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(Ninon is always glad to receive news of social items —weddings, dances, | parties, etc.—for ißclusioa in her f Letter. Communications should be addressed to her at the Office of the “Northern. Advocate. ”) DEAR VALERIK, — Miss Nellie Carruth is holidaying in Rttorua. _ • « Mrs T. Mitchell returned early in the week from a visit to Auckland. * * • • . Mrs Organ has returned from a visit to Auckland. Mrs Rout, of Paparoa, is on a visit lo her mother, Mrs Good. • • • • Mrs Trimble, of Hokianga, is visiting friends in Whangarei. »•« ' * Mrs Brababon, of Pentland Road, is holidaying in Auckland, and; left by train last Monday. * * • • Mrs Chatters, of Maunp, is visiting Auehlahd. •■* • • Miss M. V. Collins, of Montazah, is spending a holiday in Auckland this week.

The Monday Eight had au enjoyable evening at the residence of Airs Murdoch last Monday. * * • » Miss Gwen Hosking is spending a holiday in Auckland, and is the guest of ; Mrs E. Mitchelson, Eemuera, * m ♦ m ’ Mr and Airs John Knight arrived from Auckland on Thursday and are staying with Airs Richardson, Hunt ■Street, •■• * • Mrs Sword, Afill Road, gave a very pleasant bridge evening (last Saturday. There were three tables, the prizes going to Mrs Millington and Mrs Higginson. * ■ » . <m « • Alts C. Hamilton-Irvine and Miss E. Arthur; who have been the guests of Mrs E. Jarvis, Brighton Road, for the occasion of the wedding of Mrs Jarvis’ daughter, returned to Auckland on Motrday. \ * • '• • ' On Monday night the literary circle af the Club held an open night, the la«t of the literary series for the season, whelfi a very interesting and instructive talk was given by Ate F. W. Reed on the history of the historical novel. * 9 m m The High School girls and their teachers gave the St. Cuthbert visitors a glorious time on Saturday evening, when a dance was held at the girls’ hostel. A dainty supper was served, and everyone enjoyed the evening; in spite of the rain. On Sunday afternoon the visitors were taken round in cars and shown some of our beauty spots.

'Mesdames Peat, Gallon, Johnstone and Staples were the hostesses at a most 1 bridge party which wah |pven in the Ritz on Thursday evening. The floral decorations were beautiful large bowls of Iceland poppies, stocks, and wallflowers, be : r.g dotted about on tables in the centre of the room. There were 22 tables, and the prize winners ■were Mrs H. Crane, Mrs Hall, Mrs Eout a’id Mrs Boult. A very dainty supper was served after the play finished, it being close on midnight before the guests left for their homes.

A very enjoyable party, promoted by Mr and Mrs W. P. Naughton in honour of their son Norman, was held in the Parochial Hall on Monday evening. About 65 guests were present, and a happy time was spent in games and dancing. The music was supplied by Mrs McLennan, The hall was tastefully decorated, and streamers and confetti added to the effect of gaiety. Mr C. Woods acted as M.C. During the dainty supper, which was provided by Mrs Naughton, several toasts were honoured. Mr E. Hill, on behalf of the visitors, in a neat speech thanked the hosts for a most pleasant and enjoyable evening. * » • « Mrs A. D. Jack and Miss Brough-tou-Carr acted as hostesses at a jolly little party last Saturday evening, when the members of the east of <( Mrs Gorringe’s Necklagc” entertained a few friends. Progressive bridge, music and dancing made the evening pass very pleasantly, the bridge prizes being won by Miss M. Brbughton-Carr and Mr C. Dent. Among those present were:—Mesdames Jack, Crosby, Laurenson and Neale; Misses Brady, Broughton-Carr (2), B. Crane, Cullen (2), E. Higginson, G. Matheson, G. Hosking, London and P. Weir; Messrs. Beveridge, Dent, Gillespie, Gttove, Hewin, Higginsoh, Crosby, Hansen, McDonald, Laurenson, Neale, Morgan, Letfotd and V. Maeken. SURPRISE PARTY. On Thursday evening, 22nd inst., the members of the Y.W.C.A, Home Ghass paid, a Surprise visit td the haihe of Mrs G. H. Hill, Grahfetti Street. Mrs Hill, Who takes a jrr&at interest in St. John Ambulance work, fois an enthusiastic member of a nursing division in Dunedin for tome years, and now has been helping the’Y.W.C.A. First Aid and Home Nursing Classes in Whangarei in a veiy practical way, right through their course. The surprise party was planned by the class to show their appreciation of Mrs Hill’s preSehce and help, and upon arrival she #*«. presented with a large Tbu|ttet of floWerS, it«. the

evening passed very merrily with all kinds of fun, games and impromptu items, speeches and musical honours being, of course, part of the programme. Everyone felt care-free and gay, for last Monday the nursing examination had been held, with Dr Ward as examiner in the; oral and practical work. The candidates are now anxiously awaiting results.



A distinct triumph, fittingly culminating a most successful series, marked the final dance held in Gardner’s Hall on Thursday evening, under the auspices of the Armstrong Avenue Anglican Church. The door takings constituted a record for any dance held in the hall and 100 couples danced on a perfect floor to the music provided by an orchestra consisting of Messrs. A. Smyth (piano), D. Mason (violin), A. Leatherby (cornet), B. Leatherby (trombone) and W. Calder (drums). Novelty streamers, hats, balloons, eicades, and photo trumpets w r ere distributed lavishly, and when these decorations, specially reserved for the Anal occasion, were flounted a scene of indescribable pieturesqueness was presented. Air H. Haynes capably carried out the duties of M.O,

The ladies’ supper and decoration committees are to be congratulated upon their splendid efforts, and much of the success of the series is due to the Rev. J. Rich, who spared no effort as secretary to perfect all arrangements.

HOCKEY CLUB FUNCTION. Although following so close upon the attraction in Gardner’s Hall upon the previous evening, the final dance promoted by the Old Girls’ Hockey Club in the Parochial Hall on Thursday was successful from every viewpoint. About 35 couples took part in the dancing, the music for which was provided by Alessrs. A. Smyth (piano) and D, Afason (violin). Extras were played by Aliases A. MaeKay and E. Le Ruez and Air S. B. Dunn. Alembers of the club provided the supper, and also carried out the work of decorating tlf6 hall. Mr C. E. Collins acted as announcing AI.C.

WEDDINGS. FYFE—NORTH. A very pretty wedding of much local interest took place at the Church of England, Whangarei, on September 15, when Miss Florence North, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur (Jack) North, Whangarei, was married to Mr Eoy Erie Fyfe, eldest son of Mrs T. Hollows, Whangarei. The Rev. J. Rich Conducted the ceremony,' The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a beautiful frock of georgette and Brussels lace, the long veil with silver sprays forming a train and was caught around the head with orange blossoms. She wore silver shoes and stockings, and carried a beautiful bouquet of white flowers. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Lena North, who wore a frock of shell pink erepe-de-chine, with shoes and stockings to match. Her head-dress was a wreath of gold leaves and flowers. She carried a bouquet of sweet peas. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr N. Hollows, as best man. When leaving the church the happy couple were met with showers of confetti thrown by friends and wellwishers.

The wedding party and guests proceeded to the residence of Mr and Mrs T. Hollows, Ewing’s Road, where’ 40 guests sat down to the wedding breakfast. The table was tastefully decorated in pink and wfiite. A three-tier wedding cake made by the bridegroom’s mother adorned the centre of the table. The usual toasts were honoured.

Mr and Mrs Fyfe left by the express for Auckland and Cambridge, where the honeymoon was to be spent. The bride wore a frock and coat of navy repp, with hat to match. They were the recipients of many useful and beautiful presents.

TURNBULL —BELTON. A quiet wedding ot local interest took place at Whangarei last Saturday, the principals being Miss Phyllis Mary Belton, second daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Belton, of Valley Road, Hiknrangi, and Mr C. Turnbull, eldest son of Mr and Mrs C. Turnbull, also of Valley Road. After the ceremony the newly married couple were entertained to a sumptuous wedding breakfast at the residence of the bridegroom’s parents, thci'e being a large attendance of relatives and friends to honour the occasion. The bride was the recipient of numerous handsome presents, including a substantial cheque from her father. HELLIER—EDWARDS. A pretty wedding, which aroused much local interest, took place at the Whakapara Anglican Church on Wednesday, September 14. The contracting patties were Maudie, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Edwards, of Whakapara, and Albert Percy Hellier, lath of Whakapara. The Rev. Edwards performed the ceremony. The bridegroom Was supported by Mr J. Edwards, the bride’S brother, as groomsman, and Miss Phylis Jones attended the bride. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked radiant in a beautiful frack ®f crepe-de-chine and lace,

and carried a bouquet of frecsias. The bridesmaid’s dress was of torquoisc blue crcpe-de-chine, with headdress of tulle to match, a bouquet of freesias and violets being carried, A pleasing and pretty feature, after the ceremony, was the formation of a guard of honour, composed of the pupils of the Whakapara native school. With evergreens and arum lilies they formed an arch, under which, at the entrance of Mr Edwards’ residence, the bridal procession passed to the wedding breakfast.

A large number of guests assembled, and toasts wore honoured and congratulatory speeches made. Mr and Mrs Hellier departed by the express the following day for Auckland, where a few days will be spent before taking up residence in their home near Cambridge.

YOUNGHUSBAND—JARVIS. Wednesday, September 14, was the occasion of the quiet, but pretty wedding, of Hilda, only daughter of Airs E. Jarvis, Whangarei, to Lance, elder son of Mrs A. M. Akmnghusband, of Dargaville. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Rich in the Anglican Church, Whangarei. Entering the church on the arm of her mother, the bride looked very nice attired in a frock of shrimp pink crepe-de-chine, with long panel of ecru Valenciennes lace. She wore a crinoline hat to match and carried a very beautiful shower bouquet with tulle streameis to match.

Miss Edna Arthur, of Auckland, was bridesmaid, and wore a frock of daffodil georgette with picot edged panels and trimmed with taffetas silk to tone. She wore a black crinoline hat and carried a bouquet of mauve with streamers to match.

Little Jacqueline Blair and Avis Arthur, the latter of Auckland, ma le two very dainty little flower girls. The former had a pretty hand-made French model net frock over pink, and had a basket filled with beautiful pink stocks. The latter’s frock was of forget-me-not blue and was trimmed with hand-made posies. Her little basket was filled with blue daisies. Their head dresses were made of lilies-of-the-valley and tulle.

Mrs Jarvis, mother of the bride, wore a frock of navy taffetas, elaborately embroidered in silver tinsel, and wore a hat of rose beige. Her bouquet was made of autumn tinted flowers.

Mrs Younghusband, mother of the bridegroom, wore a frock of cyclamen repp with felt hat to m'ateh. Air Herbert Wales, of Wanganui, carried out the duties of best map.

After the ceremony, a reception was held at the home of the bride, the happy couple leaving later for the North, amidst a shower of confetti.

CURRY-POLLOCK A very pretty ceremony of much interest to residents of Whangarei and Mangakahia districts, was solemnised at the Roman Catholic Vicarage on Tuesday morning last, when the marriage took place of Mr Raymond Herbert Curry and Miss Irene Pollock, of Whangarei and late of Phrakao. The Rev. Father Campbell officiated. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr Alex Pollock, wore a graceful frock of rose pink georgette, with large crinoline hat to match. She also wore champagne shoes and stockings, and carried a beautiful shower bouquet of shell-pink sweet peas. The bridesmaid, Miss Hilda Plaisted, wore a becoming dress of powder-blue brocaded satin, with deep cream lace trimmings. 'She also wore a crinoline hat to match, and champagne shoes and stockings, Mr Horace Saunders carried out the duties of best man.

After the ceremony the guests were entertained at the Marble Bar, where about 30 sat down to a sumptuous wedding breakfast. The usual toasts were honoured, and Mr and Mrs Curry left in the express for Auckland, whore the honeymoon will be spent. Their future home will be in Parakao,

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Northern Advocate, 24 September 1927, Page 5

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LADIES' LETTER Northern Advocate, 24 September 1927, Page 5

LADIES' LETTER Northern Advocate, 24 September 1927, Page 5