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TO BE OPENED AT NOON TQ-DAY. The eighth annual National Dairy Show of Mew Zealand, under the ausiiioes of the Mauawatu A. and F. Association, will be opouoil at noon to-day, liis Excellency the Governor Lord Islington, performing the oerernony. The-history tf the big winter fixture is sa well known that nothing oan be gained by enlarging upon it, beyond saying that since the comparatively small and unambitious initial show eight years ago, it has grown in size and importance each snocessive year till now it is the biggest and most important of its kind in the Dominion. That the gathering to be opened to-day will mark a still further advance is now assured. The need for extended aacommodation has been reoognised and has been met with the erection of the fine row produce hall, costing £IOOO, and it is significant that even with this additional space it is found difficult to adequately accommodate the very large entries received in every sectioo. The display of dairy factory produoe, which has always been a leading feature of the show, is this year much the best exhibition of the kind ever seen in the Dominion, oooupying as it does some 400 feet of frontage in the new ball.

In the eanip building is a remarkable display of apples for the Royal Horticultural Society's medal, the special £lO priz;, and the various other special trophies and prizes offered. Close by is the exhibition of home iudusries, .so it will be S3en that the new hall is boiug made full use of. MACHINERY HALL, The maoiiinery hall is, as usual, a hive uf industry nuri from appearbuops yesterday this section of the Show is as intsresting buil comprehensive as usual. The Aqrionltaral Depniiinant exhibit occupies portion of the produce hall which has in previous years'been occnpied by the, dairy prodnoe and beyond are long titl'S tilled with vegotabl s "anrl farm mots. The poultry hall is the last of all, and in another builliug will be the exhibits cf milking machinery at work. PROSPECTS. Every hotel in the town is practically fall with Show visiters, who arrived in very large numbers yesterday and froa present appearances the attendanoe at the opening today will be 7ory large. The weather outlook as told by Rev. D. 0. Bates is not oomfortinp, but it is to be hoped that this time his weather will pass Palmeraton, by and that wo may have a few more days of the glorious sunshine of the past few days. TO-DAY'S PROGRAMME. THE SHOW. 12 Noon-Show to be opened by His Excellency the Governor (Lord Islington). '


10 30 a.m.—Annual meeting Na' tioaal Dairy Association, Ltd. .^


The dairy produoe olasses were judged yesterday and the oards with points awards will be on the exhibits wten the Show opens. Ab usual, there was splendid competition in these classes, factories competing from all parta of the North Island.. The National Dairy Show bottir championship under the auspices of the New Zealand Dairy Factory Managers' Association resalted in a tie between Levin and Cheltenham, wliiuh scored 187 points eaoh, Bannythorpe being next with 186, The ohampionship is decided on the aggregate points received in classes 1 and G. BUTTER AWARDS.

Tbe following ate the awards in the butter classes :

Faotory bntter, ol&si 1, best box for exporf Cheltenham Dairy 00. 1, flavour 64, body, moisture Gesture 24, oolonr 10, salting 10, finish 5, total 94; Glen Glen Orona.Eaiianga, Levin, Raftihi, Stratford Dairy Oompunies tied for second rjlaoe with a total of 98^; Balhnce Dairy 00. 93,3. Apiti, Bell Block, Buuuythorpe, Oauterbuty, Matahara, Shannin, Wanganui. Taieri, Tanranga, Uruti, 92 eaoh; Tiboraogi, Defiance, Mabitewa Ballanoe, Heretaunga, Leppertorj, Rangiwahia, Marlbo.:ough, Bay of Plenty, 91^; Cambridge, Mirihnrst, Taitapn, 91; Oringi. 90; Raugitikei, Taieri, 90; Masterton, Kaponga, iiß^; Manperei, 88.

Ohss 2, best 1 box export butter, > open to any butter factory or factory f manager not having won a £5 prize. ( —Apiti Dairy Ooropauy 1, flavour 45, body, moisture 24, colour 10, silting ( 10, finish 5, total 94; Raetiiii Dairv Co 93%, 2; Tikni'ftßgi Dairy 00. 93, 8. Waneanni JRivordwle, Tan- , range, Bell Block 92, Bar of Plenty, ; MRrlboroocli 91%, Hawfee's Bay, Oringi. Ot*ki 00," Masterton, 88%, : Kaponga 88. j Glass 3, best 1 box' expott bu!t?r, open to auy factory maoaair who liur not previously won a prizi to the value of £s.—TifeornDgi Dairy Co. 1, flavour 45, body, moisture '24. colour 10, salting 10, finish 5, total 94; Diiti Dairy 00. 93%, 2; Bnetihi Dairy 00. 93, 3. Bell Block. Riverdale, Marlborougli, Wanganui 92, Bay of Plenty, Taieri 91%, Taitauu 91. Hawke's Bay, Taieri. Oringi, Ofcftfei 90, Kaponga, Masteiton 88. Olss 4, best 1 bos export buttar, open to members of Now Zealauil Dairy Factory Mauageis' Association —Oheltenhara Dairy Go. 1, flavour 46, body, moisture 24, colour ,0, salfciug 10, finish 5, total 95; Kairanga Dairy 00. 94%, 2; Ballauco Dairy 00. 94, 3; Apiti Dairv 00. 93%," 4; Raetiln Dairy 00. 93, 5; Ranshvahia Dairy 00. 9iJ, 5. Ballance (Koniui), Canterbury, Dp- ■ thnoe, Levin, 92%, Bsll Block, Heretannga, Riverdale, Tiatapu 92, Thames, Norswood, Lopnertnn, . Bunythorpe 91%. Miduurst 91, K»- ' piuga 88%, Maugetei, Raugitikei Bb, FACTORY BUTTER FROM BLOCK. Class 5. best box export factory '' I butter sßlbs, Ohalienge Cup given to

highest score)' iu this class.—Bunnythutpe Dairy Go. 1, flavour 45, body, moisture 24, colour 10, silting 10, fl«nli 5, total 94; Apiti Dairy Co. 93'£, 2; Oliplt-'ulmw, Dafiauo*, Kail'uiigi), Lepneitnn tied for third place wi'li 1)8. Ball Block, Levin, Ra;tihi M}{ 2 , Bsilhuco 5)2, Balance, Taiert, Whenuakura Cambridge, Tiiieri 91, Rausiwaliii), Rangitikei, Wauganui 90hj, Mi-ihtirst, Glen Oroua Class () Muuujthorpo D-iiry On. 1, flavour if>, body, moisture 24, odour 10, Fultins 10, finish 5, totil 94; Leviu DairyOo. 98 V, 2; Ohelten ham Dairy Co. 98, 8. Ballance, Makitawa, Rnotilii 93 Jf, 801 l Block, Tiepp?rton, Mastirton, Heretaunga. Raugitikei 92, Defiance, Balance, Kaugiwahia Oambridso Taieri No. 54 anil Taisri No, 1234 89.

Championship of New Zealand under auspices of the New Zealand Dairy Faotory Managers' Association, to be competed lor by exhibitors outero.i iu Classes 1 and 6: auy maker wiamng the National Dairy Show butter championship for two yeais iu succession or three yean at intervals is debarred frcin further oomnfltition— Leviu Dairy 00. and Cheltenham Dairy Or. 187 each, 1; Bunnythorpe Dairy 00, 180, 3.

CHEESE CLASSES. Bfst 3 cheeses full oream N?w Z-'alaud Oheddar-iliaped cheese, euitnbL) for export, uolgui'tl, no cheese to be lets thau (iolb>.-Dalnh>!<l Dairy Oo,« 1, flavour 4b%body, moisture 28, colour 15, finish 4%, total 94}£; Taratahi Dairy 00. 94, 2; Belvedere Dairy 00. and Kaponga Dairy 00. 93, 3. Oinimi 9%, Greytown 92, Rongukokako 91%, Maugararaa. 91, Daunevirke, Oaonui 90%, Knponga, Kakaramea, Tararna 90, Knkn.B9#. B; st 3 oasis full cream New Zealand Oheddar-sbaped choose, suitable for export, white.fiOlbs weight.—Kaponsa Dairy 00. aud Kapnnga Dairy Oe. (Rowan) 1, flavour body, moisture colouring 15, finish ty 2 , total 93%; Greytown Dairy Co. aud Taratahi Dairy 00. 93, 2; Rongoknkako 92, Tararna, Tariki, DanDovirke, Dalefleld, Belvedere, 91%, Oraimi. 91, Mangararna 90%, Kakaramea, Ngaere, Oaonui 90. Best oase of oheese, to contain not more than 160 ibs weight and not less than 801bs, irrespective of oolonr cr shape; open only to meuibern of the New Zealand Dairy Factory Manages' Association; fli'sfc priz9 Glialinupe Oup, presented by the New Zealand Dairy Factory Managers' A( satiation, and to become the property of the faotory manager winning the oup twioe in succession or three, tiims at intervals, with a trophy presented to the yearly winner by the New Zealand Dairy Faotory Managers' Association.—Tararna Dairy 00. 1, 94>2,1; Greytown, Oaonoi aud Tararna Dairy Companies! 94, 2; Rongokokako Dairy 00. 93, 3, Dalefleld, Belvedere, Kaponga, Dauneviike and Taratahi also competed.

Bekt 2 factory cheese, fully matured, auv colour.—Ngaere Dairy 00. 1, 46J-29-15-5-951; Greytown Dairy 00. 95, 2; Tararua Dairy 00. 94, 3; Oaonui Dairy 00. 98}, 4; Rongokokako Dairy Co. 93,5. Other entrieE—Dalefiold, Belvedere, Daunevirfee, Kaponga, Maogarama, Noraswood, Taratahi, Omimi, Ormondville. Best mediuin-sizad factory cheese, any oolour, open to factories whose output for tlm current season dops not exoeed GO tons.—Oraoodville Dairy 00. 1, 43—28—15—4*—90.V: Rock Inltt Dairy 00. (Waiugawa) 89, a.

Best loaf chefse.-Kaponga Dairy On. 1, 4CJ-29-15-4J-95; Greytnwn and Rungokokako Dairy Ooinpmics,m, 3; Dalefleld Dairy 00. 93}, 3. Other entriPß—Belvedere, Mangarama, Oininri, Ormondville. Challenge Onp valued at twentyfive guiness, for highest in either oolonred or wbit9 cheesa ontsred in classes 7 or 8, a gold rondol tii,.tlie mafeer.—Dalefield Dairy 00. 94|, 1; Tnratahi Diiry 00. 94, ?■ ; Kaponga Daiiy 00. 93}, 3. Championship of N.Z., for all faotories competing for in classes 7, 8 and 11, championship awarded on highest aggregate average scored in the grading poiuts for these classis. -Greytown Dairy 00. 92—93-,. —95 -m% ; Dalefield Dairy 00. 94,\91 \—92— 278; Taratahi Dairy 00. 91—93—94—278.

A Fine Exhibit. JOSEPH NATHAN AND 00. AND THE DAIRY INDUS- . TRY. The identification of the firm of Joseph Nathan and 00. with this district and with the dairy industry generally is a matter of history. How it oontiunes to grow is' shown by one of the most iatarestiug cf the exhibits in the big raaohinery shed, Here the firm lias taken a very largo amount of ppacn to display its latest speciali!i°s in the way of'dairy lactiry machinery aud itta well known infants fond, Glaxr, the prcc'fs of making oi! which from dri'd milk is Illustrated by the machinery in motion. BIBLOTTB HBPE3ATURS. A piominp't i'nnt'H'e rf the big stand is the \\U\.hy (f Moloite uennrators, the pgnnov for which tho firm lias held for the p*st fifteen yeais. Their nvinv good points hp> 60 well knowu i;nrJ tlißv ar« in actual nee bv s< a numbor of S'ttleis that it's haiMlv necessary to rncopitnlatf t"«m hep. The simplicity, ; durability nnd tlm sr'hllubfs of the powor required ti work them are omong't their b»st known features. They mo shown iu three sizes 18, 25 aud 50 gallons.


Last season Messrs Nathan wove Hluuata enough to secure the Bgeiioy for the Diabclo and Pomp Seper&trr Company of Swodpti, and during the year'uoarly 100 cf tlitss machines libvp been placed in too immeriiata district A pamphlet baa been issued giviug fcho opinions cf csjrs ou the now separators. Taking siine at random frna tho numbpr,Mi' John Simpson, of Lees Linp, Fe'ldins, declares that ha haa used a 70 i> lion nump f r the whole snwon'without any ucsfc for rcpiira whstiver ami it is working sjrioiii liidly. Tho slum milk t«ts liavo hoau invariably good and lie strm'glv reoomm'mis tin miohina. MissH. R Maclean, of Aorangi. has "fnuud notliiuu to equal it " Mr P, M'Ourdy of Mahanhara, found it bo simple and BBtiffaotory that his fourteen

year old girl can cs3 it. Mr Fred Jepseu, ex-creamery manager, Amaugi, lias found tho Pump seperator "nut on its own." There was no lifting of milk into oans or vats and his skim milk tested 0 1, which' lie rsinartss "is hard to beat." Mr J. Woodley, of Awabnri; F. Hodgson, Aorangi; G. Haybittla, Feildiug; Honderson Bros.. Awaburi; F. W. Elliott, Woodlands audfla number of othois, all testify to their great siti'fuction with the Pnmp miichiae. Mr Woodlev givoa these actual experiences whioh are intaresting iu view tf a notice of motiDn before the Ooufereuoe:

I also find the pigs do better on the milk, so they get it warmnight and morning—and the returns for home separation are better than the factory returns. The first month at home separation my retnrus wera £5 (five pounds) better on the sinie amount of milk daily (oOOlbs), thau the previous month, when I went to the factory aud was paid the same price per lb. for butter fat. Also each month since my retains havo been hotter. The Diabolo machines nave also their sheaf of tastimouials from well known users. These include Messrs 0. Menzies, of Oolytnn, 0. Williams, of Haloombe, Jas. Fraaor, of Halcombe, G. H. Bristiw, cf Feildiug, O. R. Thomas, of Oolyton, and Draper Bros., of Feilding. Mr Williams mentions as illustrating the gub9 with whioli his maohiue is worked that his little boys of seven and ton respectively always turn for him. The Diabolo machines are made only in two sizes, 27 and 50. gallons an hour. The price of the former is £7 10s aud of the latter £l3los, whioh the firm considers makes it the best value of any seperator in tho market to-day for its power. A feature of the etaud is a' small Diabolo machine, whioh has been cut down through the centre showing the whole interior working pans. The substantiality and simplicity of the maohine are its outstanding foatures. A NEW DEVELOPMENT. The Pnmp maehines are a remarkably clever and new development in seperiitors which saves the labour of one person nntirely. Not one drop of milk has to be lifted, the maohine as its name dtsifznatss, pumps the whole uf the milk from the gronnd into the seperator buwl. These bowls are self balancing and the larger machines are so constructed as to be available for either turning by hand or by power. They are shown in a full range of the following sizes 33, 70, 130 ana 195g gallons. The ease with which the machines oan be manipulated is such that a 130 gallou maohioe oan be easily operated by one boy. There is au automatio release for the bowl and many other interesting and new features, such as it is claimed no other seperator on the market to-day lms. :

Acting as "gout for the same company the firm is showing a iVtory maohine called the Hercules. These are made with a capacity (01 440, 550, 775,1000 gallons per hour. A 1000 gallon machine will be in motion on the stand throughout the Show and should be well worth the inspection of those cheese i'aotory men who contemplate the manufacture of whey butter. AN EXPANDING INDUSTRY. Undoubtedly the most interesting features of the stand aud one of the most v interesting' features of the whole show is the dried. milk maohine which is at the basis of w'nat promises to be a world wide industry carried on in this district. This maohiue will also be motion. The prooess of manufacture is that when the milk is wived at the factory it is first pasteurised, then separated and then filtered. Next it passes ever an exceptionally large cooler into vats from whioh it is fed to the maohine whioh diies the milk, This machine oonsists of two large heated cylinders whioh are kept revolving and at a certain temperature. Theiluiilk is poniped on in a thin film on the cylinders whioh is oarried till it meets a knife on the top clyinder which cuts it off. It is next taken to .the sifting maohlufs. wheuoe the powder is packed intu the handsome tins with the label "Glaxo," in whioh the baby food is becomine familiar the world over. It iB only necessary to realise that it is made of the very best of milk from tlio best pastures in this distriot, whioh means some of the best pastures in the world probably, under the most hygienic conditions, to realise its value. Messrs Nathan will have a highly qualified nurse on the stand dnring the Show to explain to mothers the method of using "Glaxo" and the advantages of its use.

An Auckland Industry. A well-known Aucklaud industry ' is particularly well represented at ' the Show in the exhibit cf Messrs ! Harvey aud Cannon, leading inauu- : facturnrs of dairying utensils, five or ten-gallon milk cans, milk strainers, bunbets and a variety of other articles of constant use in the factory or on the farm. A partionlar feature about them apart from the nractioal character of the desigrs is the admirable workmarship shown in everything the firm turns out. It is; this; oorsnieutioos workmanship whioh has built uu its busimss and won si mauy prizes at the leading shows* The exhibit is an objest Ipssou in what brains and enterprise omi dp, and it is so bright and attractive that it may wall command the attention of visitors who like to sae good colonial industry. A Wonderful Machine, SODA WATER WHILE YOU WAIT ; There is a vrry remarkable mac'rino inside the eutranoe to the bnttsr and oheese pavilion which may well fulfill what is claimed for it, viz., that it will bring about a revolution in the soda water and aerate! cordial industry. It is beiug handled in New Zealand by Fraser, Ramsay aud Co., o( Wellington, wlusa name is a guawtw, aud by the Fase-ina Manufacturing Company, ot Melbourne, while in Paimerston, Mr 0. F. Snomer in agput, aud wit > the nrJ'ibit is Mi de Renzv. This is the Billows Patent Aerating Machine. With some wat3r aud t ; ifi packets cf dry fhvourinun and avmps i which the propiietnra i.f the machiuß i 'snpnly, it is olaiimd that soda i wat r and a variety of othor mineral- ( i'skl waters can bs turned out at ouo i halfpenny per dczsu, while flavoured ■ drinks coat Siil to 4d pov dozen, ao- , oording to dilution. The plant is of I the simplest. There is the straining . bag for the syrup, the gas chamber, i the compressors, and the bottling i appliance,all apparently automatic in

tho fame machine, which it is claimed will tarn out twenty to thirty dozen per hour. Two of the maohiuts were sold yesterday and it is expectbd that the interest aroused in them at the show will be very great, A New Auctioneering Firm GOODMAN'S IN MAIN STREET. Oounlry visitors are always interested in a now auction room, and they will find a good one onpesits the Empire Hotel in Main streat. It has been opened within the last few months by Mr R. J. Goodman, who has aheady proved an expeit in his busineis, aud who has had a remarkably wide experience, whioh fits him particularly to handle his clients' goods well. For about tau yeais he was :u the drapery business. Then for seven years ho was branch manager for the firm of Rouse and Hurrell, carriage builders,and finally traveller for the firm for the whole of the Domiuion, Tlum he was for a time with Geo. Thomas and Co., auotioneets, and for four years manager and auctioneer for the firm ofSidey, Meeoh aud Co., haviug

previously- been! two yean New Zealand traveller for Bisley Bros, and Go., of Nelson, for whom he handled the large fruit, produoe and stcck busiuess He intends to put the fruit busiuess hero on a very sound basis, and to that end has made arrangements with the Fiji, Nelson aud Hawke's Bay people.

Mr Gates' Phonographs Show vieitors when they come up Main street should make a point cf inspecting Mr Oaks' stock of phonogranhs, gramaphones, etc, at the well-known sign of the Pliouories. Mr Oates is au expert iu his business, to which he has givon years of Btudy so that he knows just what is the best and bow to make the best of it. He has the Edison Kliugsor machines, thus representing the height of American and English skill in the making of talking machines, and with the new system of harp-like strings to filter and modify tho sound thera is power without the metallio twang that used to be the bano of the phonograph. In addition to hav-

ing tltst-class machines, Mr Oat's has a very large (-.took of fir t-olass tecords, both Edison and disc Tho Bhow parlour is open to visitors all

day without charge and records may be tried and purchased throughout the day. in addition Mr Oatßß has cycles and various novelties, but just now it is the phonograph that leads.

A, W, Reid Milker. A new Stratford patent that should attract a good deal of attention from dairy farming visitors to the Maohinery shed is the Stratford invention whioh is called after its inventor the A. W. Reid milker. Mr Reid has been oonnected with the dairy factory industry for thirty years and he is also an engineer. The business of the milker is in the hands of Anderson and 00,, of Stratford, but Mr Reid is down himself to set up and explain his invention, Mr Reid's invention has succeeded in getting a long natural suction and a quiok release which enables the oow to be milked very rapidly and by an aotion approximating to that of the sucking calf. They ocme to pieces in snoh a way as ta permit of their being immediately thoroughly cleaned and the rubber

holders are so cunstrncted thick at one end and thin at the other as to collapse at the top first. The macliino received great praise from the farmera attending the New Plymouth show and Mr Beid is satisfied that

it is an important departure in meohanioal milking. Levin Village Egg Farm Just now, while many ponltry men are in town in connection with the show,, it. is apropos to refer to a new departure by the well-known proprietor of the Levin Villag9 Egg(arm, Mr F. Leger. Mr Leger is particularly noted foV his white Leghorns and Indian Runner duck?, the strain of the latter having beeu imported from a well-known Sydney breeder, Mr Q. Rogers, of North Ryde, Who won the Duok Competitions and tests on the other side with soma extraordinary results. In White Leghorns Mr Leger has beeu a consistent winner. He is able to supply for anyone wishing to start with the best sittings of eggs. Per-

haps the most remarkable departure is one that is proving very pupular, of sending dayoiu chicks to order by post in tireless brooder boxes, Mr Legar guarantees delivery. It is necessary to book beforehand for this unique service. Amongst those who have Bent tastiruouiuls on this service are Mr David Nathan and Mr 11. Barrow ot Cheltenham. This year's Legnoms- are made up of the best Leger's and the best Fadmau's.

A New MHker—The Jersey


Oue of the uew milking inanhines nt the Show is the "Jersey Pataut Milker," the invention of Mr 0. R. Mitchell, wbII knnwu in Australia as fmemau rf the dairy department of Messrs Bnzacotfc aud Go's business The new railser is highly thought cf in Australia where there f»re already many plants at work. In Now Zealand there is a plant each nt Inveroargill. Wellington aud Wanganui, and Mr A. W. Turner, the expert, who lies been sent over from Sydney to introduce it at the Hamilton ami Palmeistou Shows has IJiistPimtallod a six cun plant at Hamilton. All tho plants so far installed in New 'Zealand are doing well.aud though it has practically only beeu on the market; a year tho now machine is in snob demand that a lsrge factory has had to be erected at Syuuov to meet the call upon it. It is ulaimed to be the only milker with complete autnmatio coutrol ami tho g.-eat feature is the alternating pnlsatiots applied alternately to the f'oro and hindquarters of the udder, this being the natural method. There are a variety of ether new features about the machine which the expert at tho Show will be glad to explain. West Coast Steamship Stand This W.U.S.S. 00. has a vary interesting stand in the machinery section in wlrieh a number of the spsoialities tor wliioh tho Company is agent ate shown. The ooals in which it deals si largely, Paponga, Brauucr, ami Blackball, are txl.i-

bited, and tlio company also stocks the State, Tanpiri aud Newcastle Coals whjoh it shows. Thon there is a collection of oils and machinery of various) kinds, of saeds and produce, of manures of wliioh the Bilston Basic slag shouid be of particular iuteroßt to iarmers as it is held to coutiiu greater manorial value than any other. It. Lyell superphosphate arid Lcngbnru boue dost, are also hliowu. Of building material then is f;ru;t variety Wileow's c°m*"t ..ud hydraulic lime, asb?ttos AiubiS aud vvoliiug sheets, malthoii roofing, Brnnner lire bricks and fire Blocks, etc,., are all in the collection which Mr Orabb has "to show aod which ho will be pleased to display to those iuterestad.

Bees and Bee Keeping, A great many people &re getting to realise what a wonderfully interesting little beast the bee is. Volumes havo been written about it ever since print was print, bat it remained for Maeterliuck to start the intellectual voguo ana tho apiarist the praotical. Once bees were feared by the fair sex more than mad balls or even mice. Now the most thin skiuned lady can safely feeeD a bee colony in bet garden anil have perennial delight in watching the cutest of allcraatarfsatworij.aud the pleasure of eating her own honey at the end, or she can make a big profit from it or see her brothers doing it. And there isn't a thorn in the rcse, a stiug in the ocmb, All this is because science and invention has been tnrnod on the bee hive and all about it you can see and learn for yourself by visiting Watson Bros, boe department, the Square, or their exhibit at the Show. Now is the time to get ready for the Spring hiving, and the way to get ready is to see what Watson'B want to Bhow jou.

Durward's Special Show.

Dnrward's windows, gay with a gorgeous display of tastefully arranged flagß of the Empire, with a striking flgprß of Britannia and with stands of ariuß.arean indication at onue of Coronation and of Show time and the big firm libs made bis preparations for the rush cf visiters to both.

For the women there is a lovely range of dress stuffs on view in a great variety of shades. Some are iu that most becoming of'all "Ruse du Bari," a shade which is woru With equal graoe by the fair or dark. Another exquisite oioth is in Bishop's Violette. Italian mouse grey, beautiful chestnut brown, wild cherry art greens. A uew materal that will be very popular is a flue tweed in plaiu dyed effects. Then iu the lighter shades for eveniug wear ttiere is great scope for ohoioe, and ic seems as if the fashion makers have really outdone themselves in the ncvelty and elegjiioe of design.

Dnrward's millinery, too, is most attractive. It is characterised by style aud taste and an artist's eye for oolour,

The lingerie is a gr?at feature of thishoDse., the beautiful embroidery, and trimmings of lace, and delicately tinted ribbon are the perfection of daintiness. While in this department the attention will be immediately drawn to Warner's corsets. These unique coissts are modelled in various shapes, suitable for every type of figure, and they are holding premier position with all wearers of high class corsets as they satisfy the moßt fastidious. Under the heading of accessories one will find a great variety iu veilings, neok wear, belts, and among other striking novelties whioh have not abated iu popularity is the stole in ostrich, marabout and cogue, and these are sore to take the iauoy of everyone who seeß them.

And in the famishing department there is Bometuiug of good value to satisfy thejincst exigieant.

One of the Sights. Oae of the sights of Palmeiston whioli Show visitors certainly should not miss is Oolhuson aDd Gunningliame's shop on tho Broad street side of the Square. It is a bus.v shoo at any time. It would be hard to find a bnsiflr, but just now, when there is a big sale on and special bargains have been get down for country visitors for Show week—well, it just "hnms" with business, The firm is extending its bnilding right back to the other street and right acrcss the section and the next move will have to be skywards, but no matter how it is added to the walls ooutinne to bulge out with business. To n olear the great stocks in this Show week and make ready for the reconstruction of the premises and the big stoofeson the water every department has been marked down in sfcsitling fsshiou. For instance, heavy 42in dress tweeds aie marked flown to ladies' blouses to la lid, house furnishiugs, bedding and mattrfSifs, blankets, all the requirements for the winter, have come down proportionately. Boys' and men's clothing is in alarmingly "reduced" circumstances, and so on with hli the other features of tho firm's big departments It is a great oliance for country visitors to save all the expenses of their Show week by purohadng at such rat s.

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Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1347, 20 June 1911, Page 5

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NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1347, 20 June 1911, Page 5

NATIONAL DAIRY SHOW. Manawatu Times, Volume LXV, Issue 1347, 20 June 1911, Page 5