —3 p.m: Gramophone recital; 4.2-u sports results. 7.0: Children’s hour, conducted by Aunt Pat, Sunny Jim and .lack Frost. 6.6; Dinner music session. 7.0: News and reports. 7,30: Sports results. 8.0; Overture, “Old Alnsical Comedy Gems”; bass, Air L. AT. Fleming, “Gipsy John” and “At Dawning”; accordeon, Mr ML \V. Summer, waltz “Mellow Aioon.” “There’s a Rainbow Round my Shoulder” and “E Pari Ra”; cabaret songs at the'piano with banjolele, the Rose and Thistle Duo, “Little White Lies” and “A Girl Friend of a Boy Friend of Aline”; Hawaiian Harmony Pour “One, Two, Three, Four Waltz” and “Rose of Honolulu”; tenor, Mr E .R. Pitman, “ Alarguerite ” and “Firstly, Aly Dear Brethren”; piano. Miss A. Warren, “ Vcnetionno ‘’ (Godard); humour iu song and story, Air Jock Lockhart; instrumental, Broadcasting Trio, “Capriccio” (Reissegcr), “Water Lilies” (Hope) and “Bolero” (Spanish Dance —Moskowski); weather report and station notices; band, “Sylvja Ballet”; bass, Air L. N. Fleming, “La Paloma”; accordeon, Air W. W. Sumner, “M.e?:i-. cali Rose,” “Bridget O’Flynn” and “Sleepy Valley”; cabaret songs at the piano with banjolele, the Rose and Thistle Duo, “Just a Little Closer” and “Hello, Swauec, Hello”; Hawaiian Harmony Four, “I Hear the Ukuleles Calling Ale Homo” and “Aloha Oe”; tenor, Air E. E. Pitman “Jogging Along the Highway” piano, Aliss A. Warren, “Juba”; vocal novelty, “Jntip Raimi” and “ Cuando Quicras TJorar” ;ir.strinneutal, Broadcasting Trio, ‘ ‘ Tarantella ’ ’ (Hiller), “A La Passpied” (Williams) and “Valse” (Gounod). 10,0; Dance music.

4V.\ Dunedin ((!.')() kilocycles). —2.30 p.m: Description of Xow Zealand eight-oar rowing championship and other events. 5.0: Children’s hour, conducted by Aunt Anita and Big Brother Bill. 6.0: Dinner music, ses sion. 7.0: News and reports. 8.0: Belay of vaudeville programme from ’3YA Christchurch. 10.0: Dance session. Australian Stations 2FC Sydney (401. metres). —7.15 p.m., Children’s session; 9.30, concert programme from Central Hall, Newcastle; vocal and instrumental items; 12.17, dance music from Boauo’s. 2BI; Sydney (.“.53 metres). —7.45 p.m., A.B.C. Oehcstra; 9.30, A.B.C. Dance Band: vocal items. SUNDAY, MAEGH 22. I.YA Auckland (900 hiio.-ycles;. —3 Selected recordings; 3.15, liteiary selection by the .Announcer. 6.0: ch l ld it n song service, conducted l-y I'licie Bert. 6.55; Belay of Divine service, from the Berosford Street Congregational Church; preacher, Be'.. A. \. Whiteng;. 8.30: Studio concert 2Y\ Wellington (720 kilocycles).3 to 4.30: Selected gramophone v- . ordiug:-. 0.60: Children’s sec-eon, condi .-led by L'ucle George, as-’-ted bv riildren s eh.air from 1 1-<■

Moronni Mevhodist Church. 7d' - Hel;iy of service from St. Foul's Froi ';il lioil ro I; j i r(*ri <• 1 11* r, <'omm I ’< ■ re i :i! domes. S.ld; Studio concert. .’A A ('hristr!ilireh (.OSD kilocycles). —-{>.in : Cromophone recitol. d.MU: (,'!i i Id ten ’s son;> service by children of tlic .Methodist Smulov Schools. (i. Id; (’liiincs from studio. * >. -11 1 : ludoy of service from St. Morv’s A n**l ic-r*li ('liurcli, Merivole; preochcr. Veu. A rchdeoi-on F. 1!.'gift. 7.-Id; )lusicol rt- 1- (irdi ll ,us from studio. S,(t: Belov of studio j mol; i'.'i m m r from tV.\ ItilUcdill. IV.\ 1 > n m - < 1 i n (tldd kilocycles!.—• ' 1 p.m: Select c<l recordings. d.MtF Children ’s soil"- service, conducted hy l>i,d Brother Bill. (I. Id: Inst rumen to 1 recordings. Belov from First

Church of (Mill’d of special service , iu connection with the* 83rd tin 1 ;i; I sary of Otago. At this service his | Worship the Mayor, city councillors i and representatives of the Larly Sc-t- ■ tiers' .Association and other pnldi j bodies will he present. 7.4.>: Selected | recordings. S.h",; Items from studio. j i dVB New Plymouth (ItHiO kilo- | ..v.-.lps) _c p.m: children’s service. Studio concert, j Australian Stations. 1 * i ! L’PC Sydney (4.71 metres). —/.-’•I) jp.m., Gramophone recital; !h4;i, eonjcert from Her Majesty 's -theatre; ' •>- ; cal items. j 2HP Sydney I HA? me I res,) .—7. HO Ip.m., Children’s session; 8.40, seitjic(‘ from St. dames’ Church; h).O, concert programme; M,clropolilau t>and, 'etc.

| MONDAY, MARCH 23. 1 IV A Auckland.— Silent. j 2VA Wellington (720 kilocycles).— 3 p.m; Selected gramophone recordlings; 3.30 and 4.30, sporting results ito hand. 7.0; Children’s session, coni ducted by Uncle Jell. 0.0; Dinner mu--1 s i(. .session. 7.0; News, market reports |and sports results. 8.0: Overtoil e, 2VA Orchestrina, “Der Freischutz ”) (Weber); recital by Mr H. Temple I White (organ), Air Leon de Manny i (violin), Alias Hilda Chudlely (conjtralto): Violin and organ, “Sonata in j A Alajor” (Handel); contralto, violin land orgau, “Hove Angeliquo” (Ru--1 henstein'; selection, Orchestrina, : ‘‘ Symphonic Militaire iu G Alajor ’ (Haydn); baritone, Mr E. Short, with orchestral accompaniment, “The Pauper’s Drive” and “The AVhite Dove”: string quartet, “German (Dances, Minuets Nos. .3 and 7”; clajrinet and trumpet duet with orcjicsjtral accompaniment,. “Berceuse”; male choir, “Dir Singcn Wir” and '•‘Die Hold des Priodcns”; weather report and station notices; dances, Orcliostriua, “Two Spanish Dances” {Moszkowski); recital by Air H. Temple White, Air Loon .de Manny and Miss Hilda Chudley: violin and organ, “ Aleditation ” (Afassonet); contralto, violin and organ, “Farewell to Sum in r” and organ, “Triumphal March” (Lemmons); choir “The AiilJ in the Black Forest” and “Faust Waltz, Act 2”; air, Orchestrina “Old Vienna” (Drdla) and “'Minuet” (Paderewski); baritone, Air P. Short, “Largo A 1 Factotum”; cello, “Alazjurka” (Popper) and “Guitarre”; se(renadc, Orchestrina, “Domain” j(Blon) ami “From Foreign I’arts” | (Moszkowski). 10; Dance programme j until 11 p.m. 1 V A Christchurch (080 kilocycles), j—3 p.m; Gramophone recital; 4.2(1, sports results. 7.0; Children’s hour, conducted by Cousin Alargot and the I Mystery Alan. 6.0: Dinner musi c session. 7.0: News and reports. 8.0: | Programme by Woolston Brass Band ! (Conductor R. J. Estall) and 3YA ar- | lists. —March, Band, “Harlequin” !( Rimmor) and overture “Nabucodo-, inosor”; baritone, Mr K. AJ. Fountain, '“The Watchman” and “The Return’’; two pianos, “Shimmy”; soprano, Aliss H. McKay, “The Cuckoo” and “Spreading the News”; band, “Gallantry”; humour, Air J. P. Darragh, “The Tale of Little Sliakuin”; cello, “Mazurka” (Werkweister); mezzo soprano, Aliss L. Black, “Trees” and “Lilacs”; cornet solo, Bandsman 11. Ohlscn, ‘‘The Caledonians”; tenor, Mr’ W. ,1. Bischlager, ‘‘Lorraine”; two pianos, “Tguao”; weather forecast and station notices; orchestral, “Love’s Dream After the Ball”; baritone, Air K. At. Fountain, “The Toilers”; humoresque, Baud, “The Coster’s Courtship”; soprano, Miss 11. 'McKay, “Good-Morning, Brother Sunshine’’ and “Thank A r ou for Thanking Ale”; cello, “Alimiet

in 1) Major” (Werkweistcr); humour. Mr P. Darragh, “A Triple Toast”; selection, Band, “Ballet Bgyptien ” (Lnigini); mezzo soprano, Miss L. Black, “A Memory” and .“Sleepy Hollow Tune ”; balalaika orchestra, “Romanze” (folk song) and “Cipsy Romance”; tenor, Mr VV. J. Bisch lager, “Entreaty” and “Requiem”; dance intermezzo. Band, “Wedgwood Blue” and march “8.8. and t '.P. ” 4TA Dunedin (630 kilocycles).— 2..‘1(1 p.m; Relay from Early Settlers’ Hall, Dunedin, of speeches and niusi cal items on the occasion of the <S3nl anniveisary of Otago. .1.0: Children’s hour, conducted by Big Brother Bill. d.O: Dinner music l session. 7.0; News ami reports. 7.40; Relay from Early Settlers’ Hall, Dunedin, of a concert arranged by the Otago Early Settlers’ Association on tiie occasion of flu .'v>rd anniversary of Otago. 2VB New Plymouth (1230 kilocycles).—(i.3o; Children’s session. 7.30; News, markets, and information. ■NO; Stnd'o concert. Australian Stations. 2EC Sydney (4-51 metres). —7.13 p.m.. Children’s session; 5.13, A.B.C. String Septet: 0.311, community singing, etc.. from the Auburn Town Hall; 12.0, dance music from Romano 's. 2i} i. Sidney (333 metres). —0 p.m.. Radio Rhythm: 7.43. A.B.C. String Septet; P.3U. A.B.C. Orchestra: 0.37, Hresham Singers, in shanties ami sea songs; 10.4, A.B.C. Players present “Patent Applied For”; studio items.

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Northern Advocate, 21 March 1931, Page 2

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BROADCASTING Northern Advocate, 21 March 1931, Page 2

BROADCASTING Northern Advocate, 21 March 1931, Page 2