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Manawatu Golt. Championship Won By A. E. Guy

Kuru Decisively Beaten in Final

Successful Tournament Concluded in Glorious Weather

The Manawatu Golf Club’s annual tournament was concluded yesterday in delightful weather, the day being perfect in every respect. The course, with the greens well cut and.ironed, was in splendid order, and the fairways much faster than on Monday, and the semi-finals and finals could not have been decided imder better conditions, and many of the matches, particularly in the subsidiary competitions, were taken far past the 18th green before finality was reached.

The championship was won by the young Manawata player, A. E. Guy, who beat W. T. Kura (Waipukurau) in the final after having eliminated L. Seifert (title holder) in the semi-final, and both patches finished on the fourteenth green, the results never being in doubt. Guy played sterling golf and his game was much too solid for his opponents. Playing easily within himself, he never let up, and throughout the six rounds he played during the tournament he was round about scratch figures, and J. E. Lewis was the only opponent to take him past the sixteenth green. The Manawatu Plate was won by G. McGregor, who beat P. D. Daniell (Miramar) in the final. This competition was for the eight players eliminated in the first round of the championship and it proved a most interesting one. The concluding games in the Hokowhitu handicap were all hard fought. The semi-final between J. M. Taylor and Father Hegarty finished on the home green, while in. the other there was no decision until A. 11. Honeyfiold beat B. Marsack on the twenty-second green. T’lie final was another good match and Houcyfield did not strike his colours to Taylor until the seventeenth had been played. The position was the same iu the Consolation handicap. G. P. Maulc accounted for S. K. Siddclls at the seventeenth, but E. G. Seeker took B. Keillor to the twentieth before Keillor won. The final finished on the home green, Maulc winning against Keiller, 1 up. Presentation of Trophies At the conclusion of tlic tournament players and friends gathered at the clubhouse for the presentation of trophies. Mr C. Louisson, the president of the club, officiated at this pleasing ceremony, and ho took the opportunity of thanking the visitors for their attendance nt the tournament, and he expressed the hope that one and all had had an enjoyable time. He mentioned that he had heard a number of flattering remarks about the course and observed that Mr J. H. Galloway and his staff were to be congratulated on this happy state of affairs. He called for cheers for the visitors and then asked Mrs Louisson to present the prizes, the successful competitors being roundly applauded. Mr E. Haldane, speaking for the visitors, thanked the Manawatu Golf Club for a most enjoyable three days, and there was a generous responso to his appeal for cheers for the members of the Manawatu Golf Club. Concluding Results Tlie concluding results -were as under: — Championship. Semi-Finals. Yf. T. Kuru beat T. Louisson, 5 and 4. A. E. Guy beat L. Seifert, 5 and 4. Final. Guy beat Kuru, 0 and 4. Manawatu Plate. Semi-Finals. G. McGregor beat N. 11. Anion. P. D. Dauiell beat F. Murray. Final. McGregor beat Daniell, 3 and 2. Hokowhitu* Handicap. Semi-Finals. ,T. M. Taylor beat Father Hegarty. 1 up. A. 11. Houcyfield beat B. Marsack at the 22nil. Final. Taylor beat Honcyficld, 3 and 1. Consolation Handicap. Semi-Finals. G. P. Maulc beat S. K. Siddclls, 2 and 1. B. Keiller beat E. G. Seeker at the20th. Final. Maule beat Keiller, 1 up. Second Bogey Handicap A Grade. G. M. MeCaskill, 2 up. G. 11. Scott, 1 up. P. D. Dauiell, 1 up. B Grade. G. M. Louisson, 1 up. J. O’Sullivan, square. V. J. Ellison, 1 down. Four-Bail Bogey 11. Swindell and H. E. Fairey, 7 up. S. A. Goldingham and K. S. Glendinning, 4 up. J. G. Swainson and E. G. Moore, 4 up. • M. Maitland and I). Johnston, 4 up. COMMENT ON THE PLAY The feature of the concluding matches in the championship was the sterling play.of A. E. Guy. When, in the semi-final, Seifert took tho first hole with a birdie 3, a close finish was indicated. Guy, however, approached closo to tho pin at the second and holed a useful putt for tho win in 3, and he never afterwards lost his grip on the game, lie had two bits of luck at Riverside, where his drive hit a bunker and kicked clear to the next fairway, and ho finished with a stymie to save tho hole. lie was 2 up at the

turn and 4 up after the eleventh, when tlie end was in sight.

It was the same story iu the final. Guy won the first two holes and dropped the third. Kuru then held him to the eighth, which Guy won after a great recovery from a bunker, Kuru taking three putts. From there on Kura’s long game could not be faulted and his ball was usually nearer the pin than Guy’s. He was having no luck with his putts, however, and Guy, making few mistakes, reeled off a succession of scratch figures to clinch the match at the fourteenth. Quite a big gallery followed the final and Guy’s was a popular win. The Semi-Finals In the Kuru-T. Loursson game, the first hole was halved in s's. Then Louisson put his second over the back at the second, and took two more to get on to tho green, where Kuru was nicely placed for an easy 4. Louisson ran down a longish putt but failed to save the hole. Kuru made it 2 up with a nice -4' at the third, and lie was 3 up with a birdie 4 at Cliff View. Louisson got one back at Biverside with par golf and he was on at tho ninth for a possible two when Kuru, who had pushed his tec shot behind u tree, conceded the hole. At tho turn Louisson was 1 down. Tho tenth was halved in 4’s, but Kuru lipped tho hole for 3 at Land's End. Louisson, at this hole, duffed his drive but played a slashing second near tho green. He could do no better than 5 and Kara was again 2 np. Kuru was going remarkably well at this stago and he laid a No. 7 iron dead at Lagoon Hill, winning the hole in 2 to 3. Louisson played par golf at Ti Ti’s, but lost the hole. Kuru’s third finished right on the edge of the green and ho went up and, putting with a No. 3 iron, ran tho ball across the carpet and into the hole for the win with a birdie 4. He was 4 up and f> to play and lie was down in 4 at Kraal to win tho hole and the match. He pi'ayed very lino golf on tho inward half and he was 2 under 4’s and 3 under scratch for the five holes, liis figures being 4 4 2 4 4. Guy v. Seifert The Guy-Scifert game openod sensationally. Both were on with tlicir seconds following good drives at the first, and Seifert then ran down his putt for tho 3 to 4. At the second Seifert’s approach was past tho pin and to the right just off the cut grass. Guy was 8 feet away. Seifert failed with the approach putt and Guy made no mistake, his birdie 3 squaring the match. The next two holes were halved in scratch figures, but Guy put his third near the pin at Strang’s and ran down the putt for the win in 4 to 3. He increased his lead to 2 up with another birdie 4 at Cliff View. Seifert should have got one back at Biverside, but the fuck was against him. Guy pulled his drive, a low one, and hit the top of the mound between the first bunkers. The ball kicked out on to the sixth fairway and he played a magnificent second to within easy distance of the green. Seifert was nicely on in 3 and close to tho pin in 4. Guy’s approach putt was weak and lie missed the return, being luck)' enough to lay Seifert a stymie, the hole being halved in G. Neither reached tho green with his tee shot at tho eighth, which was halved in 4. The ninth also was halved and Guy was 2 up nt the turn, tlicir figures for the outward half being: Guy: 4 3 4 3 4 4 0 4 3 —33. Seifert: 3 4 4 3 5 5 0 4 3—37. Going to the tenth, Seifert, from the rough, missed tho green and was short with a chip from just off tho edge. Guy was on in 2 and he lipped the cup with his approach putt though he secured the win iu 4-5. Guy hooked his drive at the tenth and played a safe second short of the green. Seifert hit a long teo shot but was a trifle strong with his second, which ran past the pin and over tho bank at tho back. Guy was on in 3, but Seifert, from the rough grass beside the path, ran through to the bottom of the green. He required three more and Guy won with an easy 5 to be 4 up. Guy took three putts at Lagoon Hill, which was |halved in 4’s, Seifert having overclubbed from the ice. Ti Ti’s was halved in par figures and the game finished at tho fourteenth, where Guy’s second finished near the pin and he won in 4 to 5. Guy’s game was equal to one over 4’s. The Final. At the first hole Guy sliced his drive aud Kura pulled his on to the next fairway. Guy was on in two, but Kuru Was in the bunker to tho right, this costing him a stroke and the hole. Both were on in two at the second, Guy being 5 feet from the pin and Kuru 10 feet further away. Kuru was not up with his third, but Guy rolled his down, being 2 up. At tho third Guy pushed his second out and just failed to reach the greeu with his third. Kuru was on iu two and down in four for tho win. luiru w r as through from the tee at the fourth and Guy won with an easy 2 to 4. Each was closo to the green at Strqng’s with two beautiful woods. Guy chipped five feet from the pin but migs-

ed the putt, the hole being halved in 5. At the sixth both were well away from the tee, but Guy put his second into the bunker on tho left and Kuru his into the bunker on. the right. They recovered well and halved in scratch figures. Guy drove into the rough to the right at Riverside, but made a good recovery and both reached the green in three for tho half in scratch figures. At Monro's Guy’s tcc shot finished iri a bunker pin high to the left, whereas Kuru was on the green. Guy exploded out. the ball finishing two feet from the pin. Kuril’s approach putt was S feet short and ho missed the next, Guy winning in 3 to 4. Both tcc shots were to the green at the ninth. Kuru’s 20 foot approach putt stopped right on the lip of the liolo and a half in 3 resulted. Guy was 3 up, tlicir figures for the outward half reading:— Guy: 43 5 3 55 5 3 3—36. Kuru: 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 3—39. Guy drove on to the road at tlic tenth aud both were on with their seconds. Kuru missed a 3-foot putt for a birdie three and the hole was halved in par figures. Two very long drives were hit at Land's End and Kuru placed his second 3 feet from the pin. Guy approached 12 feet from the pin and he proceeded to run down the putt for tlic 3. Kuru failed to hole his and Guy won, now being 4 up. Both teo shots were to the green at Lagoon Hill. Guy laid his approach putt near the hole and Kuru again failed to run one down for a 2. The hole was halved in 3’s. At Ti Ti’s Kuru hit two splendid woods to within easy chipping distance of the green. Guy’s second was sliced into the rough, but he made a wonderful recovery, his third finishing 12 to 14 feet from the pin. Kuru was well on in 3, but his putt was too strong and he failed with tho return putt, Guy winning iu 5 to 0. lie was now dormy 5. Tho game finished at Kraal, where Kuru put his second into the bunker on the left of the green. Kuru chipped past the pin ami he just failed to sink for the 4. This would not have kept the game alive, however, for Guy was down in an easy 4 to win 6 and 4. Coming in Guy recorded the following figures, 4 3 3 5 4. Mr. A. Quell umpired the game. Manawatu Plate Final. The Manawatu Plate final between G. McGregor and P. D. Dauiell proved to be a hard tussle and McGregor eventually won 3 and 2. McGregor averaged 4’s going out and was 4 up at the turn. Daniell got back one hole, but could not reduce the deficit further and finality was reached on the 36th green. McGregor’s round was equal to a 77, Daniell taking SO. Hokowhitu Final. J. M. Taylor was one of the popular fancies for the Hokowhitu Handicap and he duly won it. Honcyficld was the other finalist and the game concluded ou the 17th green. Taylor was 1 up at the turn and he took the next three holes in a row. . The 13th and 14th were halved, Honcyficld’s effort at Ti Ti’s being a remarkable one. Playing his third, he hit a cabbage tree, the ball skidding across the fairway and under the Kowliai's. He then put his fourth into the right hand bunker. He played out too strongly, his Jjfith finishing on the No. 1 green. Ho approached back to the edge of the green and ran down a very long putt for the 7. With a stroke ho was able to secure the half. Taylor missed a putt at Barraud’s and Honcyficld was down in 4 to win the hole/ At the ICth Honeyfiold sank a 20-footcr for another win. They went to the ,17th, but there Taylor laid Honcyficld a stymie, winning the hole and tho match 3 and 1. Consolation Handicap. The Consolation Handicap finalists, G. B. Maule and B. E. Keiller, staged another titanic battle and it was not until the home green was reached that Maulc secured the decision.

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Manawatu Times, Volume 59, Issue 248, 24 October 1934, Page 8

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Manawatu Golt. Championship Won By A. E. Guy Manawatu Times, Volume 59, Issue 248, 24 October 1934, Page 8

Manawatu Golt. Championship Won By A. E. Guy Manawatu Times, Volume 59, Issue 248, 24 October 1934, Page 8