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The Manjwatu A. and F. Association was fortunate in having perfect Spring weather for judging day at the Show and the attendance yesterday was very large, It was the big day from the exhibitors 1 view point as the horses, cattle, and sheep were all judged and the Manawatu Kennel Club's Show was opened. Mauy thousands of visitors were present from all over the Dominion, evidencing that the popularity of the big Manawatu event is as great as ever, and that we still maintain pre-eminence at any u rate as far as the North Island is couoerued. Visitors had plentyto occupy their time yesterday and riug events were kept well on the move, while the side show area is a greater attraction than ever b?ioie, the shows being more numerous and comprising a more varied assortment of entertainments.

credit really belongs to Mr Fincham of Oauterbury, from wliom th'e mother was purchased when in calf by the Hospital. Mr J. Parlane, of Cashmere, who judged the Ayrshires, speaks very highly of their quality, especially in lesptct to the champious. The open class for cow in milk was a specially good one, and it was a close go between the first and second prize takers. W. P. Harre's entry finally mn, her milkiu« vessel carrying hei thronsh. The popularity of the Jerseys is evidently as great as ever aud there were splendid entries. J. A. McCrea, of Whakaronga, seenred champion award with his boll Starlight 11., and the cliampion cow waa shown by A, Buchanan, of Jersey Holme.

Mr W. J. Lovelook gained the two championship awards and gold medals in the Holstein-Freisians. This was easily the best cattle saotioo numerically and Mr 0. T. Barriball, of Waiuku, who judged them had a difficult task. The dairy cattle were a good lot. Tlie fat cattle were judged by Mr, W. Richmond, of Tomoana, who paid a high tribute to this ola;S. Mr Richmond is fresh from a visit to the Old Land, and while there visited all the principal shows. He states that with the exception of two or three of the premier shows 1)6 never saw as good a lot of iat cattle as thise exhibited for h's judgment yeeteiday. There is always keen competition in fat cattle between Mr G. F. Moore and Mr T, Duncan. Mr Moore has now won Bairaud and Abraham's special prints priafa for to years in succession. BM3 SheepRomneys lead as usual in sheep, in spita of .the fact that that prominent breeder, Mr E. Short is not represented. The sheep were brought ont iu splendid condition and there were some enormous olassas, giving the two judges, Mr R. W. Matthews, Featlierston, and Mr E. Harding, of Dargaville, a difficult task. Mr Wm. Pairy, of Mastercon, showed both champion and reserve champion iu this section. R. Tanner, of Longbum, showed champion and reserve champion ewe. In Lincolos, Mr Parry was again sucoessfnl and by gaiuiug tne champion award for Lincoln ram, for the seoopd successive year, b9comes the proud possessor of Levin and Oo's silver cup, valued at £lO 10s.

The Official Opening. The official opening ceremony was performed by his Excellency the Governor about uoon. He arrived on the grounds about 11.30 accjinpauied by his aide-de-cainp, Cant. McDongall.'aud was iuet by the Prtsideut of the Association, Mr A. Oonway, aud prominent commiteemtu. After a tonr of the groouds he was esojrted to the vice-regal box at the grapdstaul, in front of which, in the Oval, the Show, stock, cattle aud horEes and the competitors in riding and driving events were diawc up in line.

In his address, his Excellfincy, who Was received with applause, referred to previous visits to Paltne'rsfcan, and Saiil that it afforded liiin additional pleasure at being present that day, and having the privilege of opening this magnificent Show aud seeing the very line display of stock. He regretted that owing to the clashiag of dates with the Christchurch Show last year he bad not been able to be present and this was his first introduction to the big Show of the North Island. He would thus be able to compare it with the Canterbury Show. He regretted that Lady Islington was unable to attend owing to the near approach of her visit to Ohristchurch, but her Excellency looked forward with pleasurable anticipation to visitiug this very fke disttict at no distant date. His Excellency then thanked the President and officials of the Association for the licspitality extended'to liim aud wishiug the Association and farmers of the Manawatu every success and prosperity he declared the Show open.

Three oheets were then given for the King's representative, aftar which a parade of exhibits and stnd stoofe took place. Lord Islington was subsequeutly eutsrtiiued at lauch by the Oommittae.


A veview of the cattle classes shows a slight falling off numerically, while the quality of the .stock has probably ncer betu excelled. Mr Ewm Campbell, ot Wanganui, who judged the Shorthorns, noted with disappointment the' very slight competition in this section, but added that the prizn takers were of a floe stamp, even iu class,-s in which there were only one or two entries. Speaking of the cattle elass-s generally, in the course ot a brief chat with onr representee, Mi Camp, bell Faid that es tliß tendency to-' wards small holdings aiid intenser cultivation iocrpawl the number of people who went in for breediug cattle for beef would decreasa proportionated in favour of dairy cattle. Mr Campbell quoted Belgium and Holland as examples of the ■growing tendency towards inteusi cultivation, aud said tl at there the population wns the greatest in the world par acre, Englaul next. New Zealand was alreauv moving in the direction of smaller holdings and intensar cnltitation and this would be more apparent as years went on and the couutrv became more popnlods. He pomtad out that the average laud in New Zealand carried two sheep per acre, which would perhaps keep a family in meat for a fortnight. The sime areacnltivate'l, as the whole nf Bf leitmi was, with the hoe, would ;keep a family iu vegetables tor a year. Iu the Hereford classes the competition was between the two wellknown breeders, E. Short, of Parorangi, and G. F. Mooto of Kai Iwi. Time was when Mr Moore's Herefords were invincible, bat Mr Short this year came out a good first and S3cnred champion and reserve •cham nion awards for both boll and cow. The judge, Mr Alex, McKenzie, of ifentiiFiston. was most euthusiastic ps to tiie f tamp of Herefords shown. There was good competition in Ayrshires. Mr W. P. Banc, of Rati, s cored the champions card with his cow Duchess of Bauk, Which also si cured the champion uirard at Caterfon recently, and was first and champion at Ohristclinrch l«?t year. Porirua Meutal Hospital secured champion award dor Ayrshire bull with ElksuietoLud. Tliißboll is catalogued 11 as bred by the Hospital, but tha

English Leioestiis were not a large olass, bet those sbown were true to type, though a trifle on the small side and acoorJiog to a Southera visitor, hardly »s well grown as some seen in the Sonth. Mr S. R. Laccaster sooopad the pool io this seotion.lW • j Border Leicastere ware a better clas l on the whole,' ana Mrs Ormood's sheep came in for favourable comment f:om the judge, Mr W. B. Andrews, of Southbridge. They were a splendid big lot well woolbd and low on the ground. Mr Joseph Dowthwaite, a very well-known South Island breeder, has to give pride of place to Mrs Ormond's exhibits, but Mr Dowthwaite Jias]proparties at both FordeJl and in Canterbury, ami his Southern sheep are a better lot than those from For Jell, which he showed here. Shropsliires were a very even lot and in this section the most successful exhibitor was Mr G. L. Marshall, of Marton, who took both championships. Mr J. Deans, of Riccaiton, judged the Soutlirtowns, and slates that he saw tremendous improvement iu this olass siooe here three, or four yoars ago. He uttered a note of warning, however, sayiog that there seemed a tendency in some of the sheep to beoome open iu the wool, av,d this shculii be avoided. Mr Deans reversed the decision of the Hastings judge in this class, and apparently where the Hastings judge took meat alone into considerate Mr Deaos took wool into oousideraton alsa. The farmers' classes were disappointing aim the fat sheep were a good lot but in disappointugly small numbers. The wiunina pen of fat lambs were realbeautifs and just the type exporters are looking for. Horses As usually the mcst universally popular section of the live stock exhibits was the horse division and of thes3 uo classes receive moie attention than the draughts. They are a good deal bitter fan last year, especially the HawKe's Bay draughts, whiah were in great coudition. Iu these the well known A'oraugi breeder, E. Short,,'once more scored heavily. His imported stallion Soval Treasure, which was defeated at the 1909 Show, when jnst off the boat after arrival, won the championship for draught sire, tiking tho silver medal. This flue stallion is too well known to need further tefertiioo. The resirve oliampiouship went to Mount Rnyal owned by J. S, Oughton, of Okaiawa. He is a good, sound, haril colt and has baen three times reserve clmihdiou to Royal Treasure. In the two-year-old colt class. J. W. Hardiuy's Baron Daimler won. Tnis colt has only been beaten ouce, namely, at n»rtertnn tlin other day, when 'mis Ormond's oolt was placed above' him. Mrs Orwoua's colt did not get a place at Hastings, and was beaten by Mr Hardiug's colt yesterday. In the draught mares Mr Short scored the championship with Miss Ivanhoe, who is considered the best m&re iii the Dominion at present, ana has ne"er been beaten as a mare in foal. Tho runner-up was Mr-Short's Han'nington Bell. The later is a four-year-old and will be better sarved by time. She may turn the tables oil Mis? Ivan hoe nsxt year. In tlie filly classes Mr H. M. Campbell's Jean 11. scored and was also awarded reserve champion. This filly also won at Hawke's Bay. Mrs Oriiiou-i beat Mr Slirrt iu the two-year-old filly class. Ia the yearling fillies Mr Short scored 1,2 and 3 with a nice filly from Miss Ivanhoe by Roytl Garthlaud. This filly is a bit on the leg at present, bat will greatly improve 1 with age. The thoroughbred class only boasted to entries, both with

great raoecourse performances. The wiune-r was Mr J. R. McDonald's Gold Orest (Gold Reef-Nvmph) who won innumerable races, including Stewards' Handicap 1907, Easter Handicap 1908, and P.N. Stakes 1908, and Foililiug Stakes 1908. Sir Frisoo was second. Both hail from down the Manawatu line. The ponies were a good lot and saddle horses came forward in groat uauibers and were <>f a good stamp. M' W. H. Gaistord, of Oringi, secured the haos championship with The Joker, and the siuie owner's Goodnight wa? adjudged bsc lady's hack and weiglft carrying hack. Iu the harness classes, Mr H. Nelson's Tomnnna, ,T. Goring Johnston and G. A. Harrison, Elthatn, were the prizs winners.



Hundreds cf interestad people visited the sheap pons yesterday and admired Mr Ernest Short's speoißl exhibits of Romney rams, and the world's champion looked quite n monarch with his blae rosette and gold badae. Mr Southey Fowler, Mr Short's sscretary. was in oliarga of the valuable exhibit", and he was obliged to answer many queries respiting tlie producing capabilities of the record breakers, as they are termed. The champion produced 23 lbs of wool on September Ist. In the Ring. A feature of the ring comntitious was the splendid jumpi»g in the hantars' competition for 1 idy riders. j Ont of over twentv comp- titors only 2 touched an obstacle, a truly remarkable performance, riding in this comnetition was irobably equal to anything that could be seen in the world. In this olbsi Mr B. A. Lancaster's gelding Ornsader scored, the runner-up being Mr Ivan Shaw's Kaka. There was moch Interest iu the Steepleoliase competition, which was won by the vet n rsn Pickpocket. owned by Mr J, H„ MaoNiven, of Hawke's Bay. PMpnoket is alwavs a favourite and though lis is not tlie Pickpocket of fomifr days, his win was extremely pnpnlar. Mr H. B. Oonnop. nf soured, second place with Rangitoto. i

To-Day's Time-Table--9 a,in,—Exhibition of Machinorv, Implements, Permanent Stalls, Vehicles, atirl Maohinery Hall. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.—Doprs on Exlitbitinn. 10a.ra. to 3 p.m.—Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Fat Oattle aid Fat Shpep, to bp pinned fnr Exhibition. 10 a.m.~All Hows ia Competition to be st Stalls. 10.80 a,tu.—First round Hunters' Competition. 12 uoon.—Pony Jampiopr. 1 D.m.— Hors9, Style and Antion, Glass 19, 2 p.m.—Parade. 2.30 p.m.—ladips' and Gent s Hacks, Rings Rosette Competition. '3 p.m.—Ladv Driver. Class 22. 3 p.m.-Final round Trotting 01a«s. 8.80 p ra.—Hunters' 'Competition, final ronnd. 6 p.m.—Showgrounds closed to the public. 7 tn 10 p.m.-Exhibition Halls, Side Shows anl Amusements. Thnrnnphbred over 4vrs: .T. R. McDonald's (Jrcsfc 1, F. J. C<rmont's Sir Fn'sci 2.2- T, e , »r. old thoroughbred oolt: P, E. Baldwin 1. j PONIES. | Entire, 18.2 hands and B, Phelns, Himitangi, 1; S. W. R. Evans, Ashhuwt. 2; P. Rvpu. P»l----merstin, 3 Entire pony: F. N, Oarnriohael, Paltnerstiu, 1; H. Rongot°a. 2; F." A. Pric«, Tabapau. 3. Mare, 14.2 and under, with Ml: A. MoOaidlish, Ronaotea, 1: S. J. Sanson, Kawhatn. 2; A, Btr»ng 3. Pony mare or gelding, 13 to 14 hands: Marv Monro, ston. 1:R. D. Thomson, Hastings,' 2; G. Kirk 3;E. Jackson v h o Pnnv mare or gelding, 12 to 13 hands: J. G, Mayo, Pnlmeistnn, 1. Mare or gelding, 12 or under: O. F. Purton 1, G. Jones 2, D. Longhnan 3. SADDLE HORSES.

Hack lBst: J. H. MeNiven, Oliv«, Joggler. 1: A. Keith. Lnngbnrn. Sir Robert. 2; A J. Stone. Black Knight, 3. 13stha<* : W. H. Oxford. Oringi, 1; H. 0. Hartlev, Rata, 2: A. .GHiam. Waitato. 3. list iiaok: W. H. Gaisford's The Jnker, 1 and champion; o. Nplson, Toraonmi. 2; \V. D. Watson. ton. 3. Wnight-panrying cob 14.1 in 15 hands: B. Magnn. AwannDi. 1; N. Gr»en. Bolls, 2;G. A. Harrison, Elthain, 3, Hnnt-r: E. ut. O'Rorfce 1. E. Short 2ani 3 Tro"n horse: 0. Nelson 1, Hawaii and Troutbenk 2. A. Keif' 3. Ladv's Hank: W. H. GaisfnTd's Good Night 1; Gaisford's The Joker. 2; E. Short's Rnbwdo, 3 Bfsfc paceo 1 and mannered horsß: Arthur ('lift', New Plymouth, 1; A. J. Stonp-Wigg, 2. ' Pair harness hors's, W> and over; L. Lessen 1 Undpr. R. D Morrison 1. Singlp lu-jmess bors" (|IS *nd oypr: 0. Nelson 1. A. Keith 2, H. Roberts 3. J. D. Mitch 1! vh o 13.3 to 15 hands: G. A. Harrison 1 aud chnm. pinn. E. Jackson 2, J. H. H'll 3. Single harnsss ponv. un<lpr 13.3: J. Goriue Johnston 1: E. Jackson 2. P. S. MoDonalri 3, B iionghnan v h c. I DRAUGHT HORSES.

Stalli r ii over <krs: E. Short's R'ivnl Trnßfinrfl 1 bul chflmnjnu T. Eflliii's Kiug nf the 2. Oolt fonlert sine* let Anenst 1908: J, S. o'nsht n n Okaiawa, Monnt Rnynl, 1 and re=°rvo clißmpi' n, Since Anenst Ist;. 1909: J. W, Harding's Barnn Dai-rlor 1; Mrs J. D. Oiiiond's Glfliira«rket, 2: H. M. n»mpbell*s Flverflßt Barnn. 3. Siu<w Anerost Ist, lfllfl: J. H. Mitnhplll, E. Shnrt 2. M«ro, wit" tVI: E. Shot's Mix« Irauuhnn, ] purf champion: 13 Snort's Huniiistfit Bells aud Sillot'i

Fillv fruled sine Auongt Ist, 1;j08: H. M. (Jamrbell Jean II l oul r°serve ohampiru; J. W. Harding 2; Mrs .T, D, Ormmi'l 3. Since Ansnst Ist, 1909: Mrs J. 0. Ormond 1: K. Sliort 3, H. M. OaraobPll 3. Sinie *ngnsUsr, 1910: E. Short], 2 and 3. Geldiuj; in roenlar work, 4yrs mid upwards: Wellincton City Oorprmitiou 1,2 and nhainnioii: Wn*tpnrt On»l Co. 8. Gelding 3vrs: B. D. Knight 1 and reserve ohampion. Maro in regular work, 4yrs and nowards: E, Short 1, E. Jnue 2. Walkinsi mare or gelding: E. .T-iws 1. p ftirploDuli horses: R. D. Knu'lirl. Heavy or mare in regnlar work: Wellington Oity l and 2,

Westport Goal (Jo. 3. Three-horss plourli team: R, D. Knight 1. Working spring cartrnarnorpoldine: Westport Uoal Co. i, New Zealand Express Co. 2, F. Noble 3, Farmers' mare or gelding: Sam Bambnry and Co. 1, R. D. Knißht 2. Pairdra* hors s: Wellington City 1, R, D. Knight 2. Single express horse: Sain Bambarry 1 and 2, E. Joir.s 3,


Gi.'.l uinler 15: Sophie Watson, Paltmrston, 1; Miss Abraham 2, Etta Birchlev JJ, Doroyi Rait h c. Boy tiler, rnipr 15: T,Wdv Onllm siu 1, Mast'r Good win, Hastings, 2; Roy Raid, Failding,B; Motton fietn, Sandrn, hc. Girl rider, unlflrl2: Sylvia Jackson Fending, 1; Veons Ja n kso», Peildinq, 2; Violet Rait, Palmprstnu, 3, Boy, under 12: Noel Shortall, Oolvton, I; Qny Pnrward, Palmecßton, 3; Con Reed, FeUding, B, Hnufars' (lady riders only): E A. Lancisfcr's Orns\dpr 1, Ivan Shaw's Kaka 3, J. R. McDonald's Betrayer a. Alst competed: Miss Paul, H. p. Tavlor, W, D. Kemp, W. S. Hirst, (J. McLaren, W. Petersen, H, B, Hnnt, R. Morrison (3), i E. Short, n. R. Lancaster, E. Williams, J. 0 McFarlauo, Hassil and Mrs White, G. Kirk, G. Peelrle, D, 0. Smith. Best Walking Horse: All-11 Orai}am's (Olianpo, Waikato), Lonely. .'LEAPING COMPETITION, J.; H. MaoNivtn's fUlive, H. 8.), Pickpocket 1 W. D, (Masterton), Yeast 2 H. E. Oonnop's (WoodvilliJ/Rangitoto 3. Twenty-five entries. I - CHAMPION BUTTER PAT COMPETITION.

The obauipiou butter lot oompetitiou whioh was judged yesterday morning, resultad as followsW. I'. Lovelook's (Aokautore), Lady of Olilfside, by Oapc, Pietortje—Lady rie Kol, came flrft with milk, 8.0 test; 7.251bs butter fat, 22,75 points milk, 198.12 points batter fat, total 218. 87; second prize, A, H. Haloombe's (Taranaki) oow, '.7%, 4.5, 7.762, 17.25, 11)4,05, total 211.30; S. R. Lancaster's oow third, 154& 4,G, 7.107, 15.45, 177.67, total 193,12; W. I. fjovelocfe's Prinoess Ivan Glpve next, 21 75, 168.13, total 184.87; S. R. Lancaster's cow "fifth, 144,4,4, G. 386, 14 40, 158.40, total 172.80; A. H. Haloombe's cow sixth, 229, 4.9, 5.904, 12.05, 147.60, total 159.05/ SPECIAL AWARDS. VARIOUS UUP„WINNERS. Levin aod Go's £lO 10s cap for best Lincoln ram in wool, anil Qnibbell'a handsome cop for b;st Romnev Marsh ram have been won outright by Mr W. Perry, ot Mastertom The Southdown Sheep Society's (England) cup for best Sonthdowu ram, was won this year by Ellis Bros., ot Bolls.. The greyhound challenge cap was wou by Mr R. McAlpine's Bibon,

Sheep. LINCOLNS (in 'the wool). Rams, 38 or under: W. Perry, Masterton, 1 and 2; W. H Wybonrne 3. 18 tn 30: Mrs J. D. Ormond 1 nnri 2, W. Perry 3 and v h c 30 upwards: W. Perry 1,2 and ohampion, Mrs J. D. Ormond 3 and hc. 18 or tinder: W. Porry 1 aud 2; W. H. Wybou'rue 3. Ewe. 18 or under: W. Parry 1 and 2, W. H. Wybonrne li o. 18 to 30 with lamb: .Mrs J. D. Ormond 1. Over 30 months with lamb: W. H. Wybonrne 1 anil 2 18 to 80: W. H. Wybnuruo 1, J. W. Brndey 2. Two ewps 18 or under: W. Perrv 1 aud 2. \Y. H. Wybourne 3. Two owes with lamb: W. U. Wybonrne 1 and champion. ' ROMNBi MARSH (in the wool). Rim. 18 or nuder: W. Petry 1, Gray Bros 2, 'J. E. Hewitt 3, W. Bell v lie, R. Tanner o. 18 to ,30: W. Perry 1 and ohampion, P. Maungavin 2, W. RBynor 3. R. Tanner vh c, Gray Brrs h o aud c Ram, over 30: W. Parrv 1, A. and .1, Gray 2 nnd bo, J. B Hewitt, Mangamaire, 3, Mrs H. S. Hadfield, Paranaramn, v h o. 18 Or nnder: W. Perrv 1, W. H. Bniok 2, R. Tauuer 3 and I) o, W. Bell v h o, A. aud J. Gray c. Shorn ram, 18 or under: R. Tanner 1 and c. W. Gibson 2, 3 and hc, Gray Bros v li c. Four ram hoggets: J. E. Hewitt 1, Gray Bros 2, A. aud J. Gray 3, R, Tanner vh c and hc, A. Harding c, Ewe, 18 or under: J. E. Hewitt 1. W. H. Buick 2. W. Raycer 3, W. Perrv vh c, Mrs H. S. Hadßeld ho, R. Taunerc. 18 to 30 with lamb: R. Tanner 1, 2 and reserve ohampion, J. E. Hewitt 3 and v h c, P. savin hc. Over 30 with hmb:R. Tanner 1. 2 and champion, Mrs Hadfield 3, Brv 18 tn 30: R. Tsnner 1 Biid 2, Mrs Had field 3. Two ewes, 18 or under: W. Perry 1, R. Tanner 2 and vh o, P. Mnnsraviu 3, J. E Hewitt h c and o. Two ewes: R. Tatm'r 1 aud 2. ENGLISH LHICiSSTERS. Ram, 18 or under: S R. Lancaster, Palmer,ston, 1, 2 and champion Nelson Bros, h c. Shorn rain. 18 or undnr: S. R. Lancaster 1 aud 2. 18 to 30: Lanoast'r 1, Nelson Bros 2 aud 3. 30 upwards: Lancaster 1, 2 and oliampinn. Two rams, 18 or onder: Lancaster 'J. Ewe, 18 or under: Lancaster 1 and 2. Shorn, 18 nr nnder: Lancaster 1 and 2. 18 tn 30 with lamb: lano»ster 1, 2'and iihampioo. Ovpr 30 with lamb: TLancaster 1 aud 2. Two ewes, 18 or under: Lancaster 1. Two ewe l , auy age, with lamb: Lancaster 1 and 2.

BORDER LEIOE3TER. Rnm, 18 nr under: Mrs J. D. Orrmrofl 1, J. Dnwthwaite 2 and 3, 18 to 30: Mrs J. D. Ormond 1 and 2. 30 and upwards: Mrs J. D. Orrnond 1. 2 and champion, J Dnwthwaite 3. Two 18 and nnder: Mrs J. D Ormond 1, J. Dosthwaite 2. Ewe 18 or under: M-s J. D. Ormpml 1 and 3, J Dowthw»ite 3 18 to 30 with lamb' Mrs J. D. Orinoud 1 and ohampioD, J. DowtliwaitP 2 nnd 3, Two ewes, 18 or under: Mrs J. -D. Orrnonri 2, J.' Dnwthwaite 2 Two ewes, any age. with lambs: Mrs J. D. Ormond 1, J. Dowthwaite 2. SHROPSHIRE DOWN, IN THE WOOL. Rams, 18 months nr under: W. J. Birch 1 aud 2, G. L. Marshall 8, W. Kayoor h c. rflmru: W. <l Birch 1. Oyer 18, under 30: G. L. Marshall 1, 2 aud ohamrjion. 18 aud under: G. L. Marshall 1. Ewes--18 months and under: G. h Marshall ], Swirl he, W. Bayner 3, W. J. Birch v li c Cvor 18, ""d»r 30 mouths with lamb: G. L. Marshall

|[, w. Riivnsr2 18and under: G* I L. M mshnin, 2 y hc, W. Rayner . • '• • lrc ' l '■> e - Auy age, with lambs: Q. L. Marshall 1, and cliamW, j. Birch. SOUTHDOWNS. pih!®R ut montlls 01 ' « n der : Ell s Brother,s., Bulls 1 and 2, wit7f? ro b- V . ll c ' A - J ' stauo Jr' Jl c - Kaui, not oxceediug 18 months, siraij by au imSnwn nf?ll | h S, ' 0GP ' CU P I] y Soßtll ' down Shoop Soci e ty, England: Ellis to ,m U T?' Wl Barber 3 - R»ms. 18 to dO: Ellis Bros. 1 and 2, Nel»onT of d a»d Vhc. 80 upwards : Hrni's lto «o- w ieg 1, 8 and ol', Nelson aud S S R ° r r W: s iß 1 Brno I n LanCaSt3l Nelson Bros, ho. Ewe, 18 or under: Ellis [Bras. I, Nels.n Bros. 2and 3, S. R Lancaster yli c. Ewe, 18 to 80 with lamb: S. R. Lancaster 1 and cliam- ' pion Nelson Bros. 2 and 8. 18 or nnde : Nelson Bros. 1 aud a, Ellis arcs. c. Any ago with lambs: Ellis b S ' 1 ,0 * LaDC «ster 2. Shorn. ,° rc n !36r: Bros. 1, 3 Si. fo 08 ' vll c > aD(I c. Ram, over 18: JSlils Bros 1 aud champion, 3. R. Lancaster 2 and v K Nelsin Brcs. lic, A. J. Stoned bZ 8 1 q n o \ lßor Qnc,ol ' : Nelson P l '.'tj T T?' Laucastor2 and vlj c, Ells i, J. Kulglit li c. Over 18 with (Continued on page 7).

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Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1453, 3 November 1911, Page 5

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MANAWATU'S BIG SPRING GATHERING. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1453, 3 November 1911, Page 5

MANAWATU'S BIG SPRING GATHERING. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1453, 3 November 1911, Page 5