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SENIOR FOOTBALL, Town 19 beat Countrv 3.

JUNIOR, Hora Hora 11 beat Waiotira 3. Pioneer 28 beat Old Boys 3. High School 35 beat Kiripaka 0. Hikurangi 6 beat Kamo 3. Portland 3 drew with Maungakaramea 3.

THIRD GRADE. Y.M.C.A. 35 beat Hora Hora 3. High School B 7 beat Parua Bay 3 Old Boys 19 beat Kamo 8.


Waiotira 1, Waro A 1. For tho former Curran goaled and for the latter Ackers goaled.

Y.M.C.A. 3, Portland 1. For Y.M.C.A. Caldwell sliot two goals and McCullough one. Kitcat goaled for Portland. Hikurangi 1, Waro nil. Hellens notched the only goal.



Fine weather and dry grounds favoured Rugby footballers on Saturday, v/her the Wliangaroi Rugby Union's junior and third grade competitions were continued. The senior grade competition was suspended and a trial match was played between a country side comprising Hora Hora and Hikurangi play3rs and Town, embodyin <r Kamo and Old Boys. In the junior and third grade no surprises were effected and the results of the games had little effect upon the progress of the competitions. THE TRIAL MATCH. The teams in the Town v. Country trial game were as follows:— Country.—Full-back, G. Kerr; threequarters, C. Griffin, F. Litt and W. Berghan; 'five-eighths, J. Hamilton and E. Meyer; half, Canes; rover, R. Arneil; back row, A. Cunningham and A. McDonald; second row, B. Clot- ' worthy, T. O'Shea and T. Wells; hook eiv, F. O'Shea and A. Wells.

Town. —Full-back, A. Ridings; threequarters, C. Collins, D. Wilson and J. Bexjhre; five-eighth a, A. McKay and A. McDonald; half, J. Collins; rover, A. E. Sowman; back row , C. Finlayson and Smith; second row, Tote Finlayson, E. Emerson and A. Dunn; hookers, M. Sheriff and N. Clotworthy.

The town headed by Tote FinlayFon, Dunn and Sowman, were aggressive early and an onslaught ended in touch in goal. Hidings was prominent in saving well shortly afterwards when A. Cunningham, who played offside a good deal, hustled him. The Town forwards, who more than held their own in the scrum and loose, forced their way to the other end, where N. Clotwortliy found his way acioss, Sheriff failing with the kick. — Town 3, Country nil.

McKay was noticeable for good defence on several occasions and the O'Shea brothers and A. Cunningham proved a hard trio to stop, but Ridings was equal to tTir task. Country attacked persistently f>nd J. Beehre forced down under the posts. Maintaining the advantage Country pressed again until Miycr marked a return by Ridings in a central position and kicked a goal. —Town 3, Conn try 3.

Bowman and N. Oiotworthy led Town

inti the opposing side's territory but splendid defence by Berghan, the soundest defensive on the ground, saved the situation. After the change over Tote Finlavsoj:. would have scored had he gathered up the ball. Aided by Emerson, who played one of his best games of the season, and -Sowraan, who was at the top of his form, the trio compelled Kxrr to force. C. Finlayson made a j splendid opening, but Hamilton, who ' was. generally off colour, reversed the ) order and dashed away with N. Clot- ! worthy in attendance. A misunderstanding between them let a likely chance go by. Gar.e's habit of running ; back put his side In trouble and Em- ! erson and Smith rushed the ball across the line where Tote Finlayson touched down. Sheriff udd'e-d the major points. —Town 8, Country 3.

A little later Litt, who played a sound game on attack and defence, was penalised for lying on the ball but SI eriff failed to increase the lead witli a penalty shot. Just before half time O'Shea broke awav and was pursued by Wilßoii. Hamilton was close alongside him but he kicked and Dunn saved. B.''t!lotworthy and .McDonald were most conspicuous in a rush which ended in C. Collins forcing.

After the interval Wilson, playing good football, made a good sprint an-1 passed to Beehre who failed to accept but C. Collins dashed up and scored under the posts, Sheriff converting. —Town 13, -Country 3.

A little later A. Cunningham gained a lot of ground and the full-back Kerr went, through as far as the Town fullback. He attempted in hi;; stride to drop a goal and missed. Wilson initiated another rush in which C. Collins beat, Griffin easily and re-passed to Wilson who dashed past Arneil and scored, the trv being unconverted.—Town 16, Country 3.

Towards the end of the quarter Country attacked again, but the defence proved sound.

It was Town 'b ■ turn again at . the b&ginnning of the last quarter, but Me-' Donald's effort to set the backs m motion was nullified by J. Beehre failing to take his pass, and play moved to the other end, where A. Cunningham was again prominent. The Collins brothers figured in taking play to the other end. Play became less interesting for a time until the Collins brothers, McKay and Beehre participated in a pietty rush "which let the last named over, but he failed to add the extra points.—Town 19, Country 3.

Emerson, Tote Finlayson and Sowman were con.sp;cuous in another good effort by the Town team, but Berghan 's defence was quite sound and the Country side was attacking when the game ended.

Mr Robinson, of Dargaville, con trolled the game.


After the match Mr F. Little, sole selector of the Whangarei representatives, announced the team as fol lows:—

Full-back—A. Ridings (Old Boys). Three-quarters —C. Griffin (Hikurangi), D. "Wilson (Old Boys) and W. Berghan (Hikurangi).

Five-eighths —J. Hamilton (Hiku rangi) and E. Meyer (Hikurangi). Half—J. Collins.

Rover —R. Arneil (Hikurangi) ; back row, A. E. Sowman (Kamo) and T. O'Shea (Hora Hora); second row, Tote Finlayson (Kamo), E. Emerson (Kamo) and Bunny Finlayson (Kamo); hookers, M. Sherriff (Old Boys) and F. O'Shea (Hora Hora).

The emergencies are as follows, although not in order of precedence:— G. Kerr (Hora Hora), J. Beehrj (Kamo), N. Clotworthy (Old Boys), A. McDonald (Hikurangi), A. Dunn (Old Boys), and A. Lamb (Old Boys). Generally the team is a good one. In the backs C. Griffin's inclusion was somewhat surprising, and on his form Hamilton did not earn a place, although the club combination with Meyer is a factor to be considered favourably. Arneil is also not the player he was previously and with so many good scr.ummers, such as Dunn, A. Clotworthy, McDonald and Cunningham available, Sowman could W3ll have filled that position.




This game, which was hard-fought throughout and devoid of science, ended in victory for the Horn Hora team by 11 points to 3. Play was mostly confined to the forwards, of whicli Waiotira had the better. The country team was undoubtedly superior in the scrums, due to the splendid hooking of Allen and Constable, but the backs were lacking in initiative. Hora Hora's chief fault was inability to pack round quickly and failure by the backs to support one another. In the first half Hora Hora scored six points, Proctor and North placing a penalty goal each. In the third quarter Proctor, by smart following up, dribbled past the full-back and over the line, but was obstructed by an opposing player when he had a moral score within sight. The referee, Mr. W. McKenzie, awarded Proctor a penalty try, and the latter also added the major points, making his side 11 points up. In the closing stages Waiotira pressed hard and from a cross-kick Bruce, at wing three-quarter, raced down the line, beat four opponents and scored near the corner. Gillespie failed to convert. Hora Hora 11, "Waiotira 3. Just, after the commencement of the last quarter, Connor, a Waiotira forward, was removed from the field, having sustained a nasty sprain to his left ankle. Threatening talk between the players was a noticeable feature in this contest, both sides being equally at fault.


EASY WIN FOR FORMER. Old Boys were completely outclassed by the Pioneer fifteen, the scores being 28 points to three in the latter's favour. The scorers for Pioneer were ■ —J. Pirihi two tries, Korewha two, Puke, Carr and Johnson one each. Roata kicked a penalty goal ' and converted a try and Korewha converted one of his own tries.

Other Junior erode results were an ealsy win for High School over Kiripaka by 35 points to nil, Hikurangi defeating Kamo by 6 to 3 and Portlartd and Maungakaramoa playing- a draw 3 points all.


Y.M.C.A. V. HORA HORA. EASY WIN FOE FORMER. This match resolved itself into a runaway .victory for the Y.M.C.A. by 35 points to three. Right from the commencement the Y.M.C.A. fifteen dominated play, althoiigh at times the Horn Ilora vanguard gave the opposing rearguard a busy time at defence. In this department the Ilora Hora team possesses some good players, Butt being a lad of more than ordinary promise, whilst Armiger, Peacock, Purchase and Greenhalgh showed good form. Redwood performed well as rover, but it is in the back division that this team is weak, Storey being the only one to show up to advantage.

Clarke was bright in places, but he docs not get rid of the ball quickly and is often caught napping. The Y.M.C.A. team is undoubtedly the best team in the grade, but its members have a bad habit of talking. The forwards are a fine, hefty, fast lot and the backs know their job. They are nippy in attack, back up well and display good judgment. A little more attention in transferring the ball is required, however, and the practice of passing bouts in the team's own 25 does not lequire to be indulged in too freely. It very often lets a side down if a smart interceptor is knocking about. Attack is not always the best defence.

The following were the teams:— Y.M.C.A. —Eiley, Peterson, Broomfield, Trevurza, Richards, Dyer, Frieker, Penney, Osborne, Bindon, Birch, Tobin, Soil, Winstanley and Redwood.

Hora Ilora. —Lindsay, Sir], Storey, Ilaines, Kernohan, Baker, Clarke, Redwood, Oalder, Glover, Armiger, Peacock, Butt, Purchase and Greenhalgh.

The game was practically a succession. of attacks by the Y.M.C.A. and after Ilora Horn had been forced early in the game Peterson opened the scoring account with a try near the corner, as the finish of a movement initiated by Dyer. Riley placed a beautiful goaI.—Y.M.C.A. a, Hora Hora 0.

Hora Hora then went to the attack, but ; the forwards were miserably supported by the backs. Friclcer and Wiiifetanley were responsible for the next score, which Peterson obtained as the result of a cross-kick from the latter. Riley failed with the kick at goaI—Y.M.C.A. 8, Hora Hora 0.

The first quarter ended without any alteration in the score.

Soon after the resumption the Y.M.C.A. forwards badly rattled the defence. Dyer from a cross-kick by Peterson broke through with the ball at his toe. Broomfield, who went up in support of the movement, obtained possession and scored between the posts. Riley added the major points.—Y.M.C.A. 13, Ilora Hora 0.

The Y.M.'s were soon again on the job Clarke held matters up with a timely mark, but it was only temporary. The Y.M.- backs, with a nice concerted movement, invaded the last aiea of Hora Hora and Trevurza scored a nice try. Riley was again successful with the kick.—Y.M.C.A. IS, Hora Hora 0.

Wild passing by Dyer let Hora Hora assume the aggressive. Winstanley and Tobin rectified matters, the latter swooping down on Lindsay and smothering his supporting kick. The Y.M. forwards laid siege to their opponents' line and from a melee Osborne forced his way over. Riley failed to convert. —Y.M.C.A. 21, Hora Hora 0.

Storey headed a sortie for Hora Hora, but lie was unsupported. Bad handling by the Y.M. backs nearly spelt disaster and they were busily defending when half-time was called.

Armiger was prominent for Hora Hora, and Butt with a clever interception further tested the defence. It was solid, however, and Soli turned the tide, later further improving liis effort by getting over from a forward rush. Riley missed the uprights. — Y.M.C.A. 24, Hora Hora 0. Just before time was called for the third quarter Peterson sent a cross kick to Trevurza on the other wing. The hitter raced down the line, but was pushed into touch near the corner. From a scrum in this locality

Frieker ran round and forced his way over. The major points were iiot added.—'Y.M.C.A. 27, Hora Hora 0. The opening of the final quarter was marked by pretty passing rushes 011 the part of the Y.M.C.A. backs, and from a scrum near the line Frieker sent the ball to Dyer to touch down close to the posts. Eiley added the major points.—Y.M.C.A. 32, Hora Hora 0. The Y.M.'s still continued the aggressive and Peterson got over near the corner peg as the result of a concerted rearguard movement. No goal resulted. —Y.M.C.A. 35, Hora Hora 0. In the closing stages Hora Hora became aggressive and Broomfield was penalised for lying on the ball. Greenlialgh was entrusted with the kick and placed a goaI.—Y.M.C.A. 35, Hora Hora 3. Mr. E. Harding, of Northern Wairoa, controlled the game.


This match was played on No. 2 ground at Kensington Park before a good attendance of spectators, who were entertained to a clean and evenly contested game. The School team was better balanced than that of the bay. The backs, in marked contrast to the opposing set, handled the ball in good style. Bay, when given an opportunity to initiate a passing rush, failed to improve the position -through dilatory passing. The forwards were hard grafters. They continually worried the School defence and would liavo undoubtedly done better with a more reliable back division. Prom the kick-off play remained on even terms until almost on half-time, when School drew first blood. From a scramble 'in midfield Cross secured and carried play to Bay's twenty-five, where Kelly and Murray participated in a dribbling rush. The former picking up, eluded three opposing players and ran in to score behind the posts. Wells failed to convcrtl Half-time— School 3, Bay nil.

On resuming Bay forced play to ►School's twenty-five, when A. Murray was penalised for off-side play. The free kick was in a convenient position for Clotwortliy to equal the score, but his attempt went wide. Immediately following Dickey came within an ace

of scoring for Bay. From a scrum in midfield he picked up and forged his way through to within a few feet of the line, to be grassed by Beasley. On being relieved School carried play .to midiield, where honours remained even for a brief period. Crawford, however, gained possession of the leather and with a strong kick carried play well into Bay's twenty-five, the movement eventually culminating in Cross dropping a goal from a handy position. —School 7, Bay nil.

On changing over for the last quarter the Bay team soon obtained its fhst (and only) score. From a lineout Clotwortliy kicked through to Abbott. The latter failed to gather the leather and fast following up by S. Hutchinson put him in possession to score unopposed. Campbell failed to add the major points. From then on until the finish Bay kept School almost continually on the defence. —School 7, Bay 3.

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Northern Advocate, 13 July 1925, Page 3

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SATURDAY'S SPORTS Northern Advocate, 13 July 1925, Page 3

SATURDAY'S SPORTS Northern Advocate, 13 July 1925, Page 3