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DONALD-MAGPHERSON’S SUMMER SALE Starts Thursday, January 17th. Our Summer Sale starts Thursday, at 9 a.m, We have far too much stock and must reduce it quickly; to ensure this we have slashed prices to the bone. We cannot possibly list all our bargains here, but would strongly advise you to see our windows, then come in and inspect our stock. Every article in our well assorted; stock has been heavily reduced. This is a wonderful opportunity to outfit father, mother, son and daughter for the rest of the summer, at a saving of from 4/to 10/- in each £. Be early to secure the plums and come again and again. MEN’S SUITS Men’s Tweed Suits, all sizes. 55/-. Men’s Navy Serge Suits, guaranteed colour, 70/6 Men’s Fine Quality grey all wool Worsted Suits, 79/0 Men’s Fancy Worsted Suits. Were £5/15/-. Now 90/-. Men’s Superfine Grev Worsted and Navy Serge Suits. Were £5/19/6. Now £4/19/6. Men’s English Tailored Maitland Worsted Suits. Were £7/19/6. Now £6/19/6. Men’s Lynx Suits in Super Worsteds, from £5/15/- to £7/15/-. MEN’S HATS Men’s Felt Hats, bound edge, curl and flat brim, fawn, steel, light grey and lavender. Special Value 8/6 each. Men’s Fur Felt Hats in all wanted shapes and colours. Were .19/6. NOW 16/11. Men’s Fine Quality Felt Hats in great variety of colours and shapes. Were 22/6. Summer Sale Price 19/11. Men’s English Fur Felt Hats in new colours. Curl and snap brim. Special Sale Price 22/6. Woodrow, Borsalino, Lincoln, Bennett and other leading mades. Priced for sale 30/- to 35/-. CHILDREN’S WASH FROCKS We wero the fortunate purchasers of 300 children’s cotton wash frocks, just tlic thing for school. We bought them cheap and offer them to you at ridiculous prices. The sizes range from 39 inches to tiny tots size, IS inches. Size 33 inch to 39 inch .. .. 3/11 Size 27 inch to 33 inch .. ... 2/11 Size 18 inch to 27 inch .. .. 1/11 Just think! These wanted articles priced for less than you could buy the material for and the worry of making gone. Get in early and buy three or four, you will never regret it. CHILDREN’S MILLINERY We have a very nice selection of Children’s Beady to AVears. Usually priced from 5/11 to 12/6, and we-aro making substantial reductions on them to effect a clearance. Our sale prices range from 2/11 to 7/6. Girls’ Panama Hats with navy lining. Were 17/9. Summer Sale Price 15/11. Girls’ Linen Sunhelmets. AVere 3/6. Now 2/11. Girls’ Cretonne Sunhelmets. Were 3/9. Now 2/11. LADIES’ SUMMER COATS 8 Ladies’ Bepp Coats in blue, brown, green and lavender. Were £3/5/- to £4/19/6. Summer Sale 39/6. 4 Mylesia Silk Coats in navy, excellent coat for summer and autumn wear. Size S.W., Wos., and O.S. AVere £5/10/-. Summer Sale £3/9/6. 4 Natural Assam Silk Summer Coats, full and,semi fitting. Were 79/6. Summer Sale 55/-. 5 Black Figured Silk Coats in Wos., and O.S. size. Were £4/15/-. Summer Salo 63/-. 7 Fino Quality Tweed Coats, suitable for summer wear, in good shades. Were up to £4/19/6. Summer Sale 29/6. 11 Ladies’ Plain Yelour and Tweed Coats, suitable for summer wear, in wanted colours. Some are semi fitting. Wero up to £5/5/-. Summer Sale 39/6. ' • 40 Ladies’ Bubber Eaincoats, striped effect and crocodile pattern. Were 19/11. Summer Salo 9/11 each. 2G Ladies’ Waterproof Cravcnette Coats, light-and flexible in rose, wine, saxe, and grey. Were 79/6. To go at half price, 39/9., LADIES’ DRESSES AND COSTUMES 16 Floral Voile Frocks, long sleeves, all good colours. AVere 13/6 to 19/6. Summer Sale 4/11 each 10 Only Floral Voile Frocks, dainty designs, long and no sleeves. Were up to 21/-. Summer Sale. 7/11. 26 Voilo Frocks, all new colourings and styles, all sizes. Were up to 32/6. Summer Sale 9/11. 16 Only Art Silk and Cotton Georgette Frocks. Were up to 32/6. Summer Sale 14/11. 33 Crepe de Chcno and Marocain Frocks in navy and colours. Were up to 87/6. Summer Salo 39/6. 16 Silk Marocain Frocks in all wanted colours. Usual price 89/6. Summer Sale 49/6. . 3 Only Crepe de Chene Jumper Suits, colours white and fawn. Were 79/6. Summer Sale 21/-. 6 S.S.W. Bepp Frocks, pleated skirts, plain jumper with contrast collar, good colours. Were 35/-. Summer Sale 14/11. 11 Women’s EeppjFrocks in new colours, good quality repp. Were 39/6. Summer Salo 29/6. 6 Heavy Quality All Wool Bepp Dresses, colours blue, henna and mauve. Wero 75/-. Summer Sale 35/-. 5 All AVool Flannel Frocks, fawns, browns, and navy. Were 25/-. Summer Sale 15/11. 12 Ladies’ all wool Colonial Tweed Costumes, short coats, pleated skirts, fawn, blue and grey tones. Were 79/6 to £5/5/-. Summer Sale 49/6. 2 Black All AVool Face Cloth Costumes, beautifully tailored. AVere £6/17/6. Summer Salo £4/15/-. 1 Ladies’ Costume, fawn mixture repp; $ coat, was £5/15/-. Summer Sale 39/6. MEN’S TROUSERS 100 Pairs Men’s Heavy Eailway Tweed Trousers, cull’ bottoms, 3 pockets. Summer Sale 9/11 pair. 60 Pairs Men’s All AVool Saddle Tweed Trousers, plain bottoms. Were 19/11. Summer Salo 16/11 pair. 16 Pairs Heavy Quality English Tweed Trousers, exceptional wearer. AVere 19/6. Summer Sale Brice 13/11. Men’s Dark Grey Tweed Trousers in good wearing quality, cuff bottoms, all sizes. AVere 14/6. Summer Sale Price 11/9. 10 Pairs Men’s All AVool Bedford Cord Biding Breeches. Were 21/-. Summer Sale Price 12/6 pair. BOYS’ WEAR Wc have a graud selection of boys’ wear. Suits, Shirts, Coats, Underwear, Caps, School Hose, etc. And every article marked at prices that must appeal to mother. We quote a few prices here, but come in and see for yourself. 22 Boys’ Sports Suits, guaranteed All AVool. Sizo 7 to 13. AVere up to 39/6. Summer Sale 21/-. 50 Boys’ All AVool Petonc Suits. Slimmer Sale Price sizo 4, 26/-. Eise 1/- each size to size 14 at 35/-. 46 Boys’ All AVool Grey AVorsted Suits, 'Potone make Summer Sale Price 42/6 for size 6. Bising 1/cach sizo to sizo 14 at 52/6. 50 Pairs Boys' Grey Bailway Cord Tweed Shorts. Sizo 5 to 15. AVere up to 9/11. Summer Salo Price 5/11 pair. 40 Pairs Boys’ Double Seated Shorts, grey tweed, all sizes. Summer Salo Price 7/6 pair. Boys’ Grey Shirts, Tennis and Canoe necks. Summer Sale Brice 3/11 and 4/6. Boys’ Singlets, summer weight, 24 inch 1/6, rising 3d every 2 inches to 32 inch. Boys’ School Caps with monogram, all schools. Summer Sale Price 2/11 each. Boys’ High School and Technical School Caps. Sum- ' mer Sale Brice 2/6 each. Boys’ AVoollen School Hose, grey and black. Bed blue and gold tops. 1/9 pair, all sizes. CHILDREN’S DRESSES Children’s Bepp Frocks in sizes from 22in. to 39in. AVere 18/6 to 29/9. Summer Sale 12/9 to 19/11. Children’s AA’oollen Frocks, sizo 24in. to 36in. AVere 23/6 to 42/-. Summer Sale 11/9 to 21/-. MEN’S MERCERY 10 Dozen Men’s Neglige Shirts with collars io match. AVhite ground with coloured s'tripes, guaranteed. AVere 7/11 to 12/6. Summer Sale Price 6/11 each. Men’s Summer AVeight Cellular Singlets and Short Underpants. Sale Price 2/3. Men’s Light AVeight Woven Singlets and Underpants, natural shade. Sale Price 3/3. Men’s Fine Quality Balbriggan Singlets. Were 4/6. Summer Sale Price 3/6 each. Men’s AVire Tweed AVork Shirts. Sale Price 4/3. Men’s AH AVool Sox, grey and heather. 1/3 pair. Men’s Sampson Style Braces. AA’cre 2/6. Now 1/10. CORSETS 150 Pairs Corsets, laced and boned, white and grey. Were 5/6 to 8/6. Summer Sale 3/11. 100 Pairs Sports Corsets, laced. Were up to 10/6. Summer Sale 5/11. Brassieres, flesh and white, lace with clastic at back. Were 2/6. Summer Sale 1/11. BATHING WEAR The season so far has not been all that bathers would wish, but nevertheless there is a lot of good bathing weather still to come and at these i>riccs we can help you to brighten the beaches. Boslyn Canadian Style with skirt, in nil, foxglove, scarlet, navy, black. S.AV. 13/9; Summer Sale 11/9. W. 14/6; Summer Sale 12/6. O.S. women’s 15/6; Summer Sale 13/6. Boslyn Surfing Costumes, navy knickers with coloured tops with belt. S.AV. 16/9; Summer Sale 14/9. AV. 17/6; Summer Sale 15/6. Petonc Surfing Costumes, navy knickers with striped tops. S.AV. 19/11; Summer Sale 17/11. AV. 21/-; Summer Sale 19/-. Children’s All AVool Bathing Costumes, Boslyn make with skirt. 21in. 9/6; Summer Sale 6/11. 24iji. 9/11; Summer Sale 7/6. 27in. 10/6; Summer Sale 7/11. Children’s Cotton Bathing Costumes, navy with coloured borders. 24in. 4/6; Summer Salo 3/6. 26in. 4/6; Summer Salo 3/6. 2Siu. 4/9; Summer Sale 3/9, 30in. 4/11; Summer Sale 3/11. Bathing Caps. Usual prices 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/li. 3/6, • 4/6, 4/11, 5/11. Summer Sale 1/-, 1/0, 1 /11, 2/3, 3/Jl, 3/9, 4/-, 4/11. Baih’ng AViavs in blue, black, gold and red stripes on wlflte ground. AVere li/6. Summer Sale 10/9 LADIES’ UNDERWEAR AVe have a huge stock of reasonably priced underwear, ali bought in the best markets and priced for quick sale. Ladies’ Cotton Vests, no sleeves. Usually 1/3. Summer Salo Dd each. Ladies' Medium AVeight Unbleached Chemise Vests, St. Margaret make. Usually 2/3. Summer Sale Price 1/11 each. Ladies’ AVaiie Wovep Cojton Vests, lace fronts, no sleeves. Were 1/11. Summer Sale 1/6. Ladies’ Fine Quality Cream Woven Cotton Vests, chemise shape, bound necks, with and without sleeves. AVere 3/11. Summer Salo 3/6. Ladies’ Crepe Bloomers in all wanted colours. Summer Salo Price 1/9 pair. Ladies’ Fugietto Bloomers, colours flesh, hclio, blue, champagne and cream. Summer Sale Price 2/9 pair. Ladies’ Woven Cotton Bloomers in all lingerie colours. Full size. Summer Sale Prico 1/6 pair. Ladies’ Woven Cotton Bloomers, with silk stripe. Wero 3/6. Summer Salo 2/6 pair. Ladies’ Woven Silk Bloomers in all wanted shades. AVere 7/11. Summer Sale Price 5/11. 24 Pairs Ladies’ Itoman Satin Bloomers, in black, mauve, salmon, white and navy. AVere S/ll pair. Summer Sale Price 4/11 pair. Ladies’ Crepe Nightdresses in good colours. Were 3/11. Summer Salo Price 2/11. Ladies' Fujiette Nightdresses, hemstitched, tops trimmed contrasting colours, guaranteed fast. AYew 5/6. Summer Sale Price 4/6 each. Ladies’ Fuji Silk Nightdresses, daintily embroidered. Were up to 29/6 each. Summer Sale Price 9/11 to 14/9. MILLINERY MUST GO 3/11. 120 Hats at this price, every one worth from 8/11 up. To Clear at 3/11 each. 6/11. 190 Ladies’ Beady to Wear Hats. To go at 6/11. All good styles and certainly worth 12/6 to 20/-. Summer Sale Prico 6/11. 9/11. 160 Hats in exceptional styles, all good colourings and originally priced up to 23/6; They must go this month at 9/11. 14/11. About 80 at this price. The original price was anything up to 32/6, included in tho lot arc some models. Summer Sale Price 14/11. 19/6. At this price wo have included all our models. Hats that wero originally priced up to 39/6. Out they go at our Summer Salo 19/6. DONALD-MACPHE RSON Limited

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Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6811, 15 January 1929, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6811, 15 January 1929, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 2 Manawatu Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6811, 15 January 1929, Page 10