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SECOND N.Z.E.F.. TOTAL OF 224 NAMES. 30 ACCOUNTED FOR. WELLINGTON, May 30. A casualty list issued last evening con. tains the names cl 224 missing and five wounded. This brings the number of ofli core, non-commissioned officers, and inci anonunccd as missing up to 1888. The fig lire is 312 short of that given on Sundaj night by the Acting-Prime Minister, when he announced tliat ho had boon infonnet by the Prime Minister that 2200 Now Zi a landers were missing as a result of tin Greek campaign. A special list was issued last evening con tabling 39 names previously included ii lists of missing but now reported nei missing. Details are : MISSING. BRYSON, Charles, Capt. Mrs J. 11. D. Bryson, Lower Jlutt (wife). DOUGLAS, Lennox, Capt. Mrs J. Douglas, Oamani (wife). ARMOUR, Alexander 11., 2ml/Lt. Mrs J, S. Armour, Wellington (wife). CORLETT, Frederick C., 2nd/Lt. Air J, Corlctt. Taumarunui (father). ADCOCK, Ivan U, Pte. Mr IV. S. Adcock, Invercargill (father). ANDERSON, Lindsay W. G\, I’te. Mr J. C. Andersen, Alanumu (father). ANDERSON, Sidney N., Pte. Mrs A, Anderson, Midhurst (irlother). AUPOURI, licini 11., Pte. Mrs R. AitI*ouri, Reporoa (mother). AUSTIN, George TI. Pte. Mr G. S. Austin, Hamilton (father). BAIKIE, John G. C., Pie. Mis E Baikie, Masterton (mother). BARRETT. Hubert S., Dvr. Mr V. Barrett, Wellington (father). BARTLETT, Robert, Pte. Mr S. Bartlett, Tolaga Bay (brother). BARTRUM, Percy 11., Pte. Mr G. Bartruni, Auckland (father). BATTEN, Edward J.. Pte. Mrs E. A. Batten, New Plymouth (wife). BAYLY, Boyd W., Pte. Mrs M. T. Bayly, Ouiata (mother). BELL, Colirw A., Dvr. Mrs M. A. 8011. Tauranga (mother). BENNETT, James, 'J'/L.-Cpl. Mr J. Bennett, Puha, Gisborne (father). BERRY, Maurice R., Pte. .Mr Af. Berry, Waihi (father). BLAIR, Cecil D„ Pte. Mrs J. B'air, I’aliia.tua (mother). BLAIR, Neville T., Pte. Mrs W. T. Blair, To Horo (mothor). BLUETT, Samuel, Cpl. Mrs IL Bluett, Taneutua (mother). BOND, Peter F., Pte. Miss 1.. Taylor, Takapuna (guardian). BRADLEY. Harry L., Sorgt. Mr 11. T Bradley, Napier (father). BRAMBLE, William M., Pte. Al l s A. Bramble, Karangabake (methor). BRICK ELL. Alan \V„ Pie. Mrs A. Brick ell, Carterton (mother). BRIGHOUSE, John Samuel, I’tc. Mrs J Craven, Daunevirke (-'i.-tur), BROWN, James, Pte. Airs A. Brown. 'Tangoio (wife). BROWN, Philip AL, Pte. Air J. Brown, Towai (father). BROWN, Tori, I’tc. Airs K. Ruliu, Tt Kaha (aunt). , BRUNET. Arthur AA’., Cpl. Airs AI. Bru net, Hamilton (wife). BRYANT, Lance, A/L-Cpl. Airs A. Cal einai, Johnsbnville (sister). BUCKLEY, Eduard J., Pte. Airs E Buckley, Tirnaru (mother). BURTON, Arthur It.. Dvr. Mrs E. Cook Wellington (mother). BUSBY, Sclwyn, l'te. Airs E. Busby. Kaitaia (mother). BUTLER, Michael J.. Pte. Airs 11. But ler, Erankton (mother). CAIRNS, Robert. Pte. Airs J. Cairns, Auckland (mother). CANT, Ivan E.. Dvr. Airs A. R. Cant, Onehunga (mother). CAPPER, Albeit E„ I’tc. Airs W. G. Ladbrook, Inglewood (sister). CARBIX, James, Pte. Alts Carbin, Wellington (mother). CARROLL, Francis, Pte. Air Carroll. Hostings (father). CARSWELL. John AL. Pte. Airs D. Carswell, Pukolitiri (mother). CUM IK, Norman M., Pte. Airs AI. J. Clark, Wellington (wife). CLARKE, Ernest C\. Pte. Air R. 11. Clarke, Pnpakura (father). CLARKE, Murdock S., Cpl. Air A. Clarke, Dargaville" (father). CLARK IX, Trevor I’., Dvr. Air J. Clarkin, Thames (father). CODLING, Herbert T.. Pte. Mrs A. E. Codling, Ilikurangi (mother). COOPER, Walter J., Sergt. Mrs I’. C. 1). Cooper, Auckland (wife). • CORA DINE. James AL. Pie. Airs K. AI. Coradine Wellington (mother). CORLETT, Thomas D.. T/LCpl. Air E. ('orlett, Stratford (father). • CORKY, Erie 1... Dvr. Airs A. I. Crowlev. Palmerston North (mother). COSSEBOOM, Lester AI., Pte. Mrs E S. Cosseboom, Takapuna (wife). COWAN, Beaton J).. L/Cpl. Air I. Cowan, Iluntly (father). CRAIG, James C., Dvr. Airs A. 1’ Craig, Auckland (mother). CRAMPTON. Ivc-slic 11., Dvr. Mrs F. B. Crampton, Christchurch (mother). CRAWFORD, Karu, Pte. Air AI. Crawford, Tolaga Bay (father). CRISP, William A/Sergt. Mr J. D. Crisp. Pupanui (father). CULLEN, Neil, Pte. Air W. Cullen,

Napier (father). DAI.V, Frederick 11., C/S-AI. Mr J. C Italy, England (father). DAVIS, Gordon K., Pte. Airs V. Davis, Wanganui (mother). DAVIS, Uric, I’tu. Alisa It. Davis, Alan gonui (sister). DAVIS, Thompson AI.. L/Cpl. Airs 11. At. Davis, AVhaiigaruru (mother). DAWSON, Horace 1... Dvr. Miss AI. I Barnett. South Otago. DAY, George I*. Pte Air I. G. Day. Palmerston North (father). DEERE, Brian T., Pie. Alls T. J. Deere. Wanganui (mother). DKRBIDGE, Arthur J., Pte. Mrs AI Derhidge. Taumarunui (mother). DEAVES, Ilenry, T/L-Cpl. Airs J. Alurphv, Waihi (mother). DOIiUNSKI. John S., Pte. Airs M Dod unski. Whakatane (mother). DUNLOP, Francis A„ Pte. Air A. Dun lop, New Plymouth (father). DUNN, Wati, Pte. Air M. Dunn, Auckland (father). EARL, Chailcs E., Pte. Airs A. Earl, Otahnlm (mother). EASTON,’ Jack, Dvr. Airs A. Roberts, Dunedin (sister). ELLIOTT, Harold ,T„ L/Cp!. Air 11. A. Elliott, Wellington (father). ELLISON, Thomas AI,, Pte. Airs E. D. Ellison, Dupodin (wife). ERUERA, Pae, Pte. Airs 11. Toriwhanga. llokianga (sister). • EVERSON, Allan B„ Pte. Airs 11. Ewan, Auckland (aunt). EARTHING, Leslie IL, Pte. Mrs E. Earthing, New South AYales (mother). FERRIS, Winter AV., Dvr. Airs N. Ferris. Alexandra (mother). ELETT, Albert V. 1), L/Cpl. Alrj AI. Elett, Auckland (mother). FORBES, Hector L„ Pte. Alr3 AI. Forbes, Stratford (mother). FOX, Charles, Pie. Air W. Fox, Ilieks Bay (father). FRENCH, Nelson, Pte. D. Coe, To A warn utu (cousin). FRY, Kelvin E., Pte. Air F. F Fry, Riwaka (father). GALBRAITH, Ronald B„ Pte. Airs R. Galbraith, Wellington (wife). GARDNER, Ronald L„ Pte. Air S. Gardner, Gisborne (father). GEAR, Royal A., Dvr. Airs A. Gear, Auckland (mother). GEARY, John A., Pte. Air J. J. Geary, Gisborne (father). GERRARD. Richmond D„ Pte. Airs N. AY. Gcrrard, Tokomaru Bay (mother). GERRING, Colin IL, Dvr., Air F. A. Cerring, AA’alton (fat In r). GILLESPIE, Murray C.. Pte. Mrs L. Gillespie, Palmerston North, (mother). GLADDING. Eldon B„ Pte. Mrs S. AV. Gladding. Auckland (wife). GOODWIN, Arthur N. R„ Pte Airs AI Goodwin, Tirnaru (mother). GOODWIN, Ralph P„ Pte. Air P. Goodwin. Morrinsville (father). GORDON, Frederick 1... Pte. ABs It. M. Gordon, Hamilton (wife). GRANT, Desmond 8.. Pte. All! R Grant Tvarangahakn (mother). GRAY, James If.. Pte. It. J. Cullen, Te Awainutu (friend). GREDTG, Rheinold 11.. Pte. Air R. Gredig, Weston (father).

GREEN, Andrew N., Pte. Mi 11. A Green, Temuka (father). GREENAWAY, Robert, Pte. Mrs D. I Greenaway, Christchurch (wife). GUUUBE, llenry C., Pte. Airs D. GrouL Alorrinsvillu (wife) GUILFORD, Edward A., Pte. Mr E. 1 Guillord, Wanganui (lather;. GUY, Alaxwcll C., Dvr. Alia AI. Cu; Wellington (mother;. lIAAII, Tuhura, Pte. Air W. Jones, 1 Karaka (father). HANRlGlii', William I l ’., l’tc. Mrs S. / Ilanright, Whakatuno (mother;. HAIIDGRAVES, Sydney J., L/Sergt. All B. Hurdgraves, iNupier (wile). HARDING, Ben, Pte, Air P. Ilardinj ilokianga (lather). IIAREMA, Davis, Pte. Airs A. Ilarem; Wliangaruru South (wife). * lIAIUUSON, Aliki, Pie. Mrs T. Hanson, AVuipiro Bay (mother). lIATTA)VAY, Frederick G„ Cpl. Mrs I AI. llattaway, Wellington (wife). lIA U, Alao., Pte. Airs G. Ilau, Buy c Islands (mother). HAYES, llenry A., Pte. Mrs A. llayci Weiaroa (mother). HAYES, Vincent C., l’te. Airs J Hayes, Auckland (wile). IIEMA, Henry, Pie. Mr AL Item Wairoa (son). lIEAIARA, Ilonc, Pte. Mrs AI. Pone, Pi rongiu (aunt). IIENARE, George, Pte. Airs I’. Ilenarc Auckland (mother). HENDERSON, Rossitc G., Tic. Airs AY A. Henderson, Gtorohanga (mother). IIKXNESSY, Maurice, Dvr. Airs A. Caul dor,- - Wellington (sister). lIEULIIIY, Anlhony F., Pte. Airs M Horlihy, New Plymouth (mother). lIEA’, Sydney J.. Pte. Air lley, Net South Wales (lather). IiILFORD, John. Pie. Airs R. G. Ilil ford, Auckland (wife). lIINTON, Stanford, l’te. Airs E. D Tooke, Olcato (mother). lIIPPOLITE, llonapata, Pte. Alisa J. F llijipolitc, French l’aes (daughter). lIOANI, John J.. Pie. Airs E. J. Iloani Ilokianga (mother). IIODOSON, John C., Pte. Air F. J Hodgson, Wairoa (father). lIONA, Shepherd, Pie. Airs AI. Ilona Kaeo (motlior). lIOPKINS, Arthur L I’tc. Air G. 1 Hopkins, Rahotu (father). lIOIIOPAPEIIA, Tuamuariki, Sergt. Air U. Horopajtera. AS'hakatano (wite). HORTON, Howard C\, Pte. Mrs M Horton, Hastings (mother). lIOSKING, Raymond, Pte. Mrs E. Hot king, Auckland (mother). IIOUIA, Iliki, Pte. Airs K. Ilouia, Run toiia (mother). HUMPHRIES, Osborne. I’te. Air J Humphries, Opunukc (father). HUNT, Malcolm F. JL. Dvr. Mm E Hunt, Auckland (wife). lIIAKA, Kawhiti. Sergt. Alts P. lliaka To Ivoa (mother). lIIAKA, Wnti, Pic. Aliss E. Ilia-ka i’awarc-nga (sister). JAKES, Will. Pte. Mrs C. AI. Jakes New Plymouth (mother). JAAIES, Albert W., Dvr. Airs S. James Nelson (wife). JAAIIESON, Allan E.. Pie. Airs E. Jam ieson, Kopu (mothor). JENKINS, Joe, I’tc. Airs C. Jenkins Waikanae Beaeli (mother), JESSETT, Reginald S., l’te. Air I’. J AV. Jcsselt, Oaro (father). JOHNSON, Alan AA’., L/Cpl. Airs AI. J Johnson. Hamilton (wife). JOHNSTON, Bernard 11., Pte. Airs P D. Johnston, Wanganui (wife). JOHNSTONE. John W. C„ l’to. Aiis Peggy Bell, Waiuku (friend). JONES, I’akira 11., L/Cpl. Airs P. Jones To Karaka (mother). JUKES, Harvey 8.. Pte. Airs L. Don aldson, Taumarunui (sister). JULIAN. Walter A., l’tc. Mrs AI. Jul ian, Otakeho (mother). KAIMONA, Charlie, l’te. Airs 11. Tiyu Wairoa (mother). KATENE, Tltomae K., L/Cpl. Air II Kntene, Okainwa (brother). KAVANAGII, Arthur F., Pte. Airs J, Kavanagh, Auckland (wife). KAY, Thomas J., Pte. Airs A. A*. Kay Gisborne (wife). KELLAND. John C„ Pic. Air C. R, Kelland, Taumarunui. KELTIE, Harry, Pte. Mrs A. Keltic, Gre.vtown (mother). KERR, William Thomas W., L/Cpl. Mrs AL J. Comrie Napier (motlior). KIRMAN, George S„ Pt-o. Mrs A. A. King, Auckland (mother). KITNEY, Laurence, I’te. Airs L. Riink, Hawera (cousin). KOMENE, Ngoro, l’to. Air It. Koinenc, Kaikoho (father). KUITI, Bertram I’., I’te. Airs R. Kuiti, Levin (motlier). KYLK, Raymond G., l’te. Mr J. Kyle, Wellington (father). LAMB, Norman C., A/L-Cpl. Air C. it. Lamb. Wellington (father). LASH, Alan A., i’te. Air T. IL Lash, Stratford (father). LAW, William M., I’to. Airs J. Law. Wairoa (motlior). LENNIE, William S., Pte. Air J. 0. T,ennic, Alnsterton (brother). LEWIS, Jolin It. D„ Pte. Airs A. AV. lewis, Remuora, (motlier). LINICGAIt diaries A., Pte. Airs V. L. Linegar, AVellington (wife). LOCKWOOD, John E.. I’te. Mrs J. Ixtekwood. Tolaga Bay (mother). LLOYD. Alfred G., Pto. Mrs AI. Lloyd, Havelock North (mother). LOGIE, AVilliatn, Pte. Airs B. F. I/)gic. AVellington (mother). LOOKMAN, Itnytnond AV., Pie. Mrs L. T,ookmnn, AVellington (mother). LOVE. Matthew, L-Cpl. Mr N. Love, Otnki (father). LYSTER, Leslie A.. Pte. Mr E. Flood, Groytown (friend). M.-CURDY, Roy D.. Pte. Air AV. G. AlcCurdy. Invercargill (father). McDIAItAIID, Donald C.. L/Cpl. Air AlcDiarrnid, Invercargill (father). MeDONALT), Francis AV., Pte. Air J. McDonald. AVaimana (father). MACDONAf.D, Ronald V., l’te. Mrs R. Macdonald, Invercargill (wife). MACGREGOR. Maurice B„ Pte. Mrs R. Alacgregor, Porisonby (motlier). McKKCUNIK. Frank 11. AL, T/L-Cpl. Airs N. McKeehnie, AVellington (wife). McKENZIE, John D., Pto. Airs AlcKonzie, Alt. Albert (mother). McCLATCIIY, Malcolm 8.. Pie. Airs E. AlcClatehy, lluwera (wife).' Me MILL AN, I’cter IL, Pte. Air D. AlcMillnn, Scotland (father). MADDREN, Frederick A.. Pte. Air AV. S. Maddren, To Aroha (father), MALINOWSKI, Edward, l’te. Mrs AI. Malinowski, Svdnev (mother). MANUERA, Whioparao, Pte. Aliss 11. Manucra, Ruatoria (sister). MARLOW. George, Dvr. Airs D. Alarlow, 'laupo (wife). MARSHALL, Robert IC.. Pto. Airs R. AI. Marshall, Ashhurst (mother). MARTIN, Stanly R., T/Cpl. Airs I. Alartin, Napier (wife)). MATAIIIKI, 'Japura A., l’te. Mr AVi Alatahiki, Tokomaru Bay (father). MATHEWS. Martin, l’te. Airs E. Mathews, Mititai (mother). MAUIIENI. Etcrn T., Pte. Airs R. N. Maulieni, Rangitukia (motlier). MEHANA. Tamo R.. I’tc. Airs M. Aleliana, Auckland (wife), MERRYLEES, Hector IL. Dvr. Air C, W. Merrvlees, Otaki (father). > \I INARA PA. Mikacre. I’tc. Mrs N. Alina | rapa, Bay of Plenty (mothc-i), i MORGAN. Henry AV., Dvr. Airs T. A TTod-on, Stratford (sister). MORRIS, David AL. I’te. Airs 11. E. Morris. Hamilton (mother). MORRIS. Thomas 8.. Dvr. Airs R. Morris, Lower Hull (mother). HURRAY. Charles P, IT.. T/Cpl. Mrs J. Murray, AVellington (mother). NICHOLAS. Harold R„ T’te. Alls R. Nicholas, Coroglcn (mother). THALLORAN. Arthur, l’te. Mrs I. OTlalloran, Papatcetoc (wife). ’ETT.MAN, Raymond S., Pte. Airs R S. l’ettman, Ellerslie (wife). ’ONT, Charles A. N„ I’tc. Mrs A. Pont, Grey Lynn (mother). ’URCHES. Henry C.. Pte. Mrs E. M. Purehes. Anekland (mother), JUINCEY, Frank, Dvr. Air E. Quincey, Trel-md (father). IA ETHEL, Douglas 8.. Pte. Alia A. Raothel, Matamata (mother). tEDFERN, Frederick G., l’te. Afrs I. 11. G. Redferu. Grey Lynn (wife). (ICBY, Gordon G., T’te. Mrs AI. E.-Rigby, New Lvnn (mother). HTCHIE, Kenneth L„ Pte. Airs S. M. Ritchie. Covodon (mother) (OBERTSON, Herbert L., Pte. Al*s R. A’. Robertson, To Aroha (mother).

ROBSON, Clarence J.. Tte. Airs AV. J. Waterhouse, Papaktira (sister). ROGERS, Claude 11., Dvr. Mr 11. AV. Rogers, Blenheim (father). ROWLAND, Leslie JL, Pte. Mrs E. Rowland, Wairoa (wife). RYAN, Patrick J., I’tc. Airs P. J. Ryan, Christchurch (wife). . SEETTERS, Roy land AV. F., i’te. Airs Watson, England (motlier). , SIIANKS, Philip J., T/Sergt- Mr I’. J. Shanks, Salisbury (father). . SI JAW, Herbert AV., Dvr. Air R. B. Shaw, Katauui (father). , SHAW, William 8., Dvr. Airs E. G. Shaw, Gisborne (mother). ; SHEARER, James U., Pte. Air D. Shearer, Wellington (father). , SHERLOCK, AVilliam J., T/Scrgt. Airs R. Sherlock, Wanganui (motlier). 5 SMART, Francis J., i’tc. Airs 11. Smart, Christchurch (motlier), SOMERVILLE, Donald J\, Dvr. Airs E. G. Somerville, llunterville (wife). STEELE, Alfred L., Pte. Airs D. I. Steele, Opua (wife). SY AIM A NS, Bert 0., Dvr. Airs M. Nowsoil, Wellington (sister). TIDEMAN, Norman A., i’te. Airs F. R. Tidcnian, I’apanni (mother). A’ERRALL. Leonard IL,. Cjil. Alias F. Cole, Grey Lynn (sister). AV ALLIS, Jack. Pte. Airs D. E. AYallis, Masterton (wife). WEBSTER. George IL, Dvr. Airs R. Jack, Christchurch (mother), WICKHAM, Ronald IL. I’tc. Airs I. AVick- - ham, Wanganui (mothor). AV INTER, Allan AL. Dvr. Air V. E. Winter, Wairoa (father). WOUNDED. CONNETT. Albert, .Gnr. Airs N. Connett, Grey Lynn twite). PRESTIDIO-;, Douglas J., L/Cpl. Alls AI. J. i’le-stiuge, Hawera (mother). CLARKE, Edward AV., l'te. Mjs AL Clarke, New Plymouth (mother). Ti DAI AN, Charles J 1., l'te. Alls D. Tidluan, 'Takapuna (wife). FORRESTER, Heeler J.. l’te. Air AVi Katao, Tikitiki, l-.ast Coast (father). PREVIOUSLY REPORTED MISSING, NOAV REPORTED NOT AHSSING. 110GG, Alfred L„ Capt. Airs A. J. Fricdlander, Auckland (mother). SMITH, Howard F., Capt. Air Robert Smith, Hastings (father). BONIFANT, lan L., Lt. Mrs J. AI. Bcnifant, Alethven (wife). KENNEDY. Alexander ii., 2nd 1.1. Airs AI. Kennedy, Christchurch (wife). SHERLOCK, Ronald J-'., 2nd Lt. Mrs JL E. Sherlock, AVanganui (mother). ACION-ADAMS, AVildcn, Gnr. Airs A. Aeton-Adams, Cliristcliureh (mother). A.MUNDSEN, Albeit J„ Gnr. Mr A. 1,. Amundsen, Gisboriio (lather). ANDERSON, AValte-r, Gnr. Mrs AL E. Anderson, Christchurch (mother). BENNETT, George A. S.. Gnr... Airs A. Bennett, Waimato (mother). BLACK MORE, Cyril R. F.. Gnr. Mrs D. K. Blaekmoic, Christchurch (wife). BRADLEY, Ray A., L/Sergt. Mr A. J. Bradley, l’jiluierston North (father). BREAINER, George IL. Gnr. Mrs E. G. Brcinrier, Mosgiel (mother). BREAVSTER, Geoffrey A., Gnr. Air J. I. AI. Brewster, Levin (father). BROUGHTON, James IL, Gnr. Airs K. AV. Broughton, l’araparaunni (mother). BKOAVNK, Noel IL, Gnr. Airs E. E. AVootten, Alaungatawhiri (sister) COHEN, Arthur A.. T/Scrgt. Air A. Cohen AA’ollington (father). COMRIE, Kenneth L., Gnr. Airs 1-1. AI. Comrie, AVellington (mother). COX, GeofTiey S., Pte. Alls Cl 13. X. Cox, Titirangi (wife). CRABTREE, Kenneth 11., Gnr. Mrs AI. C. Crabtree, Thames (mother). DENSEAI, Bill, Gnr. Air AV. R. Densera, Christchurch (father). DIA/EIIALL, Robert J.. Gnr. Airs AI. Divchall, Wellington (mother). HENDERSON, Frederick, Gnr. Air AA'. I l '. 11. Henderson, Alaslciten (father). HILDRETH, AVilliam T., Gnr., Air AV. T. Hildreth. AA’ellington (father). KIBBLE WHITE, Kenneth AA'., Gnr. All J. Kibblcwhite, l’etono (father). KTRIvLAND, Robert, Gnr. R. Kirkland, Glasgow (relationship unstated). AieDONALD, Robert G., Gnr. Air J. A. AlcDonald, London (father). MeFAUL, Thomas AA 7 ., Gnr. Air 11. AlcFaul, Alilton (father). AI ILLS, Claudo S„ Gnr. Airs G. Mills. Palmerston North (mother). AIOXTGOMER Y, AVilliam S., Gnr. Airs E. Alontgonierv, Auckland (mother). AIOSES, Kenneth J., Sergt. Mr C. 11. Alosos, Alission Bav (father). MOUN'L’FIELD, AVilliam IL, Gnr. Aliss J. Alountfield, Gore (sister). MULLEN, Francis ]).. Gnr. Air F. AA'. Alullen. Auckland (father). PHILLIPS, George F., Gnr. Airs Phillips, Lower Ilutt (mother). ROMANS, Raymond G., Sergt. Air G. 11. Romans, Arrow-town (father).' RUSSELL, Edward JL. Gnr. Airs L. Russell, England (mother). SUTHERLAND, George E„ T'AV.O. Afrs K. Sutherland, AA’ellington (wife). THOMSON, Godfrey 0... l’te. Airs D. Thomson. Dunedin (mother). TIMMS, AVilliam IL, Gnr. Airs R. I. Timms, Ablwtsford (wife). TURNER, Charles AV.. Gnr. Airs E. Turner, Kaivhia (mother).

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LXI, Issue 152, 30 May 1941, Page 4

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MISSING SOLDIERS Manawatu Standard, Volume LXI, Issue 152, 30 May 1941, Page 4

MISSING SOLDIERS Manawatu Standard, Volume LXI, Issue 152, 30 May 1941, Page 4