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Pig Breeders Confer

Business of Quarterly Meeting of N.Z. Council The council of tho New Zealand Pig Breeders’ Association held a lengthy meeting in Palmerston North yesterday. The president (Mr. J. A. Bussell) was in tho chair and tho other members present were: Messrs. N. P. Nielsen (Tialdtahuna), A. Cl. Holder (Eketahuna), W. P. Bickers (Makino), E. S. Boss (Bay of Plenty), A. E. Gudopp (New Plymouth), K. Chilcott (Hamilton), J. M. McLindcn, M.E.C.V.S. (Massey College), and Iv. S. Glcndinning (secretary). • Mr. A. H. Cockayne, assistant direc-tor-general, wroto in reply to the Council’s letter concerning reports of lishy flavours in New Zealand pigs. .He said he was under tho impression the reports referred to tho condition of affairs two seasons back as he had been informed by the Meat Control Board that no complaints had been mado by their London representative in regard to shipments mado last season. He added that considerable amounts of lish meal were produced in the country and that a small amount of this may havo been .fed to the pigs. The advico circulated from time to time by field officers that lish meal was highly objectionable had had the effect of stopping its use for fattening purposes. The chairman said it was unfortunate that reports had been circulated and that he could not understand where they had originated from. The Eoyal Agricultural Society wrote agreeing there should be a fixed schedule for Eoyal Shows. Tho secretary •further stated.that he had drawn up a schclulc in 1920 which had been adopted by the council, but the A. and P. associations holding the show had always modified it to suit, themselves.

Branch Reports. Branch reports were received from the Manawatu-Oroua and South Auckland associations. The ManawatuOroua branch reported a membership of AGO, an increase of 6-1 over the previous season. Tho report suggested that 50 of the 1929-31 non-iinancial members should bo removed from their books as they had deiinitcly ceased to be members through change of location.

Tho South Auckland branch recommended that early application be made the parent association to havo tho Perret Shield allocated at an early date for competition at one of the A. and I*. Shows of the district. Tho reports wero received. Mr. C. S. Mexted, of To Kawa, wroto relative to a proposal to form a branch in tho Te Awainutu district and tho secretary was instructed to write Mr. Mexted giving him the necessary information concerning tho procedure to be followed and tho financial assistance to bo expected of the council. Registration of Pedigree Pigs.

In accordance wim notice given at the last meeting of the council, Mr. G. S. Ross formally moved: “That no animal shall be eligible for registration unless application to register as above has been made by the breeder within 12 months after birth of such animal, but provided that tho council may at its discretion allow registration to bo effected at any time on payment of tho registration feo of £5 ss, the animal to be- subject to an inspection at the expense of the breeder.” This was seconded by Mr. Gudopp.

Mr. Chilcott considered that the fee for registration was a reasonable one. Mr. McLinden issued a warning when he said it might not be wise to extend tlje period during which a pedigree could be registered. Definite regulations had been laid down, but the motion was tantamount to giving the breeder an extension of time. Mr. Chilcott said that there was a risk of members if the regulations were too strict, particularly during a depression. Mr. Boss said the resolution was designed for the outstanding pedigree pig Which had not been registered.

The secretary thought, in the interests of the breeders, that some provision should be made in the regulations for the outstanding pedigree pig which had not been registered. Mr. McLinden considered that there could be no line of demarcation between the outstanding pig and others. It all came down to a question of iineagc. Mr. Nielsen observed the pig would have to be true to type. Mr. Bickers held that the pig would have to conform to the standard of excellence laid down.

Mr. Gudopp quoted eases where animals, which had not come up to the required standard, had been rejected. Mr. Boss observed that the regulations provided ample safeguards, Mr. McLinden: If you are satisfied with the safeguard go ahead with the proposal, but do not forget the breeder making application will expect the council to give reasons for objecting to register a particular pig. The motion was carried, Mr. Nielsen having his vote recorded against it. Primary Producers’ Association.

The Manawatu-Oroua branch wrote suggesting that the, time was opportune for the formation of a New Zealand Primary Producers’ Association. The New Zealand Farmers’ Union wrote in the same strain, adding that there was no intention of doing away with any existing association, but the proposal aimed at an amalgamation of forces to deal with major questions. The chairman considered that it was not really a matter for a breed society. Mr. Gudopp considered it a step in the right direction and he moved that the proposal bo approved of. The motion was carried and the president and secretary were appointed delegates to attend any conference.

The chairman said the council should also consider the question of representation on the Meat Control Board. Appointment of Judges. Another letter was received from tho Manawatu-Oroua branch covering recommendations in regard to tho appointment of judges at A. and P. Shows. The president 'considered the number of breeds should be limited for it was not right to expect one judgo to handlo all tho present classes and to do jus-

tico to himself or the exhibitors when there was a largo entry of pigs. He thought tho matter should bo threshed out with tho A. and P. Association. Other speakers agreed with the chairman but considered that at tho smaller shows it would not bo possiblo for tho association concerned to incrcaso tho number of judges. After a general discussion, Messrs. Boss and Bickers moved that’ tho number of breeds to appear after each judge’s name, on the judgo’s list, bo limited to throe, but that a clauso bo inserted to the effect that at all small A. and P. Shows a judge may judge any breed other than those opposite his namo on tho official list, provided he is willing to do so.

This was carried. The other recommendation from the Manawatu-Oroua branch designed to ab low for exhibitors to. lead their exhibits into a judging ring, also found favour and the chairman moved that tho four leading A. and P. Shows, tho conference of A. and P. Shows, and tho Eoyal Society bo written asking that a suitable judging enclosure bo provided and that tho regulations bo altered to permit of an exhibitor, or attendant, leading the pig into the judging ring. Mr. McLindcn seconded this.

Mr. Gudopp wondered what would happen if the aged boars were ail shown together. Tho chairman said it was done in other places. The motion was carried and, in addition, it was resolved to recommend that pigs be sent out for judging in their most natural condition and that no exhibitor bo permitted to use oil on a pig’s coat until after the judging. It was also decided to write tho conference and Eoyal Society stating that tho council viewed with concern the apathy of stewards towards tho carrying out of instructions and recommending that steps be taken to see that stewards observo tho regulations set out in the catalogue. Mr. Koss suggested that the trouble could often be traced to tho fact that the stewards appointed were not. interested in the pig classes. Mr. Nielsen stated that in his experience the stewards at the various shows had taken a keen interest in tho classes.

Loss of Records. A Cambridge breeder wrote stating that he had lost all his records through lire. This raised tho question of stock lost by death and it was agreed that all breeders should notify tho society of all stock lost by death. Quality of Stock Foods. Tho New Zealand Poultry Association wrote suggesting an amalgamation of forces interested, in the matter of investigating the position in regard to the quality of stock foods and the necessity for fixing a standard for same, tho combined standing committee to havo power to act.—-It was decided to co-operate with the Poultry Association and any other parties interested rn the matter and the chairman and secretary were appointed to represent tho council at any conference.

General. The National Pig Breeders’ Association wroto to tho effect that it had agreed to tho Royal -Society’s request for champion prizes for Berkshire, Tam worth and Largb White pigs for the Royal Show to be held in Palmerston North. The letter was received and it was decided to fix tho conditions on tho same lines as those governing the supreme champions. In connection with a request from the Poverty Bay A. and P. Association for a list of suitable judges to act at their show, it was resolved to forward the. council’s official list and to supply certificates in tho different classes.

The New Zealand Co-op. Dairy Co., Auckland, forwarded the suggestion that the pig industry should have representation at the Ottawa Conference. The matter was discussed and it was finally decided to concentrate on getting a representative on the Meat Board and to ask the department to take steps to make sure that the interests of the pig industry were watched at the Ottawa Conference. The chairman said that many people were under tho impression that the term “Canadian” referred to a particular breed of pig and the executive had come to the conclusion that the tcnh should bo done away with. Mr. Gudopp said that as long as the pigs were not referred to as “Canadian” in the herd book, tho association had nothing to worry about. It was resolved to write the four leading shows and the conference asking them to delete the term “Canadian.”

The Wairarapa and East Coast I’, and A. Association wrote recommending Messrs. H. Eayncr and W. H. Bird for inclusion in the list of judges. —It was resolved to appoint them associato judges. Waikato Pig Recording Club. Eulogistic reference was mado to the work being carried out by the Waikato Pig Recording Club and it was resolved to congratulate the Department ot Agriculture on the inauguration of the pig recording schema and to express the hope that tho existing subsidy would be continued and, if possible, increased. Twenty-nine new members were elected. Financial Statement. Tho financial statement disclosed a credit balance of £355 Is Cd. The secretary anticipated that there would bo a slight credit at tho end of the year and that despite tho expense involved in printing the herd book involving a cost of some £l6O and embracing two years’ registrations.

The members considered that the position was very satisfactory, but agreed that the council would have to go very carefully for some time to come. Entries in Herd Book. The entries in Volume XIII. of the herd book were shown as follow: Berkshires (838), Large Whito Yorkshires (774), Tamworths (396), Large Blacks (106), Duroc Jerseys (9S), Middle White Yorkshires (7), total 2219. Registrations to dato, for Volume XIV. were shown as follow: Bcrkshircs (206), Duroc Jerseys (5), Largo Blacks (38), Largo Whites (305), Tamworths (133), Yorkshires (3), total 690.

Standard of Excellence. The present standard of Berkshire* has been questioned with particular reference to the markings and tho National Pig Breeders’ Association wrote

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Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6835, 16 April 1932, Page 8

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Pig Breeders Confer Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6835, 16 April 1932, Page 8

Pig Breeders Confer Manawatu Times, Volume LV, Issue 6835, 16 April 1932, Page 8