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Umutoi. | P«*r BubrrJt i* Tery warm to-day | and th* aun ia ahiaing aft«r a few wet days. We have four little turkey clucks out now. No, Hub, we have only named four, Pretty, Snowball, Darkic, and Bella, there are still sin calves to asme. Our seven lambs are growing very fast now. Cheerio, with love from The Lone Banger. | I haven’t seen turkey chicks for many a day, aren’t they sweet? Apiti. | Dear Hub,—lt is a long time since I last wrote to you. It was a very wet day to-day, and I haven’t been outside much. We have only three pet lambs now because one died about a week ago. I Last night I started a doll’s jersey and sow have jnst about finished it. It will not be long before examination time now. With love from Sunshine Lady. It was sad to lose that lamb, Sunshine Lady. How nice that you can knit fot. your family. Apiti. < Dear Hub, —It is very wet here to- 1 day and I hope it is better down there. Yesterday we had a cow with milk fever but she is all right now. We set a hen on some eggs yesterday and hope they will all come out. It won’t be long before the examinations will be here and I will be able to see if I pass into Std. V. Love from Buffalo Bill. Too must have been pleased to save jour cow, Buffalo Bill. Examination* find ue ont if we haven ’t been working, don't they! Apiti. Dear Hub, —Mistress Mae and Dolly Dimples have not written for a long time, have they! Buffalo Bill ia going in for the Skilltest. It won’t be long before Father Chriatmas will be coming into the cavee in Palmereton North Love from Budgie. Christmas ia drawing rapidly near end I hope you prepare in good time. Apiti. Dear Hub, —We have 90 cows and 15 calves. We had the foal tied up on Saturday so that it could not run all over the garden when Dad was harrowing the ground. In the bush there are lots of sprays of clematis. Love from Snow Man. Pony would not like to be tied up when it ezepets life to be all fun and games. I love the starry clematis in the bush, don't you? Maharahara West. Dear Hub, —To-day it has absolutely teemed all the morning, but it is quite sunny now. On Sunday night Aotes stayed with me. I have just finished reading “Little Women Wedded," for the second time. Aren’t there a lot of measle cases about, Hub f Well, cheerio for the present. Little Queen. The holiday weather was disappoint* tog, Little Queen. I am sure you en* joyed Aotes’s visit.

| SKILLTEST RESULTS t' Marks have been awarded Pauline v McLean, Stan Sixtus, Mervyo BuckY man, June Jensen, Joan Percy, Buffalo !, Bill, Dora Whitehead, Daphne Small, o E. Schaeren lan Jensen, Martin Nes-. g dale, Sylvia Hart, Elva Hall, Muriel a Mcllroy, Freda Guard, Beverley Packer, I Bill Fergusson Eileen Cox, Violet Cook, r Barbara Golder, Marjorie Nutt, Cecilia IDoker, Muriel Mclntosh, Basil Nielson, Glenny Parker, Miriam Eowe, Marjorie Ansin, Betty Dower, Lynette Drum--1 mond. t Several of the Cogs spelt chaffinch e and parrakeet wrongly and therefore s could not receive a mark. i 1 ANSWERS TO JUMBLED BIRDS t a 1. Flamingo. I 2. Fantail. 3. Woodhen. 0 1 4. Harrier. , 5. Blackbird. 16. Parrakeet. 7. Chaffinch. 8. Albatross. „ j 9. Kingfisher. u 10. Nightingale.

f ******************** Pohangina. j Dear Hub, —Did you have a nice time over the Labour week-end? I was in bed nearly all the time with a cold. . What a nice surprise to find a letter in . the Page from Mountain Maid. She has been a Cog for a long time, hasn't shef Russian Ballet ie good at rhym* ( ing and she fills up Powder and Patches 7 gap, doesn’t she? I found a bird’s nest with two dear wee birds, ready to fly. I also caught a young thrush. Did you see the Coronation picture and the display of New Zealand art at the Showgrounds? Coronation’s class and the class X am in went in at the same time. Some of the pictures • were more like photographs than paint- > ings. The Coronation picture was well f painted, too. It is bed-time. Love L from Pink Sugar. 3 _______ Stanway. Dear Hub, —May I join your happy band of Cogs and have Black Pete for my pen name? I like reading the Page very much and often work out the Skilltest but so far have not sent them in. My name is Kevin James and I am tea years old. We are playing tennis at school and I think it is a good game. As we have not a proper court our teacher has made us mark out a temporary one and we are practicing on that. X have eighteen ducks and they are all good layers. We soil the eggs and I* have made five pounds out of them and 1 X think that I will get some more, too. I ’• ! If the Skiiltest is easy next week X will Y ' try to do it. All the flowers have fallen J | off the apple trees and I don’t suppose e it will be long before they have apples 1 on them. As there is nothing more to t say, I must close. 81 Kelvin James. e| Welcome to the Big Family, Kevin, 7 and Black Pete you may be. Send three f penny stamps for your badge. You have j done very well with your eggs, X think. | ) You must send in the Skiiltest, they are J great fun. }• t Rongotea. t Dear Hub, —I am sorry my last letter i ! wasn’t in by Wednesday. I saw Miss > • 1940 the other night but was not talk- ; • ing to her. The Skiiltest was not so f very hard, was it, Hub? I am sending , it in. Wendy lost her badge but my brother found it for her. She will be . writing soon. With love from Tinkle Bells. Feilding. j Dear Hub,-—I joined at the same time Rebecca Ann was with you. I have a j lot of home work to do at night so 1 cannot write very often. Mum has some chicks coming out now. I hope she will get a lot. With love, from j . Little Bo Peep. | I You must have been a member of the Cogs’ Family for at least years, | my dear. I hope the chick family | cornea up to expectations.

IWoodville. Dear Hub,—l shall be in Palmerston North on Saturday so will call. We all had a lovely time on Saturday evening at Miss Oliver’s dance recital. Prizes were given and flowers and chocolates ; too. The frocks were beautiful. One wee girl of 3 was a pet. . Some of us are dancing on Friday evening at the W.D. concert. Love from Gaie. I hope you catch me in, Gaie. The dance recital must have been great fun. Feilding. Dear Hub, —Dad sent a calf away to-day and bought a heifer calf. I led the calf in from the gate and took it to the cow shed. The cows followed me over, too. Yesterday Dad brought me home another lamb, but ho fostered it to-day. I am reading “Haunted Island ’' which is very interesting. Our tennis court at school is going to be painted to-day. Do you collect stamps, Hub? as I do. Have you noticed that on Labour Day week-end it always rains? With love from Little Bo Peep. Are you fond of reading, Little Bo Peep? *My chief regret is that there is not more time to enjoy nice books. Yes, it seems we must expect that holiday to bring rain. Sanson. Dear Hub,—We have three turkeys also two hens and a duck. X am very sorry 1 did not write last week. We had six little chickens but a rat got two so we have only four now. We have a puppy named Wag and a dog named Tip. We have seven cow& Good-bye for now from Puss-in-Boots. Give Wag a pat for me. I do lov* puppies. It was sad obout the chicks. Palmerston North. Dear Hub,—Last week X sent in the Skilltest and got it right but I did not see my name in the points list. I was wondering what had happened. Did you have a good week-end? X did not go away but I had a good time all the same. Well, X don’t think I have any more news so I will close. With love from Puck. Your name should have appeared in the list, Puck, aud I have given you a mark. Woodville. Dear Hub,—l have heard of several people round here who have had their first swims. 1 don’t think i would fancy swimming just yet. Last week I saw Gloria Jean in “The UnderPup." X thought it was lovely. We are having a Queen Carnival here soon and nearly every mgut there is a dance to raise funds. We have had quite a lot of dances in Papatawa. Next week we are starting our examinations. The fifth and sixth forms are having tfieira first and then we shall be able to have a rest while the thirds and fourths have theirs. X have a music examination tomorrow. Well, Hub,l really have no more news so will close, with love from Aotea. Good luck for the examinations, my dear. Xt does seem a little early for swims. Kongotea. Dear Hub,—l have often read your Cogs’ letters in the paper and I am very keen to join. May X have Silver Star for my pen name. X hope it has not uecn taken. A lot of my friends have joined up with your band. Xgo to Waitoki school and I am in Standard VI. I am doing the Skilltest this week. Lovo to all the Cogs. Marjorie Nutt. Welcome to the family, Marjorie. You will have to choose another name, I am afraid. Send three penny stamps for your badge. Pahiatua. Dear Hub,—We have six calves now but they haven’t any names yet. I am reading a book called 11 The Spotted Panther" at presont. We are going to a Sunday Scholl concert on Saturday evening. X have had a letter from a | pen friend in Canada. Your loving Cog, i Jetsam. Names such as Spot, Beauty, Darkie, ' Polly, Blackie and Strawberry came to mind. You should be able to give us •ome news from Canada. Opiki. Dear Hub, —I was very ploased to see I got a point in the Skilltest last week. Do we all get a prize when we get so many points at the end of the year? | We enjoyed the tenuis very much and we had a lovely fine day with plenty of visitors. My little sister will be five in June so then she will be able to start school which she is looking forward to very much. Well, I must close now. Kowhni. We will give prizes to the first four, I expect, Kowhai. Colyton. Dear Hub and Cogs,—Could you tell me how long I have been a Cog, please, Hub? There have been a lot of Cogs winning the Skilltest the last two weeks. The other morning when 1 went to feed my lambs 1 saw one was dead. It is fun to watch the lambs frolic about the paddocks. 1 am going to tennis on Saturday so I hope it is fine. Well, Hub, I wil close till next week, j Sunflower. P. B.—l am sending in a piece of poeiry called Don Dork of Dowdee. Could we have jumbled cars for the Skilltest next time.

Feilding. Dear Hub, —As it was raining on Monday morning we decided to stay at home. Later on Sunbeam came to see if I could go round to her place to play with dolls in the afternoon. So it wa» settled I should go round at 3 o’clock to play. When it was time for me to go Sunbeam came round to say they were going to Marton and to see if I could go with them. Mother said I could go and so we went back to find them waiting for us. When we got down town we found that we could not got to Mai’ton so we decided that wo would get an ice-block each and then go for a drive, Mr. Lowe to take his gun and shoot some rabbits. We went away up Kimbolton Road and then we turned off at a little side road and found that it was all hills and bends. After a while we stopped and we got out and Mr. Lowe nearly caught a rabbit. In the end he caught nothing. We went long way and on the way back I was car sick. When we got home Mrs. Lowe gave me a drink and X felt much better. We aro very busy pre--1 paring for a theory examination. It is in December. Father has gone away for a holiday to a large sheep farm up near Utiku. They had 4,000 lambs this season. With love to all the Cogs and yourself, from Jewel. That was quite an excursion, Jewel. I hope the theory study goes well. Umutoi. Dear Hub, —We are milking fifteen cows and we have eight calves. I have two pet lambs which I call Dicky and Skipper. To-day it is overcast with a cold breeze. Three weeks ago I went to Lilly’s party which I enjoyed. I have not seen the Esplanade in Palmerston North yet. The gardens must be pretty, Hub. I was glad when I saw X had gained one mark for the Skilltest. Love from Sandy Powell. P.S.—I am sorry I did not enclose the peggy square X promised but sent it later and hope you received it. Thank you, Sandy Powell. Yes, the Esplanade gardens are always a joy. Bunnythorpe. Dear Hub, —May the next Skilltest be jumbled names of kitchenware? The other day little Rona picked up a feather off the floor. Going up to the bird cage she held the feather up to the budgie and said, “Here you are, Joey," She was very disappointed because he would not take it. Mum was passing by and Rona told her that Joey would not take his feather. The next time I’m in town I ’ll pop in to see you, Hub. I did not realise until the other day that it is only 3 weeks to Christmas. My little brother, Kay, will be going to school next year. The Skilltest this week was very easy, wasn’t it? Well, Hub, as I have no more news I’ll close with love from Only Tired. Umutoi. Dear Hub,—l suppose you have forgotten me for I have not written to you for a long time. X have found plenty of birds’ nests around here; some have eggs and there are some with young ones. I found a starling’s nest in a post the other day. I have a pet cat which I call Toby. Don’t you think the lilacs are pretty, Hub, we have got some in our vases and the snowballs are coming out now. Love from Cheeky Sparrow. You have neglected us for too long, Cheeky Sparrow. The lilacs are over in the city. No, I don’t listen to that station. Woodville. Dear Hub, —It is a long time since I last wrote to the Page. We left Bulls and shifted first to Marton for a few months and now we are living in Woodville. Dad has twenty-one cows and my brother helps him to do the milking. I like Woodville school much better than Marton. We have a nice black cat called Darky and every morning and night he goes down to the bails and stands with his front feet on Dad’s knee while Dad squirts the milk into his mouth. Love from Pinky. It was nice to find a letter from you once more, Pinky, and X am interested to learn you are in Woodville. Whose farm have you taken. Darky is a wise cat, isn’t he? Woodville. Dear Hub, —Bashful is working now and finds very little time to write to the Page but is sending in tho Skilltest this time. My birthday was on October 30 and I am 13 years old. Mr. Williams is our teacher now and I like him very much. At school the children play baseball which is nice and exciting. We often play baseball instead of having drill. We are going to buy a green budgie from a boy. I hope this one gets on all right because we have been very unlucky with our budgies and canaries. The last two canaries escaped from the cage and our budgie died with the cold. The flowers are lovely now but the wind and rain battered them terribly. Xt won’t be long till Christmas now. The year seems to have flown. The raffles are now in full swing for the carnival. The Army is leading in the votes so far and the Navy is the one with the least number of votes. I have now finished the frock that I was making and I am now going to make another one. I should not take me long to make because we have quarter of an hour’B sewing every Friday. Well, Hub, that is all the news so once again I will bid you and the Cogs ‘ ‘ Cheerio. ’' From Cinderella. Pahiatua. Dear Hub, —Grandma gave us two little Russian fowls, Hub. They are just like balls of white fluff and they have seven toes with fluff on. Their namos aro Tot and Pop. I have just finished reading a book called * 1 The Journal of a Tent Dweller’’ aud I am reading “The Blue Castle" now. We went to the Sunday School concert on Saturday evening and it was very nice We havo such a lot of snow balls out and a few roses. I have nearly filled my scrap-book with pretty pictures and I am going to put a cover on it- We have hop-Scotch as our game at school aud I am very fond of playing it. Do you listen to “The Hawk" on the radio, Hub? I do. Your loving Cog, Jetsam. I would love to see those chicks. It i» good for you to cultivate a taste for reading. No, my dear, I have little time to listen to. the radio

Mangawhata. Dear Hub, —I have nearly finished my evening dress and it looks pretty. I see Coronation nearly every night at the bus-stand. My evening dress is to go in the exhibition of handiwork at the show. We have three new teachers at Technical School. I am going back to school next year. It was my birthday on October 29. Well, I shall close with love to you and all the Cogs from White Heather. You have to be patient these busy days, White Heather. Papatawa. Dear Hub, —It has been raining all day and the river is in flood. We have three cats. One of them has three kittens. We did have four but one got killed. On Friday the children are having a shove. Everything that is put in we have to make ourselves. I must close now, from Mexicali Rose. Your badge will go out in the next lot, my dear. That should be a good .show. Ruawhata. Dear Hub, —Have you room for another Cog in the wheel of happiness, as I should like to join? Both my sisters belong to the Cogs and I don’t like being left out. I should like to have Dad’s Girl or Tippy Toes for ray pen name. I am eight years old and in Standard I. Eileen Cox. Welcome to the Big Family, Eileen, and I am glad to offer you a welcome. Send three penny stamps for your badge. You may be Dad’s Girl. Sanson. Dear Hub,—My pussy, Toy, Four kittens sho did have, Three black ones and a grey one, Such fluffy things were they. Their eyes were open, too, Hub, So pretty did they look, But, oh I last week, Hub, A tom cat came along And killed the dear wee things, And then she had none. Next morning for the milk I went, And the cats next door had some. The lady said, “You may have these,” So I went home to spread the news. And Mum said, “We’ll have two." I then went back to get them, And Toby, who’s a kind pussy, Has adopted those wee things. On Saturday I had to work Outside with Mum and Dad. Dad was digging the garden After the heavy rain, Mother was weeding the flower patch, While I was mowing the lawns. This job was rather easy, Hub, As the mower is just new, It did not make me tired. So I thought I would rhyme to you. I hope this finds you well, Hub, As I bid you now * * Adieu. ’' Miss 1940. Kimbolton. Dear Hub, —I am sorry I neglected the Page lately. I miss Powder anti Patches’ letters, but Russian Ballet’s are nearly as good. The country looks beautiful at this time of the year. Last Sunday when I went over the hills with Father and ray sisters we saw the clematis clustered on the trees. In the thick of the bush we saw a wild flowering currant which brightened up the green and brown. May we have a cross-word puzzle one week, please? Winter Rose. Kimbolton. Dear Hub, —May I change my pen name to Holly instead ot fenow Wnrte as X have seen in the paper some one nas cuosen Snow White tor a pen name. On Sunday X went over the hill with Dad and my sister. While we were there wo saw the clematis out in flower, some wild currant in blossom. We found a goose’B egg also. X remain, Yours truly, Holly. Very well, uiy dear, Holly will do nicely. Hamua. Dear Hub, —We are going for a trip to my Aunty’s place to-day. I have been looking forward to it as X have not beon away from home for some time on account of the petrol shortage. We have had rather an amusing experience with a cure and a lamb. First of all, the ewe bunted the Jamb Father brought her home and I carried the lamb and we tied her up until she did take it. Now, when we go near her she stamps her foot and dares us to touch her baby. We now have a hen and ten chicks in a coop and we are all wondering whether our cats know the difference between birds and chicks. We are certainly not going to give them a trial run. Love to all the Cogs and yourself from Jerry. That is interesting about the ewe aud lamb, Gerald. Dear me, I hope Mr. Puss doesn’t get the chicks. DON DURK OP DOWDEB Hoi for the pirate Don Durk of Dowdoe! He was as wicked as wicked could be, But oh, he was perfectly gorgeous to seel The pirate Don Durk of Dowdee. His conscience, of course, was as black as a bat, But he had a iioppety plume on his hat, And when he went walking it jiggled—like that— The plume of the pirate Dowdeo. His coat it was crimson and cut with a slash, And when of his one eye they saw the keen flash Deep down in the ocean the mermaids went splash! Because of Don Durk of Dowdee. Moreover, Dowdoe had a purple tattoo, And stuck in his belt, where he buckled it through, Wore a dagger, a dirk, and a squizzaruaroo, For fierce was the pirate Dowdee! —Copied by Sunflower. TILLY TXMBERTOES Little Tilly Timbertoes Cattle from Holland I suppose; Hair was plaited on her head, Cheeks and lips Were rosy red. Tilly wore a quaint Dutch bbnnet, With a bow of ribbon on it; Dress, a pretty shade of blue; Little socks to match it, too; And, to make the scheme complete, Wooden shoes on wooden feet. —Copied by Sandy Powell.

Kimbolton. Dear Hub, — Hero I am once again, Hub, Trying to rhyme to you, Although it seems so difficult, My very best I’ll do. My address is different this time, Don’t think it a complication, As this time I pen to you, I have a different destination. Clematis is pretty, isn’t it? And of a splendid hue. In many layers about, Its white leaves are peepin’ through. Melbourne Cup day is near, This will appeal to racing folk. Some say our i ‘Beaus" will wia, While others fancy another “old moke." The 25th of December isn’t far away, For Christmas Eve will be here. When Everybody will gather about To enjoy the Day of the year. As it is bed-time, Hub, I’ll end this rhyme to you* Oneo again my wishes send. As I say “Adieu." Russian Ballet. Kopane RJ). Dear Hub, —May I join your happy band of Cogs? May X have Silver Bell for my pen name if it is not already taken. X have been reading the Cogs’ Rage for about three years and like it very much. lam 11 years old and i am in {Standard IV at school. 1 go to the Waitohi School. Tinkle Bell, Twinkle Eyes and Twinkle Toes are my best friends at school. I know Mistress Mae, Dolly Dimples and Pinto Pete very well. They haven’t been writing for a long time. Xam sending in the Skilltest. With lots of love, Glennys Parker. Welcome to the Big Family, Glennyg. We havo a Silver Bell so choose another name. Send three penny stamps for your badge. Umutoi. Dear Hub, —Russian Ballet has gone on a job at Valley Road and I won't be seeing him until Christmas. I miss him very much. We are going to have swimming the first fine day. There will be fifteen swimmers. All of us school children get up on the ivy at school and slide down. It is great fun. The school looks beautiful at present with its flowers all out in bloom. We have been mowing the lawns and weeding the gardens at school lately. I trod on a rusty nail at school the other day so I have been going on the cream lorry to school. ‘ I am sending in one small poem. I hope it will not take up too much room. Petunia. DISCORD AND HARMONY War in China, War in Spain, But birds are building nests again. Man destroys himself; nor reasons; God persists in time and seasons. Bombs drop death-tears, blood and pain; Sweet Spring blossoms —sun and raku Empires come, and Empires go; Earth rolls on, so sure and alow. War in China, War in Spain, But birds are building nests again. _ —Copied by Petunia*

Umutoi. Dear Hub, —We have still both our pet lambs. I weut down to Lavender’s place the other night after school and some of the way with Petunia. I was

there about hnlf an hour and I c&me home. Wo will be starting swimming again if the weather keep fine. The creeks wero flooded to-day as it rained very hard. I was pleased to seo I got j

a point for the Skilltest. I think it is a good idea. Well, Hub, as it is time I was going to bed I will close with love to you all from Sparkling Bells.

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Manawatu Times, Volume 65, Issue 270, 2 November 1940, Page 4

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HAPPY COGS Manawatu Times, Volume 65, Issue 270, 2 November 1940, Page 4

HAPPY COGS Manawatu Times, Volume 65, Issue 270, 2 November 1940, Page 4