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Tie huri Timber Company, LIMITED DEALERS UN T SAWN AND DlltiSSlU) TIMBER. LARGE STOCKS Seasoned Timber alwcrrs en Han a Job lots of GOOD SHAKY HEART At 6/ per 100 sup. feet net cash, free on trucks at "Whakapawi. JOINERY, MOULDINGS, and FRUIT CASE& V '? ALWAYS IN STOCK. T. L. DRUMMOND, Ironmonger, Seedsman, Etc. A NEW SEPARATOR. THE SHARPLES Ne Tubular Separators. „ This new machine has come -into great favour south of Auckland, and all who have used it have nothing but praise for it. It is a veryeasy running 1 machine, has" very few part?, aVd is . t SIMPLICITY' ITSELF - INSPECTION INVITED. T. L. Drummond. Whaagarei Hallensfein Bros., ffi HEW ZEALAND CLOTHING FACTOiY, OAMEKON STREET, BSJIMj WHANGAKEJ. FOR BEST VALT7EMen's Watertight. Boots, Men's Box Calf Boots, Men's Glace Boots, Men's Evening Shoes. , ■•''l , v C t '"■' . ' " i.'» • -'•:>'« .■■■!•:( 'i ; Ladies'; Walkiag JBootsaud Shoes, ':•" "j VM Ladies'Eyeniflg SliO3fe ChUdwa ! s^Bfi&te i and Shoes of? A7WsV' M CIHTOSHfS, BAIK-Sflffj cOHiCOATS, : UYrBSELU J. & C. Robertson, Grocers and ironmongers, : ; ; ;b^nk stbjeei. !WE desire to TH^K/our C 'STOMEES for theit K[ND_ ! FOKIiEAHANQE during the time that our stop -has been renovated and refitted. We have now gone inta same with a | LAKGEandFKMETSTpCKof ' Groceries Builcters' Hardware Furniture, Bedsteads, Etc. Household Crockery. WE BUY in LOWEST MARKET and SELL CHEAP. AGKNTS for SEPARATORS and Q'frEAire'S SEEDS. . ™R WHITELAW, Storekeeper - _• - ' Kamo. SETTLERS' PRODUCE PUROBABEP FOR'" CA S K AT CUKBENT MARKET liAJ'Ef./. f®~ All Goods Supplied at lv©a^>nfthJ« Prices GUM AND FUNGUS tfOVOTIT - PURE ■ ■ m■■ ■ COMPARE the rtcfa color ■ • mo* I of our Tern wto«fr mKk Bk T^ P I i* «<Me4. ummmI I Eiii^kfV I COMPARE Vt* tflJClUWWrtl '^^ " B I the iiifußtoM I our TeeV -«4^«MMpflt^B - I CQMPA)^ f^/.^ M> y a> - 'M NELSON MO ATE & CO.— Established 1879.

PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE. CAPITAL AND INTUKKST (iI'AKANTKKD BY THE STATE. THE OFFICE UNDERTAKES THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS: 1. The Administration of all Intestate Estates. 2. The Exccutnrshij) of Wills ; also the Administration of Trusts or Wills renounced by previously-appointed Trustees or Executors. •I. The Administration of all kinds of Money Trusts, including Marriage settlements. 1. The Management of property as Attorney or Agent for the Owner, I 5. The Administration of the Estates of Mental Patients. 6. The deposit of Wills for safe custody. The Colony guarantees the integrity of the capital funds invested at the discretion of the Public Trustee The Colony alxo guarantees on such capital funds for investment a common rate of interest, to be credited quarterly, free of all office charges. ADVICE AS TO MAKING WILLS GIVEN FREE OF CHARGE. In private trusteeships, death and absence render necessary numerous and expensive deeds not required by the Public Trustee's administration, which has, besides, the office solicitor's advice without expense to the estates. By all who have experienced the contingencies of private trusteeships these advantages must be appreciated. For particulars as to the Office and its work apply to any of the Office Agents, or to THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE, Wellington. jp* A GOOD .APPEARANCE wVJjf Is essential to success in tlese days. Then why not be Hncceosful P NOW gmTWfek TS YOUH CHANCE. 1 ffllll 11. McCREADY EH! I iMMr^H His just Inndml a splendid assort - Warn/Em Mm m " nl of FINE NGW TWREI)S IN IKLSH AND SCOTCH SUITINGS, FANCY mlmfmf WORSTEDS, Etc. WnHKuj The constant expert supervision (o which all garments mad I.*1 .* WfIBEfS&S ov vie are subject^ froui the time the order is taken to the ■hHh&JI completion of the suit, results iv a high grade of workmaiship Kgßßfip which is unsurpassable. ill 11 PLACE YOUR ORDERS £ A ELY AND AVOID WM Wjl DISAPPOINTMENT. H ll—- H * Mc CREADY, High-class Tailor, JB^yjP* Cameron-street, Whangarei. Bentley's Balsamic Cough Mixture, Is 6d and 2s 6d. The Mixture which warms you right through — gives quick relicf — gets rid of the phlegm. The very best Cough Mixture lo keep roady to hand. Bentley's Imported Pure Cod Liver Oil— is and 2s 6d This is the oil you have been wanting. Sweet and good. " Seeza," Is 6d Bottle. The new Coll Curr. • Quickly checks the earlier stages of cold find prevents tl-o continued discomfort by destroying the invading mVr»bos. W. Bentley and Co., DRUG, I'KOTOOK WHIG AND STATIOXEBY STORE, WHAXGAKEI. Till! IliimSl! All GONTIRIITU FIWO OOJIPANV, ; TiiK ISTPvAN!), AUCKLAND., We Invite Inspection of our Stock by iutouding purchasers llio public in general. Our Stock is ihe largest and best selected in New Zealand, jiii 1 cnuipuMGs Instruments by the foremost Manufacturers, from whom we have secured the Sole Agencies for cur districts. We Sell good Instruments only, fully guaranteed, and at lowest j). icc-s. ■ Our Terms • n il>o J>of erred Payment System are the easiest rvi-r«ff.-ro.l. We Allow Highest Value for Old Instruments tukon in vxci.iingu from customers. AGENTS r<)K: " IlimKo" Pianos— lst Award ami Gold Medal, Auckland Kxhibit'OM. "Knps" Pianos — Renowned .throughout the world. 1 i'< c.i h-i.i M — Tiio must pei f«.ct liisiiiiments mndn. Strohmenger nnd Suii.s, ]„ iiilon — I1 : gh "las-* Kn^l'-h Instrurueuto. Chicago Organ Ccni|.;tu_\, c' c, etc 'J lie ; moub "Pi nidi "—The only perfect Piano E. & F. orIANDLER SU^-AGKNTS, NEXT BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, WHANGAKEI. BESi r VALUE IN MILLINERY ! MILLINERY ! AND General Drapery AT J. E. ROBERTS', Cameron-street, wHiuoiEßi

WANTKD. — A Good CUiPml Servant. Apply Wjmjust's Boahding House WANTED. — A G.'i.«th» RnrvM-t An>iy Mi s ,1. \\. McGui-.gok YI^A N T Eh KNOWN, -Gibbous T T Vi'^et;il)le ford.", pxtra. bii|£(> '■ packets, i'ot ;!d.— S. ln'uwiii-le} , AgL'iit, (Jameiot-btrref, YVhaiigarei. rpO LET— Fine L.-ir<;o Room suitnU J_ fur Meeting.— tpply, L l . U Steadman, Solicitor, Caiuoron k Ireel. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. WANTED TO KENT in Wh«ii*aiei,' l>y good tenant, Fun i*hed lloire. Send purtii'isl/irs to A DVOCATK OfKce. TpARLY SPUING, Early Seed.-, «n<] -*-^ all oilier Herds for t lie now ei-ason are in «Uck. at Makshaix & .Vons. WANTED — " Mhisliril's Diainon I Prjnid " Tea. You can then b S 'fo of n rcnl Go'>'l Cup of Whulesoni' tei from IMausualL & BONS. PTANO IOR SALE, neaily new. bvM L'yiidnn make owner leaving vhc district ; uiso other household eflVcts. — Apply F. llussev, Woflu-stret-t, Whuigaiei. T ADIEB', dou't forget wo havo ;i *-* Choice Selection of Fans on ex hibition. Just landed for the coming febt-iviiics. Pjices under wholesale. — G. H-aluday, Cameron-street. npOILET SETS— A Fine Assortment i if Tuilet Sets, good ware, neat pat terns, it all prices. Marshall & Sons. FANS! Faus! Pansi Ladies, you never saw fans at the prico in Whangarei before. For a few daj's only at G. Halliday's. MEN'S, Souths and Boys' Winter Clod itiß mado (o oi'r sjiecial ordor front oo 1 all wool N.Z. Tweeds arriving weekly at MARSrALL & Sores' Baiik-sfreet. CHURNS, Milk Pan?, Strainers, Skimtnero, Milk Bnckn(»J, and nil Dairy Utensils Cbpnp at Makshall & Sons. Bu-'itifps Cm d**, plain and fancy desfgu* new ntylos. Call at Advooatk. SPRTNG, 1906.— New Stock of Vegetable Speda now to linnd. All Seeds new — a large variety at Marshall and Sons'. WONDERFUL value in Ladies' Court Shoes, »lso obildren'M hoots sfid shoes in great vmiety at Mabsuajx & Sons', Bank street. PLANT EARLY— TI.e Best Garden S"eds obtaiuablp, a Ihiitp stock present season. Procurable now ut MAHBHALT. AND SoN«. GETTING ready f<r S«oikt«kinp. Hats, Cups. Tien, Shirts, Bracts, >'tc , at Reduced Prices at J. E. Roberts', C«uieron-sliee'. 3>9f'4ite, A LONG FELT WANT. AND MENTHOL JUBES Ar.j just the thing fur ' (Yds, Influ« nza. EvciyJuhe Contains Tlnco Drops of tho Puro Extract. rpHE extensive sale of these Jubos 1 }as already brought about many imitations. Wo would thorcforj OAUIION the Public to see that tho nau?o DINGO Eucalyptus and Menthol Jubes is plainly prin'.cd ou the wrapper of every parked No PuMic Singer or Speaker Should 1 c Wi'hout Them. Sold at Is po; box Everywhere. WII'JI.KSALB. — DlN'iO MIDICISE 0-». i»a Kutland St., Auckland. CRFEN FLAX. r K ; I,- C -sli H ij rs i)f Gr.cii Flux V hi iiy 'jii'n.lily. H GH^SI 1 PRICES GIVEN. W WALKER & SONS, "Whangarei. W. TI?.VCi'.Y, pAiNrn?. sr^rVWßtTU'ii and 1)K<;« JliATOl*', At P. Tl. D:unlo'>, B.tnk Stronr. VKli n'TIAN ANDOTII.BR BLINDS REPAIRED AND PAINTED.

; ■ 1 M-AY SEIIVWKS. JiVNiiAY. SKl'l'-JIKUTt '2-\, 1 90T>. (.lil'UCMl OK F.NGI.AND. W J:.ii •;* ■' i, '.» a. ii-., 11/', V.fir 11 : i in , I- y I'"- ' 7 |'.-'., Hiking pi, 11.i.') a.m., II C, 2.),") j> ti: , Vionr (]i Itirt h'n Si i vice uu<l Ijapl\sii. nniliiiiiitovMi o ji in., T ny Header \V1:h1» ipnrsi, 7 p m , I-:'}' Il>fl lirr Kan;o, 1 1 ,» in . Vicm YVnik:iM.k i, ;i |i.m. Voiii Wuiki.ko, KUOn vi., I.ajl'u.lfi ST. FKANCIS X.WIER 0 KJIWH Musi will be celebrated as un lcr : — Whangarei, Ma?s nt I.'IO aud 10 a.m., and Vespers, etc., at 7 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN CtIUKCII Whar.gar<i, 11a.m., Hey. H Wy'ie 7 p.m., Roy. B. Wy iKaurihohore, 3p.r0., Her. p. Wylie Tihki, 11 a.m., Mr A. McKodyeii Poroli, 2 30 , Mr A. McF-ul- eu O^vHwhuiiuH. 11 a.m. Mr Meridetb SouUMtrua, 3 p.'i'., Mr S.iule HiUuraiigi, 7 p.m., Mr M-rod th Soule METHODIST GHUKCH. Whansartf, 11 am., Mr ILtriison 7 p.m., Eev. F, 'i l . Keid Kamo, 10 a.m., Bible cluss 7 p.m. Wr J. A Lnmond Hikurangi 11 a.m. Mr II j ward 7 p.m., Mr Seed Maungokarnnien, 11 a.m., Kcv. F. T. Ue»d 1 Maungatapere, 3 Mr Harr-son ' MaM«rupii, 2.30 d.v..,: Key. F. T. Rind Kiiipika, 3 j..ui... Mr J. A. Lam lid BAPTIST CHUUCH. Tho TnbiTiiaclc, 11 a.m. Pastor A. W'Jmlley < 7 p.m. I'ttbtor A, Whulley | Evrr ing sulijic 1 : "Spiritual Telepathy.." Widucßduy 7-3U p.m. Lecture VI. "Thn Fjiebihooi)." SALVATION ARMY. Wbaiigaiei, 11 ».in. Barrack^ 3 p.m., Bnrackt--7 p.m., Baiiackf Kaitr>n, 3 p.u>. Aojh. Hill. Whangarei Philharmonic Society. rnHEATKE pOYAI.. THURSDAY, SErTBMUKft 27. FRIDAY, Seitembeii 28. SATURDAY, Sei-tembek 29. ON tho above dates the Whangarei Philharmonic Soiiely will produce Gilbert and Sullivan s GRAND COMIC OPERA XI IK OF PENZANCE/' Conductor: MR J. R. REYBURN. The following Powerful Caste of Characters' being engaged for the production :— Major-General Stanley MR F. T. I3IUJCK The Pirate King MR C. 11. CULI'AN Samuel (his Lieutenant) MR HUGHES Frederic (the Pirate Apprentice) MR W. R. J. MOODY Sergeant of Police MR L. R. Lc KI'EZ (General Stanley's Daughters) : MABEL MISS R. MARSHALL Edith MISS M. BERESFORD Kate MISS KEANE-CLARKE Isabel MRS HALLIDAY RUTH MRS BISPHAM Chorus of Pirates, Police, and General Stanley's Daughters. An' efficient orchestra under the leadership of MISS WIUTELAW, L.R.A.M. Pianistc Miss L. Moody Stage Manager Mr G. Clarke-Walker Limelight Artist Mr E. Buckhurst Prices of Admission : Orchestral Chairs (numbered and reserved), 3/- ; Body of Hall, 2/- ; Gallery, 1/-. Doors open 7.30. Performance at 8. Box Plan at C. 11. Chissell's, Cam-eron-street. Train delayed on Saturday till 10.15 p.m. L. R. LeRUEZ, Hon. Secretary. WEST TAMAKI, 7th Aiuil, li*0«. MESSR» SHAHLAND & CO., LTD., , Auckland. I Dear Sirs,— I have pleasure in reporting on the vse of your POTATO BLKiHT }>:XTKHMINATOR. | 1 used the preparation practically in accordance with the directions on the ' package, first of all steeping the ,)ola- , toes in the liquid for 24 hours on the ! lines suggested in your directions, afterwards placing in the sun to thoroughly i dry, prior to planting. I planted in the 1 ordinary way, with the addition of a ! little lime in the drill— about scwt. to I the acre. When the shoots showed about i 2h to 3 inches above the ground, I gave I them a complete spraying in accordance 1 with your directions. When they were ' about 12 inches high I sprayed again, or i when any indication of the blight showed i upon tho stalks. The whole of my ciop ■ has turned out perfectly sound ! ,m d satisfactory, although many lof my neighbours who have not j vised this preparation have lost t«b whole of their crops ; but those who used your preparation according to the proper f directions have saved their crops, with good results. I I am .satisfied that this prcparotion is jan exterminator of the blight, and at ,tlie .vatnc time it increases the yield of ; the potatoes to a considerable extent. llt is noticeable especially in regard to I the improved flavour of the potatoes ) Previous to this preparation having !ieei\ j brought before my notice, I had used the j lionleaux Mixture, but the results were j very unsatisfactory. 1 have also used ;yoiir POTATO HLHiIIT KXTKRMIN A ' TOli lor blight in cauliflower, i.ililia^i', ' and turnips, aiut have had splendid le- ) I Sill IS. 1 I Yours faithfully, ; j (Signed) .1. PILKINtiTON Mr John I'llLinglon is a large giowr; of potatoes, and \\A\ Known throughout . New Zealand as an authority on potato growing and other branches of fanning. MACINTOSHES and Oilskin CV..,<i . from Hie Lot kihlt- r« Jul ianrled nt M.AK3HALL & Sons', li-iiili- - street. I For Colds in the Head and Influenza, [ Woods' Groat Peppermint Cure, Is (id and 1 2s (id per Dottle.

George Thompson W ruck-street - Whanparoi KXPRK.'-fiMAN AND GENERAL CARTBII. Ciul, Kiu-w.-id K.n.l, T-iuK". ftt . Siici'f s- or to Mr T. Su'lon Tflnphone >i; - "H A Tiiti'ly W.irjiinjr.— The Mrdical Herald •>:■ ys in ;i ri-ornt ies'ii' : -" if «mp is In hen to irocMi-e SANDKK ;tn.l SONS' lUHIO V01..AI TLK KUf • M.Tf I'TI KXTKACT wn iiri' certain lo obtain nil the pliysiolopical effr-cts of Ei:<.i- I i\)>tus without nny of lb« iv^'"t.jng t)Vi-tTfct» | f'o frftiuonily ol.ffivcd afl«i the use of the common yn jmnition in the marfcpt." Did you ever consider fjnined this inipoi taut distinction of SANDER mid SONS' EUCALYPTI EXTRACT hy 'he Medical Pies« p Its merit ! Thercforo puiird yourself from the hnd pff' ct6 «ro(luc( d by the " i'il y.v ducts ) y iu'istinp on SANDER and hONS' PUKE A OL\TILE EUCALYPTI LXfKACT. I

I B "5 52. «■» !__ -___ CoT3 ft S- 3 C 2 m B B OT *« 1^ B H 2^** B ■ ■ ** 9 J3 "u> S>3 o°j^^ £^& Now is tic time, to bi:y Piints and Mu.-lins f r (l.iliii! n'ri Hiejsos. I'i' aforu-, < to. To make ioo-o tor new and up-10-dMe i;oml<, we lire Ke.Uiii" the haln.uoe of la t season's Btoi k a', very Ik'U^lj i educed i>ricc3. COUUI'S" SACK

D. W JACK & CO. are Showing New Spring Goods in All Departments

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Northern Advocate, 22 September 1906, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Northern Advocate, 22 September 1906, Page 3