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Mr J. Reid has been placed in charge of out Fcilding Branch, and all business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Correspondence on all local and general topic is specially invited, V J


Ed : as follows:—Mr and Mrs Goodbeliere, Mr and Mrs Richmond, Messrs Wooilams, Geary, Sidney H&'irisou, Mr ana Mrs Gillespie,'); Father O'Dwyer, Mi's Prior, Mr and Mrs Guthrie, Mrs Logan> Mrs Walker, Messrs Giffonl, A. E. WilSosi, Macedo, Mis Ootbe, Re". Mr and Mis Smith, Mi>s Sherwell, Mr Ouglev, Mr Hood., Mr and Mrs A. James, Mr ■Jaobsou, Mrs Binus Rev.. Mr [and Mm Oliappoll, Mrs Lethbridge, Mr Kelly, Adjutant and Mrs Armstrong, Mr Temple White and Herr Berger. ; TJie U>wo litter gentlemen are airufcging the {local portion of tho iproitrumme.

The Acclimatisation Society's operations ate steadily amending, and a fine fishing and sports ground is' being bniit up. The usual mon'thlv meeting is 'to be theld this eveuing» POlfflOAL. Mr '(Mlttie, Opposition 'candidate, spbabs 'a't Feildflxg 'to-night, and a laTge gathering 'is 'anticipated. The two'candidates have 'the'ir foil war paiintt on now, and great activity prevails.


A BUSY CENTRE. RECORD FOR A YEAR, my not ( s rrcentlv I have 'brought. : b<fore the notice :.f the public something of the work done in itlie mstitutioes associated with Eeililiug's progress. The operation of "tho Money Order snd Sariuss Bank, alsa the Office have recently befn reviewed, audtn-dayl would like to draw attrition to the volume rf basiuess t ausactad at the railway station, whnte St-itioumaster 'llles aud his stiff rf sixteen are kept cimtiuuocslv workiug nnder high pressure and the fact that the opara'tiors of this impmtant branch of the railway sßrvica is cuuducted in sucli an exemplary fashion is a matter for congratuhtiou. There is no officialdom irritati n, and the pnbile service is carried tn daily and nightly without a hitch. A very large volume cf bnslnss is transacted and it wtll duubtless be of interest to our large number if JVilding readers to know that durirg the past financial year the following tickets were Issued at Feililing:—Fiist single, 4,068; fiisb return, 3,683; singl o , 20,438; seoond return, 17,180; total 45,919. The revenue from the ordinary passengers was £10,198 8?, whilst season ticfeets produced £UB 12s, parcels £942 7s, luggage mails £177 Is 9d. The number of cattle forwarded was 8,850, calves 289, sheep 240,920, pigs 6,272, wool 8,975 bales, grain 2,888 tons 14 cwt, marcliauiiise 1,293 tons 17 owt, the total value forwarded being £11,354 fis, aud goods £IO,OBB 6s lCi), t'»tal £27,892 10s lOti. The above few figures ilo£l with the main items and giVtSSMne idea of the volume of basin ss trai sauted. Feildiug peograpnicallyvis the centre of a large ani growing district, and as the lmportauce of a place is usually leflected in the railway business it will be seen that our district .is ons that has now developed to snch a stage that it has to be reckoned with among the important towns of the Not th Islan'j.

'BABY SHOW. There was'aUtfrge 'Siudienoe ait 'the riftthe Beauty Show 'compfltitlon'heild al 'the Drill Hall In connection With Price's Pictures. The pdtiliotyerdidt weut in favour dl"Noi [BB, Doris Mflbel ShaplfSkl, Meenimoiiths old, who eoored 151; vdrtes. The 'two runners-up were: •Nog. 9 with 90, and No. 1G with'?!). ; PRICE'S PICTURES. Thb oliange if pictures "at 'the ■Drill Hdll 'last night Attracted a '•veryHarge audienoe, and ■ consider- | entbnsiasm prevailed, pattiou'■larly when the Panama (Janal was soreened. This is a great industrial picture rnnning wtll over 1000 feet of:fi(m. Another film''^hat-excite J great interest was a dramatic picture entitled Across• tthe Plains," toeing a' cowboy picture ofi the west. The same programme will-be presented on Friday night


To the Editor,

Sir,---Mr Fitzpatrtak i has certainly i jumped into of;;a sudden. iI think that ifc'iiß time, however, i that prizes ifor attendance shonld "be knocked an'tlie head, but why decide such a question at the end bf the year, wheu ojiildren are expecting their awards for twelve month's' regular attendance. The committee should decide on a course ibf action for next year, and if it is a right one lam sure tot' it will b3 fdllowed out by the new committee. —lam, etc.,



"November 7,1911,

ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS. Mr A. H. Sutton, treasurer for tho Athietio Olub, has received the following additional, subscripting amounting to £l2 8s towards the funds of the club:—Morrison aui Bissett 10s 6-t, Tom McGiliivray ss, Augus McGiliivray ss, Ben Jaco'bsen ss, J. Hioks 10s fid, J. Oobbe £1 Is, W. Hook 10s (id, Gambitsis 10s 6d, J. Richardson fis, J. Hicks, jun. ss, O'Brien ss, Shepherd Eros. ss, Hoskins Ss, J. Edwards and othprs 10s, R. Moore ss, Frank Moore s<, Roy Bailey 2s Gd. U. A. Healey fis, Ellerm ss, L, H. Eliott £1 Is,' Geo. 0. Healy ss, A.T, ss, G. H. Delbiidge ss, W. (Jarthew, jun. as, W. R. Os, 0. Melville sa, A. H. Atkiusm £1 Is, N. Gift'ord ss, G. H. Saywell 10s, J. Power £1 Ib, Mr Quirk ss.




Ad acoident that might have been attended with very serious lesults occurred on the Kirmbnlton read r crossing about midnigtit of Wednesday. :lt appears that a'lady who had joat returned from Ealmerston by _ the ■ special opera train essayed to crass the line at the pofcnt 'in question just after the train had passsd on its way apparently to fill up tliq boilers with water, Hor husband whoiaccompanied her asked her to wast, but thinking it was perfectlysafe stepped on to the'line jnst as the trnin, wine)' was only about a yard or. so distant, stated back. There was no chance of her escape, aul tfce guard's van bumping her carried her right over the cattle stop. Sow she managed to evade slippieg:down between the ibars is a mystery,, ifcrat she did and immediately she Beached the othet side she uiacaged tto get clear of the train, which fortunately for her waj'travelliug very slowly. The lady's husband tried to grab, hei as the van carried hei 1 qS, but failed and in rushing over ithe cattle stop ;(tfter her he fell through the stop, and his legij were fojdihyilacerated. He inlly anticipated seeing his wife manglled on the other -side of the stop, font ■was greatly,reli&'/ed to fiud that she! ■tad escaped with jjothing more Keri«Q3 than a braisjd back. TIIO lads' wa? also terribly No blame is itttachabls ta the driver or guard of the train. The tremble was caused fey itlie lady's over .apixeiy to get home quickly, and bsing under the iinprecsioii that the ti&iiu was guiug to tli€ fflatat tanks jc?# .beyond the lo.i'i crossing'

It may not be generally known that the donation of o» or upwards entitles the donor to membership with all the accompanying privileges. Given line weatiiei on Boxing Day the Society is going tn have a reoord day. Everything jmt bow points in dirictiou.

RANGITIKEI RIFLE ULUB uhAmmonship. . The second annual championship meeting nnder the auspices of the Kangitikfii Rifle Club was held at Bulls yesterday aud opeuPd very snooessfolly. It, was tine but windy, and tlib arrangßtneuts wsie good. Tliere were eleven prizes at each range from £3 ti ss, aid Grand Aggresaiata pries wore £lO, £5, £2, £1 and £l. T.i'em were (iS compotitois. ■Prize winners were:— 200 YAKDS.

<3rigps, Linton, 35; A. W. Hurst, Kimataiigi, Sutton, Shannon, 34; M'. Batiks, Kimbolton, Eyles, Daunevirfefi iJarltrop, FtiMiapr; F, Fnr:Moll. Sanilon: J. N. Eat ley, Kiuibijitnn; A. Cameron, Opiiki, 33; W. Deiiil, Da'itiovirke, and H. Mercsr, ißangitiKei, 32. 600 YARDS. >H. Mercer, A. J. Cameron, 34; W. Ramlitll, Linton; S J. Hartley; A. W„ Hurst, StackliODso, Kimbolton; So'ler, Wangauni; A, Caldwell, | Kai'ui'i:: G. L. Clarke, Baueiti-kei;; G, A ;|les, Damiflvirka, all 83; R W. Beßk, '.Woodvillfi, 32 000 YARDS. A. Caidwel 1 , J. Puriioll, Waiwnnui; W. A. Lnnis'len, Sandon; D. McCalmrssij, Opaki, and Inpstroir, all 32;. K. Wiilongliby, Gladstone; Quarterinaia, Tnraki"a; F. Simpson, RanpHiliei-; W. Jndd, Karori; W. Deill, DaunovirfeojG. L-. Clarke, all 31. J. Purnell, F, Simpson, and Ilos tied with H 3, and in tho liie-off Sirapsou got in at 12 against IJ. 800 YARDS AND GRAND AGGREGATE?. Grijg 414 33—12? A. OiHdwfll flli 30—121) A. J. Canißion % 25—122 F. Simpson ti'd ail—l 22 W. Doihl !lfi 2(1-121 H. Meictr 94 '27-121 Horat 95 25-120. G. L. Clarke 94 2(5-120 E, Eufgtrou] 93 23—118 , W. A. Lujnsdon 9G 22-118 i


An effort is being made' ,tn start shearing Glasses in oonneciion with fclie TeclmlsaJ School and fivith a view to prfusoiting the inovfcmeut a moating is to hi Juld in ilio FefWmg Toolmical Sohool on May stfrrflficu, A good atteuiJaDo is exi/Si'tCfl.

SAM DAW. At a meeting of the Sam Daw Coil)mitl >e Mr Gmlictr, seeietsiry, reported that tlin total amount collected was £Bfi 12s. Tiie expeiHiitnre amounted to £1 4s leaving a credit (f £35 Bs, wliich it was decided to invest en Mr Daw's behalf. THELMA PETERSEN.


Rangitikei Doffiicsß.U. Sljield and

_ Tlin muffing to promote a concert in aid of TJielina Petersen, the yonug cont-alto, was fairlv well attended, ud a strong oommittße was appoint*

£B.) Opaki Riflo Olob 374 Da'inevirfeo , JiGH Liiitou 3fi3 Bangitifeoi A 359

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Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1458, 9 November 1911, Page 6

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OUR FEEDING PAGE. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1458, 9 November 1911, Page 6

OUR FEEDING PAGE. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1458, 9 November 1911, Page 6