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Northern Club Prepares for Summer Sport

largely-attended ANNUAL MEETING. Mr. J, C. 1 oung presided over a largo attendance of- devotees of tho various branches of summer sports at the annual meeting of the Northern Bowling, Tennis and Croquet Club last evening, rho club spent a profitable evening in preparing for the coming season's sports. After tho Tending of a number of apologies, the president 's annual report (already published) and the balancesheet, were read and adopted unanimously. Supplementing his written statement, Mr. Young said it was noteworthy that in spito of tho so-called “depression,” the membership had been fully maintained, proving the popularity of the club. Witness to the extent of the developments effected was the fact that their expenditure over tho five-month period had approximated £IOO a month.Income had exceeded the current expenses of the club, capital expenditure alone incurring a slight debit balance. Considering the work done, tho finances were unquestionably healthy. Although the new season would open with a small deficit, this was only the usual position, and the future held nothing untoward for tho club. It was only when they took full stock of the grounds at their disposal that they had realised the potential merits of the property, w'hich had undergone a veritable transformation. The work was now virtually accomplished and would result in expanded activities in the coming season. The winter activities, said Mr. Young, had been well maintained, and in this respect the ladies of the croquet section had been indcfatiguablc. Mrs. Bryan was deserving of special commendation in this respect, as was Mr. Jack Sharman for his supervision of the 30 relief workers who had been maintained on the grounds over the winter period. Indicative of the co-operation prevailing in the club was the spontaneous w-ay in which members came to light with an offer of cars when it was necessary to transport workers to the country to obtain supplies of manuka. Mr. C. N. Babone had generously brought the material to town. Seconding the adoption of the report, Mr. B. H. Stallard congratulated fellow club members on the sound position they were in. If they continued to progress at a like rate, they would before long be in tho enviable position of being the strongest and best equipped sports body in the city. Attention was drawn by Mr. Stannard (general secretary), to the difficulty which the tennis committee was faced with in maintaining its membership, on account of numerous removals from the uistrict and constant resignations. Eulogising Mr. Young's work during the season, Mr. P. S. Larcomb declared that the president in his modesty had overlooked his own work. In reality, they possessed one of the best presidents it would bo possible to find anywhere. (Applause.) Attention was then given to the various sectional reports, which were comprehensive in their recording of the events of the year and the results of the season's play. Bowling Section. Mr. J. J. Sherman, bowling secretary, gave a lengthy review of tho season, showing a well sustained membership, which compared favourably with the position of kindred bodies. All competitions, it was gratifying to know, had been finalised, and a list of winners was appended. The club had the honour of annexing tho singles championship for the Manawatu centre, thanks to Mr. H. 11. Stallard. This was the first occasion on which the club had arrived at championship honours since its inception. In inter-club games Northern figured prominently, winning the Manscn and Barr Cup, Harris Stars, Ainslie Shield and Veterans' Vase. The latter two were still held. Intense interest was shown in the revival of competitions for club trophies, and these changed hands frequently. Two rinks visited Wellington and acquitted themselves creditably. Six rinks also visited Oroua, and were successful by five games out of six. Evening games were a feature, and “club night” met with a fair measure of success. The club took the initiative to hold a veterans’ day. Several clubs were invited and spent a profitable afternoon. The function was one to be commended to the Manawatu Centro for consideration. During the recess, much developmental work hr been done, and thanks were particularly due those bowling members who loaned tools, making the employment of a large number of men possible. The loan of motor vehicles for obtaining material from the country was also appreciated. It was interesting to note that the completion of tho now green would olevale them to tho position of the only club in the Manawatu centre with two greens, which should place the club in an advantageous position in many respects. They had accomplished in one year what might well have taken five to complete, and the green secretary, Mr. McKee, had done valuable work. The report concluded with a minute of thanks to the ladies for providing afternoon tea. Tennis Section. Messrs." W. D. Beid and B. M. Brien. joint tennis secretaries, reported an excellent muster at the opening of the season. The membership reached (130) was below expectations, but. a large active list was maintained. Unfortunate weather conditions were ascribed ns a reason for the loss of some members. The Saturday tournaments fully justified their inclusion in the season's programme. The decision to abstain from intcr-club competitions bad proved wise, but a few friendly games had been beneficial. Notwithstanding the loss of several leading players, the club’s standard of play had remained high, with much improvement among the younger players. The report then detailed results of tho club competitions, and extended thanks to Mr. C. A. Plimmer for the donation of trophies. The social life was also well maintained in tho winter months. In January the Manawatu residential championships were played at Northern courts, which was appreciated alike by club members and the Manawatu Association, The

committee had pursued a policy of ground improvement, and there was every prospect of excellent courts for the coming season. Thanks, were due the croquet-section - for-, afternoon, tea, and Mr. Lynch for valuable services in improving courts, etc. Croquet Section. Reporting on the croquet players' activities, Mrs. 11. Brown said the section's membership was 38. In the North Island tournament .at. Pa.buer.st9n.North, Mesdames Langford .an d... Br.ya ,wcro runners-up in the doubles. In the Manawatu tourney the club was well represented, both numerically and in point of successes. The club did not enter the inter-club series, but had exchanged many friendly visits. After reviewing successes in other games and recalling winners of club trophies, the club thanked all who in any way contributed to the success of the season. The various reports -were then jointlv adopted. Election of Officers. Mr. J. C. Young was unanimously reelected president, members paying tribute to the work of Mr. Young in the past year. It was the opinion of speakers that they could not do better than re-appoint Mr. Young. Reciprocating, Mr. Young said his year of office had been most enjoyable, and every consideration had been extended him. The, honour was appreciated, said Mr. Young. Vice-presidents appointed weio Messrs. C. Bryan (bowlers’ nominee), E. R. Harris (tennis), and Mrs. H. Brown (croquet). Mr. S. Stannard was returned as general secretary, and Mr. p. S. Larconib was appointed treasurer. Sectional secretaries are: Mr. J. J. Shaman (bowling), Mrs. S. Bailees (croquet). The tennis secretary’s appointment is left in abeyance. Mr. M. Lee was voted to the position of honorary auditor, and the grounds committee comprises Mrs. T. Simpson, Mr. R, McKee, and Mr. J. J. Muggndgc. The customary bonuses were voted to the secretary and the caretaker. Several new members were then nominated, and a number of resignations accepted. A show of hands favoured the opening day for the season being appointed on a Wednesday. A welcome was extended to Air. -J. A. Nash, M.P., who congratulated the club on the excellent results obtained 111 the past season. Northern wero fortunate in the help of their lady members, who appeared to be the mainstay of tin- club. The new green would be most welcome from the centre’s point of view, added Mr. Nash, and would prove serviceable when tournaments came along. Northern Club had more than made good with the grounds at its disposal, and had wrought wonders. Mr. Nash assured bowling members tlia the suggestion for a veterans’ day would rcceivo the immediate attention of the Manawatu Centre this season. It was decided that it be a recommendation to tlio committee that the garden party, which had been most successful, be repeated this year. This concluded the business portion of the evening, following which ' the gathering entered on a social hour. Soyoral -items were contributed, and. a daintv supper dispensed by the ladies met lyitli a ready reception.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7241, 22 August 1933, Page 5

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Northern Club Prepares for Summer Sport Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7241, 22 August 1933, Page 5

Northern Club Prepares for Summer Sport Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7241, 22 August 1933, Page 5