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Mr J. Reid has been placed in clv«rge of our Feilding Branch, and all business entrusted to him will receive prompt attention. Correspondence on all local and general topic is specially invited.

A DEAD BIRD. One does not know whether it was a suicide or not, but a bird ended its flight in ono of the tanks belonging to the Manchester Squaie Sohool. The matter was reported to the director, Mr Hill, who lost no time m having the bird removed and the tank oleaned out,,



Owing to Mr D. Guthrie, M.P., having signified his intention of addressing the eleotors on Thursday night, the utual monthly meeting of the Council has been postponed until Friday night. THE DAIRYING INDUSTRY. From all sources I have learned that a splendid reoovery is being made by dairy cattle, and the last couple of weeks' fains having completely saved the position. Owing to the dry autumn wind and early spring the grass actually became balled in the stomach of the cows, The complete absence of moisture aud nutriment had a serious effect, mauy cows dying in consequence. The rapid growth of new grass is, howover, acting as a Bpleudid medicin?, aud very quick recoveries are being made all round. Milk supplies are coming in more freely, and a good sßascn is anticipated.



The popularity of the telephone is steadily increasing, and a difficulty is being experienced ia supplying phones. The number of subscribers on the Feilding exohange has now reached 250, and many more have signified their intention of being linked up


To the Editor M.D.T,

Sir, —I sae Mr Fitzpatrick is iu cue of liifi petioliar moods again, and at the School Committee meeting he is fighting against ftttendauce prizes; Now, sir, I nudei stand that Mr Price of the Drill Hall Pictures, had generously decided to give a peri'oriiiuuce in aid of the priza fond. Supposing £2O is'obtaineil by this menus does nofcjihat amount csrry a subsidy! I understand bo. This then will give them £4O, [and the prizes should not cost nearly bo much Perhaps Mr Fitzpatrick wanti'to.get the money and devotn some to the purchase of cricket material, in which only ut few are interested. As a parent who only has girls attending the Manchester Street School I strongly object to so muob of the School fuuds goiug out to crioket. It is ridiculous. I say the majority should be considered. The prizes are looked forward to by the young, and scores cf children have been attending school regularly. Act or no Act of Parliament, they should be rewarded in,; the time honoured way,'particularly as Mr Price has offered a benefited the committee have accepted. If the School Oornmitt;e does uot give the prizes then there is no need for the btndit per. formancß unless they want to get money under false pretences, which I do uot believe foi one moment. Going without a hat is evidently not good for Fitz. I trust the School Oommittje will adhete to the old enstnm of giving prizes. Those who go to school regularly are not influenced by any Act of Parliament, and they should be encouraged in their voluntary act.-I ain.Jetc,

PARENT. Maiiohestar Stmt, November 7. POLITICAL. Mr D. H. Guthrie, Opposition candidate, spoke at Oolyton last night nod had a very good receptnu. When the time for qnestions arrived he was Esked if ha wonld give the maetiug some information as to the real explanation of the Mckaa estate. The candidate went exhaustively into the subject aii'l pointed out ttiac when the Goveruraent had the opportunity of purchasing what was a good block of land at a cheap rate they allowed it, for reasons best huown to themselves, to slip through their fingers. Afterwards an application for the purchase was made by Mr Korman Lowis. With the consent of the Goverument the purchase of the blcck was completed at a figure which enabled him to pocket an enoimoEs sum of money anil to retain a considerable portion of the blcck for himself. This he subsequently sold to a syndicate, whose only object would be to exploit the s ttleis, who would eventually be sHtlu upon tiic laud. It ought to b , i,o niaiutaiued.tue object of anv Government to protect such s triers as thes-, l stead ot aIL-wn k tnem to be placeu in Hio hands if the spcoulat v.

PIGS. Farmers will note that pigs will be received at the Feilding railway station by the Woodville Bacon (Jo. tomorrow. Tie lmny friends of Mr Sam Gainer in, an rsteamed resident of Peildiug, will be glad tn learn that his sm, Ronald, rode the wiuuer of the Melbourne Oup yesterday.

Yesterday morning Messrs Bants, Barrow ami Walker (seoretary) of the Feilding Acclimatisation Sooiety, liberated another 10,000 brown trout in the Oroua. It will thns be seen that our Acclimatisation Society are lpaving no stoue unturned U give anglers a good run with rod, etc.

ATHLETICS AT AWAHURI. The Athletic Olnb at Awahuri is anticipating a big and record gathering on Jannary 81st, when the annual meetmg takes place. Mr J. Mcueßn. the iude'atigable secretary and general manager, has matteis well forward aud a most attractive programme of running, cycling, horse aud novel events has been arranged, including a lamb guessing oiiinpttition for ladies. The Club is starting with a good credit balauce aud all at Awahuri are keenly looking forward to this big event of the year.


To the Editor M.D.T. Sir, —I was very phased to find that attention has b?eu drawa to the xognlar breach of Borough by-laws by one of our large firms I am in basinnps, aud I know of several instances where the police have given wamiups. Why do they allow, a whole footpath to be monopolised the way it is daily. If the Borough Cornell by-laws "are not strineeot enough to meet such a case they should be amended. Let us all wori on the some lnvel —I am, etc., BUSINESS MAN. Feilding, November 6th, 1911.

The annual meeting cf the Feildiug Horticultural Society was held yesterday. Mrs Uobbe was voted to the chair. On the motion of Mr Pirai, a vote of condolence with the family of the late A. R. Mayo was passed iu silence. The aimual report stated that last year's opeiatioos were sncopssfnl, 69 members b9ing rnr llei). The difficulty occasioned by the impossibility of getting the use of the Drill Hall was ovfrc me by the dso of the Parifli Hull fur the Spriiiß Show and by obtaiuiug the racecourse and bniluings for the Autumn Show, both of which functions were verv successful. The thanks of the Sooiety were especially dne to the FeiMiug Jockey Olab for the DSfl of their grounds free of cost. Tin takings were in no wise seriously affected by the change, and the result of the year's operations was a oredit balance o! 14s 9d. Iu addition tpt'iis, however, a snra of £2B is 7d was raised by »■ garden fete held on the raccoursa, which was given free of cost to the Society by the Jookej (Hub, giving a total credit balauc« to ooinmeuce the year with of £2B 16s 41. Increased interest had caused an extended sphere of usefulness. The report concluded with thanks to outside jndgfs. The report and balance-sheet were adopted.

The election of officers resolte'l as follows:—Presideat, Mrs Oobbe; vioß-prosnietits, MessrsE, A. Bartnu, F. Y. Lethbridge, J, Prior, J. McFarbud, D. H. Guthrie, M.P., J. OobbeandW. E.; com= inittee, Mesdaroes J, Ucbbs, Biuus, Baritrop, Letlibidge, Avltner.Woollams, 0. N. Gillepsie. Horrocks, H. Stewart, L. Gorton, W. P. Biamwell, A. F. Fitzherbert, Mills, Atkinson, Guthrie, 0. Millen, Richardsou, Barton, Miss?s Rob (2), and MessnL. J. Brown, J. A\lmer, J. A. Tingey, and G. Fitzpatrick; lion. sec.. F. Pirani; lion, treasurer, Mrs Barron.

'■ It was resolved that tlie Show be held on the 22nd or 2i)th November in the Skating .Ri:'k if it can be obtained. The sohodule was amended aud passed. Judges were appoiufad as follows:—Oat flowers, pot plauts an'l venetibles, Mr Masou; decorative class, Mrs Levin, who was asked ti appoint a colleague ; oookery, Mrs P. Tnompson aiid Mrs J. Prior.

To the Editor M.D.T. Sir.-Mr Fitzpatrick lias broken out in a new plucc and I hope householders will bear him in miud at the next election and consign him to fie same position thut tie' ratepayers scot his bess at the time of the Borough Council election. He must have had a bad t-.ete in his month, or liiu liver must be ont of order, when ho objected to youngsters net having tlioir rjsoal atteorJauoo priz". Hia seonuder. Mi Neal, no cue takes notice of. He will not let people have their choice of stimulants and now he is trviug to blrck the ypnngstais having their usual prizes. If he were a stationer he would be fighting for pnz : s. If the School Committee is sa desperately hard up, why are tliey paying sny money for cricket lequisitefc? Personally, I like to sse all kinds of sport encouraged. But it is not logical to ory out we cannot afford money for prizes and yet give away money for ciicket things. I always thought the annual school benefit provided sufficient money for prizes, so why is Mr Fitzpatrick sqaeaking? There is some iufJnpuco at work. There alwajs i?, when he comes to light. ParentD should have soinetiiiDg to say on this matter.—l am, etc., TOM THUMB. November 7,1911.

TotheElitorJU.T. Sir,— I am mi (f the manv snbsnnbais to your pnper, a>id must exp.pss my plfasnre at s-ainp so much Feil'ing news day a'ter da'. When rni'liii? my paper this mornirg ljreceived quite a surprise when I learned that Mr hail risen in indignation against Mr MoLean's effort to, give the children an opportnnity o( seeing at a cheap rate, such an educational film as that presented bv the Lycenm PictureJOo. I rio not "think that auy better arrangement cnnld have been made, and yet Mr Fitzpatrick, in order to show off or gain a'jrii'tle more notoriety for his Solomouic wisdom (,') objects and enters the protest

accordingly. He fays that he objects to teachers selling tickets and that they should keep the sofiool clean. What does he mean by such an assertion? I have been attending Mr Prioe's pictures for fully twelve months and occasionally at the Lyceum siuce it started and 1 can well say that there are no cleaner 1 or more 'wholesome places of aniu.ssmant in the Dommirn, The army and navy pictures were interesting and edncatinnal in tlie Lyoeum and the Lyceum proprietary deserve every euoourageinent in the effort to instruct and educate. The pictures were rtallv splendid and should be seen by nil children. Mr McLean, the .nastev,' should be commended rather thau condemned for his effort to gfct all the children m at such a low price, au'l I am certain all piients will resent the unwarranted attack made upon him by Mr Fitzpatrick.-lam, etc., MONITOR. Feilding,' November 7th, 1911. •"Birds of fcho ffater, Wood and Waste," by Guthrie Smith 7/6. W. Park, booksoller,

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Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1457, 8 November 1911, Page 6

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OUR FEILDING PAGE. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1457, 8 November 1911, Page 6

OUR FEILDING PAGE. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1457, 8 November 1911, Page 6