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RETURNED SOLDIERS. v ANNUAL MEETING. A large number of members attended the twenty-first annual meetin" o the Woodvilie branch of the New Zealand Returned Soldiers’ Association, held on AVednesda.v. The president (Mi G. AVickes) occupied the chair. In hi ! report the president stated that association had experienced a busy time, particularly in the latter pair of the year, owing chiefly to the outbreak of war. Headquarters had requested all associations to spare no effort to assist those joining the Colours. The president appealed to all returned men in the district to rally round the association so that it might be in a position to carry out any work necessary in the future. Considerable work had been carried out at the club, the sum spent on repairs, alterations and additions being £B7 os 7d. Additional work had. yet to be done and was already in band. The social side of branch activities had been well cared for. Sales of poppies last year constituted a record. To raise funds a I Paddy’s market was organised and the net proceeds (£150) must be consid- ; ered a splendid etfort. The balancesheet presented bv the secretary (Air F. D. Mackie) showed a credit of , £134 10s lid in the general account. The credit balance in the Poppy Day account was £27 12s 4d and in the ! canteen fund £2 9s 6d. There were no liabilities, and assets were valued at £347 2s 9d. . , , - , A notice of motion tabled by Mr A. K. Boyd, “that the general committee jbe reduced in number from eleven to six members,” was seconded pro forma jby Mr Cullen. Mr AA 7 . Miller supportled the motion. It was difficult for j some of the country members to attend all of the meetings and he appreciated the motive of the mover in bringing the matter forward. The secretary 'gave particulars of members’ atteirdi ances at committee meetings. Mr Mackie said the mover was unavoidably absent, but he understood that it was his opinion that a ’committee of eleven was too cumbersome and tlmt 1 six members were quite sufficient. The chairman said he was against the pro- | posed change being made because in reducing the ’size of the committee | there was always the possibility of the bulk of the work devolving on a few. The motion was lost on the voices, j Officers elected are:—President, Mr G. A\ 7 ickes; vice-president, Mr J. Charles; lion, treasurer, Mr D. S. Broughton; lion, auditor, Air L. J. AVhittington; general committee, Messrs AA 7 . Brotberstone, AA 7 . Miller, A. S. Diekins, L. Hurley, A. K. Boyd, J. J. Young, T. S. R. Scliaw. AA 7 . Galbraith, K. Mav, C. AVare and H. H. Little (after a ballot). It was decided that the secretary’s honorarium be renewed and that a similar grunt be made to the caretaker, whose outstanding services to the asso- , ciation were the subject of eulogistic . reference. Air Alackie moved that quarterly general meetings be held in the coming year, the first be held at Papatawa, tlie second at AA r oodville, the next at Kumeroa and the final one at AVoodville. The idea, lie said, was that each of tliese meetings should replace the committee meeting in the month in which it was held. It should (do much to stimulate interest. _ The I motion was seconded by Air E. Nicholson and carried. Replying to a quesI tion by Air Cattanach as to how petrol ' rationing would affect the (scheme, the chairman said there should |be no difficulty in this connection, as Ihe understood the Government would make extra petrol available if necessary, to allow members to attend R. meetings. The chairman reported that arrangements for the observance of Anzac Day in AA 7 oodville were well advanced. The parade would be led by tlie Dan nevirke High School Boys’ Pipe Band and the usual Anzac concert would be held. He made a special appeal for a good parade of local returned men. RATIONING SUGGESTED. “That it be a recommendation to the Dominion executive to consider 'whether it would be worthwhile approaching the Government with a view to introducing a reasonable scheme of food rationing in New Zealand as a possible quick means of alleviating the food problem in Great Britain occasioned by the cutting off of supplies of butter, cheese, eegs and bacon from the Scandinavian States.” The foregoing resolution, which will go forward iu the form of a remit, wa6 passed as the outcome of a discussion arising from a suggestion made by Air Cattanach. Air Cattanach said it was apparent that the German occupation of Denmark and other military developments in. Scandinavia would seriously affect Great Britain’s supplies of foodstuffs hitherto obtainable from these States. It might help to meet the emergency if the people of New Zealand were to submit to a reasonable scheme of food rationing in order to make more produce available for export to the Old Country'. New Zealanders were not experiencing anything like the hardships or mental strain that were the lot of the people at Home, and he thought that a rationing scheme would meet with approval. He asked that a suggestion go forward from the 11.5. A. to the Government on the lines indicated. Air E. Nicholson stressed the urgency of the matter and said he would "be in favour of a remit on the subject being sent to headquarters. Air Broughton said that no harm would be done in having consideration given to a rationing scheme and he could see no reason why AA’oodville should not take the initiative in bringing the matter forward. Other members briefly expressed accord with the proposal, after which Air Cattanach put his suggestion in the form of the remit already quoted, which was seconded by Air A. S. Diekins and carried. INCREASED REVENUE. BUSINESS ON RAILWAY. The annual returns of the Woodvilie railway station made available by the stationmaster (Air D. S. Broughton) show an .increase of £7OO in revenue received during the year ended Alarch 31, 1940, as compared with the 1938-39 figures. Revenue received for the period totalled £26,485. Particulars of outward traffic last year are.: Passengers, 24,290; cattle, 13,174; sheep, 190,758; general goods, 13,742 tons. By comparison with the previous year’s returns these figures represent an increase in goods tonnage of 7500. a decrease in cattle of 4000 and in sheep of 30 000. It is worthy of note in connection with the .decrease in the number of sheep carried that the present season is a late one for sheep and that large numbers are still- being transported. The number of passengers also shows a slight decrease, but at the same time £350 more revenue has been received from this source than in the previous year. The conclusion to be drawn from this is a tendency for passengers to make longer journeys, and no doubt a considerable -proportion of the increased revenue may be attributed to j'onmeyings to and from the Centennial Exhibition.


• "'eddmg of interest to a wide circle of AVoodville and Pukekohe residents was solemnised on Easter Alonclay at St. Alark’s Church, Remuera, Auckland, by Rev. P. Houghton, the contracting parties - being Norma Claire, only daughter of Mr and Airs Norman Gilbert, of AA 7 oodville, and Nelson Arras, second son of Air and Airs D. Fansctt, Pukekohe. The bride who entered tlie church on the arm of her father, wore a charming frock of cream satin cut on princess lines, fastened at the neckline with a cameo brooch and ending in a short train embroidered with padded satin flowers. I lie veil, lent by a friend, was of embroidered tulle and fastened at the head with a coronet of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of white asters, dahlias and cream rosebuds.. The bridesmaid, Miss Phyllis Short, cousin of the bride, wore a frock of pale blue spotted net with lull skirt and fitting bodice. She had a cream picture hat and carried a bouquet of pink asters, dahlias and blue larkspur. The bridegroom was attended bv bis brother, Air Graham Fausett. Near relatives and close friends of the bride and bridegroom were afterwards entertained at the residence of Dr. and Airs T. G Short, uncle and aunt of the bride. The guests were received by Mrs Gilbert, wearing an afternoon frock of lilac marocain with matching hat and fur necklet. She was assisted by Airs Short, who wore a frock of rose silk with fur necklet and hat to tone. Airs Fausett was attired in a navy- costume with navy and white accessories. Anion"' those present were the bridesmaids of both the bride’s and bridegroom’s oarents—Alisses Brewer and Taylor. When the happy couple left for the south the bride wore a smartly tailored navy costume with navy accessories. WOODTOLE GOLF CLUE. Members of the AVoodville Golf Club will play a four-ball complctition in conjunction with a medal round during the week-end. Following is the draw:—AV. Hawkes and R. Beale v. R. Irwin and G. Gordon: AV. Norman and B. Goodman v. E. Hutchinson and A. Wiley : P. Maurice and F. D. Mackie v. G. Whillans and E. Wilson: L. Russell and J.< Young v." J. Bcceard and R. R. Johnston: J. AA r alker and G. AA ickes v. i\A 7 . Grummit and Reginald Johnston; 11. Lagor and J. S. AleBean v. J. AlcKinlay and Robert Johnston : AV. Goodwin and N. K. . Chapman v. A 7. Baker and R. Li Paterson: E. I-lanaray and R. Peebles v: G. Atorgan and R. Gibbs; E. Stitt and partner v. N. Robertson and partner. LADIES’ CLUB ACTIVITIES. The ladies’ club has aranged for the first round of the Paterson trophy competition to be played on Saturday. The draw is as follows:—Aliss J. Peebles v. Mrs Russell ; Aliss 11. Smith v. Aliss Redwood; Mrs Maurice v. Miss Beattie; Mrs Mackie v. Aliss Goodwin, Aliss E. Peebles v. Aliss Oflwond; Aliss I. liaycs v. Mrs Chapman ; Miss D. Peebles v. Mrs Wilson: Airs AleBean v. Miss Kirkpatrick; Mrs Gordon find Miss D. Smith, 1 byes. A stroke competition will be held for 12-bole players. The first L.G.U. medal round resulted in a win for Aliss D. Peebles with a net score of 69. RUGBY FOOTBALL. The 1940 Rugby football season here will- open on Saturday afternoon with a non-competition match between AVoodville and Mangatainoka, at Alangatainoka. The A\ 7 oodville team will be chosen from the following players:—T. Bolton, F. Ansin, AV. Giles, H. Collins, F. Rossi ter, Rosyth, G. Burlaec, Nekatui, .J. Burlace. A 7 owell, Skittrup, Eddy, MclCinlay. Lloyd, Rivers, Gilmore, Russell, Gammer, Court, Leach, .and AV. Burlace. _

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LX, Issue 120, 19 April 1940, Page 8

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WOODVILLE & DISTRICT Manawatu Standard, Volume LX, Issue 120, 19 April 1940, Page 8

WOODVILLE & DISTRICT Manawatu Standard, Volume LX, Issue 120, 19 April 1940, Page 8