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WOODVILLE RACES CONCLUDED. SIEGMUND MAKES AMENDS. (Bv “Spectator. 1 ’) Wins by the first favourites in seven of the eight races were ;t remarkable feature oi (lie concluding day's racing at the Woodvide District Jockey Chib’s autumn meeting on Saturday, when the weather war overcast and misty at the start, but later improved to remain favourable. Awapunt i stables furnished three of the winners. | Florence Mills, the favourite, won the open sprint. AJittie, the lirst-day winner, : just tai.ed under her big weight in a bold i bid tor victory, and Flammarion beat her I in the last few strides for second place. I White Gold, after disappointing frequently, made good at last when she won the Alahaiahara Handicap, her Irrst success since she won as a maiden at Wanganui in the spring of 1937. Golden Midge, who succeeded in the Nolan Cup at Kginont in his last slart, won the Victoria Handicap in a tight finish in a four-horse lieid.

Siegmund, in taking I lie Autumn Handicap. won his first, race this season, hut. his form on the first day snggosied that Ills success was due, and now that lie has come right lie may go on with it. lie had previously won on tfie WoodvL'le course. Big Hook's saddle slipped whin he was making a prominent showing in the straight.

Mataroa, who had his third succc.-sive win in that class of event when he annexed the Hcpelands Highwcight in a close finish, won a double at the meeting for his new owner, Mr A. H. Burt, of Bulls, and boro out (lie good impression lie had gben by his easy win on the first day.

Varimond, having iter first slart since the Marion meeting, won the Debutant Stakes with tlie greatest of ease from the improvI ing Millamcnt. It was Yarimond’s second success, she having won at Keilding earlier in the season, and she eonip'etod a double on the day for the Bulls trainer, A. K. Neale, who led in three winners at the meeting. 'I lie totalizator handled £13,513 lO.s for the day. compared with £13.257 10s for the Mat urelay of the 1937 fixture, when the turnover for the meeting was £24.250, compared wi ll £24,205 for the meeting just concluded, which showed a slight decrease. There was no autumn meeting in 1938. PREDICTION WINS NARROWLY. Being taken out from the barrier very smartly by G. R. Tattersall, the favourite, Prediction, who had finished third on the first day, won the Novice Plate, but only tiy a head from Parian, the winner having had enough at the finish. Though Prediction was first out, Parian scon took change to lead into the straight from Po Atarau, who began to drop back quickly there. Prediction and Brazil were just in behind, and the former _ came through to head Parian at the distance. However, Parian was doing well over the half furlong shorter journey than on Friday, and came again to shako Prediction uo badly at the finish. 'Fitter tried to get through on the rails a short distance from the post, hut weakened again to lie third. Ruling Stai, who was slowest away, was fourth, followed by Brazil, who drew the rails but failed completely. THREE ON END. Mataroa won the Hopciands Highwcight in a great tinioh to score his third success on end, despite a rise of 81b in the handicap tor his first-day win. Yed Prior made the pace for most of the way from Great Quex, who gave a lot of trouble at the start. Half a mite from home tiie pair were two lengths in front of Linguist, Bumble, Ebb and Flow and .Mataroa, who made a last run round the field to be in third place entering the straight. Great Quex was done with there and Yed Prior capitulated 100 yards from the post as AJataroa and Bumble came through, with Sir Nigel joining issue on the outside. The three swept over the line together, there being very little between them. Yed Prior was fourth, with Great Quex next. SIEGMUND AT LAST. Siogtnund scored a long overdue win, his first of the season, when he annexed the Autumn Handicap in a good finish. Getting to the rails half a mile from home, he never loft them thereafter and, well handled, came up from third position in the run up the straight. Lucuilus Lad was the pacemaker, but failed to get his usual break on the field ana was beaten into fourth place when the final pressure was applied. Master Cyklon, who was Lucuilus Dad’s nearest attendant all the way, ran a solid race, and hung on well for second place, Good Sun coming through from the rear for third. Big Dook followed Lucuilus Lad home, but was unlucky, as his saddle slipped when he was running up to Master Cyklon. 'A RUNAWAY WIN. Varimond, who, bracketed with Flying Flag, was made an odds-on favourite lor the Debutant Stakes, won in runaway fas- ! hion. She is a real speed merchant when ' right, and her form recalled the manner of her E'eiiding win. Aliss Leighon, Millamcnt and Kchua were smartest to begin from Varimond, who dashed to the front at the end of a furlong. She was three lengths clear 'of Alillamcnt entering the straight, with a similar gap back to Miss Leighon. The two leaders maintained their positions, A 1 filament beating the others just as easily as Varimond beat her. Aliss Leighon dropped right back in the run home. Vasconcs, Deflation and Flying Flag were slowest away in a poor despatch, but Vaseones finished on for third place in front of Kehua, Flying Flag, Deflation, Timothy and Dynasty. WHITE GOLD WINS. Staying on better than she has done in any previous slart this season, the well-bred White Gold, who now threatens to fulfil her early promise, decisively won the Alaliarahara Handicap, for which she w<»i installed favourite. Haile Selassie and White Gold were the pacemakem right to the straight from Rowana, Diidy Lyric and Earl Colossus. Halley was there early, but faded out. ( uisinier. who did not get away well, moved up before half a mile had been covered, and came through on the inside in the run up the straight to pursue White Gold, who had gone to the front, but Cuisinier was then headed oil’ by Classical, who came from right hack, and Earl Colossus. After the winner, only half a head in each case separated the next three horses. Haile Selassie was fifth, followed by Joe Louis, Ilalley and Rowana. FLORENCE .MILLS’S SPRINT. Florence Mills, who went under to Mittie in the open sprint on the first day, decisively turned the tabks on the iatler in the Telegraph Handicap, but Mittie was conceding her 151 b and ran a good race under her big weight, being just beaten by Flammarion for second place. Florence Mills and Mittie were out in front all the way to the straight, where they were joined by Brunhild, the trio Tuning neck and neck, but the latter was well beaten in the run home. Flammarion, w;ho hail been tailing the field, swung very wide into the straight and then came with a great run up the outside to get tin ill time to heat Alittie by a neck. Silver River was seteezed hack three furlongs front home. VICTORY FOR TOPWEIGUT. Golden Ridge won the Victoria Handicap under the topweight like the good horse lie is, and gave W. Jenkins Ids second winning ride of the day, but tiie winner had little to spare in a c,ose finish. Mother-in-Law made tiie pace to the straight, where Beatsong. who hud moved up to second place three furlongs from home, joined iter, and Golden Ritlgc next challenged. Mother-in-Law dropped hack and. Cuisinier, under tiie whip, ran up to fight it out with the other pair. Site stayed on well, at iter second start of tiie day. to get within a ltoadof Boatsong tit the finish. LAST TO STERNCHASE. Sternchasc, made an exceptionally hot favourite lor the Alangapapa Handicap, had to be ridden right out to win by half a length from Huntino, who got a break on tiie field at the start. Huntino led to tiie straight, where Sternchase had run up to displace Great Legion, win was followed by Jeanne and Gay Hunting. Sternchasc challenged in the straight, but Huntino hung on well, though beaten. Jeanne was a poor third, four lengths way, followed by Gay Hunting, Imogen. Golden Flame and Great Legion, who, failed badly in the run home.

RACING IN DETAIL. NOVICE PLATE, of £100; second horse £ls and third £5. Live and a-lta.f furlongs. 1 PREDICI lON, Air J. T. Spears's bik g, by Hunting Song—Wiilonyx, 3yrs, 8.5 (G. R. Tattersall) 1 3 PARIAN, Mr G. W. New s eh g, 4 yrs, 8.5 (J. Chaplin) 2 4 Ti l TEH, Messrs E. Getliing and J. 11. Brown's eh f, 3yrs (\V. J. Doyle) 3 ! Also started : 3 The Stag 8.5 (Williams), 2 Brazil 8.5 (Morris), 7 Ruling Star 8.5 1 (Anderson), 6 Cherry Picker 8.5 (Dulieu), 5 Po Atarau 8.5 (Y'ouug). A head; a length. Time, 1.8 2-5. Ruling Star was fourth. (Winner trained by 11. Telford, Trenthain.) IIOPELANDS HIGHWEIGIIT HANDICAP, of £150; second horse £25 and third £lO. One mile arid a distance. 1 MATAROA, Air A. 11. Burt's bik g, by OII;».rim —Glow, 4yrs, 10.6 (C. Carroll) ' 1 3 SIR NIGEL, Air J. AI. Cameron's b g, aged. 9.15 (W. Pine) 2 2 BUMBLE, Mr F. Armstrong's br g, 6yis, 10.1 (A. AlcDonald) 3 Also started : 8 Linguist 10.3 (.McCauley). 4 Great Quox 9.5 (Iluiieu), 6 Ebb and Flow tar. 9.1 (Kohloff), 7 Golden Enterprise 9.0 (Anderson). 5 Yed Prior 9.0 (Chaplin). Half a head; a ltead. Time, 1.57. Yed Prior was fourth. (Winner trained by A. E. Neale, Bulls.) AUTUMN HANDICAP, of £300; second horse £4O and third £2O. One mile and a distance. 2 SIECAIUND. Air F. L. KeUlcwell’s b h, by Siegfried—Limond, syrs., 8.0 (G. R. Tattersall) 1 5 AI ASTER CYKLON. Alts A. AI. Goodman's ch g, 6yr«, ear. 7.12 (B. Stowe) 2 6 GOOD SUN. Air J. W. Lowe’s b g, syrs, ear. 7.2 (Ilitchen) 3 Al-o started; 3 Lucuilus Lad ear. 8.5 (Doyle), 1 Big Hook 8.4 (Morris), 4 GalLeemore ear. 7.1 (Edwards). Three-quarters of a length ; half a length. 'J.fine, 1.55 1-5. Lucuilus I,ail was fourth. (Winner trained by 11. B. Lorigan, Trenthain.) DEBUTANT STAKES, of £150: second horse £25 and third £lO. For two-year-olds. Five furlongs. 1 VARIMOND. Air M. Millar’s b f. by L#imond —Variable, 3.8 (T. llowo) . 1 3 MILLAMENT, Mr T. H. Ixtwry’s, b f, car. (D. Lamb) 2 2 VASCONES. Mr C. L. Fergusons b f, 8.9 (G. R. Tattersall) 3 Also started: 1 Flying Flag (Callahan), bracketed with the winner; 7 Timothy car. 7. (Cavancy), 4 Kehua car. 7.8 S (Stowe), 9 Katcsbridge car. 7.131 (S. Anderson), 5 Aliss Leighon 7.7 (Mudford). 6 Dynasty 7.7 (Edwards). 8 Deflation 7.7 (W. Jenkins). Three lengths each way. lime, 1.1 Kehua was fourth. (Winner trained by A. E. Neale, Bulls.l AIATIARAHARA HANDICAP, of £150: second horse £25 ami third £lO. Seven furlongs 1 WHITE GOLD, Air T. 11. Lowry’s ch in, by Hunting Song—Pure Gold, 4yrs, ear. 8.0 (\V. Jenkins) 1 8 CLASSICAL, Alessrs A. Andrews and It. IT. Holden’s b f, 3yrs, car. 7.5 (B. Slowoj -• i 2 EARL COLOSSUS, Air 11. S. George’s b g, 7yrs, 9.0 (I’. Wi.liants) 3 Also started: 4 Rowana car. 8.3 (Mud ford), 7 Joo Louis car. 8.7 (Dulieu), 6 Lady Lyric car. 8.3£ (Tattersall), 3 Halley 8.0 (Morris), 5 Cuisinier ear. 7.4 (Callahan), 9 Haile Selassie car. 7.4 (Edwards). Two lengths: half a head. Time, 1.28. Cuisinier was fourth. (Winner trained by Airs A. W. AlcDonald, Awapunt.) TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, of £200; second horse £3O and third £ls. Six furlongs. 1 FLORENCE MILLS, Air 11. H. Pharazyn’s br in, by Nigger Minstrcl —Liaison, 4yrs, 8.6 (G. It. Tattersall) 1 5 FLAMMARION, Mr C. McCullough’s bik g, aged, car. 7.11 (11. J. Callahan) 2 2 MITTIE, Mr W. 11. Hume’s eh m, syrs, 9.7 (B. 11. Alorris) 3 Also started : 4 Brunhild ear. 7.0 (Stowe), 3 Silver River 7.0 (Bennct). One and a half lengths: a neck. Time, I. 3-5. Brunhild was fourth. (Winner trained by T. L. Wilson, Awapuni.) VICTORIA HANDICAP, of £150; second horse £25 and third £lO. One mile and a distance. 1 GOLDEN RIDGE, Air 11. C. Noble’s ch g, by Lackhain—Narani, 6yrs, 9.13 (W. Jenkins) 1 2 BOATSONG, Messrs J. C. Collins and IV. Henderson’s ch g, aged, car. 8.11 (W. J. Mudford) ... 2 4 CUISINIER, Air N. M. McKenzie’s b g, 4yrs, car. 7.11 (11. J. Callahanj 3 Also started: 3 Motor-in-Law, car., 7.2 (Stowe). A neck; a head. Tinto, 1.55 1-5. (Winner trained by E. W. Watson, Awapuni.) MANGAPAPA HANDICAP, of £150; second horse £25 and third £lO. Six j furlongs. ; 1 STERNLTIASE, Mr G. D. Beatson’s br c, by Ixtrd Quex —Enchantment, 3yrs, 8.10 (B. H. Alorris) 1 5 HUNTINO, Mr W. 11. Hume’s eh g, syrs, car. 7.12 (S. Anderson) ... 2 2 JEANNE, Air A. W. Akers’s b f, 3yrs, car. 8.6 (W. J. Doyle) ... 3 Also started: 3 Great Legion car. 7.121> (Tattersall), 7 Golden Fiaino, ear. 7.10 i (Callahan), 4 Imogen car. 7.2 (B. Stowe), 6 Gay Hunting car. 7.9| (Lamb). Halt a length; four lengths, 'lime, 1.15. Gay Hunting was fourth. (Winner trained by owner, Hastings.) DISTRIBUTION OF STAKES. Through the success of Old Bill arid Florence Mills, the Hawke’s Bay owner, Air H. H. Pharazyn, headed the list oi winning owners with ajutal of £305. Lady F ursfc earned £275 in iter single win for Air H. Neagle. Seigmund’s first and third brought Air F. L. Kettlewell £205, Alittie and Huntino earned £240 for the Levin owner-trainer, Mr \V. H. Hume, ami Alataro.Vs double success gave his new owner, Air A. H. Burt, of Bulls, £230. Other stakes earned included: Alessrs T. H. Lowrv £150; C. L. Ferguson, £135; Alt Millar, £115; H. C. Noble, £115; 0. D. Beatson, £115; W. AIcA. Duncan, £115; W. Morrison, £115; J. . T. Spears, £BS; F. Ormond, £80; and J. C. Kennedy, £SO. TRAINERS AND JOCKEYS. Alost successful among the trainers was A. E. Neale (Bulls), who led in three winners—Mataroa twice, and Varimond. The Awapuni mentor, L. T. AVilnon, hud two winners—Old Bill and Elorence Alills —while single successes were credited to S. J. lieid (Hastings), H. Neagle (Greenmeadows), G. AV. New (Awapuni), AV. Morrison (Opaki), \V. H. Hume (Levin), D. T. Marks (Fordell). H Telford (Trentham), E. AV. AYatson (Awapuni), G. D. Beatson (Hastings), H. B. Lorigan (Trenthum) and Airs A. AV. AlcDonald (Awapuni). Piloting five winners. G. AV. Tattersall wu.s the most successful horseman. B. H. Alorris brought home three winners, while AV. Jenkins and C. Carroll each saluted the judge twice. Single winners were ridden by P. AA'illiams, AV. J. Aludford, AV. J. Broughton and I. Howe. I

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 70, 20 February 1939, Page 10

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FAVOURITES’ GOOD DAY. Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 70, 20 February 1939, Page 10

FAVOURITES’ GOOD DAY. Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 70, 20 February 1939, Page 10