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LARGE CROWD PRESENT. KEEN COMPETITION. Fine weather, good grounds and efficient management made for a most interesting day for the large number of persons who attended the Sandon Sports Club’s fixture on Saturday, the schools events being run through in excellent time and good competition being witnessed in a large number of the races. With three inter-school competitions, open nthletic events for both men and women, Highland dancing and a number of other attractions, the programme held interest for all to the end; the attendance was of gratifying dimensions. The ground had been well marked out and presented a neat appearance, although the continued dry weather had made it hard. From the commencement in the morning until well after 3 p.m. the races followed in a steady succession and much credit is due to all who worked capably to uphold the reputation, which the club has gained through many successful meetings, for co-operation between the various officials.

With large numbers of children on the ground and the stand comfortably filled, the use of a loud-speaker outfit aided the running of the sports to a considerable extent and kept the public informed of results and future events. Luncheon was obtainable on the grounds. A pleasing feature was the behaviour of the children, under their teachers and others in charge. Among the visitors were Hon. D. G. Sullivan (Minister of Railways and Industries and Commerce), Messrs C. L. Hunter, M.P., and L. G. Lowry, M.P., and I. W. Mudford, the member on the Wanganui Education Board representing the Sandon area. Sweet scrambles were held for the children and were entered into with enthusiasm. For motorists present an additional assurance of a carefree day was provided by the presence of a patrol officer from the Manawatu Automobile Association. THE WINNING TEAMS. The following were the points scored in the contest for the Fagan-Henson Shield, the various schools from which the teams came being denoted in the detailed results below by the letters in parentheses:—Carnarvon A (Ca. A) 21 points, Clydesdale A (Cl. A) 19, Waitohi (iv.) 14, Clydesdale B (CL B) 11, Stanway (St.) 8, Carnarvon B (Cr. B) 7, Clydesdale C (Cl. C) 2. The points for the J. K. Hornblow Shield were as follow; —Sanson 37, Ivopane A (K.A.) 35, Tokorangi (T.) 34, Oroua Downs (0.D.) 16, Ohalcea (O.) 14. Parewanui (P.) 13, Fitzlierhert East (F.E.) 8, Bainesse (B.) 7, Glen Oroua (G O.) 6, Kopane B (Iv. B) 6, Stanway 6. . . The result of the McKelvie Shield competition was as follows : —Levin A (L. A) 46), Kopane 34), Sanson 29), Lytton Street 23), Parewanui 21, Levin B (L. B) 16, Levin C (L. C) 10, Stanway 7. The Fagan-Henson Shield is tor competition between schools having a sole teacher, the Hornblow Shield for those schools with a roll not exceeding 80 and the McKelvie Shield competition is onen to all primary schools. The club’s president (Mr A. Iv. Drew), when the trophies were presented, remarked that the competition had been very close and the programme liad includod several innovations. In ti\o ofiSGS there liad been . a inarch past staged, and consideration would be given next year as to whether points should not be given for tlio march past, the uniforms of the children to be included in the judging. Mr Drew then ended on the donors of the FaganHenson Shield (Messrs H. J. Fagan and W. H. Henson) to present that trophy to the captain of the Carnarvon School. Mr Drew presented the Hornblow Shield, commenting in doing so that for the past seven years it had been held by Kopane, but on this occasion had been annexed by Sanson. Mr Drew congratulated the Ivopane School on their continued interest evidenced by their being placed only two points behind the winners), while he also congratulated the Sanson team on their success. Other trophies were presented by the president as follow : —McKelvie Shield (previously held by Lytton Street), Levin District High School A; Arnott Rose Bowl, for field events, Tokorangi, with 13 points out of a possible 14; Sandon Old Boys’ Association Cup, for the school team in the Manawatu county not having won another trophy, which gains most points, Ivopane; champion of champions cup for girls, presented by Miss E. Nix (who had held the honour several times), June Bush (Tokorangi); champion of cliamEions cup for girls, presented by Mr rew, T. Oliver (Oroua Downs); Schools Championship Cup, presented by Mr Fagan, June Bush (girls) and championship cup for boys, C. Kere (Tokorangi) ; Dwyer Cup for most points in Highland dancing, Yvonne Nicholson. MINISTER’S CONGRATULATIONS.

Mr Sullivan explained that he had been engaged with Messrs Hunter and Lowry in the Foxton district throughout the day, but Mr Hunter had persuaded him to visit the sports. They were sorry that they could not have attended earlier, but it was nice to have the opportunity of seeing the boys and girls from Sanson and the surrounding districts. Those interested in adult athletics should feel satisfied when they saw such good material coming on for the future. As Mayor of Christchurch for a good many years he had felt that the young people did not fully appreciate the great services rendered by the ladies and gentlemen who organised their sports meetings. Sport was regarded in some countries so highly that there was a special Min-

ister attending to its organisation, and in this country Hon. W. E. Parry, Minister of Internal Affairs, was trying to do the same tiling in encouraging the sports bodies. Tho speaker congratulated the Sports Club on the gathering. Mr Hunter added his congratulations to the officials of this sports meeting and those already passed, expressing the wish that next year tho gathering would be even better than that of this year. The detailed results are ns follow; FAGAN HENSON SHIELD. Girls, undor 11, 50yds.—L. Christian (St.)__ 1, M. Teague (C. A) 2, M. Tew (Ca. A) o. Boys under 11, 75yds: G. Hintz (W.) 1, L. Gennills (Cl. A) 2, J. McKelvio (Cl. B) 3. Girls undor 13, 75yds: J. Harris (Cl. A) 1, J. Gennills (Cl. B) 2, D. Zajowskowski (Cl. C) 3. Boys under 13; J. Harris (Ca. A) 1, A. Schracber (Ca. B) 2, J. McKenzio (Cl. A) 3. Girls under 15, 75yds: N. Henson (W.) 1, G. Schultz (Ca. A) 2, E. Mills (S.) 3. Boys, under 15, 100yds: W. Christian (S.) 1, C. Pederson (W.) 2, A. Luxford (CL A) 3. Girls under 11, 50yds: Z. Short (Cl. B) 1, M. Tew (Ca. A) 2, M. Rowe (W.) 3. Boys under 11, 75yds: E. Giodhill (Ca. A) 1, J. McKelvie (Cl. B) 2, G. Hintz (W.) 3. Girls under 13, 75yds: S. Dizon (Ca. A) 1, M. Harris (Ca. B) 2, J. Gennills (Cl. B) 3. Girls under 15, 100yds: J. Harris (Cl. A) 1, G. Schultz (Ca. A) 2, I. Maxwell (Cl. C) 3. Boys under 13, 100yds: 11. Dixon (Ca. B) 1, J. Harris (Ca. A) 2, J. McKenzio (Cl. A) 3. Boys under 15, 100yds: A. Luxford (Cl. A) 1, M. Zajowskowski (Cl. B) 2, T. Pearson (Ca. A) 3. Ball game, toam of six: Waitohi 1, Clydesdale A 2, Carnarvon A 3, Stanway 4. HORNBLOW SHIELD. Girls under 9, 50yds,—J. Lyons (K.A.) 1, M. Currie (S.) 2, D. Ellery (0.) 3. Boys undor 9, 50yds.: N. Christenson (K.A.J 1, R. Houghton (K. 8.) 2, J. Stevenson (S.) 3. Girls under 12, 75yds.: E. Thomson (0.D.A.) 1, M. Loen (K. 8.) 2, J. Kitchen (KA.) 3. Boys under 12, 75yds. : D Hill (K.A.) 1, 11. McMillan (G.0.A.) 2, L. Iwikau (T.) 3. Boys under' 13, 100yds. : T. Oliver (O.D. A) 1, T. Masters (O.) 2, J. Carr (K.A.) 3. Boys under 14, 100yds. : A. Vealo (0.D.) 1, J. Warbrick (P.) 2, B. Anderson (T.) 3. Girls undor 10, 50yds.: B. Hill (K.A.) 1, B. Prior (T.) 2, J. Atkinson (F.E.) 3. Boys undor 10, 50yds. : J. Hastings (F.E.) 1, D. MeConachie (S.) 2. B. Scott (G. 0.) 3. Girls under 13, 75 yds,: L. Sadler (O.) 1, D. Bishop (S.) 2, T. Young (P.) 3. Gills under 14, 75yds: J. Bush (T.) 1. G. Young (G. 0.) 2, M. Tostevin (S.) 3. Girls under 15: B. Frederickson (B.) 1, M. Kumeroa (T.) 2, M. Hill (F.E.) 3. Girls under 12, 75yds. :M. Buckericlge (S.) 1, J. Kitchen (K.A.) 2, M. Leon (K. 8.) 3. Boys under 13, 100yds. : J. Carr (K.A.) 1. T. Masters (0.) 2, D. Tua (P.) 3. Boys under 14, 150yds: W. Christian (St.) 1, A. Vealo (0.D.) 2, J. Reid (P.) 3. Girls under 10, 50yds. : P. Butler (S.) 1. S. Sadler (0.) 2, N. Bosswell (G. 0.) 3. Boys undor 10, 50yds.: D. MeConachie (S.) 1, 11. Casko (B.) 2, M. Kere (T.) 3. Girls under 13, 100yds. : D. Bishop (S.) 1, T. Young (P.) 2, P. Sim (0.D.) 3. Boys under 11, 75yds.: L. Houghton (K.A.) 1. P. Kilpatrick (S.) 2, R. Armstrong (O.) 3. Girls undor 15, 100 yds: M. Kumeroa (T.) 1, M. Hill (F.E.) 2, B. Fredericksen (11.) 3. Girls under 11, 75yds. : L. Christian (St.) 1, M. Buckeridgo (S.) 2, Q. Atkinson (F.E.) 3. Girls under 14. 100yds. : J. Bush (T.) 1, M. Tostevin (S.) 2, C. Forlong (K.A.) 3. Boys under 15, 220yds. : N. Reid (P.) 1, C. Kere (T.) 2, M. Hill (K.A.) 3. Boys under 12, 100yds. hurdles: D. Hill (K.A.) 1, L. Iwikau (T.) 2, 11. Collier (S.) 3. Boys under 15, 120.vds. hurdles: C. Kere (T.) A. Veal (0.D./ 2, N. Reid (P.) 3. Ball game, team of six girls: Tokorangi 1, Sanson 2, Oroua Downs 3, Bainesse 4. Ball game, toam of 12: Tokorangi 1, Kopane A 2, Sanson 3, Parewanui 4. McICELVIE SHIELD.

Girls under 9, 50yds.—G. D. Lyons (K.A.) 1, R. Montgomery (P.) 2, M. Currie (S.) 3. Boys under 9, 50yds: N. Christenson (K.A.) 1, B. Little (L.S.) 2, D. Jacob (L.A.) 3. Girls undor 12, 75yds: M. Jewell (L.S.) 1, M. Law (L.A.) 2, I. Christian (St.) 3. ' Bovs under 12, 75yds: E. Hay (L.S.) 1, L. Houghton (K.A.) 2, K. Henley (L.A.) 3. Boys under 13, 100 yds: J. Casey (L.A.) 1, B. Johnson (L.S.) 2, J. Carr (K.A.) 3. Boys under 12, ICO yds: J. Warbrick (P.) 1, G. Hudson (L.A.) 2, G. Simpson (L.C.) 3. Girls under 10, 50yds: P. Butler (S.) 1, B. Hill (K.) 2, V. Dewis (L.A.) 3. Boys under 10, 50yds; W. MeConachie (S.) 1, G. Brown (L.A.) 2, B. Voss (IC.) 3. Girls under 13, 75yds: D. Hassall (L.C.) 1, N. McKinstry (L. 8.) 2, Y. Heremai (L.A.) 3. Boys under 11, 75yds: D. McGregor (L.A.) 1, D. Hill (K.) and G. Hocking (L.C.), equal, 2. Boys undor 15, 100yds: ■N. ltcid (P.) 1, D. Christian (L.S.) 2, 31. Teal (L.A.) 3. Girls under 11, 50yds: L. Christian (St.) 1, E. Donaldson (L.S.) 2, M. Buekoridgo (S.) 3. Girls undor 14, 75yds: L. Harpur (L.A.) 1, N. Wright (L. 8.) 2, M. Tostevin (S.) 3. Girls under 15, 75yds: V. Harpur (L.A.) 1, V. Paki (L. 8.) 2, W. Larkin (L.S.) 3. Girls under 12, 75yds: M. Buckeridgo (S.) 1, J. Kitchen (IC.) 2, N. Teal (L. 8.) 3. Boys under 12, 100yds: L. Houghton (K.) 1, B. Collio (S.) 2, K. Henley (L.A) 3. Boys under 12,. 100yds: J. Casey (L.A.) 1, D. Tua (P.) 2, J. Carr (IC.) 3. Boys under 14, 150yds: G. Hudson (L.A.) 1, G. Simpson (L.C.) 2, J. Reid (P.) 3, Girls under 10, 50yds: P. Butler (S.) 1, B. Hill (K.) 2, I. Hudson (L. 8.) 3. Boys under "10, 50yds: G. Brown (L.A.) 1, D. M. McConachie (S.) 2, K. Nottle (L.S.) 3. Girls under 13, 100yds: N. McKinstry (L. 8.) 1, D. Hassall (L.C.) and D. Bishop (S.), equal, 2. Boys under 14, 75yds: D. Hill (K.) 1, D. McGregor (L.A.) 2, G. Hocking (L.C.) 3. Girls under 15, 100yds: V. Harpur (L.A.) 1, N. Giles (L.S.) 2, V. Paki (L. 8.) 3. Girls under 11: 75yds: L. Christian (St.) 1, E. Edhouse (L.S.) 2, M. Buckeridgo (S.) 3. Girls under 14, 100yds: N. Wright (L.B.)' 1, L. Harpur (L.A.) 2, M. Tostevin (S.) 3. Boys under 15, 220 yds: J. Warbrick (P.) 1, M. Teal (L.A.) 2, V. Law (L.S.) 3. Boys under 12, 100 yds hurdles: B. Collier (S.) 1, L. Houghton (K.) 2, T. McDonald (L. 8.) 3. Boys under 15, 120yds hurdles: S. Montgomery (P.) 1, M. Teal (L.A.) and P. Pike (L.S.), equal, 2. . Ball game, team of six girls: Kopane 1. Sanson 2, Parewanui 3, Lytton Street 4. Ball game, mixed team of 12: Kopane 1, Levin A 2, Parewanui 3, Sanson 4. CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS.

Champion of champions.—Girls’ 100yds : J. Bush (Tokorangi) 1, N. MclCinstry (Levin B), 2, L. Horpur (Levin B) 3. Time, 12 2-ssec. Boys’ 100yds : T. Oliver (Oroua Downs) 1, C. Kere (Tokorangi) 2, W. Christian (Stanway). 3. Time, 12 2-ssec. School championships.—Girls’ 100 yds: J. Bush (Tokorangi) 1, M. MclCinstry (Levin) 2, M. Kumeron (Tokorangi) 3. Time, 12 4-ssoe. Boys’ 100yds: C. ICero (Tokorangi) 1, W. Christian (Stanway) 2, M. Hill (ICopane) 3.*. Time, 12 2-sscc. OPEN EVENTS. 100yds youths’ race. —J. Christian (Awahuri) 1, J. E. Rasmussen (Feilding) 2, S. A. Moyes (Lytton Street) 3. Time, 10 4-ssec. 220yds youths’ race : J. ' Christian (Awahuri) 1, J. E. Rasmussen (Feilding) 2, S. A. Moyes. (Lytton Street) 3. 100yds, maiden: D. Ralph 1, W. Fairbairn (Wanganui) 2, V. Nix (Kin Toa) 3. Time, 10 4-5 sec. 100yds open: J. Keneven (Feilding) 1, J. Dynes (Feilding) 2, IC. Coles (Marton) 3. Time, 9 2-ssec. 880yds open: J. Whale (Merton) 1, J. Millar (Palmerston North) 2, J. Scott (Palmerston North) 3. Time, lmin. 57sec. 75yds ladies : Miss E. Mullins (Sanson) 1, Miss P. Wilson (KM Toa) 2, Miss P. Chalk (ICia Toa) 3. Time, 8 l-ssec. 100yds ladies: Miss E.. Mullins I, Miss P. Wilson 2, Miss M. Hanlon (Raumai) 3. Time, llsoc. Ono mile: J. Millar 1, R. M. Lamberton (Feilding) 2, A. W. Button (Bulls) 3. Time, 4min 25 4-ssec. 220yds : J. Keneven 1, C. Mullins 2, R. Wing (Marton) 3. Time, 21 3-5 sec. HIGHLAND DANCING. Highland fling, under B.—Colleen Benefield 1, Margaret Morgan- 2, Norma Tucker 3. Under 10: Mavis Gannaway 1, Laurel Black 2, Isabella Anderson 3. Under 12: Yvonne Nicholson 1, Yvonne Anderson 2, Freda Payne 3. Seantruibhas, undor 12: Yvonne Nicholson 1, Meta McKenna 2, Dorothy McLean 3. Irish jig, undor 12: Nicholson 1, Freda Payne 2, Beryl McLean 3. Seantruibhas, 14 and under: Meta McKenna 1, Yvonne Nicholson 2, Dor jthy McLean 3. Sword dance, 14 and under: Dorothy McLean 1, Valerie Anderson 5, Meta McKenna 3. The Highland was judged by Mr J. L. Stuart, ind the piper was Mr J. Patterson. i

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LVIII, Issue 95, 21 March 1938, Page 6

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SANDON SPORTS CLUB Manawatu Standard, Volume LVIII, Issue 95, 21 March 1938, Page 6

SANDON SPORTS CLUB Manawatu Standard, Volume LVIII, Issue 95, 21 March 1938, Page 6