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Rugby Championship Positions Still Unchanged

-Folding OH Boys Defeat United in Fast Game

Victories For St. Patrick’s and Kia Toa The Manawatu Rugby championship leaders, Feilding Old Boys, maintained their position at the head of the ladder by defeating United on Saturday in the presence of a large number of enthusiasts. In the other games St. Patrick’s beat Old Boys and Kia Toa accounted for Pending by 15 points to nil. Though a light rain was falling in the earlier part of the afternoon the weather cleared before 3 o’clock and the later games were played under favourable' conditions.

RESULTS AT A GLANCE Senior. Feilding 0.8. 12 v. United C. ■' St. Patrick’s 23 v. Old Boys 3. Kia Toa 15 v. Fcilding 0. ",' Junior. Massey College 17 v. Feilding 0.8, o. Old Boys 9 v. Kia Toa 0. ; Batteries Bv. United 6. * St. Patrick’s won from Fcilding by * .Icfault. *• ST. PATRICK’S BEAT OLD BOYS “ in the first game played on the oval Jbt. Patrick's scored a convincing win "over Old Boys but the margin of 23 to three rather* flattered the winners for the game was much evener than rne scores would indicate. St. Patrick's, however, were quick to seize their opportunities and possessed the neees"sary finish to turn them to account. Uld Boys worked hard enough but did ■ not disclose the form which gave them the victory over Kia Toa the previous Saturday. The Teams. The teams lined out as under: Old Boys (black): Tillick, Bradrey, Yortt, Wehipeihana, Lang, Olliver, Gibson, Waldegrave, Fox, Stewart, O’Dea, * Henry (captain), Kennett, Cutler, ' Sandman. / St. Patrick’s (green): Bentley, Qui- * gan, Dawick, Findlay, Gillespie, Spelman, Small, McKay, Madgwick, Benefield, Ferguson, Lyons, Nesbit (captain), Lumsden. The Game. There was a very light rain falling when the game started. Old Boys won the toss and St. Patrick’s kicked off ' towards the southern goal. The black * forwards started a rush and with a penalty, took the game into the green "quarter. The ball was greasy and when 'Wehipeihana short punted through the opposing back line, Olliver went close to, getting away. St. PatTick's rallied, however, but the relief was only momentary for Gibson kick- “ ed through again and, the bounce beating the opposition, Bradley secured and !> raced away with Gibson, Waldegrave 'and Cutler in support. Bradley .drew' -his man before passing infield to Waldegrave who, in turn, passed to Gibson. The half back made as if to . pass to Cutler but whipped the ball back to Bradley instead and the speedy wing three-quarter, shaking off * one tackle, sprinted over at the corner. '/Lang’s kick missed. The Old Boys' forwards were going * well and St. Pat’s were hard put to it "to hold them. The blacks were getting the ball from the scrums but the half was given little or no time to get his - backs going. When the hall did go along the back line, however, St Pat’s smashed the movement as a prelimin- ■ ary to a sortie into the black quarter (where McKay had a fruitless shot from a penalty. St. Pat’s maintained the 'pressure but cool defensive work by Tillick kept sending them back. McKay and Nesbit were shining, out in attack and they had the blacks well ‘ bustled for some time. The ball was yery slippery by now and the game, except for exchanges of long kicks, was mostly confined to the forwards. '" Tho next score came after McKay had had a shot from about 35 yards ’out. The ball dropped short to be 'fielded by Olliver. Olliver failed to Jind the line and Nesbit broke away from tho melee to start a loose rusn to ■ me Old Boys’ line where the greens went over in a bunch, Small scoring a try in a handy position. He converted with a good kick and St. Patrick’s led , by five points to three.

up and dived over. The kick missed. St. Pat’s 13, Old Boys 3. Madgwick, who had received a couple of knocks during tho spell, had left the field, St. Pat’s carrying on with 14 men until Smith took his place. The greens were going great guns now and their speedy forwards were giving the defence no peace. Their backs wcio working well too, but Cutler nearly turned the tables on them when ho broke away with the ball at his feet. Halted in midfield on the 25 line ho came in again on tho wing, and St. Pat’s found touch just in time. A force down followed but Wehipeihana lined right at the corner flag with a great kick. The greens worked back to tho 25 but Waldegrave headed another black rush, and from this on till the end of the game, the play was fast, and open but the greasy ball was hard to handle. Ju3t before “no side’’ was sounded, the St. Pat’s forwards worked their way into Old Boys’ territory and, after Speiman had made a thrust on his own, McKay kicked through over the line and won the race to score an easy try. Small kicked the goal and St. Pat’s won by 18 points to three. Mr. J. Holman was tho referee. PEILDING OLD BOYS BEAT UNITED In the other senior game on the ovai Feilding Old Boys beat United by 12 points (three tries and a penalty goal) to six (two penalty goals). It was a good gamo and until well on in tne second spell it might have gone cither way. Feilding started at a great Tate and were nine points on in double quick time. After that, however, United made every effort to keep the ball from the speedy Fcilding backs and, with two penalty goals, were only three points down at the interval. The second half was keenly contested and there were many thrilling movements. The score, however, was only increased by three points, tho result of a penalty kick by Amadio, and a feature of tne piay was tho tackling by both teams.

The Teams. The teams lined out as under: — Feilding Old Boys (green): Trass, F. Elliott, Hancock, Amadio, Bramweli, Dewe, Irvine, Waldon, Grant, Wilson, Mitchell, Conrad, Eade, Knyvett, C. Elliott. United (white): Mabey, Penman, E. Ormond, Burehall, Apatari, H. Ormond, Fenton, E. Ward, Findlay, F. Kells, A. Ward, McClelland, Glastonbury, Flowers, J. Kells. Feilding Old Boys won the toss and United set the ball rolling from me northern end. The pace was on from the outset and it wa3 early made evident that the visitors were going to keep the game open. They instituted several promising back movements and opened their scoring account when Irvine fired the ball out to Dewe and Bramweli, both cutting in nicely, the last named throwing out a long pass to Amadio on the wing. Amadio gathered the ball in and streaked over at the corner. He missed with the kick. This was a serious setback for United but they plugged away and Findlay and Flowers very nearly worked through the opposing side, but Trass gathered the ball in to halt the rush. United attacked for some time but the green forwards eventually secured and started to lire the ball about again. First one side and then the other had possession but deadly tackling was keeping tho game in midfield. United, during this flutter, were playing with 14 men, one of tho forwards, minus his nether garments, being parked out on his own. When he had been sent back into action, Feilding Old Boys penetrated to the 25 line where United were penalised for offside play and Amadio landed a good goal.—F.O.B. 6, United 0.

Score by Nesbit. St. Patrick’s were getting the better of tli6 game and after a series of determined attacks, Findlay broke Ihrough after an Old Boys’ passing rusk had broken down, and after picking the ball up in his stride, drew the full back and passed to Nesbit who shook off a tackle and scored under the posts. Small again added the major points to give his sia. a seven-point lead, the totals being unchanged at the interval. Territorially there had not been much between the toams but St. Patrick’s had made full use of the opportunities offering, the second try in particular, being the result of faulty handling by one of the Old Boys’ backs. The Second Spell. The second spell had been In progress only a minute or two when a green forward broke away nicely from the ruck but spoiled the effort when he charged intto the black full back some moments after he had got rid of the ball. The green forwards soon assumed the upper hand and with short rushes, took the game into the black quarter where they sent their backs into action. The ball travelled out to Gillespie who was dumped but got his pass away. The ball was kicked over the lino and Tillick just beat Nesbit to force. The St. Pat’s team was not to be denied, however, for when Gillespie short punted to the flank, Quigan lost no time in getting possession and he sprinted.for the line. Tackled, he passea'iifleld and Dawick, geooged the hall

Amadio was not long in raising the total still further. Bramweli kicked through to the line and the green backs swarmed after the ball. Mabey held them up momentarily but’ the visitors soon gained possession and after an interchange of passes, Amadio obtained and went over near the corner. His kick was off the line. United were spurred to greater efforts by this reverse and they soon had the game at the other end of tho field. F. 0.8. kicked through but Apatari halted them and when Mitchell secured from the ruck and passed back to Bramweli, Apatari dropped him with a flying tackle and the white forwards swarmed down to the line where a scrum formed. Two green men came round and a penalty was given, H. Ormond landing a great goal. Old Boys’ lead had been reduced to six.

United were on top at this stage and R. Ormond attempted to goal from the field, his shot lacking direction. Tne whites were soon back on tho line find in a desperate sortie, J. Kells and then E. Ward made efforts to bullock their way over. The game was becoming very exciting and United were getting tho better of it and after E. Ward had lined near tho corner the game swung over in front of the posts where Brainwell came in offside and H. Orrnona landed another goal to make the score Feilding Old Boys 9, United 6. The visitors were next to bring the spectators to their feet. Heeled nicely from a scrum in

the ball out to Elliott on tho wing. Elliott sprinted clear but was well grassed by Mabey. Tho ball swung over to tho other wing where Amadio gathered it in and went over, to bo recalled for offside play. The kick was lined well down and a thrilling first half ended in midfield. Second spell. The rain had cleared off before the game started and the conditions ror play were quite good. It. Ward was an absentee when United lined out for the second spoil, his place being taken by Anderson. United did the early attacking in the second spell, first It. Ormond, then Apatari, followed by Glastonbury, sending Feilding back to their citadel. A* great run by Elliott, however, transferred to the other end and in a melee in front of the posts, offside play by United gavo Amadio another chance which ho turned to account and F. 0.8. led by 12 to (i.

Feilding 0.8. continued to press for some considerable time but the defence held and when It. Ormond punted high, Trass carried back to force. United hooked cleanly from tho scrum but a pass went begging and F. 0.8. worked the game back to half way when Penman made a great run down the side line. His pass went astray and the Feilding forawrds swarmed down on to It. Ormond. Ho delayed them and United rallied, Mabey lining well down. The green backs were next to show out and when Bramwcll cut in a score seemed likely. Hancock’s pass, however, went over tho wing’s head and the ball went into touch. They tried again a moment later but Apatari intercepted and the game swung up and down field and with 10 minutes’ play left United were attacking hard when E. Ormoml, jammed for roou to move, had another snap shot at goal, tho ball swinging wide to be kicked into dead ground. The light was failing fast and both teams were beginning to feel the effects of tho pace but they finished very gamely, many good rushes being staged during the closing minutes of tho gamo. There.was no further score and F. 0.8. won by 12 points to six. Mr. D. Heggie was the referee.

WITH THE JUNIORS. Batteries Win. Batteries’ win over United on (Saturday was by no means an easy one. At half time Batteries led B—o,8 —0, tries having been scored by McMinn and F. Mason, S. Mason converting the second. Ward opened United’s score by putting over a ponalty and in response to encouragement from the side line, began to test the strength of the reds. Peglar got over from a forward rally but Ward was not successful with the kick. The tail end of the spell saw Batteries once more predominating. Old Boys Too Good. Old Boys and Kia Toa, -who were level at the head of the junior competition, staged a hard fought game but tho blue were all muzzled. Sorenson first scored for Old Boys from a passing rush and the second try was secured by Plank who won the race for the ball after Birch had centered and the leather had bounced over the line. The third and final try was the result of a pretty piece of combined play between Norris, Quirke and Buick, the latter scoring.

Playing at Feilding on Saturday, Massey College defeated Feilding Old Boys by 17 points to 3. Bunuythorpe 9 v. Linton 0. Third Grade. St. Patrick’s 6 v. Massey College 3. Kia Toa 3 v. Springboks 0. Woodvillo won by default from United. WITH THE MIDGETS. Terrace End A Beat Central C. Terrace End A and Central C figured iu the midget game, tho Central boys being very small chaps. The game had only just started when Goodwin accepted a pass and outpaced the opposition to score in tho corner. A couple of minutes later he took the ball through at his feet and scored again. The next try came when Goodwin centred and Bull gathered tho ball in and went over under tho posts. Further tries were added by Drench and Goodwin and Terraco End won by 15 points to nil. TE KAWATT RESULTS Senior. Bongotea 10 v. Oroua Downs 0. Taikorea 12 v. Ohakea .10. Awahuri 9 v. Makowhai Camp 5. Schools: Bongotea 23 v. Bangiotu 3. Ohakea Strikes to Taikorea Ohakea seniors were vanquished on Saturday by tho visiting Taikorea fifteen who won a hard-fought game by 12 —10 Ohakea went well in the first two spells and led 10 —3. Coombc (shifted in from full back to liveeighth) and Pedersen scored for Ohakea, Coombe converting in each case. Taikorea were unable to cross Ohakea’s line in the first two quarters, but scored three points from a penalty goal. The visitors piled on nine points in the two successive spells — three tries, none of which were converted. Ohakea, it seemed, could do nothing right, and incurred many penalties when they attempted to operate in the rearguard. The game was not an interesting one to watch and seldom did play rise to the heights in evidence at the meeting between Bongotea and Ohakea the previous week. Mr. F. Carroll refereed.

RESULTS IN OTHER CENTRES Wellington. Senior A. —First Division: AVellington 21 v. Athletic 5; Hutt 22 v. St. Pat’s Old Boys 6; Wellington College Old Boys 19 v. Eastbourne 30; Petouc 8 v. Marists 8; Poneke 1-1 v. Oriental 3. Second Division: Onslow 17 v. Bcrhamporo 3; Pctono 29 v. Hutt 10; Poneke 11 v. Johnsonvillo 10; University 6 v. Miramar 0; Melrose 10 v. Upper Hutt 11. Senior B: Old Boys 0 r. Athletic 5; Oriental 14 iu Miramar O; Wellington

14 v. University 6; Porirua 11 v. Marists 0. Horowhenua. Punihou 30 v. Wanderers 3; Shannon 17 v. Foxton Fire Brigade 9; Otaki 8 v. Hui Mai 8. Wanganui. Technical Old Boys 15 v. Pirates 0. Old Boys 11 v. Marist 8. Kaicrau 45 v. Katana 0. Wairarapa. Red Star 1G v. Old Boys S. Carterton 22 v. Greytown 3. Feathcrston 11 v. Masterton S. KANGITIKEI SUB-UNION It at a 13 v. Bulls 9. (Played at Bulls.) Uld Boys 17 v. Athletic 3 (Played at Marton.) Halcombc 4 v. Huutcville 3. (Played at Halcombe.) Eata Defeats Bulls

The match between Bulls and Bata attracted at good attendance, and spectators were treated to quite a good exhibition of Rugby. Bata played open football throughout and thoroughly deserved their win. Bata had just as many scoring opportunities but lack of understanding among the backs and too much off-side by their forwards spoiled some really good chances. Bulls (black) at once rushed play into the Bata (green) twenty-five where the home forwards compelled tho visitors to force down. Cameron, who was in his old position as full back for Bulls, followed this up with a drop kick at goal which missed narrowly. Bulls kept up their aggressive tactics, and Cameron had a fruitless shot from a penalty. Pausina and Preston broke past Nero Kane, the Bata custodian and Bulls had five forwards in line, but M. Down effected a lucky force. Jack Potaka in attempting to clear in the face of a Bulls’ forward rush, kicked into Cameron’s eager hands, and tiic latter calmly potted a neat goal.—Bulls J, Bata nil. Crossland kuockcd-on near the Bulls lines and, Bata hooking, the ball came out to G. Hartley, to Mclntyre, who was forced out at the corner. Bulls forwards swept through and Sanson touched down in the dead-ball area. Bulls were penalised in front of tho props and G. Hartley sent over a goal. —Bolls 4, Bata 3. M. Down made a timely interception in the visitors’ twenty-five, and breaking through, the Bulls backs ran T. Potaka into a scoring position, but tho latter missed the pass and a. chance of a life-time. Bulls were still, attacking when half-time came. —Bulls 4, Bata 3.

'The second spell opened in desultory manner, and Bata, who had made several changes iu their rearguard formation, gradually worked their way to within striking distance of tho Bulls line. The ball was hooked back to the green backs, and George Hartley snapped over a lightning field goal. ■ —Bata 7, Bulls 4. Bulls tried to work their backs and Pawson’s pass to Cutts was intercepted by M. Down who raced through to score unopposed. G. Hartley failed to improve. Bata 10, Bulls 4. Play hovered for a while near the green line, till Pausina burst through and touched down well out Cameron converted.- —Rata 10, Bulls 9. The home forwards infused more dash into their lino-out work, and had Bata defending desperately. At this stage a Bata forward was sent off for an alleged breach when tackling Gleeson. The Taiuru brothers and J. Cameror broke through from a line-out and Bulls gave way inch by inch, J. A. Taiuru eventually touching down at the corner. The kick was unsuccessful.—Bata 13, Bulls 9. Air. D. Westwood refereed.

N.S.W. Beat Queensland Beceived Sunday, 9.50 p.m. BBISBANE, June 25. In the iutcr-Statc Rugby Union match New South Wales defeated Queensland by 10 to 14.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7192, 26 June 1933, Page 8

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Rugby Championship Positions Still Unchanged Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7192, 26 June 1933, Page 8

Rugby Championship Positions Still Unchanged Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7192, 26 June 1933, Page 8