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MANAWATU ASSOCIATION. RESIDENTIAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. ' Play in the Manawatu Lawn Tennis Association’s residential championships, which were continued to-day, began under ideal conditions on Saturday on the Linton Street and Northern Club’s courts. Good progress was made with the events under the supervision of Mr J. T. McDonald. Details of piny are as follow: CHAMPIONSHIPS. MEN’S SINGLES.

First round.—S. Hooper heat D. Speedy, 6—3, 13—11; J. L. Chapman heat 11. V. Hooper, 6—l, 6—l; D. Spring heat H. B. Reid, 6—4, 6—l; K. Hume beat G. Beattie, 6—3, 6—2; J. Cope heat I. Carruthers, o—o, 6—o ; S. I. McKenzie beat C. Hewitt, 6 —3, 7—5; AV. Maxwell heat W. S. AleLean, 6—l: 6—2; B. Louisson heat R. Tapp, 4—6, 6—o, 6—2; R. Anderson heat R. Spencer, -I—6, 7—5, 6—3. Second round.—D. B. Livingstone beat AY. Glaister, 6—2, 6—4; D. O’Brien beat J. Guilierie, 6—o, 6—l ; D. AlcMurray heat AV. Hooper, 7—5, 2—6, 6—4; A. Russ beat AA 7 . Gloyn, 2 -6, 6—3, 7—5 ; J. Drew heat S. ,T. McKenzie, 6—4, 9—7 ; AA 7 . Boddv beat F. Cowley, 6—l, 7—5: J. Cope heat N. Hume, 6—3. 5—7, 6—3; V. Hobin heat H. Lattn, 6—3, 6—l ;J. Christie beat C. Aloffatt, 6—2, 6—2 : Spring heat Chapman, 6—3 6—4; R. Hill heat F. Bull, B—6, 6—o; C. Sheerin heat AV. Ar. Sexton. 6—3, 6—3: R. Chisholm beat F. Clarke, 6—l. 6—l; Louisson heat Anderson, 6—o, G—3. Third round.—Boddv heat Drew, 6—o, 6—3 ; McAlurray heat Russ, 7—5, 36, 6—4; Cone heat Louisson, 6—o, 6—3; Christie heat Hill. 3—6, 6— 4, 6—3. AIEN’S DOUBLES. First round. —Maxwell and Clark heat Louisson and Sexton, 6—4, 4 —6, 6—4; Aloffatt and Carruthers heat Hoare and Donovan, 6 —2, 6 —3; Harvey and Harvey heat R. and D. Spencer, I—6, 6—3, 6—o; Russ and Speedy beat Reid and Reid, 7 —5, 7 —5; Livingstone and McKenzie beat Cowley and Boys, 6—2, 6—-3; Chapman and O’Brien heat Guthcrie and Norris, 6—2, 6 —2; S. Hooper and AV. Hooper heat Hume and Bull, 6—4, 6—4. Second round. —Christie and Spring beat Beattie and Fox. 7 —5, 6—l; Hill and Sheerin heat Gloyn and Gloyn, 6—-1, 6 —4; Hobin and McAlurray beat Anderson and Drew, 6—l, 6—l; Harvey and Harvey heat Aloffatt and Carrutlicrs, 6—3. 7 —5; Latta and Glaister heat Cope and Tapp, 0 6, 6—4, 7—5. Third round. —Hobin and AlcMurray heat Hill and Sheerin, 6—o, 6—l. AYOAIEN’S SINGLES.

First round. —Mrs Hobin beat Airs Co^swill, 6 —l, 6—o; Aliss AV. Robson beat Mrs Chapman, 6—o, 6—l ; Aliss M. Sexton beat Aliss T. Penkcth, 4 q 5 2, 7 —5; Miss D. Haggitt beat’Miss T. Sexton, 7—5, 6—4; Mrs Bull beat Aliss E. Robson 4—6 0 4- Miss L. Robertson beat Aliss M Nix ’ 6—l, 6—4; Airs AYeston heat Aliss N. Muir, 6—o, 6—l. Second round—Airs Hobin heat Aliss AV. Robson 6-2, 6-1; Airs Clark heat Aliss T. Sexton 6—4 3-6, s—o;5 —0; Aliss D. Haggitt heat Aliss Al. Sexton, 6 —l, 6—o.

HANDICAP EVENTS. MEN’S SINGLES. First round.—B. Hoare (scr) heat McLean (-2-6). 9—5; G. Beattie (set) beat H. B. Reid (r 3-6), 9—3; Harry Reid (r 15) heat I. Carruthers (r 4-6) 9 —2; A 7. Hobin ( —3O) heat J. Aloffatt (r 3-6), 9—4; C. Hewitt (scr) heat F. Clarke (—3-6), 11—9; V . Cowley ( —3-6) beat. H. Latta ( 2-6), Second round. —C. Sheerin heat R. Gloyn (scr), I°—S; A - R,,hS (scr) heat Harry Reid (r lo), 9--o, T) AlcMurray (—l6) b«it K. Aub [C (r 15, 3-6), 9-2 ; D. O’linen (-10, 3-6) heat P. Tail, (r lo), H—9, 1 • Bull (r 2-61 heat J. Christie (-10, £6), 9- F. Cowley heat N. Hume (r 2-6), 10— 8; AV. Maxwell (-4-6) beat AA . M. L 0 6 boat R. Hill (—ls, 3-6), 9—o. 1 Third round.— Cowley heat Maxwell,

J ° WOMEN’S SINGLES. First round.—Aliss G. I> “ rso ™_^ Jyfe Robson (-2-6), IL M}g> N Mulr Ne r T7-4 , Mrs F. Clark (scr.) won B V default: Aliss I. Penkcth (scr.) beat Aliss E. Robson (—4-6), < Second round. Aliss Nix beat Miss M. Beattie. (16), 7-4; Airs Clark (scr.) beat Aliss Robertson, i— 4. WOMEN'S DOUBLES. Eifttt round.—Airs Cogswell and Aliss Penketh (r 2-6) heat Aliases G. Parsons and Al. Beattie (r 15), 9 6; Alisses Al. Sexton and L. Robertson (scr.) won by default. , Second round. —Alisses Sexton and Robertson (scr.) heat Airs Cogswell and Aliss Penkcth, 9—6: Airs Anderson and Aliss Haggitt ( —ls, 4-6) beat Airs Bull and Airs Chisholm (scr.), 9—2; Airs Hobin and Aliss Kirk ( —ls) heat Airs Simon and Airs AA 7 eston (-3-6), 9—3.

NORTH ISLAND TOURNEY. SAT URD AY ’8 ItESTJ LTS. MASTERTON, .lan. 21. With the appearance of hetter-class ]>lavers, there was a. distinct improvement in the standard of tennis to-dav, when the North Island championships. Championship results: — 9 MEN’S SINGLES. First round.—J. N. Lowry lx?at P. Ward, 6—l, 6—l ; E. Hamilton heat H. M. A. Major, G —o, 0 —0; M. L. Lampe heat N. A. Faulknor, (i-—l, f>—:i; F. AY. Morrell heat E. Mcurk, o—2, 6—4. Second round. —S. Painter heat E. M. Hodder, 6—9. 7—6; P. Hawksworth heat li. J. Sharpe. o—2, G—l; ■f. 15. McPherson hea.t L. H. Pollock, 6—2, 6—4; E. AY. Dyer heat C. K. Long, 6—3. 6 —o; J. N. Lowry heat A. J. Andrew, 6-2. 7—6; H. V. Clark heat F. AY. Morrell. 6—2. 6-2; M. Perkins heat S. McLeod, 3—6, G —2. (i —1; G. A. Pearce heat .]. .1. Payton. 6—4, 6—4; H. N. Burns heat D. E. Leote, 6—2, 6 —l ; .J. E. Hamilton heat M. L. Lamps, 10—8, 6—2. Third round. —.J. Brown heat A\\ B. Leo, 6 —l, 6—3; P. Hawksworth heat Iv. AA’. Dyer, B—6,8 —6, 4—6, 6 —4. AA'OMEN'S SINGLES. First round.—Miss To Knight heal Miss R. Bennett, 6—l. 6—L Second round.—Miss L. .Af. Kturrock heat Miss L. Knight, 6 —4. B—6;8 —6; Miss L. M. Sturrock heat Miss L. Beethiun, 6—l. 6 —l ; Aliss Z. Castle beat .Miss J. Forrester, 6 —3, 6 —3; Mrs Cotterill beat Mrs P. Hawksworth. 6—2, 6 —l; Miss M. Glenny beat Aliss 1L Arkwright, 6 —o, 6 —l. MTIN'S DOUBLES. First round.— G. A. Pearce anti P. Hawksworth heat H. M. A. Major and J. J. Payton. 6—l. 6 —3; I. M. Willis and o! M. Bold heat R. J. Sharpe and A'. Hill, 6—4. (i —4; J. N. Lowry and E. M. Hodder heat .T. V. I lott and X. A. Faulknor. 6—4, 6—o; 1). E. Lcete and C. K. Long beat AY. H. Rowles, sour, and junr., 6 —4. 6 —3; A. J. Andrew and J. E. Hamilton heat M. L. Lampe and 11. AY Clarke. 6—4. G—3. _ Second round. —H. N. Burns and L. H. Pollock heat G. R. Coney and .J. B. McPherson. 4 —6. 6 —3, 7 —6; .1. N. Lowry and E. M Hodder heat G. S. McLeod and I). B. Lee. 6—3, 6—4; U. AlcL. Eerkins and M. Korkins heat G. V. Buiek and E. AA’. Morrell. 6—l. 6—o: P. Hawksworth and Pearce bent C. C. Marsack ami J. A. Kennedy, 6 —2. 6—o; S. Painter and K. AA’. Dyer heat A. K. Webster and AA . J. AA’ehster, 6—2 6—2.

Third round. —R. McL. Ferkins and Af Ferkins heat Evans and McLeod, 6—l. 6—l. AA’O AT EX’S DOUBLES. Second round. —Aliss Z. Castle and L. Al. Sturrock heat Airs AYurd and Aliss I>. Allan. 2—6. 6—4, 6—4: Alesdantes P. Hawksworth and AleLeod Iwat AI Uses R Arkwright and Af. Afaunsell, 6 —o, 6 —4; Aliases L. and X. Boetham heat Alisses L. Hosking and M. Bell. 6—3. 2—6, 6—4; Airs Cotterill and Aliss At. Glenny heat Alisses P. Af. Kilmister and R. Percy, 6 —o, 6—2.

Third round. —Airs Cotterill and Aliss Glenny l>eat Afcsdames Hawksworth and McLeod, 6 —2, 6 —2. AHXED DOUBLES.

First round. — Y. Hill and Aliss L. Knight heat J. J. Payton and Aliss B. Barker 4—6, 6—l. 6—l; M. Ferkins and Mrs Cotterill heat H. Af. A. Afajor and Aliss L. Beetham. 6—l. 6—2; O. AT. Bold and Aliss J. B. Betts beat C. C. jlarsack and Aliss R. Percy, 4—6, 6—o 6—2..; Pollock and Aliss Sturrock beat Kennedy and Aliss Smith, 6—2. 6—3. Second round.—G. A. Pearce and Afiss -1. Forrester beat Hill and Aliss Knight, 6—3, 6—3. BOA’S’ SINGLES. Second round.—A. Mahupuka beat J. Alaunsell, G—O, 6—l. GIRLS’ SINGLES. Third round.—P. Longton beat M. AVest, 6—3, 6—2.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 46, 23 January 1939, Page 2

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LAWN TENNIS Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 46, 23 January 1939, Page 2

LAWN TENNIS Manawatu Standard, Volume LIX, Issue 46, 23 January 1939, Page 2