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The Technical sobool cadets wil mustar at 10 u.m.|tj-ujorrow (Ooro nation Day) at tlib Techuical Sohool J The Town Clerk lias recaived Gov eminent approval of the Oornnatioi graut cf £250 towards the pablio hal at Terraoe End. The public examination of 0, W Blaekbiirn before Mr A. D, Thorn son, S.M., will ba held on Wednes day, 28th. T/ie oops and trophies presentee by the New Zealand Dairy Mail agsrs' Assooiaticn forgiompeiition a tue Winter Snow are ou view in tin produoe hall. Tlio annual meetiug of the 110 l'n Association was re sained yesterday, when the followiDf offloers were fleeted President, Mi Coleman Phillips (Carterton); vice president, Mr W. I. Lovelock (Palm ■erstou); treasurer, A. J. Galliohat (Taiekatahuna); council MeEsrs J Donald (Wanganni), Harold Stree (Taranaki), and A. J. Galliohat (Tiabetaliuua); s"cretary,Mr W. Mo K-uzie; auditor, Mr J. Liggiui (Tokomaru). It was deoided it award the N6w Zealand ohamp'on ship for bot'i bull aiid oow to tin Munawata A. aud P, Assooiatioi tiia year aud also to give golc uihdals iu both classes. Asa coin pliment to the newly eleoted presi dent it was suggested that nexi year the championships be awardet to ti:e ffairarapa Association. At the Magistrate's Court yestardiy before Mr a. D. Thomson, S. M., judgment waH given' foi plait.tiffs for the amount olaiuied ami costs in the following untiefeuded oasfs:-J. S. Watohorn, Ltd. (Mr Meatvard) v. P. E. McHugh, £1 16s- 9a, costs 10s • G. Hoards (Mr Hurley v. H. Marcliant, £1 17s (id. cnEts 2S)s (iii; Palinorsfeoii North Cycle aud Motor Co. (Mr Lougliuan v. J. Muudy, juu. £4 10s, oofts 10s Iu the judgment summons casijs W. A, Pascuewas ordered to pay M. Morton nnd Son (Mr Ouok) tlio snin cf £35 13s; A. Yuh was ordered t) pay Durward aud Go. (Mi Oouper) £1 Kig 8d furfcliwit!) iu default 14 iinys, Order to ba suspended ho long as £2 a mouth is paid. J. Ruick was ordered to pay £Blß] fid to A. H. liackefcS (Mr lunes), or in litfiult seven days. Tlio order was suspended for one week. Messrs Rosa and Co,, the Boil Marclie, live showing some oxquisito styles in Ladies' Coats, Costumes and Millinery for Show Week, of which tt[ey invite inspection.'**

Mr 0. Frns3r will refcrao in Te A-ite v. Wnngnnn Oollepe juuiot matoli lit 12,]5 nnd Mr ll'oe.te in tho SBuiot match at 2 p.m. to-duy. His ExcolioDoy is to s*nd to His Majesty to-dny the followiug cablegram:—"All pnsant at a dinner of rcpres jntativrb nl' eightcou English public schools, at which tliree New Zonlaml Public Schools Association* were represented. desirtj to submit to your Mnjfstirs their earnert prayers for p, loug and prosperous reign,"" A privat? inoetiug cf contribntors to'thofnnri for tne support of the National Daiiy London agont was held at th 9 Showground hut Evening. Thera waa a large attendance, and ivporta were received as to the work being done. The draw for tlm Oonrßiug Club meeting will t:ike place at the Royal Hotel this evening at 7.H0. The coureiupf will commence to-morrow iusteod of 11 a.m. owiug to the Coronation celebrations and on Fritlny at 11.80 »iui. Tho principil event is the Puppy Stakes for which dogs have been entered from Ohri&tchuroh, Hawke's Bay and Gisborne. His Excellenoy the Governor was nntoitiiucd atau excellent luncheon in the Empire Hall yesterday by the A. and P. Asßoa'atioD. The luncheou was admirably catered for bj Mr W. Davine. Tho toast of the King was propes tl by the Fresi' dent, Mr A. Oouway, and that oi His Excellency by Mr Dunk, Chair man of the Winter Show Commit tee, who made a reminesconl Bpaeoli. Speeches were also mndt by Mr Bniob, M.P. and the Hon, T. Mackenzie. The Chairman toot the onportuuity of impressing oi His Excullenoy aud the Miuistei the desirability of making this 8 Royal Show and His Excallenc.! expressed sympathy with the desire, Tho annual English Public School! Old Boys dinner was heir] at tin Empire Hull last evening aud 'presi ded over by His Excellency Lore Islington (Harrow), Eighteen Eng lish fublio Schools wero representee and three New Zealand Fublii Schools Associations His Excel huoy proprsad "The King." Thi liov. J L Dow (Marlborough) pro posed the Navy aud Army tu whiel General Godle.v (Haileybury), ant Col. A; H. Russ3.ll (Harrow) re spnnded. His Excelleocy propose! "English Public Schools," am emphasised the desirability of Bug lish and Now Zealand public school oa-operating. Prof saor HaElan (Rugby) and Mr B. D. D. McLeai (Clifton) responded. Mr R. S Abraham (Haileybnry) proposal "Old Boys' Assmiatiou of New Zsa Iwd schools" Messrs H. Ooope (Wauganni), W. L. Meek (Welling ton) aud A. P. Reid (Auokland responding. The toast rf the Oliair man was proprs3d by Dr Valintim (Marlborcugh). With reference t3 the repudiatioi by Mr J. 0. Lane of eyer havini referred ti the orchestra in conneo inu with the Sheffield Choir to tin Holiday Associate (as published b; us yesterday) Mr Page, secretary o tho Holiday Association points ou that in Mr Land's letter to then datvl May l?th, he wrote: "In tin visit to these parts the Choir wil join itauds and voice with the over seas mns'oal frrefs BOTH OHORAI and INSTRUMENTAL, to brinf about a greater brotherhood b] creating a Musioal Festival of tin Empire," There wbs a big audience at thi Opera House last evoning for tin Manioipal Pictures and the Marion ett scf Professor Barraes. The pin tures are an interesting 6et, but tin ereat noveltr jmt now is thi MarionettalShow and t!m causaii di end of iutarest and applause las night. The figures do the most snr prising things, thiugs that it dnei not seem possible could be the resnli cf the palling of wires and string as we know it to be. There will b< another peifuruianca to-ui(>ht,. bu to-morrow night the Opera Honsi will be devntid to the Ooronatioi Night Patriotic conceit, promoted bj the Oversees Olnb, so pictures am marionettes will be alike-"oft'." There was a meeting last night oi the joint committee of the Overseai Olnb and Navy League to oompletf arrangements for the patriots demonstration in, the Opera House t :-.<norrow evening. Messrs Warden and Naylnr reported adding twe sjlos to the 'programme-patriotic sougs with ohoruses iu whioh the audience will be expected to join as it is also to join iu the rendering of the patriotic sonjis by 250 children and the Army and town band. Mr J. Bttt will sing "The Veteran," aud Mr Arthur Bennett "Soub of the S?a." Mr Gardner presided, and others prrsent included Messrs Wood, Gay, Barnard and Blaokwood. We have had several very fine films in Palmerston North from the Wanginui studio of Mr 0. F. Newham. They have always oompared favourably with the imported article, especially so these taken at the Awapuni t'jstiug grounds nf '.the Manawatu Raeiug Olub. To-night another excellent racing picture of Mr Newliam's will be shown at the Zealindia Hall. It waa taker on Empire Day at the very popular Wauganni Winter Steenhohass meet ing. In the principal oross country event the great struggle between Oorazon and El Dorado, who raced neck an i neck from the last fence, is very vividly pictured, as also is the negotiation cf several of the obstacles. Another vtry keen sst-to is that which took place in the Century Hurdles, when Appin out Ms field down with a great lata rnn, just forging ahead of Waiputere, who made all the runuing Then there is tho Oouuijlly Hanidcap finish, iu which the triple (Wauganni, Kaugitikei and Manawatu) Cup winner Merrivouia atteoted a big surprise, paying for such a well-per-formed mare an exceptionally long price. Many Palmeistou visitors wera present at the Wauganni jumping A* tare aud several come nut very plainly in the vioinity of the totalisator in Mr Newliam's picture. FINED Ten Dob and costs, Better to spend your money at the Speed Cycle Depot. Lamps from 2,6, oil Gd tin. VISITOBS. Noto that Wm. Oates has now opened new stocks in Phonographs, Gems, Fireside, Standards, Horrcs, Triumphs, from 70s. upward'. New Recordi, New Cycles, from £7. New Go-cart?, the latest designs, Ycu ore inviied to inspect at Oates' Cycle nnd Musio Stores, 53 and 54, Mairbstree West, opposite railway station. Flags for Coronation Day, Peggy Bags, New Novels, Footballs, etc., at Park's.

The solicitor of Pnlmeiston will clobb tlioir offices to-day from noon, to-morrow (Ooronatiou Day) all (lav, ami ou Friday (Priuce of Wal, * hritMay) ,Iroia noon. The Manawato Mounted Rifles,, miller Lieut. Smith, made a voiy Bmftit (scort to his Excellency tliu Governor to the Siiowsrouudsjiistai[lay, and otcdic is due to the mem* beis of the corps for turning out lor' the occasion. Wg wore unfoitnnatelv compelled to curtail our report of Mrs Barton's-, address ou Monday night owiug to Show pressure, but there is no tlonbfc • that the visitor iB a very tft'eitive and entertaining spoaker, who quits holds her andisnce. She is to yi\e an, address to ladies iu the Opera House. Hall at 3 p.m. to-day oil the No--lictnsa qutstion under tl.e auspices, of tliu W.0.T.U., and it good attendance is asamed. {similar address to women in Wellington were a greatsucoess.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1348, 21 June 1911, Page 4

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Untitled Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1348, 21 June 1911, Page 4

Untitled Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1348, 21 June 1911, Page 4