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THE PICTURE POSTCARD. It is generally rectgnised that the poet card plays a very imporfcaut pmt in the correspondence world today. The Rev. Q. Budd caused a suaila to pass over the faces of his congregation at St. Paul's on Sunday night when dealing with the clising days of Martin Luther's life. Luther, he slid, was very fond of his wife and family, and in his letters there was a tender and affection right through. His letters were of great interest, and a striking contrast to the post caul of to-iiay, which so many husbands at a distance forwarded to the wife—a card witli a picture on oue side aud au address on the other. NEWS FOR SPORTS. Sports invariably look out'for good things, and in seeking they oannot do better than call on Mfs-rs A. H. Sutton and Co., wlicsj replace advertisement B'.ts out a few special lints to be obtained very cheaply. Messrs Snttton aii'l 00. are noted for the very line lange of goods they supply Blid both ladies aud gents make the premises their principal calling place whun Iu the comtnorcial part of tne town. POLITICAL, Mr D. H. Guthrie, M.P , who is again saekiogl the suffrages ot the Oroua electors, had a splendid meetiug at Cheltenham on Saturday night despite the iuclemeucy of the weather. The canlidata received a very good hearing and was accorded a vote of tliaubs aud confidence. Mr Briscoe presided.°Mr Guthrie speaks at Feildiug on Thursday night next. (PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. The Rev. G. Budd left for Wellington en route to Dunedin yeste'day for ethe porposa of attsudiug the General Assembly of the Presby teriau Church.. Mr Budd will be awa>' about teu days and during his absence Mr Blaomfield will attend the suiritual wants of the congregation.

AFFAIRS IN AUSTRALIA. ~ Acctrding to a letter received by a local resident from a friend in Australia, New Zealaudors are very foolish tu leave their native laud jnst now, In Sydney matters are very serious owing to the Etrike. In Qneenslaud the wheat crops are rained, tho writer says, and the lofs is estimate'] at close cii £200,000. A good downpour of rain is very badly wanted. In the West cattle and sheep are dying by thousands owing to tlio want cf food and driufe. <


Messrs Wackrill and Stewart report splendid bnsinesi at the Show and 110 wonder considering the very flue display ol motor cars. Those who ctjnld afford it felt they must have a 'car, quit} a number found now owners. Tiie most popular car and the one in greatest demand appeared to be the Ford, net only because of the quality and finish, =bnt the price seemed to be within the reach of those desiring cars. A replace advertisement setting out the prices, etc., appears in another column.

AN INTERRUPTED PROGRAMME. Owing to the water getting into the dynamo on Saturday Mr Price was unable to complete his pioture programme,''and as a consequence gave his disappointed patrons tickets for Monday night. There was an exceptionally large attendance last night in consequence, and all thoroughly enjoyed the floe programme prfSfntel. The scenic picture Kioto and surroundings,"also the dramatic film "A Bjzautine Tiagedy," "Queen of Nineveh,"and "A Feaoe Offering," were Rieatly appreciated. The comics were amusing and the industrial film of "Home of British Industry," and an educational picture "Chemical Action," were bntli amusing and .nstrnctive. Beauty pompotition also closed lsst niglit and the announcement will be mado to-night as to tli i verdict of tl.o public. WIGHT JUDGING OOMPETITION. Mr Durriui, of Eeilriing, hrld a weight euessiug competition et PalmOislon f "i Show nays, tlm \?iiinor bei's; J. Hamilton, cf Longbow; J. Stanley Franks 2; A. 0. Asliwnrth 3. Tim sheep weighed 24!)lbs Boz. Mr Hampton guessed 2491bs 4ozs, so that he was only 4oz out. MISS PETERSEN. Mr and Mrs Petersen are at present at Feihing tryine to arrnuge a concert for their daughter, Miss Thelira Pete s », tiie cbject b?ing to raisel funds to send the young contralto Home for training.

Mr J. Eeid has been placed in chargo of our Fcilding Branch, and all business entrusted to him will recei\e prompt attention. Correspondence on all local and gi neral topic is specially invited.

ORIGIN OF PIOTORIATj ILLUSTRATION. Speaking at St. Paul's Presbyteriaii Ohnrch on Sunday night the Rev. 6. Bndd, in commenting on the life of Luther, said that that great reformer was che flist to use pictorial ilInstration in otuer to educate the youug-a fact not generally known, mastGrton AND NO-LIOENSE. THE INVESTIGATORS. In connection with the investiga' lion to Do made couoprniug the accuracy ol the advertise meat appiariDg in "the Wellingtou Post in regard to tin) numb:-r of tinpty business premises, the Rev. G Barin Ims trßiisftrred iiis responsibility to Mr Mclntyie, owing to his departure for the Sooth. Although the Rev. Hamuicnd got outside the parsonical element for the time being, and characterised the advertisement iu question as "a damnable lie," ha apparßutly sucoeeded iu winning the admiration of quite a number who like to meet a parson wito a bit of "djvil" iu him. At the sauie time I have been assured by one who kuowa the whole circumstances' and surroundings attached to the advertisement that the Rev. Hainmon:! wbs wrong, aud that the business places iu question were empty when the photograph whs taken, aud I,ad been empty for some time. The result of the investigation, at all events will prove iutercstiug. "WHO IS THE JONAH?" Opinions ere a little divided just now as to who is the Jonah—the ■ criohfit clubs or tue baud. It is a significant fact that both have had to postpone their engagements duriug the past couple, of weeks owiug to the bafi weather. The band snffertd twice iu cna week. Its Thursday night concert, to which so many were looking forward, did not even- ! tuaet in ci nsequenoe of the rainfdll, and then it was dedided to give an outdoor performance on Sunday. This, too, had to be cried off because of the rain. I understand the ba d proposes to take the Rev. Bates by surprise uext time, aud net let hira fcn.'W when the adjourned performance is tj be given. MOTORS AT THjs SHOW. Never hiss such a large End varied assortment of cars been seen at the Palmerston Show, and amongst this larye nnmb?r none attracted so muoli attention as that ot the Wolseley Tool aud Motor Co., which stand was opposite that other large branch of their larpo industries, the Wolseley shearing machines. Grec.t adrniiatiou was expressed at the varioos models aud seveiai who had been standing round were astounded wheu ou tho bonnets being opened for people to see the engines they fouurt they,.had been standiug so close and. yet could not hear them rnuDing. Everyone was there to tne colonial model, which the Wolseley Go. havo decided to make,' so that customer living in rough oountr.v may have this model by oriieriug. Good business was done, and no less than five cars were sold on the stand. This is claimed as about a record for a Show day, aud one of these orders was from Messrs Dalgety and 00. for ut 12-16 h.p. for the use of their agent at tho Feilding branch. Intending purchasers shouH not forget to consult Mr tiensun before deciding ou a car fur what lie olamis for his car is not exaggerated as any who cares to enquire will fiud.

PUTTING IN THE, GRASS. All ever the district ploughs ate liarrl at work, particularly iu the proximity of Sandou. Mr A. A. Matthews lias just tabeu a ooutraut for ploughing 10 nens, aud the tiarns are to ha started to-day. J. Heusun is turning over about 200 acrts for rape ami turnips; Mrs A. Yuung is bavin)? 100 acrea put down in grass, whilst her sister, Mies Maggie Youug, lias let a contract for 80 acrtja of ploughing, etc,, to Uatvey Bros. T. Haynes lias also secured a contract Irom Mr R. Newins for 100 acres, so it will he seen that in Sandon there is any amoant of activity on the farm.

SAf/B OF LAND. A farm ot Gl4 acres in the Sandon district hss just changed hands at the satisfactory price of £2G 10s per acre. One of the acts of the new owner was to let a contract for the ploughing and grassing of 120 acres.

IS A SCHOOL TEACHER HIS 15 OWN MASTER? is a qnestion that lias been niised b? Mi Fitzpatiick. It appears that Mr Muoleao, one of oar popular young musters, having a hudnble tlfsire that tlm children of his class should hiive tho privilege of stcing the navy pictures now being shown at tho Lyceum Picture Hull, apprcached the iranagtmeut with the rasolt that a specinl concession was grauttd to the children iu qnestion. In order that uo outsiders slionld bu privileged by the reiiucod pi ices, viz,, iid, it was decided tlmt Mr Maclean should disp S3 of the tick-, ets to those who wished to witness the series of pictures. It was considered the easiest nud the fairrst way of confiuiiig the'concf.siion. But it raised the indignation of Mr ifitzi atrick, who gave vout to his fueliugs tt tli* School Committoiutetitif.' last ■Vleuisiioii f3r ati ox-1 plauatioii with rtpard to thfi above tor Hill, the tlir ct -r, (.ave a KMy history ts aluatlv set fnrtt'. Ho iaid lie had bten c .-lsi.ltotl in the matter and did not see uuv abja.;tioii tc the proceedings. The chairman, Mr Mclntyre, ashed if they slionlu consider the inoident closed after Mr Hill's explanation, to which Mr Fitzpatrick replied that he thought it only right that tlia natter should bB referred tn. He did not think that teaoliesr should bs mised a'p in a picture show. He did not cam' if it was for the Lyceum or Prioa's, They should keep the school clean.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1455, 7 November 1911, Page 6

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OUR FEILDING PAGE. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1455, 7 November 1911, Page 6

OUR FEILDING PAGE. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1455, 7 November 1911, Page 6