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FINAL GALLOPS AT RICCARTON CHIDE GIVES BEST WORKOUT AMONG THE CUP CANDIDATES - TRAY BOND BRILLIANT CHRISTCURCH, Last Night. The Anal fast gallops prior to the opening of the Canterbury Jockoy Club’s mooting were staged at Riccarton this morning. A largo number of spectators put in an appoarance early in anticipation of witnessing some at* ti active performances. Unfortunatoly thick fog onvoloped the course, making it difficult to time the gallops until it cleared off about half an hour after the dolayed work had boon in pro*' gross. In spite of this drawback the morning’s proceedings were full of in* terest.

Several of the New Zealand Cup candidates went in good stylo. Chide ’a mile and a quarter was the best. Paganolli and Consent sprinted five furlongs brilliantly, while the two-year-old Tray Bond registered a great half mile.

Jaleux and Honour wero early workers. They went once round at a steady pace and then galloped a mile and a quarter, Jaleux led his mate most of the way but Honour had his measure at tho finish. > Tho. fog was se. thick when the two galloped that they wore not timod.

Semper Paratus and Quarterdeck were associated in a gallop ovor nine furlongs in the fog. Spoon ran five furlongs, while The Geisha went four furlongs and a half.

Chide Ticks off 2.9 Chide broke away at the mile and a quarter post, and after going two furlongs alone he was picked up by Meprisant. The fog was too thick to pormit accurato timing, but Chide ran the full journey in 2.9, after taking about 26sec. for the first two furlongs. He beat his mate home comfortably, and ho was travelling along at the finish as if he oould have done better. It was an exceptionally good gallop. : Disorder, galloped six furlongs on the plough. ,•. ,-v Don Jose and Twang were companions over about six furlongs. i - Stately ran a i mile by herself, . and Swoopalong beat Moratorium over sovpn furlongs. Cashier galloped a milo and a quarter in 2.11, ; and was going well at the end.’

Caterpillar, was moving freely at .the end of a sprinting task, while Straightcourse and ' Ball Dress sprinted half a mile, the formor having a slight advantage. Netley was going better than Starshooter at the end of seven furlongs run in 1.30.

Avro ran five furlongs on the plough in 1.4,

Subdivision Shows Speed

Subdivision got a break on Havering at the start of a six furlong gallop, and never let the North Islander get near him, finishing his task easily in 1.17.

Leader and The Viscount wero on terms at the end of five furlongs in 1.4.

Malmsey and Kentish Lady occupied 1.34 for seven furlongs on the plough. Miss Nightraid and Desert Song, both with good weights up, reeled off six furlongs in 1.16 2-5, finishing together. Sea Raid was to have gone with them, but she broke away in front and sprinted half a mile in 51sec.

Hunting Cry was half a length in front of White Pang at the end of six furlongs in 1.16. Hurly Burly got to the end of seven furlongs in 1.31. Paganelli reeled off five furlongs in 1.1 1-5, a brilliant effort.

Eaglet Beats Two

Eaglet beat Count Palatine by over a length, with Vertigern two lengths further back, after doing nino furlongs in 1.59 3-5, the last mile taking 1.44 2-5. Eaglet was going well at the finish.

Atholspear and Austerity ran seven furlongs in 1.32. Princess Betty and Rosy Morn dashod over half a mile in 48 4-ssec,. finishing together. It was a smart gallop-

Count Cavour and Amor wero companions over a milo and a quarter. They went off slowly, taking 28 2-5 sec. for the first two furlongs, and 1.21 2-5 for the first six, while they finished full of going in 2.13 4-5, with very littlO between them. Sapient covered seven furlongs in 1.32, Topere leading her homo over the last half mile in 51 2-sscc.

Historic Pleases Historic, In the Shade and Prodiee attracted some attention when they went out to gallop a mile and a quarter. Prodice soon took charge from In the Shade, while Historic was a couple of lengths further back for the first two furlongs, which • occupied 27 sec. Then Historic started to move up and he was with In the Shade at tho end of six furlongs, Prodice being slightly in front, in 1.21. Over the last bit Historic finished well, and ho just boat Prodice, with In the Shade close up. The time was 2.12 1-5, tho last half mile being done in 51 l-ssec. It was a useful gallop, done well. Seatowh and Yoina ran a mile and a quarter in 2.13, taking 1.57 4-5 for the last nine furlongs and 1.44 3-5 for the last mile. Seatown had the measure of his mate at the end. Hovlake reeled off seven furlongs by himself in 1.29, and was travelling cn in good style at the finish. Proud Knight and Thurso occupied 1,19 1-5 for six furlongs.

Admiral Drake, Merry Mint and King’s Jest were in that order at the end of a mile which occupied 1.47. Consent’s Great Dash Consent showed great dash over five furlongs, doing the last half mile in 49 see. Concentrate and Spearmiss galloped

nine furlongs, Dolomite going with them for tho first half mile. Tho two Cup candidates set a hot pace for the start, running tho first five furlongs in 1.2, and doing tho full journey in 1.55, while the last milo was run m 1.42. Concentrate finished just in front. They carried vory light weights, but it was an attractive performance.

Solmuri and Tigrano were given a usoful gallop over six furlongs.

Groat Star occupied 1.22 1-5 for six furlongs, but ho was being eased up oyer the last half of the journey. _■' Taliskcr and King Midas registered 1.16 1-5 for six furlongs. Vali and Taurun ran six furlongs in 1.17 2-5 and wore going well at the finish. • j

Royal Parade beat Goshawk over:six furlongs in 1.17 4-5, Last Mark finishing several 'lengths away. TokQuma ’did six furlongs . alone in 1.17 1-5. ; t. ; ' V:: \ , : '•

Tcheka was given useful paco work. • Tepibroney beat-Solmar over.six fuilongs' in, 1,17. ■< ( . . • ; , ' , , Kapima Over Jumps * i

. Royal -Saxon sprinted.-half • a mile .on the plough in 49 4-ssec. :' : .yXyy Master .Clarence i beat Bonrose;:'over five furlongs, in 1.3.2-5. . ?, 7 -

Prancolin’ covered seven' furlongs by herself in 1.32,. doing the last; half mile in 52’ l-ssec.

Nine of Spades gave a good display of jumping over four hurdles, but the pace was not fast. Haze, occupied 1.5 3-5 for fivo furlongs on tho plough. Kapuna was schooled over eight hurdles, going at a sound paco the first time and a trifle faster the second round. His jumping throughout was brilliant, the best piece of schooling seen on the track for some time. ■ Red Heckle and Solegolo. . sprintod half a mile up tho back in 49 3-ssec. Buoyant was going a little better than Pahautanui at the, end of seven furlongs, covered in I.M 1-5. . , Tray . Bond’s Brilliance

Tray Bond registered the ' fastost sprint of the inorning, dashing over half a mile in 47. 3-ssec. She is exceptionally brilliant, 1 and if she can run out the last furlong decently she will ,be hard to catch in tho Weloome. Stakes.,i •. i ;■ -

There., was not much between Latin Quarter, "Spqedlight and Lucky Light at tire end of’a mile, .run in 1.44' 3-5.

Bulolp ( broke away in front of Mt. Boa and” ran half a mile up the back in 51 i-sseh, / ,

Projector oocugied i. 5 4-5 for five furlongs pa the .plough,

The Bailiff and. Hounslow . ran, six furlongs on the plough. in 1.17. t Safety gave. a good exhibition while jumping Wflles., .. _. ;f The -Wingatui trainer, C. Giesler, and S. G. Ware were "• overnight, arrivals from the south. * They gave their teams .easy work on the .plough. The Cup horße, Money Mine, which was among them, looks very well. A number of,two-year-olds sprinted down the straight: after, being schoolod at the. barrier., i , • ;

T. Webster will ride Spearmiss in the Cupj while L. Woolford will be on Money Mine. 0 y-T$X

Latest Arrivals

Overnight, arrivals .from the south are: Money. Mine, Waving Corn, Red Royal, Stealth, Some Toff, Sailing Home, Black Duke, Assemble, Kerbside, Glonrowan, Academy, Gold Tinge, Narrative, Positive, Royal Saxon, Blue Metal, Dumblane, Mt. Boa, Rosy Morn and Solmuri.

This morning’s steamer from the north brought Piuthair, Black Mint, Royal Game, Fallow, juggle, Gold Cure, Tourist, Tresham, Arrow Lad, Koddar, Duellona, Glare, Richfield, Glengariff, Rabbi, Imateagirl, Make Up, Novar and Limosin.

Whangarei Gold Cup Won by Sir Archie


bombarder breaks neck.

Per Press Association. WHANGAREI, Last Night. For the Wknngarei races there was beautiful weather, save for short showers. The tote took £14,214, against £14,399 last year. Results:— SPRING PLATE, 6 furlongs. I—CRIMESTOR, 1 4 TETRACHATE, 2 5 WILD COUNTRY, .. .. .. 3 Also started: 10 Tukunoa, 11 Valoriomt, 14 Howick, 12 Good Idea, 13 Lady Eustace, 6 Land Measure, 6 Section, 9 Miss Mavis, 2 Norval Tea, 3 Sea Song, 7 Snow Plane, 8 Valquette. Won by a neck, 2 lengths. Time, 1.18 4-5. KENSINGTON HACK, 6 furlongs. I—BOMBARDER, 1 4 ROMAN PEARL, .. ...... 2 B—BIG BERTHA, 3 Also started: 6 Carl Idem, 9 Patutahi, 2 Red Lion, 3 Mauriaona, 7 Diamond Queen, 5 Hairland, 11 Luxurious, 10 Waiau Laxly. Won easily by half a length, one and half lengths. Time, 1.19. HIRANUI HURDLES, 1J miles. I—GOLDEN WEDDING, ..... 1 3—ADJUSTER, 2 5 SERANG, 3 Also started: 7 Automne, 6 Bob Amans, 4 Michael, S Night Comet, 2 Sleepy Sol. Won by 2 lengths, each way. Time, 3.7 2-5. WHANGAREI GOLD CUP, li miles. B—SIR ARCHIE, .......... 1 7—THIJRSBY 2 I—HIGH1 —HIGH PITCH, 3 Also started: 3 Le Choucas, 5 Transformer, 2 King Emerald, 4 Palmares, 0 Wen-day. Won by two lengths, two and a half lengths. Time, 2.12. COUNTY HANDICAP, 6 furlongs. 3—KILDEER, * 7—CYNIQUE, * I—MINERAL, ....... 3

Also started: 1 Right and Left, (bracketed with Mineral), 5 Welcome Home, 2 Sunny Morn, 4 Lightwood. 6 Blue Bonnet, 8 Furore, 9 Archanul. A fine finish. Mineral was two and and a half lengths away. Time, 1.20.

HIKURANGI HACK, 7 furlongs,

1— IMPERIAL PRINCE, 1 9—DIAMOND QUEEN, 2 2 HAY COCKADE, .. .. .. .. 3 Also started: 3 Red Lion, 4 Bombarder car 9.2, 5 Brampton car 7.4, 6 War Officer, 7 Mountain Guide, 8 Royal Seagull, 10 Valquette. When t.he horses were coming down the straight, Bombardor, then lying in fifth position, galloped on the heels of Gay Cockade, came down and broke its nock. Won by half a length, with Gay Cockade a neck away. Time, 1.301 The stewards held an inquiry regarding the falling of Bombardor and found the occurrence was accidental. . MANAIA HANDICAP, 6 furlongs.. 3 ENVOY, ; 1 2—THE BEGUM, oar 7.3 .... >. 2 .I—LADY’S BOY, .. .. .. .. .. 8.

: Oration was scratched. Won by a neck, with the favourite only a neck away. Time, 1.19. PARAHAKI HANDICAP, 1 mile. .4—MAORI BOY, •••'.. ...' 1 3—THURSBY, .. ,v .. .. .. ,i 2 I—LIAISON, .. .. .... ..V-.; 3 Also started: 2 Ti <Troo, ,7 ■ Hipo, 5 Quincoma, 8 Wemdny, 9 Cynthia N., 6 Geanlight,. 10. Right .and Left. . ■ Won. by 34 lengths each way. Time, 1.46,1-5., : ...

ACCEPTORS FOR TO-MoRROW. • »;PRESIDENT ’S' HANDICAP, 6 furlongs.—Lady’s Boy 9.3, The Begum. 7.9, Gfimestor, Cymon, Macroom, Red Ifibs 7.0. . ■ ' ■

PARK HANDICAP, 1 - mile.—Maori Boy; 8.10, IJigh Pitch 8.8, Sir Archie :8.6, Transformer 8.3,. Thursby-7.i1,-King Emerald 7.8, Envoy, Liasion 7.0, Wonday 7.3, Palmares 7.0. MARSDEN HACK, 6 furlongs.—lmperial Prince 9.3, Carl Idom, Patutahi 8.7, Roman Pearl 8.0, Red Lion 7.12, Big Bertha 7.10, Pellette 7.10, Mauriaena 7.9, Crimestor, Diamond Queen 7.6, Welcome Homo, Gold Lily 7.5, Royal Seagull, Luxurious, Scourplane, Valquette 7.0. FAREWELL HANDICAP, 1 mile.— Thursby 9.0, Hipo, Quincoma 8.6, Own!raka 8.4, Palmares 8.1,. Cynthia . N-, Gemlight, Macroom 8.0.' 1 POROTI HURDLES, 1} miles and 197- Wedding '11.6;- Adjuster 9.5, Serang 9.1, Bob Amnns, Michael, -• Mountain Guide, ; . Night Comet 9.0. . ! '■ ; ' ■ ■■

KAURI HANDICAP, 5 furlongs.— Tetrachate 8,8, . Wild Country 7.12, Mineral 7.10, larval Tea 7.11, Howick, Lady Eustace,' Larid' Measure,' Measurer, Sea Song, Sno'wplano; Tukunoa, Val quette,' Furore, Principal, Miss Mavis 7,7. • • ■ ;

s KAMO I HANDICAP, 7 f urlbngs.Right and Left ‘ 9.10, Welcome Home B.l2,'Sunny 1 Morn 8.8, Kildeer' '8.6,' Royhl Seagull 8.5, lightwood '8.2, Cynique 7.8, Blue'Bonnet, A'rchahui 7,0.'. TITOKI HACK,- 7: furlongs.—Paulin talii- 8.7; Gay Cockade 8.1, Roman Pearl 8.0, War Officer 7.8, Diamond Queen 7.6, Mountain Guide, Haviland 7.1, Sunny Morn, Luxurious, Section, Valquette, Waiau Lady 7.0. LEVIN WEIGHTS

WELLINGTON, Last Night. Weights for the Levin Racing Club are:— MANAKAUHURDLES; 1* miles. ■Tresham 10 13 Call Again 9 0 Sunart 10 4 I’rilford 9 0 ’Peßhwa 911 General Wai 9 0 Caluoa ' 9 9 Ironic • , 9 0 Hard Gold 9.9 Vim 11a 9 0 Schorr 9 7 The Budget 9 0 Rash- '' ‘9, 6 QuilUirP 9 0 WERAROA HANDICAP; 7 furlongs, Elvsianor 9 2 Habit 8 0 Tourist 812 Irish Lad 8 0 Make Up 810 Kotaki Eka 8 0 War Zone' 810 Dainty Ways 8 0. Eootpad 810 Lo Champ 8 0 Dermod 8 8 Painting 8 0 Tobaccoland 8 7 Plane 8 0 Rod Bank 8 5 Pompadour 8 0 Arrowhead 8 3 Marveilo 8 0 Goldlike 8 0 MAKO MAKO HANDICAP; 6 fur- , • longs. Clarendon 9 0 Claremore 7 4 Mangahaere 8 8 Patearoa 7 2 Ex Dono 8 5 Pari 7 0 Acredity 712 Mandy 7 0 Dermod 7 9 Agrestic 7 0 Werata 7 8 Emld. Abbey 7 0 Balloon 7 8 Gueress 7 0 Marica 7 7 Rational II 7 0 Money Mint 7 o Stroamer 7 0 Grattan 7 5 LEYIN CUP; 1} miles Mendip 9 0 RoideVal 7 2 The Hawk 810 Borsalene 7 0 King Midas 8 8 Discourse 7 0 Talisker 8 4 Break o’Day 7 0 Blimp 8 1 Corf 7 0 Tresham 712 Llyn Dhu 7* 0 Spearmiss 711 Imp. Spark 7 O' Merry Mint 710 Skyrider 7 0 Royal Game 7 7 Gold Bag 7 0 Black Mint 7 7 Kijriana 7 0 M. Treasury 7 6 Duellona 7 0 Ramescs 7 0 Glare 7 0 Mtn. Heath 7 4 LAKE HANDICAP; 1 mile and a distance. Limosa 9 0 Glare 7 7 Masher 811 Kiriana 7 5 Disranlc 8 6 Arrowhead 7 2 Gold Bag S 0 Air Force 7 0 Imateagirl 8 0 Banbridge 7 0 Make Up 710 Fallow 7 0 Chopin 710 Hatteras 7 0 Fine Acre 7 8 Irish Lad 7 0 Tourist . 7 8 R. Mistake 7 0 Balloon ■ 7 7 Ironic 7 0 MCDONALD MEMORIAL; 6 furlongs. Goshawk 9 0 Quantum 7 5 Atkolspear 810 Borsalene 7 5 First Money 8 9 Melissa 7 5 Maui 8 S Voronoso 7 2 Banket 8 3 Pass Book 7 2 Dobbin 8 2 Moopai 7 0 Peneus 712 Wanderlust 7 0 Hunting Boy 7 12 HOKIO HANDICAP; 5 furlongs. Mangahaere 9 0 Black Acre 7 7 Just So 811 Cavity 7 7 Coon Song S 7 Cornoroffi 7 7 Great Lady 8 6 General Gas 7 7 G. Shadow S .1 Habit 7 7 Acora 8 0 June Rose 7 7 Grattan 8 O Lady Rene 7 7 Tapestry 8 0 Lo Champ 7 7 Claremore 7 111 Modcstrian 7 7 Tea Taster 713 Paiko 7 7 The Budget 712 Pompadour 7 7 Rash 712 Rasouli 7 7 Shot. Silk 712 R, Queen 7 7 Statuary 7 9 Transact 7 7 Dancing Star 7 9 Wee Acre 7 7 Acreline 7 7 S. Beauty 7 7

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Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7061, 8 November 1929, Page 7

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SPORTING Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7061, 8 November 1929, Page 7

SPORTING Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7061, 8 November 1929, Page 7