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His Excellency the Governor, Lord Islington, paid his first offloial visit to Palmerstou North yesteiday. On arrival of the Napier express from Wellington Lord Islington wag met at the station by the Mayor (Mr J, A. Nasli), Mr D. Buiok, M.P., and rnembars of the Borough Uouucil. He was then driven to the Squaie band rotunda where residents had assemble in large numbers, the rotunda being cconpied by prominent citizjus and their wives, and officers of the Defenoe Department. THE MAYOR'S SPEECH. After the National Anthem had been played by the Palmewton North Brass Band the Mayor delivered liis address of welcome from the oitizaus of the town. After'regretting that a similar welcome could not be extended to Lady Islington on that oojasion and expressing tie hope that that pleasnie would be iu store for them on some future occasion tho Mayor said there was no town iu the Dominion where deeper raspect was felt fur the King's representative than at Palinerston North. They were pleased that his Excelleuoy was to remain for the opening of the Wiuter Show, whioh was one of the most iiupoitaut of the Dominion's institutions, and his Excellency's deep interest in agtionltaral matteis was well known. Mr Nash added that Paliuerston North, as an itn. poitant farming centre had evinced a special interest in His Excellency's addresses to the farming community wliicli had beun helpful, instructive and stimulating. After referring to the promiueuci given in the Press to Lady Llington's address to the Mother's Union at Auckland, Mr Nash concluded by expressing the hope that Lord and Lady Isliugtcn would have a pleasant stay in New Zealand and adding that when the term of office expired none would regret it moro than the residents of Palmeiston North. Mr D. Bnick, member for tie district, in the ouurse of a brief speeoii of welcome referred to tue great advance Palrnerston had made. Uapt. Haydon, President of the Chamber of Uommerce, extended a welcome on behalf of the comraer- ' cial community of Palmerstou. They ' were pleased to see His Excellency ; and wished that like his predecessor | Lord Piuuket, he was going to make .' his home here. They had hoped ; that Palmeiston was to baoorne the ( permanent oonntry home of the I Governor of New Zealand. Frcm ' its geogiaphioal position Pal- '• merston would one day be the oapi- ' tal town of the Dominion, with the 1 seat of Government here. (Laugh- ] tor).' e

THE ADDRESS. The following address was then read and presented to His Exoellenoy by thu Jowa Clerk (Mr W. H. Oolliugtfood):Palmerstou North, 19th Jnue, 1911. His Exoellency the Right Hon. John PoynderDicbsan-PoyiJtltrßarou Islingtou, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Miuhael and St. George, Ooropanicm Distiugaished Seivice Order, Goveiuor and Ooroinnuder-in-Oliief in anil over Bis Majesty's Doininiou. of New Zealaud uud m Dependencies. Your Exotlieuoy,—We, the Mayor, Uucucillois and citizens ot the borough of Palmerston North, in the Dominion of New Zealanu, desire to extend to yon a oordial welouine on the occasion cf yonr fmt official visit, and at the same time to offer a hearty greeting to Lady Isliugtou and family.' We recognise that your, nppoittmeut to the high and honourable position of Governor of Kfls Zealand is but a slight recognition of the excelled su'vio yon have rendered Ilia overseas pot-sessions if his Maj'.sty, and we believe the knowledge you possets will ba' o( iinmensa advantago tj this Dominion in paitionlar. The close attention yon have given to the high and important dnti.s imposed upon von, uud the cuaspicauus tact aid ability yon have displayed in otrrying ttiem out, have already proved tne wisilom of your silectioK We take advantage of the present nnportuno moment, when the Uorouatiou of his Mij sl> King Getrge V. is within meusurable dutanue, ti express oar loyalty to the Throne, and oor gratiticatiou that the ties which biuii us to tbe Motlier Ouuuiry will thereoy. bu materially'strengthened, tiigueii on bolialf ot tlie Mayor, Uuuuoill rs aud citizins or Palmer.tjn North, Jamis AlU'ed Naeh, Mayor; David lioiok, M.P.; Willium harold Udliugwuou, Town Clerk. HIS EXCELLENCE'S REPLY.

Lord Islington expressed appreciation ot toe kindly manner iu which he had beeu received, and said that While this was liih fmc cffioisl visit, he had visited the neighbouring ii.„tricis and cod1(1 realise the ; ride they l'elt in the pragtts? of the tuwa. ■vyhio'i was, the, Qeujjr. gj such Jim SgiiouiUdl Couiihy, H.'SUisfc Jl 1.1 visit here Synchronised witu the great uaticmi and Imperial tveut wiiicli, Wvtil'J take place in a few houi's frcto now 11 t':e scat it the Biuptre. There wa'o flfl in:ra lijhl Subjects of Kiug George to be round un'ier British flag than in New Zealand. (Applause). His prayer, which he knew would he unanimously sharod by all throughout the Domiuiiu, was tlut the rtigu of his Majdfctj might be one ot ittength ana health to ilib Kiug and Quteu ; that it b3 charaoteiisjd by length ncil Btuady progress throughout the Empire, and that the Empire might continue to oi'joy the beuetioeuoe ut peace with nil the nations, which characterised all the yeaw of his illustrious pradeceseoi'.Kiujj En ward. His Excellency reieircrt to the kindly raforeuca in sue lo iiim iu his pei'bona 1 oyaaoity by the Mayor and other speakirs, auo uuded', in reference t'j Uspibiu Haydou's remarks, that he hau experienced in an almost embarrassing uegrto ever tiuee Ins arrival iu the Dorniuion, that kindly hospitality and weioune which clminctiiiseii the New Zeaiander, aun hijil hardly visited any t towu of the Dauiuiuu iruui whiJi he had uuc received impressing and kindly invitation to 6tay and rakide. (Laughtir). His Excellency added that he was looking forward with iuttrebt to tlm National Dairy Show,, whioh he

was. informed from unbiassed sources was s-coud to none iu the Dominion. He looked forward with special 'uterest to the dairy department, in which there were men employed in the district second to none. His Exculleuoy referred to liis official position, and assured Ins hearers that it would be his earnest endeavour during his fceini to represent in the fullest and most faithful way what he believed to bo the eurmst desire of his MoJBEty in regaid to New Zealand, and iu respect to his representative here. He regrttted Lady Islington's dbfeuce that di.r, aud oon.oiu.ded by thauking the citizens for their welcome aud expressing tne hope that the present was but the forerunner of many happy congenial visits with which they might associate liitn doting his term of office as Governor of Now Zealand. Oheors weio given for his Excellency, who was then presented to the ladits and gentlemen on the rotunda.

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Bibliographic details

Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1347, 20 June 1911, Page 3

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LORD ISLINGTON. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1347, 20 June 1911, Page 3

LORD ISLINGTON. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1347, 20 June 1911, Page 3