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Record Opening Day Attendance Yesterday

Successful Entertainments

The gate takings for the opening day of the show yesterday easily constituted a record for the first day at a Manawatu and West Coast spring fixture and provided that the weather holds fine, the exhibition bids fair to set a new standard.

A promise of rain in the oarly mornlag resulted in several scattered showers but th-e afternoon was warm and mild. Be cord finst day crowds thronged the halls and the amusement section, which is much larger than last year. Although the gate takings yesterday was far in advance of previous years, it has to be remembered that the opening day this year falls on the town's half-holiday. Comparison of the figures therefore does not convey the actual increase but there is no doubt that the steer-riding competition proved an added attraction.

(Cloverlea) Valencia 2, J. J. Waller's (Awapuni) Bob Boy 3, C. P. Smith’s (Takapauj Mischief 4. Fourteen entries.

To-day’s Programme. The programme for to-day is as follows: — 9 a.m. —All other horsos, cattle, sheep and dogs to be penned and ready for judging. 9 a.m.—Exhibition of machinery, motors, implements, permanent stalls, vehicles, school work, needlework, home fleece wool, photography, etc. Judging thoroughbreds, trotters and harness horses. 11 a.m.—Boy and girl riders.

Detailed figures for the past three years are as under: —

Ist day: 1927, £37 15s; 1928, £6B ss; 1929, £531 8s 3d. 2nd day: 1927, £492 15s 3d; 1928, £564 Is; 192.9, -. The show will extend over today and to-morrow, with night sessions. This morning, the judges will give their attention to the sheep and cattle sections, which this year are very'strong. The Manawatu Kennel Club's show, with «ver 680 entries, will also open to-day. Yesterday, judging was completed in the home industries, needlework, photography, art, and technical sections. The classes for porkers and baconers were also completed and the remainder of the pig classes will be finished this morning.

1 to 1.30 p.m.—Trotting exhibition in ring. 1.30 p.m. —?ony jumping; Gillies Cup; dual jumping; leaping competition (steeplechase style) (Ford Manawatu Motors cup); and ladies’ hunters (Moufcoa cup). 6 p.m.—Show grounds closed to public. 7 to 10 p.m.—grounds open for side shows and exhibits in halls.

7.45 p.m.—Gymnastic display by Palmerston North Y.M.C.A. in entertainment hall.

Among the visitors expected to attend the show to-dity are a number of members of Parliament, the Mayor of Wellington (Mr G. A. Troup) and councillors from the capital city.

A pleasant entertainment was staged last night by approximately 80 members from the Y.M.C.A. gymnastic classes, under the supervision of the instructor, Mr C. Woods. The entertainment hall was utilised for the occasion but the attendance was only fair. The programme, which was similar in respects to that of the annual display held at Palmerston North recently, consisted of calisthenics, tumbling and pyramids by the male members, while the ladies gave a display of club swinging and gym. dances. On behalf of the A. and P. Association, Mr J. Linklater M.P. thanked the Y.M. authorities for the display. Being materially assisted by the good weather conditions prevailing “Show Town" was accorded generous patronage and there was a constant stream of people outside, the exhibition halls.


Photography Section.

The judge of the photography section, Mr A. H. Eaton, of Wellington, was not altogether pleased with the classes which he had had under review. This was particularly the case, he stated, in the open section, which he characterised as disappointing. The general standard of the work was at the best, only average and the class was only redeemed by two notable pieces of work which eould justly be called outstanding. These were “The Breaker’s Boer," a really wonderful seascape, and “The Story Teller," a remarkable group photograph, the first by Mr G. T. Robson, of Wellington, and the second by Mr O. Boyer, of Wellington. .

Maiden Jumpers Maiden jumpers' competition for the Aahlea Cup*—D. Sr. Eiddiford's (Marten) Bonus.. 1,,, -R. H, Meade's

The amateur classes were very, mueih on a level with those of the'previous year but here a,gain the number and

standard of the exhibits offered room for improvement. Two’ outstanding examples of work in this section were “The Lacemaker" and a seascape, “The Harbour, ’’ both by Miss H. Johnson, of Wellington. The first was a triflo heavily finished, but the two photographs wore nevertheless splendidly done. “I will say once again, what I have hammered at for years," concluded Mr Eaton, “the competitors do not exploit as they should, the beautiful scenery of the Manawatu. Within a three-mile radius of Palmerston North, there is material for hundreds of photographs. ’' Show Card Writing. The dearth of entries in the showcard writing class was tho subject of comment by the judge, Mr Alexander Clark, who pointed out that the keen demand for good show-card writers should make it worth while for competitors to enter in this section. The class, though small, was fair in standard. The exhibit by Raymond Tapp, of tho Palmerston Norbh Technical school was a, very good ,piece of work. Primary Schools Writing,

“In each section, there were some line specimens of penmanship, ’ ’ commented G. H: Espiner, judge of the primary schools writing section. “In the lower classes, the chief faults that put the exhibitors out of the running, were irregularity of spacing, lack of uniformity in slope, and the formation of loop letters. “In most eases the receipted account was well done, but in some, the competitors had followed too closely sonic printed invoice form, which gave the exhibit a clumsy appearance. “In the higher standards the chief] faults in the business letter lay in the* address and the ending. Because a person buys and sells goods, he does not forfeit the right to have a handle to his name. “Mr" and “Mossts" should never be omitted. “Yours sincerely” is out of place in a business letter; “yours truly" is questionable. “Yours faithfully’’ is the most acceptable expression.

. Handiwork. “The now syllabus provides scope for the expression of the ideas of pupils in the making of articles that serve some practical, useful purpose, ’’ was Mr Espiner’s comment on the handiwork section in which he also adjudicated. “The syllabus has been in force loss than a year, consequently, the number of exhibits in this particular subject was rather small. However, those that came forward wore well executed and showed considerable skill on the part of the exhibitors."

Cookery. “Taken generally, a very good section,"' commented Mrs. G. J. J. Buchanan, of Eiannevirke, who judged the cookery classes. The judge stated that the fruit cake section has boon very fine, while the sponge sandwich exhibits had also been of a high standard. In the novice and other sections there had been some very fine cakes This is Mrs. Buchanan’s first year of judging in Palmerston North and she expressed herself as very favourably impressed with the cooking soction.

Technical Work and Modelling. Mr. L. J. Watkin, of Wellington, expressed his regret at the gradual de-

Bend-all of tho Palmerston North Technical school, who had taken first place for a figure study from life in black and wliite. This class had been vary good indeed. Mr. Watkin also made special mention of the drawing from a group of

four subjects by another pupil of the Palmerston North Technical school, Henry Edwards. This ho considered to be quite an outstauding piece of work. He considered that the quality of the work in design and object drawing had been well maintained both by the Technical and High schools. It was pleasing to note also, that two new processes, in etching and linoleum cuts, had boon introduced.

Art Needlework. “The work on the whole was excellent,’’ commented Miss E. King, of Napier, the judge in the art needlework Miss King stated that she had been particularly impressed with the high standard of work in the schools sections, and in this direction desired to make special mention of the work exhibited in the classes of pupils of Standards 2 and 5. The hand sowing work had also been of a high order while the outstanding class of the section, she considered, wn.s that for tea cloths. Entries in some classes had been poor but taken rigiht through, had been good.

Jumping Competition. Mr L. W. Nelson, of Whangaroi, who judged the jumping competition, commented t-hat there had been a fair field and no falls. Some of the entrants on conformation would never make hunters. All 14 entrants faced the judge and completed the circuit, although the majority baulked at the second obstacle. Porkers and Baconers.

Owing to the illness of Mr J. H. Butcher, of Stratford, who was to have adjudicated in the pork and baeon sections, Mr J. Oandy, of Palmerston North, acted as judge. In commenting on the porker’s class, Mr Oandy stated that the placed exhibits were very fine specimens ,notable for firmness of flesh, and well boned. They possessed the character required ,by the trade but some entries failed to reach the standard necessary for export. In the baconers’ class, the judge stated tiie entry comprised a very nice line of typical baconers. The placed pens, particularly, were well covered, firm in the flesh, and had the meat in the proper place. They were of good length and not too heavy in the bone. These pigs were well suited for the local and export trade.

Mr W. B. Grant, of New Plymouth, [who is judging the remainder of tho pig classes, had not completed his awards yesterday and will finish his adjudication this morning.

Art and Industrial Division

ART AND FANCY NEEDLEWORK. (Judge: Miss E. King, Napier). Exhibit of fancy work, limited six distinct examples: Miss M. Ranson

crease in the number of entries in lii.s (P.N.), I; Miss E. H. Bcdshaw (Ashclasses. He had been rather disappoint- hurst), 2; Miss B. Lumsden (Daunced by tho standard in the painting virkc), 3; Mrs. G. M. Lankshear (New from still life and landscape classes, Plymouth), v.h.c.; Miss C. Cooper but the standard of excellence in stud- (Wairarapa), h.c. Five entries, ies of heads from life had been well Hand-knitted lace: Miss M. McQuire maintained. A notable piece of work (Hastings), 1 and 2; Mrs. Chirstensen had been the exhibit of Miss Margaret (P.N.), 3. Five entries.

Best worked and most handsome cushion, mounted: Miss B. Small (Havelock), 1; Mr. Walter Weston (P.N.), 2; Miss J. Williams (Havelock), 3; Mrs. E. White-Parsons (Napier), v.h.c.; Miss May Miller (P.N.), h.c. Twelve entries.

Handbag: Miss A. C. Harper (Taihape), 2. Only entry. Shaded embroidery, in silk :Mr. W. Weston, 1; Miss C. Cooper, 2; Miss M. Misson (Wanganui), 3. Three entries. Afternoon tea cloth, embroidered in cotton: Miss E. J. Wilkins (Havelock), 3; Miss N. Twistlcton (Levin), 2; Miss A. B. McLean (Havelock), 3; Miss Mary Palmer (Havelock), v.h.c.; Mrs. Helen McLea (Nelson), h.c. Thirteen entries.

Daintiest and best worked nightdress: Miss A. R. McLean, 1; Mrs. N. Sinclair (P.N.), 2; Mrs. J. Kirkland (Australia), 3. Nine entries. Table centre: Miss N. Twistleton, 1; Miss. June Donnld (Havelock), 2; Mr. W‘ Weston, 3; Miss I. Perry (Auckland); v.h.c. Nine entries. Princess slip, silk: Mrs. Lorna Cameron, 1; Miss A. B. McLean, 2; Mrs. M. G. Millar, 3; Mrs. M. Trevor (P.N.) v.h.c. Six entries. Eyelet hole embroidery, fine: Miss A. B. McLean, 1; Mrs. J. Kirkland, 2; Miss M. S. Taylor (Waverley), 3; Miss Joan Holto'm (Paekakaraki), v.h.c. Fivo entries. ) Cotton crochet, fine: Miss L. Nixon (Feilding), 1; Mrs A. 11. Pope (Hastin K s )> 2- Eleven entries. Cotton crochet, coarse: Mrs. I. McCutchan (Waikato). 3; Miss F. Cameron, 2; Mrs. A. H. Pope, h.c. Six entries. Woollen jacket, crochet: Mrs. M. Millar, 3; Miss Nora Ingrouille (Wanganui), 2; Mrs. Hi E. Bell (Havelock) 3; Mrs. M. McKnight, (P.N.), v.h.c. Five entries. Infant’s woollen petticoat, crochet: Mrs. M. Millar, 1. Two entries. Richelieu embroidery: Miss E. Olds (P.N.), 1; Miss I. Cooper (Wairarapa), 2. Four entries. Three d’oyleys: Miss J. Williams (Patoka), 1; Miss K. Ormond (Havelock), 2; Miss I. Perry, 3; Miss M. Ritchie (Mastcrton), v.h.c.; Miss M. Ashton (Nth. Auckland), h.c. Eight entries.

Hand worked bedspread: Mrs. E. White-Parsons, 1; Miss M. Anderson (Pahiatua),' 2; Miss D. Hall (P.N.), 3; Mrs. F. J. Watson (Bqlls), v.h.c. Six entries. Tatting, any article: Miss I. Perry, 1 and 2; Mrs. R. A. Scales (Halcombe) v.h.c. Three entries. Sample cross stitch work: Mrs. H. MeLca, 3 ; Mrs. J. Watr, (Opunake), 2; Mrs. M. Evatt (Blenheim), 3. Six

entries. Set undergarments, suitable trousseau: Miss Annie Cameron (Hinakura), 3; 'Mrs. M.- C. Millar, li.c.; Miss M. Ranson, c. Three entries. Handkerchief, hand made: Miss A. R.. McLean, 3; Miss F. Scales (Halcombe), 2 and 3; Mrs. J. M. Williams, v.h.c.; Miss M. Pizzey (Fairlie), h.c. Nine entries. Plain sowing, in linen or cotton: Mrs. N. Sinclair, 3; Mrs. M. B. Waters

(Wellington), 2; Miss A. K. McLean, 3. Pour entries.

Frock, for child under 10, in linen or cotton: Miss May Millar (Hastings), 1. Two entries.

Novelty pin-cushion: Miss A. Martin (Wellington), 1; Miss E. Meads (P.N.) 2. Six entries.

Infant’s knitted garments, four pieces: Mrs. M. Coddington (Napier), 1; Mrs, Ada Innes (Lower Hutt), 2; Miss E. D. Bobinson (Martinborough), 3; Mrs J. ltamage (Dannevirke) v.h.c.; Mrs. F. Duff (Malfield), h.c. Nine entries.

Darning, on Woollen sock: E. Kelsen, 2. Only entry. Apron, worked: Miss Cecil Andrews, 1; B. Duncan, 2; E. Kemp, 3; J. Atkinson, v.h.c.; Eunice Tenlon, h.c.; C. Mills, c. Eleven entries.

Infant’s vest: Miss E. D. Bobinson (Martinborough), 1; Mrs. B. A. Scales, 2; Mrs. M. Millar, Miss A. Martin, v.h.c. Ten entries.

Infant’s woollen jacket, knitted: Mrs. B. A. Scales, .1; Miss F. Campbell (Napier), 2; Mrs. C. Lean (Havelock), 3; Mrs. Campbell, v.h.c.; Mrs. W. S. Clark (Wanganui), h.c. Eleven entries.

HOME COOKERY. (Judge: Mrs. G. J. J. Buchanan, Dannevirke).

Infhnt’s woollen petticoat, knitted: Mrs. C. Lean, 1; Mrs. B. C. Eglinton (P.N.), 2; Miss A. Martin, 3; Mrs. M, Coddington, v.h.c. Eleven entries. Knitted frock, for child under five: Mrs. M.- A. Silson (P.N.),'l; Mrs. M. Millar, 2; Miss A. Goldsmith (Feilding), Miss F, Campbell, v.h.c. Eleven entries.

Loaf white bread (baked in tins): Mrs. Mary Lennox (P.N.), 1; Mrs. M. Irvine (Linton), 2; Mrs. IV. F. Field (Aokautero), 3. Ten entries. White bread (not in tins): Mrs. Irvine, 1; Miss Nancy Field (Aokautere), 2; Mrs. W. F. Field, 3; Miss E. Manson (Wanganui), v.h.c. - Ten entries.

Loaf brown bread (in tins): Mrs. B. M. Dickson (Mangaweka)., I-; Mrs. S. Wiggins (Ashhurst), 2; Mrs. E. A. Wright (Longburn), 3. Eight entries.

Seed cake: Mrs. J. 'Spall (Wliakarongo), 1; Mrs. E. Duncan (Ashhurst), 2; Miss G. Vautier (Whakarongq)y 3; Six entries. ’

Luncheon set, worked: Miss I. Young (Havelock), I; Miss H. Bell (Havelock), 2; Miss Pat Palmer (Havelock), 3; Master W. Lord (P.N.) Four entries.

Fruit cake (light) :• Miss- G. Vautier, I; Mrs. S. Wiggins, 2; Mrs. L. W. Goldfinch (Havelock Nth.), 3. Seven entries.

Apron, worked: Miss B. James, 1; Mrs. White-Parsons, 2; Mrs. M. Bramwell, 3; Miss M. S. Taylor, v.h.c.; Miss N. Bobertson, h.c. Thirteen entries. Shoe-trees and dress hanger: Mrs. C. Parkinson (Nth. Auckland), 1; Mrs. White-Parsons, 2; Mrs. M. Millar, 3. Five entries.

Fruit cake (dark): Mrs. E. Duncan, 1; Mrs. J. Shaw (P.N.), 2; Mrs. L. W. Goldfinch, 3. Nine entries. Sponge cake: Mrs. J. Spall, 1; Miss G. Vautier, 2. Three entries.

Novelty needlework, N.0.E.: Miss M. Tolley (Feilding), 1; Four entries. Infant’s woollen bootees, knitted: Mrs. B. A. Scales, 1; Miss M. Ashton (Nth. Auckland), 2; Miss C. H. Kelleher (Masterton), 3; Miss E. Parker (Auckland), v.h.c. Thirteen entries.

Madeira cake: Mrs. E. Duncan, 1; Miss G. Vautier, 2; Mrs. J. Spall, 3. Seven entries.

Ginger bread cake: Mrs. M. McQuiTe (Hastings), 1; Mrs. E. Duncan, 2; Mrs. S. Wiggins, 3. Five entries. Sponge sandwich (any filling): Miss D. Hall-(P.N.), 1; Mrs. A. J. Furness (P.N.), 2; Mrs. E. Duncan, 3. Eight entries.

Infant’s woollen bonnet, knitted: Miss A. Martin, 1; Mrs. Campbell, 2; Mrs. J. Bamagc (Dannevirke), 3; Miss Lily Dewe (Feilding), v.h.c. Ten entries.

Jam roll: Mrs. S. Wiggins, 1; Mrs. C. B. Eglinton, 2. Five entries. Scones (plain oven): Mrs. E. Duncan, 1; Mrs. S. Wiggins, '2; Miss E. Alderson (P.N.), 3; Mrs. J. Spall, v.h.c. Ten entries.

Scones (oven): Mrs. S. Wiggins, 1; Miss E. Alderson, 2; Mrs. E. Duncan,

Pair hand knitted sox, ribbed top, plain legs and feet, lingering: Mrs. E. McDonald, 1 and 2; Mrs. Campbell, 3; Mrs. A. Inkpen (Wanganui), v.h.c. and h.c. Eleven entries.

3. Eight entries,

Four currant scones: Miss E. Aiderson, 1; Mrs. S. Wiggins, 2. Three entries.

Fancy needlework, white: Mrs. P. W. Anderson (P.N.), 1; Miss Linda Irvine (Linton), 2. Five entries. Fancy needlework, coloured: Mrs. H. L. O.’Neill (Ashhurst), 1; Mrs. Dorothy Oliver (Greymouth), 2. Nine entries.

Exhibit of raffia work: Miss G. E. Banson (P.N.), 1; Mrs. L. W. Goldfinch, 2; Mrs. H. Gibbs (Petone), 3; Mrs. Colin Andrews (Lower Hutt), v.h.c. Seven entries. Girls Under 17 Years.

Princess slip, silk: Ethel Kemp, 1; Buth Kemp, 2; S. Lee, 3; E. Kelsen, v.h.c. Six entries.

Piece of faneyworic: Betty Winter, 1; Bita Duncan, 2; B. Aggett, 3; Margaret Moffatt, v.h.c. Nino entries. Nightdress, worked: C. Mills, 1; M. Mercer, 2. Pour entries. Plain sewing, in linen or cotton: Dorothy Tennant, 1; Selina Grammer, 2; B. Aggett, 3; Lois McHardy, v.h.c. Eight entries.

Four sultana scones: Miss E. Aiderson, 1; Mrs. E. Dunean ; 2. Six entries.

Four date scones: Mrs. S. Wiggins, 1; Mrs. E .Duncan, 2. Four entries. Four girdle scones: Mrs. A. McEwen (P.N.), 1; Mrs. J. Spall, 2; Mrs. C. Bonner (Longbum), 3. Eight entries. Six pikelets: Mrs. A. C. Arthur (P.N.), 1; Mrs. E. Duncan,. 2; Mrs. C. M. Terry (Kairanga), 3; Mrs. F. Lucas (P.N.), v.h.c. Eight entries. Six jam tarts: Mrs. A. E. Humphries (Feilding), 1; Mrs. C. M. Terry, 2; Mrs. S. Wiggins, 3. Six entries. Cream puffs (shells only): Mrs. F. Lucas, 1; Mrs. S. Wiggins, 2. Four entries.

Six sausage rolls: Mrs. S. Wiggins, 1; Mrs. K. L. Cutler (P.N.), 2; Miss Dorothy Clevely (P.N.), 3. Five entries.

Plato ginger-nut biscuits: Mrs. S. Wiggins, I; Mrs. E. Duncan, 2. Four entries.

Plate gems: Mrs. A. J. Furness, 1; Mrs. E. Duncan, 2; Mrs. J. Shaw, 3. Seven entries.

Shortbread: Mrs. S. Wiggins, 1; Mrs. E. Duncan, 2; Mrs. A. McEwan, 3. Eight entries.

Plum pudding: Mrs. S. Wiggins, 1. Two entries.

Apple pie: Mrs. S. Wiggins, 1. Two entries.

Hard sweets (single variety): Mrs. B. Edward (P.N.), 1. Two entries.

Novice Classes,

(For points prize, donated by J. Balsillie, Esq.)

Bread, white: Linda Irvine, 1. Two entries.

Scones, plain: Mrs. N. Sinclair, 1; Miss Margaret Moffatt, 2. Three entries.

Fruit cake, dark: Agnes Mills (P.N.) 1; Miss M. Gimblett (Mangawhata), 2. Four entries.

Sponge sandwich: Miss A. Mills, 1; Joan O’Donnell (Bunnythorpe), 2; Jill Boberts • (P.N.), 3. Five entries. Shortbread: Mrs. C. B. Eglinton (P.N.), 1." Two entries.

• ■ Seed cake: Margaret Bell- (Karere), 1;- Miss P, Edwards (P.N.), 2. , Three entries. •;

Madeira' cake: Mrs. C. B. Eglinton, Two entries. . - . •. .

s jam roll: Agnes Mills, 1. " Only entry. '

Four oven scones: Mrs. C. J. Boberts (P.N.), 1. Two entries. Pikelets: Margaret Moffatt. Two entries.

Girls Under 16 Years. (Special points prize donated by j. Balsillie, Esq.)

Scones, white and brown: Eileen O’Donnell, 1. Four entries. Jam tarts, puffed: Miss M. Matthews 1. Two entries. Sausage rolls: Miss M. Matthews, 1. Three. entries.

Sponge sandwich: Kathleen -o’Farrell (Kauwhata), 1; Betty Muir (P.N.) 2; Eileen O’Donnell (Bunnythorpe),'3. Light fruit cake: Miss M. Bell, !; Miss Myrtle Cox (P.N.), 2; Miss Nita Hosking (P.N.), 3. Six entries.

Home-made toffee: Miss F. Edwards (P.N.), 1; Miss G. Taylor • (P.N.), 2. Three entries.

Home-made hard sweets, any single variety: Miss M. Bell, 1. Only efitry.

Pickles and Preserves, Etc. <

(Judge: Mrs. W. J. - Phillips, Bottled fruit, three varieties: Mrs. . L. W. Goldfinch (Havelock), 1; MiA' A. E. Humphreys (Feilding),. 2; MrsJ.' J. Spall (Whakarongo), 3. Three entries . Pots of jam: Mrs. A. E. Humphreys.. 1; Mrs. L. W. Goldfinch, 2, Three’ eh- ' tries. irrr

Pots of jellies: Mrs. A. E. Humphreys, 1; Mrs/ L. W. Two entries.. ’ Home-made orange or lemon marma--lade: Mrs. L. W. Goldfinch, 1; Mrs,;. A. E. Humphreys, 2. Two entries.

Bottled tomatoes: Mrs; A. E. Hunt-* phreys, 1. Only entry. Jars of chutney: Mrs. A. E. Hum!---phreys, 1; Mrs. L .W. Goldfinch, ffj'f/ Mrs. j. Spall, 3; Three entries. Tomato sauce, any colour: Mrs. L, * W. Goldfinch, 1; Mrs. A. Inkpen (Wa-j nagnui), 2; Mrs.. K-Moffat (Awapuni)-• 3; Mrs. A .E. Humphreys,-v.h.c,, ) entries. -

Sauce, any variety: Mrs. L. W. ! Goldfinch, 1; Mrs. K. Moffat, 2; Mrs., yA. E. Humphreys, 3. Three entries.--' Vegetable pickles: Mrs. K. Moffat;" ' 1; Mr. A.' E. Humphreys, 2; Mrs. L. W. Goldfinch, 3. Three entries, r

Continued on page 10,

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Bibliographic details

Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7060, 7 November 1929, Page 9

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SPRING SHOW Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7060, 7 November 1929, Page 9

SPRING SHOW Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 7060, 7 November 1929, Page 9