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Women's Institutes

CARNARVON The following is the annual report of the local Institute for tho year ending Match 13, 1935, as presented by the president (Mrs P. T. Scott) at the annual mooting:—“Just a year ago today I reported our iirst annual meeting. We liavo held II meetings since, most of which have been well attended. During the year our delegates have attended and reported on group and federation meetings at various centres. The most outstanding events of tho year wero probably our combined gift evening in June, 1934, in honour of two of our members whose marriages took placo that mouth. Tho Drama Club, which had not long started, has carried on very satisfactorily and numerous plays, otc., have been successfully staged. A most successful and happy evening was spent on August 7, when our first birthday was celebrated. The very handsome birthday cako was made by Miss N. Clare and artistically iced by Mrs E. 0. Webby. A splendid responso was made to tho appeal for the baby hamper ut the Oroua Downs group meeting and also at tho Halcombe group meeting. Letters of thanks were duly received from tho District Nurse and (ho District Maternity Home, Palmerston North. Another valuable contribution from members was the donation of their competition entries in December to the Willard Home, Palmerston North. The garden party held at Mrs Goldfinch’s was an unqualified success, everyone joining in making the afternoon a pleasant one. During the year demonstrations have been given in cake-icing, brass work, passe partout, posy and bouquet making, piuo-neecllo work, wool quilting, etc. We were naturally very pleased when Miss W. Clare gaiued first prize out of 27 entries in the fruit cake competiliou at Halcombe, and also Miss N. Clare being highly commended. The senior points prize was secured by Miss N T . Clare with 26 points and Miss Nancy Scott 2nd, with 25 points. Tho junior points’ prize was secured by Miss Eva Ayers, with Misses R. Newport and I. Scott 2nd. The senior potato competition was won by Mrs John Powell (321 b), with Mrs Rex AlcKclvie and Miss Vera Scott (301 b) 2nd. The junior potato competition was won by Miss E. Newport (371 b). Our best thanks are due to all judges and demonstrators, donors of prizes, etc., for kindly help during the year, and last, but not least, our ever obliging secretary, Miss Winnie Clare.” Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the local Institute was held ou Wednesday, March 33, Mrs P. T. Scott (president) presiding and there was a. record attendance of nearly 50 members present. Visitors welcomed were as follow-: Misses AVhite, Clare (Wanganui), A. Florence, and Mrs W. Barnett, The following new members wore elected; Mesdames W. Burne, E. J. Rose, W. Pedley, E. Pcdley and Misses Duffy, M. Rose, Joyce Thomson, K. Maxwell, and Margaret Quinlan. A full resumo of tho year’s activities is covered in tho annual report, which was read. A very interesting competition entitled ‘‘Grocer’s Jumbled Names” drew a. record entry amJ resulted in a tie between Misses K, Connelly, E, Newport and M. Quinlan. In the draw for positions, Miss Quinlan secured first, prize, and Misses E. Newport and Connelly second and third respectively. Three members of last year’s committee did not seek reelection, namely, Mrs F. J. Thomson, Mrs F. Florence and Miss R. Connelly, and they were accorded a vole of thanks for past services. Ou nominations being called for ten committee members, the following were duly nominated; Mesdames P. T. Scott, A. 3. Will, N. N. Newport, W. Sandercock, -T. C. Gibbons, Edgar Ingram, and Misses Vera Scott, W. Clare, N. Clare, A, Goldfinch, E. Ayers, M. Eeague, B. Reeve, N. ■Seott’ B. Agget.t and Mrs P. M. Luxford. The result of the ballot was the election of the first ten names. For (he position of president, the following were nominated; Mesdames A. J. Will, P. T. Scott, W. Sandercock, N. N. Newport and Miss A. Goldfinch. On a ballot being taken Airs A. J. Will was declared elected. Airs Will, on taking the chair, made oluogistie reference to the retiring president, Airs P, T. Scott, for past services in pioneering this Institute and for services rendered, in which she was ably supported by Alesdames E. D. Mc.lvelvie aud W. Barnett. Airs Will assured members she would strive in every way to further the aims and objects of the Institute. At the conclusion of the business, all adjourned for afternoon tea, which was prepared by Aliases li. Connelly, E. Ayers, 1. Scott, and AT. Quinlan, who were the hostesses for the day.

aokautere The fifth annual general meeting was held on Wednesday, Mrs Greves presiding over a good attendance of members and several visitors. The president extended a welcome to all present and expressed sympathy, on the Institute’s behalf, to several members who had recently been ill. Tho report, as presented by the secretary, disclosed a happy year’s activities and steady progress. The election of a committee for the ensuing year resulted as follows; President, Airs Greves (re-elected); vice-presidents: Mesdames Orr, Lankshear and Clio wen; secretary, Airs Craven; treasurer, Aliss C. Craven; and Mesdames AlcKinlay, Scott, Gilshnan, and Alisses T. Lankshear and J. Burling. After Aliss N. Field had entertained members at the piano, the president took the opportunity of presenting Mrs Brungar with a gift from the Institute and wished her every future happiness. Aliss Grant then spoke on Institute matters and hoped that the Institute would continue to da the good work they had done up till now. Mrs Hopcroft and Miss Grant, who had acted as scrutineers, and who had also judged the competition, were accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The competition for the best' hat made from a sheet of newspaper, was won by Mrs Clausen in tho.seniors and Miss C. Craven in the juniors. After the outgoing committee had served a dainty afternoon tea, tho meeting was brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem.

UTUWAI On Wednesday afternoon Mrs B. M. v layall presided over the last meeting

of the second year of the Htiiwai W.I. The question of sending delegates to tho council meeting next month, and also to the goneral conference at Auckland, was held over for a time. A letter of apology was received from Airs Short, who regretted having been unable to attend tho recent birthday party. Alisses Harknoss and Searle, who aro in ehargo of the potato competition, announced that they are awarding trophies for the best exhibits. Potatoes arc to be entered in May. In the report of tho second year of the Utnwai W.I. Airs Adlington (sccretary), stated that tho year’s membership had commeaced at 32, growing to 3.4- Alany improvemeuts- had been effected, and tho year had altogether been one of progress. A gratifying balance sheet was presented by Airs Alaekcnzie (treasurer). Airs Flavall, in "her report, extended thanks to all those who had co-operated with her during her term of presidency, and spoke feelingly of the necessity of such co-opera-tion in tho interests of tho Institute. Who made special mention of tho work of the junior members who had contributed various concert items throughout tho year. Airs Adlington presented to Mrs Flavall aud tho junior members, little tokens of appreciation, to which the president replied. Aliss .1. Searle, ou behalf of the junior members, voiced admiration of Mrs Flavall’s tireless efforts. Another point raised for discussion was the possibility of sending the cast of a recently staged playette to compete in the drama festival to be held at Rangiwahia next month. This step was approved. A pleasant interlude was provided by Airs A. N. Roberts, who read an entertaining passage of prose. Afternoon tea was dispensed by Alesdamcs Forbes and Enright, and Aliss Davis. Election of officers for the new year took place. As'nominations did not exceed the required number, no ballot was necessary, and the following nominees have accepted office: Mesdames B. Flavall, .). Forbes, J. Mackenzie, J. Enright, F. Wynne, J. McEwcn, A. N. Robert?, G. Adlington, Misses J. Searle and At. Darkness. Alt's Flavall was re-elected president, with Airs 'Mackenzie vice-president, Airs Adlington secretary, and Aliss Darkness treasurer. The subject for next month’s roll call will be “Something to improve our W. 1.” The competition will be

for the best two biscuits (sweet). Aliss Frederick will speak about India. The next hostesses on tho-.list are Airs Hcnimings, and Misses D. Hommings and AI. Foote. Mrs I’roctor was enrolled as a new member. Thanks were extended ,to Mesdames Proctor and G. Roberts who conducted (he election of new officers. The points prizes for flic past year, awarded at the concert and dance, were as follow; Mrs Flemmings 1, Airs Enright 2, Mrs .AlcEwen 3. A special prize, donated by Airs Enright to the member who had submitted most, entries during the year, was tied for by A.liss Della. McEwen aud Airs Mac-, kenzie, Aliss AlcEwen being tho liual winner, TOKOMARU The Jiftli annual .meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon, when Airs AleGill presided over a fair attendance. Airs McGill and Airs >S. Show were appointed delegates for the annual conn cil meeting to bo held in April. Airs Shaw, m group delegate, gave a. report! of the rally held at Koputaroa in February. Tho report and balance sheet both proved satisfactory. Airs Lynch, of Linton, a member of the Federation executive, presided over the election of officers. No ballot was necessary for the committee as tho nominations received did not exceed tho number required. The following is the committee elected: President, Airs A. Boote; treasurer, Mrs A. Burt; secretary, Mrs L. Jamieson; general committee, MesdamesA. McGill, S. Lloyd, Atkinson, C. Yoss, Alisses A. Mason and N. Schwass. Airs Lynch delighted all with a song. Later Mrs R. Atkinson played for community singing. The points competition resulted: Airs €. Voss (31 points) I, Airs H. Parr (26) 2, Airs A. Burt (24) 3. Afternoon tea was served by tho hostesses, Alesdames Atkinson and Corlett. TIAKITAHUNA Airs D. Rowland presided over a good attendance of members at tho annual meeting, and welcomed visitors. Mrs. W. Rowland and Airs Igglesdcn wore appointed delegates to attend the annual council mectling. Thanks were accorded to Airs W. Rowland lor the good work she had done in tier position as secretary during Hie past three years. The following members were elected .for Hio new committee: Mesdnmes D. Buchanan, vice-president; A!. Richardson (treasurer); Aliss E. AlcEwen (secretary); Airs (J. Croucher, Airs H. AlcEwen, .Miss J. Alorcley and Airs W. AlcEwen. Mrs D. Itowlaud was again elected president. The following duties were alloted: Airs F. McEwen (produco table); Aliss M. Rowland (librarian and press correspondent). Mesdames H. AlcEwen and D. Rowland were appointed delegates to attend group meetings. Tho birthday, which is to bo celebrated next month, was discussed and it -was decided to hold a social evening, final arrangements being left in tho hands of the committee. The competition for the best madeira cako was kindly judged by Airs Lover and Mrs Davies, snr., and was won by Mrs S. Ross, with Mrs D. Buchanan 2, and Airs D. Rowland v. Tho points’ prize for the year was won by Airs D. Davies, Airs D. Rowland 2, Mrs D. Buchanan 3. Afternoon tea was sorved by tho hostesses, Alesdamcs G. Croucher, H. AlcEwen, H. AlcEwen and Aliss E. McEwen.

MARTON JUNCTION At tho second annual meeting there was a good attendance. Visitors wove present from Wanganui, Taranaki and Sanson, The Annual report and balance sheet were Tead and adopted. The president referred to tho activities of the Institute and paid tribute to all who had helped to make the year such a successful one.. Mrs Drew, of Sanson, presented the trophies to the winners; of the points’ prizes for the monthly competitions, tho . result being Mrs; Czepansld (senr.) 1, Mrs A. Watts 2. Two delegates were elected to attend the council meeting hit Palmerston North on April 30. Mrs Franke reported on the group meeting held at Halcombc on February 16. As there were too many Institutes in the group for convenience, a division was mado between northern and southern Institutes. An invitation from Marton Junction to hold the next group meeting there on August 8, was accepted, Mrs Drew

the newly-elected convener of the Kotalutangi Group, spoke for a few minutes ou these meetings and how they were conducted and urged as many members as possible to attend these functions. She also complimented the Institute on the good report and satisfactory balance sheet. Mrs Drew was accorded a hearty vote of thanks and presented with a spray oi: flowers. A letter from a Canadian institute was read by Mrs Hammond, together with a paper on the “History of Women’s Institutes,” This was most interesting and instructive. As there wore only twelve nominations (the required number) an election was not necessary. Mrs Gregory was re-elected president, and in nominating her Mrs Handers spoke of her splendid work in the past year. These remarks were endorsed by Mrs H. Matthews, who presented Mrs Gregory with a spray of flowers in appreciation of her services. During the afternoon two mouth-organ solos were rendered bv Master Walter Loveridge, of Wanganui, and a recitation was given by Mrs A. Watts. Afternoon tea was served by the following hostesses: Alosdames J. Kendrick (chief), Abel, Connell, Price, Masters and Young, and Miss Brady. Tho next meeting will be on April 3, the competition being for a patchwork cushion. Each member i:l asked to bring a suggestion regarding the demonstration or competition she would like to have during the coming year.

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Manawatu Times, Volume 60, Issue 67, 21 March 1935, Page 4

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Women's Institutes Manawatu Times, Volume 60, Issue 67, 21 March 1935, Page 4

Women's Institutes Manawatu Times, Volume 60, Issue 67, 21 March 1935, Page 4