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PALMEHSTON NOUTH WINTEE RACE MEETING. To be held on QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY, SATURDAY, MAT 24th, 1884, ON TBE PALMERSTON NORTH RACE COURSE.- i ; Stewards — Messrs Thos. King,! E. Brown, W. I. Wood, A. Uentley, K. Colliaß, W.-G. Robinson, L.Skerman. Judge — J. Fenton Staetbb — J. O. Nathan I Clsbk of rcALESf-H. Leigh i (JLf-KOF. CoUßßlfi— J. i aUJ ; Timekbepeb— H. W. Haybittle: Handicappee— Alexander iHggie ] Hon Ibeasubeb — Thos. King PROGRAMME FOR 'THE DAtV 1. Handicap Hurdle HACBof.2ssovß JNoiuiuation ] soy 1 so 7. 2 milts, over 8 flights of huriiles 3ft 9in, To start at IX .a.m. sharp. 1 2. Hack Htjkdle Eacf of 10 soys— Ouce rouud the course, post entries of 1 soy, weight nut to be undjer 9 stone, open io a'li hursts that have never been entered for iany advertised race. Hack Kaces txcepted. Jockeys to ride; m dolours. | 'io btart at 11.45. 3. Maiden I^late of 15 soys,— Entrance 30 shiLings, weight for age. Instance 1^ miiet, open to ail Loises that have never wou pubic money, prior to date of entry, hack raceii excepted. Any horse euiered for the, abo^e, winning a. race between date of eutiy and race, to^carry.a perialty of 51b. To start at 12.30 p.m.! 4 JNovEi- lUcus of 20sova,oucer0ULd the course, post entries of 1 sov^ weight nottobe.lessthan Sstoue.jJfor ail horses wflich have becu the bona fide* property of rtoidents withirl tue Borough boundary ,bince iirst oayof January, I'Bs^ and'that nfever beeu euteieaior an "advertised ijace, hnck races exc©pted..' : 'ib&.winner ot tuis race to become tbe property, Stewards, of '-he and to be: jolaliinmediately after the race. Any other, horsa iv the race may be clailueU; . for the suru '.of £2,0, th^ said turnto be paid to the owuer,ahd any fur-, ther sum lealized, to go to the luods of the meeang. • To^start. ( at, . 1.15 p.m ' ' "'" J ' '""" " I "'' 5. PAtMbESToN GmNEAB. A Handicap oi'sU (juiuta^, JNouiiuatiou lguintfay Acceptance '2 guiiica^iJisfauce,; lj. uiileN To stait at 2.30 p.m.. :' 6. liSAXiEiiWEN's IJUKSEOfl J UKSEOf 5 SOYS. Entrauce 10s Once round ioecpulrße. Catcii For boua'nie but>iiiess hacks, 'that .Wav&bv'eu! used m coiintictiou witii ihe working of any husihtss, witnin t'lie iiorough lOr 3, iuoutiis prior to date oi race. : 7. Flying dAs»iCAP of 25 soys.— •'- aSoiiiinaUon 1 spy. Accept^uce'l" soy, Uisianc'e fof a miie, J ' Io start at 345 p.m.; ". ' 8. The Official's Hack Race.-}-A Sweepstake of 1 nov, with -5 -sbvfs addeu. -Once rouuU, .the course. Weight not 'to' be less thaii 12 stine . Open: i.o\ Hacksj,; that have never t won public money ,the bona fide pro* perly of those who bold office} m conueciionjWiih/thw.uieeting, eitjtier "as Stewards, 1 Office 1 ' Beaters, ■or Committte:' Competitors must ride their own houses, and appear, m? proper laciug costume. To btart at ■' ..- . 4.3, . : ; - -, ".TTir ' _-; ;■■;";.' ! ■. Nominations will be received, addressed to the Secretary, at the Commercial Hotel, Palmerston North, up to Monday, April ;21, p.m. . ... , Weights will be declared! ! 6n' -Monday, sth May. ,'.';'..■ , > - ; -: . . Entries a d acceptances clp-e on Tnuraday, thu l'sth Luay', Tit B'plm. '• RUt.E » & HEGULATIONS. : : Nci fin:ry. wiil le r fee'e^v id : for r atoy Rnjceß except upoM this o^iiion, — That ali l»is pute* G aims and O^' jecMons a.ising out. of the racing shall be decided by a majority of tht? St*iw.4itd,s p..ejj..nt, or those. .V?hon\ they may 'appoint-. ; 'i i' e 1 ir ' decision- iip'ou j all points connected- with the carrying out- ot this programme shal. be final ; AU fc-ntrieß to be Se&ied and adOn esed to the .s.ccrt ta'.y, I'alm.ersion . ti,ot€i ; ifin- : trance Money enclosed' with- name; -Agej at the time ot ii-n^ry, Pedigree, and, m the j case Handicaps, Peifqnnaneea of the Hoke, : Name of the Ow-fir* and Colours o jt-.e hider. Any Jockey rijing except in_co!o|urs entered.winbefined3,sov&. | When two or more ..'horßeß Btart- . (the prop rty of the same-owner) a Disting ju'is ing Odour inus't bewtiro. ; All persons ■ intending to' Withdraw horses, are ruquired to give Noline to tha.t eifect to the Secretary or Clerk of Jihe' Scales one half-houij before' starting, Any perron n-.-g ecting or rei'using to comply with this hule shUUpay a fine of 5 aovsj to the Kace Fund. -..1..".. i '>'''"' A\ it.yes to be run un^er the W.J.O;' H or • es , walking' pyer, will only receive half thu htaltts, ' , .. Iso hv-rs'i t> sa^e, its stakes m any race except where otherwise specified ! No eutnefa or Nominations will be^re^ ceive'l under any p c enco after the time specific i lor clesm^. Letters I b-aing tho i-osi';niirk of the date ot entry: ! Telegraiua »f ihe same date, will be fie--ceiveci; .] \ Aq allocation ice of : ten shillings will be ltquirei i'jom all owneis of hoi-sos" who have not already sub» soiibud 10s towards the funds of this meeting. ; IHOS, R. WALTON, Secretary. £2. aL-^^K-OOIVtB, CIVIL. KNGI-St&iSK,, A^UUU'i'M', & iB (repared to tie-igi «nd supervise gineering .vrdiitt ctuial Work any description. Charges moderate. Cilice, Broad-street Palmerston Nor L. G . S . GATTON, BOOT & SHOBAJAE.KE, The Squan, Palmerston North. BEGS to inform the inhabitants of the tiisti id generally, that he has re-covuu>euce f l bil^Hte^s us above, »«nd trusts that by making a thorough goosi aiticie ai a modtrat.: i-rice to nurit a rt». turn ot tlit patronage so kindly bt— . stowed on him previous io his ka^ing Palnierslon. litpa'rs ueaib' executed jtfote the Adi.ress : Nest the Commeicial Hotel ('l'll Standard office). , !

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Manawatu Times, Volume X, Issue 1189, 1 March 1884, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Manawatu Times, Volume X, Issue 1189, 1 March 1884, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Manawatu Times, Volume X, Issue 1189, 1 March 1884, Page 1