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rahiatua. i Dear Hub, —Have you seen any snow lately? On Sunday we had quite a heavy fall but, as it was also raining, the snow did not lie on the ground at all. 1 am sending a few books for which I hope you will find some use. I have been writing regularly to my English pen pal but the last letter I feceived from her was written in April so I don’t know what has happened. 1 was home a short time ago and there are a good many signs of spring on the jarm. They have a pet laruo, about three weeks old and also several other lambs. Hub, I wonder if you remember Mary of Argylc. Bho is also nursing here with. me. Well, Hub, 1 must say “cheerio,” with best love. From Aotea. Thank you for the books, Aotea. I am most interested to learn about Mary o£ Argyle. You will be able to have Coggy talks together. Hukanui. Dear Hub,—At last we have moved into a new month. My sister’s birthday was on the Ist and she is eleven years old. Yes, Hub, rockeries are a thrill. Our great pleasure will be to watch the dowers bud and bloom. Thank Mr. Puz for the Skilitest which was rather hard this week. Cheerio, Hub. Tonto. The year is passing auickly, isn’t it, Tonto? Soon we shall be planning fo: Christmas again. Karere. Dear Hub, —I am sitting in front of a blazing fire as 1 write this letter. I think we shall have another frost tomorrow morning. Jack Frost isn’t very kind to us this year, is he? I am sending in some silver paper for you, Hub. There are new members joining all the time. I remain, your loving Cog, Bonny Bunny. You mako me envious of your lira you for the silver paper. Woodvjlle. Dear Hub, —My little sister has mump*. ' Gaie danced in a concert on Saturday afternoon. Tnere are a number of lambs, chickens and calves about now. Could you please tell me how many Skilltests I have right as I have not been counting them lately. I received my badge safely, thank you. My grandmother stayed here for the week-end. We have been playing basketball at school. We have a hen sitting on. 14 eggs. Love from Tui. | I am sorry for little sister. You should keep a check on your marks, Tui, but I will be totalling up again in a week or two. Feilding. Dear Hub, —I have not received my badge. We went to our fancy dress ball and quite enjoyed ourselves. It was a wet night but still everyone turned up. We have a lot of spring flowers oufr and they look very nice. There are a lot of young lambs about but this cold and wet weather is not good for them. Love from Deanna. Thank you for your full address, Your badge has been sent out now. U tuwai. Dear Hub, —I hope my letter is not too late to be printed. There was a big fall of snow on Sunday and we enjoyed playing in it. It was very cold, too. We have a primrose growing in our rockery and it is a light purple, 'there are no other flowers out yet. Your loving Cog, Mascot. Only just in time, Mascot. It should reach me on Wednesday. Apiti. Dear Hub,—May I ioin your happy band of Cogs? Wc had bnOw last night and MQnkey Puzzle and I had a snow fight. May I have White Heather for my pen name? From Rosemary Strahan. I Welcome to the big Family, Rosemary, and White Heather you may be. Send three penny stamps for your badge. i Apiti. I Dear Hub, —On Sunday it , was snowing very hard. I passed my examinations again, Hub. My little brother, Geoffrey, has just started i school. This year is flying along, isn’t it f Love from Sunshine Lady. Well done, Sunshine Lady! Geoffrey will feel most important going to school.

. WELCOME IN! | ,' New members this week are:—Carol , Rose, Eangiwahia, Maide Johnson, , lvirabolton; Sylvia Adams, Woodville; ■ and Rosemary Strahan, Henry Leach : and Trevor Le Quesne, all of Apiti, and hope they will enjoy writing to the Page. SKXLLTEST RESULTS i Marks have been awarded the following:—Eric Vowell, E. Schaeren, ■ Joyce Thomson, Shirley Heayns, Jini. Bradley, Basil Nielsen, Freda Guard, Joyco Prior, G. Parker, Peggy Turner, Douglas Turner, Marjory Ansin, Donald McMurtrie, Walter Elgar, M. Bowe, Beverly Packer, H. Hammond, Maud Hammond, Eileen Cox, Bonny Bunny, Moyra Munro, Dawn Mountfort, lan i Jensen, Warwick Hunt, Alan Thomas, Welby McMurtrio and Martin Nesdale. ANSWERS TO SCRAMBLED LETTERS 1. Listen , 2. Inlets 3. Silent 4. Enlist 5. Tinsel Tho six letters comprising all these words are E I L N S T.

Kimbolton. | Dear Ilub, —May I join yoyr happy Cogs? I am nine years old and am in Standard 11. I havo a big brother in Standard V and a baby brother at home. It has been a cold winter up here and it will be good to have summer again. I am enclosing 3 penny stamps for my badge. May I have Little Angeline as a pen name? Cheerio from Maido Johnson. Welcome to the Big Family, Maide, and Little Angeline you may be. Watch , the mail for your badge. Shannon. ! Dear Hub, —Thank you for the badge. Our school is holding a contata ballet concert od the 20th. The ballet consists of four groups representing spring, j summer, autumn and winter. I urn in ! | the spring group as I am one of the smallest girls. Spring is dressed in green, summer in blue, autumn in orange, and winter in white. We are I r to wear flowers and leaves around our I ; heads and waists. What is your fa-1 r vourite hobby, Hub? I have to play : Foxton basketball team on Thursday. jWc ore being taught to waltz at school, j The Governor-General gave us a lioli- • day on Friday. What is your favourite . colour, Hub? Mine is pink. I will r have to do my art homework now for I to-morrow. Love to all the Cogs. j Petal, j The concert should be most interestj ing . Don't forget to tell us more about r it. I think my favourite hobby must ! be work and I like blue and clover. [ s 1 It has been whispered in the Den jthat Barbara Blaxland is in hospital re covering from an operation. The Cogs r and I join in wishing her a speedy » recovery. Uncle Gordon.

■ Woodville. I Dear Hub, —I am in bed with the mumps again, but on the other side. My sister was married on Saturday. I enjoyed myself although it was quiet. I am the eldest in the .family now. With love from Singing Hill. So sorry you are laid aside again, Singing Hill. You mean you are now Miss Mountfort. Woodville. Dear Hub, —I enclosed 3 stamps last week but perhaps they dropped out. After tho recital on Saturday wo were given flowers and chocolates. My flowers were lovely'. Our school concert is on the 21st. Love from Gaie. I would like to have seen you performing, Gaie. I wonder what happened to the stamps. We always turn out the envelopes so carefully*. Rangiwahia. Dear Hub, —May I join your happy band of Cogs? May my pen name be Golden Rose? We have finished our examinations now. I am sitting by a lovely fire writing this letter. I am in Standard I. lam seven years old and my birthday is on August 31. We have Sunday School badges with SS on them. I ahi sending threepence in stamps for my badge. Carol Rose. Welcome to the Big Family*, Carol, [and Golden Rose you may be. Watch itho mail for your badge. Whakarongo R.D. J Dear Hub, —Wo have japonica, jonquils and violets out now. Have yoy seen any lambs yet? I have seen quite a lot. Our baby brother camo home yesterday. Ho has been staying at my grandmother’s place. I am writing this letter with my own pen. Love to yourself and all at tho Den. , Blondy. ! You would be glad to welcome baby brother. Thank you for the riddle. Apiti. j Dear Hub, —We have three calves now and one of them is my pet. I am sitting by the fire writing to the Page. White Heather and I made a snow man. I pulled two cones off a macrocarpa tree for his eyes. The snow was four inches deep and White Heather and I had a snow light. I am learning to play the piano now. From Monkey Puzzle. I That was a good idea for Mr. Snow- ’ man’s eyes. You will find it a great joy to be able to play that instrument. Rangiwahia. Dear Hub, —It is snowing here at present while I am writing this letter. Big flakes are falling softly and covering everything with a mantle of white. I am sending in some poetry’. We have no cows in yet, and we haven’t any pet lambs. Our pussey willows are budding now. On Wedensday we are going to plant some trees for Arboi Day. Do l send in the right address? i will send in another twopence for my badge. Spring is hero again. Isn't it lovely to see the little iambs frisking in the paddocks and the calves jump ing aud yelling. My big sister is at present making a snow man. I am writing this by a warm and cosy fire with a pet cat sitting on a chair. I am [ making a cushion for my Mother now. Do you listen to the radio at night. I ! sometimes do when I am allowed to. I had better close, sending my love to tho members and the Hub. Yours sincerely, Silver Shoe. I No wonder wo havo been shivering. I hope the tree planting was a success. I like your picture of the fireside scene. Thauk you for the poem. lUmutoi. Dear Hub, —I had great fun at school to-day with snow. Wo made a great big snow man. \ve have quite a lot of lambs now. I am sending in a piece of poetry called “Spring.” Aro you going to have a Spring Pago, Hub? I was out playing with the snow till dark last night. Our teacher, Mr. Tier, won’t Ibe back until next term. He has been lon the sick list for a long time. We aro making papier mache ni school. Our little puppy has grown a lot since I lats told you about him. He gets our boots and drags them out into the paddocks. Lovo to tho Den and all tho Cogs. I remain, yours sincerely, Petunia. Thank you for the poem, my dear, which I shall keep for the Spring Page. I can imagine the fun. you had with the snow. Woodville. Dear Hub,- —We have had the results of our examinations and I came fifth. We havo thirteen ducks and gather about 6 eggs every day. To-day a lot of snow fell oh the foothills. Your sincere Cog, Mickey Mouse. You must be glad you passed in your tests. It is exciting gathering eggs, isn’t it? Ruawhata. Dear Hub, —Mr. Puz certainly did set us thinking this time, but when we found the right word the rest was not so bad. We have had a lot of frosts this winter. Holiday time will'soon be here again but we do like school, and are quite ready to go back again. Wo notice Pitcairn has not written lately, we look for his letters you see. Wo send lots of love to you and Mr. Puz. Your loving Cogs, Daddy’s Girl and Alanna. It is good to know' that you enjoy school. That is how it should be. Palmerston North. Dear Hub, —Our school ball was held ’on July 30, and I enjoyed it very much Quite a number of children went in fancy costumes but I went in a party frock. I have just finished reading a book called “The Secret of Brick House.” At school on Wednesday w« are going to have r. copper trail for comforts for the Merchant Navy. Your sincere Cog, j Puck. J The ball was vorv good, wasn’t it? .1 enjoyed watching you all dance and march. I hope the copper trail was a (success.

Table Flat. | Dear Hub, —Have you forgotten me?, It snowed all day yesterday so at night j we put Snow Queen’s pet sheep and 1 her twin lambs in the wood shed, then we put my pets, Midge and Milly, under the shed. They had balls of snow. hanging on their wool all round their faces and underneath them. There were eight inches of snow. The trees were very pretty, tho tips of the yino itrees having snow mushrooms on them like the accompanying sketch shows. We have a funny wee calf which was running round in the snow to-day njd whon we wore going to feed it this afternoon we saw his nose poking out ■ of the flax bushes. Love from Snow Man. I I am glad you protected your pots. You did have a big fall of snow. The trees must have been very pretty.

Woodville. Dear Hub, —I am sending in some riddles which I cut from children’s Pages in the years round about 1930. I had great fun finding them and some aren’t too easy. Havo you read “Robin Hood?” I am reading it now and like it. The Skilitest is easier this week than it was last week but it was just as interesting as the Bkilltests always are. Fluffy, our cat, is very fond of the open fire. When my brothers catch birds in the fowl-house they give them to Fluffy. Lately Dad has been chopping down our pine trees and I have picked up half a sackful of cones. Cheerio for now! Busy/ Bee. Thank you, my dear, for your big contribution. Yes, “Robin Hood” is a grand book. I like gathering cones, don’t you? Apiti. Dear Hub, —May I join your nappy band of Cogs? I am in Standard II and I am 8 years of age. * May I have Bonnie Boy for my pen name? To-day it has been snowing very heavily. 1 came third in my examinations and 1 got 298 marks. jfove from , Trevor Lc Quesne. Welcome to the Big Family, Trevor, and you may bo Bonnie Boy. You must send three new stamps for your badge. Used ones won’t pay postage. Bunnythorpe. Dear Hub, —Yesterday we had a very cold morning as tno ground was white with frost. Tne gardens are looking bright and gay now as tho spring flowers are all coming out. I have seen few calves this year and one little lamb. Wo have only two more weeks to go to school berore the holidays. Mum is just about better now after her illness. Good-night to the Den and you, too, Hub. Y'our Cog, Only Tired. Yes, my dear, spring is nearly here as the gardens arc already reminding Kopane R.D. Dear Hub, —We have five little heifer calves to feed now. I did tho i Skilitest which was quite easy. On - Saturday I went to Hastings and on Sunday wo went to Napier and at twenty to six we left for home. With lots of love, Twinkling Star. You do get around, Twinkling Star. L love little calves, don’t you? W oodville. Dear Hub,—l am sorry 1 did not write in last week as 1 was on the sick list. We are milking 16 cows now. We have 13 calves and we think that 7 are going away in the bobby calf lorry to-day. There is one cow with twins and they aro not to go away. We have one Holstein and one Shorthorn, out the Shorthorn is a heifer so it does not go away. I think it is a shame to 1 take the little calves away from their mothers, don’t you, Hub? Wo shall soon bo having our Bpring Page, won’t we? Tui’a little sister began school last Monday. My oldest brotner, Fred, went into the Air Force camp on Saturday night. Love from Fairy. Yes, Fairy, I cannot bear to think about the going away when 1 have a farm. 1 am going to leave them with their mothers, but I won’t be a good farmer, will 1? Thank you for the paper. Cheltenham. Dear Hub, —I havo just got over tho measles and X am waiting to go back to school. Wo had our fancy dress ball and I went as a Mexican lady, Gloria Jean went as a night fairy. Wo have a friend staying with us for a fortnight. 1 have just finished reading a book called “Black Beauty,” which was very interesting. I am having a birthday on the Bth of this month und my brother Billy’s is on the 14th. 1 am making an apron for Annette’s dolL There is always a rusk to get the paper on Baturday mornings. About a month ago I planted some bulbs in my garden’ aud they have grown quite a lot. With lots of love from Daffodil. I would like to havo seen you all at the ball. “Black Beauty’ is a good j book to possess. I hope you had a happy birthday. Mangamutu. Dear Hub, —I have lost the competition pflper. Whether Mother burnt it or not it is hard to say but as I remembered them I wondered w'hether it would be all right if I just put it down at the bottom here? Well, cheerio, Hub. Your Cog, Anne. Your letter missed tho Page last week, Anne, I am sorry. Woodville. Dear Hub, —We had Arbor Day today at school and each class planted trees. We have a lot of little calves now. Cowboy went to Waiouru Military Camp last week aud is having a good time, too. I received my badge on Tuesday night. I did tho Skilitest to-day and it was tricky. Could we have a crossword puzzle next week? At Woodville on Thursday we are having a Home Guard band concert and soon after that we are having a school concert which we aro practising for now. My father is going to North to-morrow. We had some snow on the hills on Sunday. They have nearly finished building the Bank at Woodville and it looks very good now. We had a “Safety First” picture on Monday and it was very good, too. Lovo from Tim Tyler. Y r ou have lots of doings over there, Tim Tyler. The new' building must be a great improvement. You must miss Cowboy, I am sure. Kopane R.D. Dear Hub, —My badge broke so I am sending the money for another one. When they were milking to-night (Saturday) Cinders climbed on to a cow’s back and went to sleep. They did not notice her and let the cow go out of the bale. The cow went out and Cinders still clung on. When the cow reached the paddock the kitten jumped off and came back and was very happy with herself. Lots of love. From Tinkle Bells.

Cinders is certainly a clever kitten. Watch the mail for your badge.

| Dear Hub,— I j Last week it was my birthday, ;! And thirteen now am I; I I I received a lovely purse, Hub i From Mrs. Drew next door. ■ Two shillings I got from the lady uj ' i the road, ■ Five shillings from niv mother dear, ■ Into the bank that, was stowed. i I’ve got a great surprise for you—• i My granny I’m to see, i She’s staying at Aunty Mary’s . j Whose home is at Levin, ij We have some violets out, Hub, I j Some wallflowers fragrant, too! i j The wallflowers are all colours, The violets just very blue. Miss 1941. I Now that you are into your teens the . | years will simply fly. How nice for you ! to visit granny.

Feilding. Dear Hub, —I am very happy the examinations at school aro over. I don’t think I did too well, I only got 50 for history, but I was far from last. I The geography and cooking were th« • easiest. One day at Guides we cycled to Mt. Stewart and had a lovely time. \Ye only own two cats and a kitten but sometimes there are five to six cats here. We keep our kitten inside now and he has learned a number of tricks. We aro having a day for the Guides at the Patriotic shop. I. am making two peasant aprons, and perhaps some felt work. I think the town looks all right with the “V” signs everywhere. Isn’t it lovely to think spring is almost here. To-day I saw two kingfishers. We havo one cherry plum tree out in white blossom, and ray garden is full of bulbs, snowdrops, polyanthus and a few carnations and violets, white and blue. I have started to knit some peggy squares and have done eleven. Dad is going to euchre, last time he went he won, so I hope ho wins to-night. We would need two more pages if each Cog wrote each week. Cheerio. Your loving Cog, Autumn Leaves. P.S.—Would you please send me a a badge. I lost mine the other day. I’ve had it for seven years. I was seven when I joined. Guiding is good fun, isn’t it? Your garden must be very pretty. Send three penny stamps for your badge, my dear. Rangiwahia. Dear Hub, —On Saturday night the Feilding Savage Club held a concert at i the hall. Last night it snowed and it was about threo inches thick. We aro holding our fancy dress ball on August 15. We have finished our examinations now and I passed. Love from Errol Flynn. I am glad the examinations were good for you. No wonder it has been so cold in the city. Woodville. Dear Hub, —I had such a surprise this morning when I awoke to find snow on the hills although it had been there . two or three days ago, it had not been j bo heavy. I am reading a book called (“Her Father’s-Daughter.” It is very ’good. Have you read it? I am very keen to get all the “Ann” books, of which I have only read one, that being “Ann of tho Island.’ Your loving Cog, Hath. Whariti has been looking very grand in her white mantle, but I am glad she has taken it off. No, I am sorry I havo not read that book. By the way, my dear, I am sorry but you must choose another pen name. Feilding. Dear Hub, —The Skilitest was not as hard as you said it was. My brother, who is in Egypt, used to write to the Page, but I don’t think he had a pen name. I got seven A's in my school ’ report. My general estimate was good. We are learning a play called “King Lear.” Our fancy dress ball is on the 21st. Our hens have been laying for i quite a while now. We aro binding Journals to put in the school library. Lots of love, Nippy Nick. Y*es, I remember big brother. I am ever so pleased you did so well in your examinations. You are coming on to be doing “King Lear.” Apiti. Dear Hub, —We have finishod our examinations now and I passed. To-day it is snowing heavily and we have about 1$ inches so far. Every Friday a woodwork and a cookery instructor come up. I see that the Cog from Woodville is still using my pen name. I have been called Budgio ever sinco I was a baby. Love from W Budgie, e Woodville Cog will change her pen name, my dear. I expect you had fun in the snow. Woodville. Dear Hub, —I am hoping to bo able to go back to school on Monday as I have j been homo for nearly two weeks with the ’flu. Y r esterday there was a thick frost which caused a mist to stay about all day. I am having a garden plot this year. Last year Ruth Oils, one of my friends and a best friend of Busy Bee, won first prize in the Woodville School and also third in Southern Hawke’s Bay. For this she received a medal which was presented to her by our headmaster. A great surprise there was yesterday when I received a letter from our brother who is in the Middle East. ’ I am sending in some jokes for the Page. Cheerio to you and everyone in tho Den. , Miss America. I think it is splendid that you are to have a garden plot. Sorry to learn that you have been ill. There would be great rejoicing to receive a letter from 1 overseas. Rangiwahia. Dear Hub, —I am going to try and write every time now. Haven’t I sent , enough money for my badge? I am i going to send another penny stamp and , that will be enough, won’t it? Please i tell me if you receive the stamp. I am going to send in a piece of poetry next week. We had a very heavy fail of snow up here and it was such fun playing snowballs and making snowmen. I am reading a very nice book called “Little Women.” Have you | road it, Hub? Your loving Cog, Buttercup. The badges are 3d, Buttercup. “Little Women” was a favourite book of mine. I can imagine the fun you had with the snow. Palmerston North. Dear Hub, —I am sorry not to have | written sooner but with plenty to do I have not much time. My duty at the Post Office this week is from 5 p.m. to mid-night, so I sleep in the mornings. Tso war seems to be progressing in our favour lately, doesn’t it, as the j Red Army is quite conlident of holding the Germans and if the R.A.F. keeps on with constant devastating bombing attacks on tho enemies’ cities, railway and dock yards we should someday be triumphant. As it is springtime again everybody seems to be gardening, while the children seem to be bird-nesting. I must do some study now. Your loving .Cog, l Russian Ballet. It was good to receive a letter once more, Russian Ballet, but we quite understand your difficulties.

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Manawatu Times, Volume 66, Issue 188, 9 August 1941, Page 4

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HAPPY COGS Manawatu Times, Volume 66, Issue 188, 9 August 1941, Page 4

HAPPY COGS Manawatu Times, Volume 66, Issue 188, 9 August 1941, Page 4