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— THE WELLINGTON SALE HIGH LEVEL OE VALUES MAINTAINED , WELLINGTON, Dec. 10. Growers who sold their clips yesterday have every reason to be fully satisfied with the results of the first Wellington wool sale of the 1936-07 season. The prices were easily the highest recorded at Wellington since the 1928-29 season, when an average level of over ±'2l a bale, or 14.88 d per lb was reached. As was the case at Auckland and Napier, the Weilinghjn market yesterday was dominated by Japanese buying, and prices were generally from 60 to 70 per cent, in advance of those recorded 12 months ago. In many cases, the advance was even greater and some growers received twice as much for their wool as in December, 1935. The top price of yesterdays sale was 24Jd, which was paid for two lines of the well-known Spur brand clip from Terawhiti station, one being seven bales of A halfbred wethers and the other eight bales of A halfbred hogget wool. An excellent clearance of the total offering of 30,(100 bales was made, passings at auction being only 6 per cent.

BRADFORD BUYS WITH RESERVE There was p.n unusually large bench of buyers present representative ol every section of the trade, the Japanese being in great strength. From first to last the market was dominated by Japan, with strong support from the Continent and the United States. Bradford appeared to be operating with great reserve throughout the sale. A remarkable feature of the sale was its dragging nature, considering the strong demand lor wool and the high prices ruling. A slow sale is usually associated with a weak market. It is customary when good prices are ruling for a sale to proceed at high speed, a notable example being the phenomenal sale at Wellington in January, 1934, when well over IG,OOO_ bales were sold in barely IU hotus. Yesterday’s sale started punctually at 9 o’clock, but it was not finished until after 6 o’clock. There was keen public interest in the sale, the galleries being well filled all day. Bidding was strangely halting at times, the auctioneers over and over again having to ask for an opening. Many lots were sold on single bids at high prices that brooked little competition. At other times bidding was quietly prolonged over a range of sixpence or more, advancing occasionally by stages ot one penny. Now and then the bidding became excited, with seven or eight buyers competing strongly for fancied lots. The offering was a very representative one for a first sale. Crossbreds predominated, and there was a fair quantity of haltbreds, but Merinos and lambs’ wool were in short supply. There were few super haltbreds, of which two lines in the Terawhiti station clip made the top price of 243 d. Average haltbreds made from 18d to iiliil. Crossbreds made 143 d to 183 d for the finest sorts, 143 d to 19d for medium qualities. 14j;d to 173 d for coarse, and to 16id for low sorts.. Super hoggets .made as high as .22d, but medium sorts were rather disappointing. Lambs’ wool made good prices, most of it going at from 16d to 18d. while bellies and pieces 6old at from 103 d to 143 d. Crutchings made good prices. One broker estimated the rise in prices compared with those of fast season as follows : —Haltbreds, 7d to 8cl; crossbreds, Cd to 8d; hogget wool, 5d to 7d; lambs’ wool, 5d to dfd: bellies, pieces and locks, 3d to 4d. FIRM .ON NAPIER RATES. Taking quality into account, the market yesterday was generally firm on the Napier sale of last week. During the afternoon some observers were inclined to think that there was ,a slightly easier tone, but this was due, possibly, to the character of some of the clips offered. An outstanding feature of the sale was the high prices paid for the lowergrade lines in many clips, many of the B and C grades selling better than the A lines. For example, in one wellkliown clip, nine bales of R ewe wool made 17d and 27 bales of A ewe 16d. There was a very good clearance of the largo offering. 111 the first catalogue ot over 4500 bales, only 20 bales were passed. Barely 6 per cent, ot the total offering of 30,000 bales was passed in at auction.

OFFICIAL RANGE OF PRICES. The official range of prices for yesterday’s sale affords the following comparison with those of the closing sale last April of the 1935-36 season, showing a

BROKERS’ REPORTS. LEVIN AND CO., LTD. Levin and Co., Ltd., report:—A total of 30,000 bales was offered, our catalogue representing 7451 bales. The offering was good and representative, tho staple was well-nourished and fuller than last year, though not of great length, and. on the whole, sounder, though some hogget wool ivns inclined to be tender. The condition was light and fairly good in colour. Ovai all it is a better clip than last year. While crossbreds predominated, there was a little Merino, and a fair quantity of haltbreds. A very full bench of buyers was present, representing Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium and the Continent generally, also the United States, Canada, Acs tralia, Dominion mills and scourers, and last, but not least, Japan. Bidding came from all quarters, but the market was made by Japan, U.S.A., and the Clou tinent. Bradford was buying moderately, und also Canada and Australia.

Some outstanding sales of wellknown dips were made yesterday. Among them wan Dr. C. l’rendergast Knight’s Branscombe clip, of which 13 hales,of AA hogget wool sold at ,22d, compared with 13;Jd last December, lid in 11)34 and lGd in 1933. Fifteen bales of A hogget made 21d, compared with 12d last December, Bid in 1934 and 14Jd in 1933. Five bales of 15 hogget sold at lojd, as against B|d (passed) last year, 7d in 1934 and lid in 1933. The Branscombe hogget necks made Ibid, as against 9Jd last year, 8d in 1934 and J3id in 1933. Other Branscombe sales yesterday were 191 d for 7 bales of AA ewes, ICJd. for 17 bales of A owes, 16d ior seven bales of A wethers. Ibid lor six bales of B wethers, lod for LG bales of B ewes, lGd for 10 bales of C ewes and 14 jd for seven bales of necks. The Happy Valley ■(Wellington) dip made 19d tor halfbred, IGijd tor halfbred hoggets, 1 Aid for fine crossbred hogget, lGd lor fine crossbred, lojd for first lands. 13',d lor necks, lid for hogget pieces, 12d for first pieces, lid lor bellies and 13:{d for crutchings. A Flimnierton dip made the following prices, last year’s being shown in parentheses lor comparative purposes: —A crossbred hogget, 14Jd (8\d); A crossbred ewe, 14Jd (9jd); B hogget, 131 d (71 d); B ewe, ICfd (8id); B wether, 14j|il (8d); C ewe, (7Jd); pieces, .124 d (6Jd). One of the. Hiddiford dips gives .the following comparison of prices: Super crossbred, lSjd (llid); C crossbred hogget, 174 il (8fd); C crossbred hogget, lGld (8Jd); fine crossbred ewe, loifd (9(d) and 16d (Old): B ewe, lGd (Old) and 16d (9cl); C ewe, 16d (Bijd), IGJd (9Jd) and IGid (8id); low crossbred, 161 d (7 Jd); necks, .133(1 (83d); first hogget crutchings, 11 Id (7d); first ewe crutchings, 14.)d (8d).

Super hnlfbreds were in short, supply, and sold as high as 241 d. Average half lireds were more plentiful and sofd from 18(1 to 21jd. Crossbreds reached 14jd tc 18id for finest, 14Jd to 19d. for medium, 14§d to 17Jd for coarse, 16jd for low. Hogget wool brought up to 22d for the very finest grade. Medium grades wore comparatively disappointing, bringing irom 14|d to 16id. Unshorn hogget wool was the disappointing fealure of the sale. 'Last year this (vus noticeable also. Any unshorn hoggets or hoggets showing length and tenderness to-day were the weak spot in an otherwise strong market, and the causo of the hulk of the passings. A noticeable feature was the high figures paid for low grade lines in many clips. The courser the wool, the relatively better the price paid. Growers will be surprised at their B and C grades selling higher than their tops. This is duo to special demand for Japan. Cotts and crutchings sold at a high level. Somo crutchings realised 15d, many cotted lines bringing 15d to 153(1. Lambs’ wool was short in supply, the general run being from 16d to 18d. Bodies and pieces sold from 10Jd to 141 d. Prices, as was anticipated, wore on a high level. Compared with last season, the following are the advances shown: Merinos: Not sufficient to quote. Fine halfbreds: Up 7d to Bd. M'edium halfbreds • 7d to Bd. Crossbreds: 48-50’s, C.I to 6jd; 46-48’s. 6d to 61d; 44-46’s, 7d to 8d: 40-44’s. 7d to 7jd; 36-40 s, 6d. Hogget wool: 5d to 7d. Lambs’ wool : 5d to sid. Bellies, pieces and locks:' 3d to 4d. The rise in prices to-day compared with those of last year is shown in the following clips, last year’s prices being given in parentheses:

Butts.—ll. 17d (lOd): E. 163 d (93d). Peninsula: 11, 203 d (12d); 11,, 163 d (lid). Moa: H, 21d (13d); H, 183 d (12d); AE, 16d (lOd); BE. 153 d (104.1), ~IMAj H, 153 d (103 d); E and W, 15d (9id); E and W, 15jd (83d). Spur.—Half tired 11, 243 d (133 d); halfbred 11, 201 d (113*1); 11, 17d (lid); halfbred W, 241(1 (15Jd)halfbred E, 221 d (123 d). To Kamru : Halfbred, crossbred 11, 153 d (103 d); 11, 14Jd (103*1). Huia ; E and W, 153*1 (93*1). Hudson : Haifbred 11, 22id (143 d); halfbred 11, 18d (131 d); hnlfbred E, 22d (16id); halfbred E, 20jd (13d). CM; 11, 153 d (10|d); E, 163 d (93d). Broadlands.—ll, 20d (lljd); E, 18^d Old); E, 183 d (91d); E, 161 d (81d). Homewood-JHT; 11, 193 d (113 d); 11, 15jd Old); E, I6ld (933); L, l&3 d Old)- 'le Awaputahi: H, 19Ad (llld); 11, 173*1 Oidj; E, 18d (lOd); E, 163*1 (103 d), Brooklands: AII, 19id (llld); 811, 17Id (93d). TB-Waibi— All, Old); E, 161 d (103*1): E, 171 d (lOd). Tikapu: AAH, lßfd (lid); AH, laid (9jd); 811, 15d (8ld); AA. 17d Old); A. Ibjd (9d); B, 15jd (Bjd). Awatoitoi; AH, 183 d (10jd); BH, 103 d (83d); AW, ISRJ Old); B\V, 153 d (84(f); CW, 153 d (93d). Stratheden: AaII, l6d (lOd); All, Ibid (9d); AAE, 16id (83d); AE, 17id (83d). Awa: AE, 16jcl Old). - Tho following are some of our results;— Merino. —Langlev Dale, 5 bates 11 211 d. 4 H 19jd, 21 19jd, 8 11 Ibid. Down.—Various, 15 bales, 21d; Kaiwarra, 8 at 193 d. Halfbred.—Clifton Downs-CB conj. 9 bales 203 d; WJM-S, 6 16id; sign-bt'CJR. 8 H 24id, 11 H 201 d, 7 24R1, 10 223*1, 7 21 d, 11 201 d; To Kamru, 5 213 d, 0 H 203 d; crossed koys H under half-mcon-.Hndson, 14 II 22jd, 15 22d, 17 203 d; Opau, 17 181 d; JH-T in diamond, 26 20ld; Blue Mountain, 5 20d, 13 20d, 12 19d: Maeburn, 3 213 d, 10 21(>d; WJ., 5 20d. 11 19|d; Kaiwarra, 20 ll 213 d; 9 22d, 14 20d, 4 H 18jd, 9 203*1. Crossbred. —Broadlands-W, 13 H 20d ; DCC. 5 H 153 d, 5 153 d; AWA, 6 II 16d; Buttssß3, 4 H 17d; i’eninsula, 8 II 203 d, 6 H 163*1; Ngatarahangs-FAS, 16 14^d; EWBII, 10 15d; Moa. 4 H 153 d, 11 II 21d, 16 II 183 d, 8 H 16d, 5 Ii 143 d, 4 16Jd. 26 163 d, 4 153*1, 15 153 d, 4 153 d; WJM-S, 5 143 d; Waiteko, 4 11 183 d, 9 II 163 d. 17 16(1; Waiteko, 15 153 d, 4 143 d; DG-Gien-rihu, .10 II 16d, 8 II 153 d, 5 H 133 d. 8 16id, 10 133 d; JM9. 4 H 153 d, 14 15d, 14 153 d: RCC-Tarehuru, 12 133 d, signSpur, 18 II 17d, 6 II 153 d, 5 H 153 d, 6 19id, 16 193 d, 13 163 d, 24 163 d, 5 16*1, 19 15fd 8 15d, 13 15d; lIWB-Ngaranui, 4 II 143 d: B-Fernglen, 4 II 163 d; Waitatapia, 11 II 18d, 5 H 163 d, 4 15d, 4 143 d: Waipawa, 6 143 d; JB over C in circle, 6 II 163 d; Ongaha, 7 H 163 d, 10 163 d. 7 153 d; To Kamru, 14 H 153 d, 6 II 143 d, 5 153 d, 10 16d 6 15d: JY-A, 8 II 143 d; R-Tunstall, 4 II 14d. 22 123 d: AMK-OE. 5 II 143 d, 10 153 d; FUR, 4 14d. 5 133 d; PL-B. 7 143 d, Huia, 50 153 d; JWM, 5 II 153 d, 15 153 d; Turaaganui, 7 II 143 d, 6 16Jd 5 153 d; signK, 4 143 d; Tnimaic. 9 133d‘; SB-T, 7 153 d, 5 14d; Wharc, 6 16d; Forsyth, 4 II 173 d, 5 II 153 d, 9 153 d. 8 143 d, 9 143 d; Q-Tawcra, 7 II 153 d; lIMS, 4 II 16(1; EL-li, 9 14d.

DALGETY AND CO., LTD. Dalgety and Co., Ltd., • report Our catalogue consisted of 47C0 bales, drawn chiefly from tho Wairarupa and Manawatu districts of tho North Island, and the Blenheim and Nelson districts of the South Island: There was a largo attendance of buyers representing all the woolconsuming countries of the world and, as was the case in the previous sales held in the Dominion, the buying was mainly restricted to Japanese and American buyers. The Continent was prominent whenever pieces and oddments came on the market, and their competition ensured good prices lor these descriptions. Bradford competition was less prominent than usual, and local mills competed freely for lines suitable for their trade. Tho market can be quotod fully par witli the previous salos held in tho Dominion, and in coinparion with the opening Wellington sale of last season is approximately 75 per cent, in advance. Tho wools generally opened up very attractively, and were in excellent condition, being light, sound and of good colour. From the South Island we offered many good Merino and halfbred clips, and excellent prices were obtained, top price for Merino being secured by the well-known Hiller Eden brand, which sold up to 21d. The super comeback line of tho attractive Fyvie clip mado 223 d, and other prices realised were: —JOL, 22d for halfbred; BEN, 21d; Cin diamond, 203 d to 213 d; and Wyehills, 21d. The top price in our catalogue was secured by'an attractive line of Solthdown wool sold on account of Messrs A. and J. Gray, of Master ton, which realised 233 d. We also sold another nico line of Southdown on account of Mr A. (J. Vile, of Bulls, at, 203<L. tho same price being obtained by Mr N. G. Rayncr, of Masterton. Perhaps the most outstanding wools offered by us were the beautiful Romney clips which opened up showing remarkable quality and character. The well-known Uranseombe clip, on account of Dr. C. P. Knight, realised 22d for the A.A.IL, 21d for A. 11., and 193 d for the A.A.E. The Fernlea clip, on account of Mr M. A. Conway, of Cheltenham, again showing the results of very careful breeding, attracted keen competition to realise 213 d for his top line of hoggets. Eastry wool, on account of Mr Frank White, of Eketahuna, opened up showing good character, the hoggets selling up to 213 d. A feature of our catalogue was the many carefully-graded lines of binned wool offered under our well-known DC-W m a block brand. These were keenly competed for Sind realised full market rates. Lines under this brand sold as follow:—A Down, 223 d; A thrce-quirtcr-bred, 19d; crossbred, 17d; dead, 153 d; pieces and necks, 123 d; Down XII. 21d; halfbred, 20d. 'Our interlots as usual sold remarkably well, and here again prices were up to full market rates. The following comparison is interesting, showing the substantial advances at to-day’s sale over ihosc ruling in DoectnBra'nd. Description 1935-36. 1936-37 d. 0.

Crossbred. —Beaumaris, 6 II 16d, 13 153 d, 6 153 d ; Rivcrside-Mahaki, 4 153 d, 5 153 d ; Maungawhare, 13 11 l'(3d; Te naata, 6 11 163 d: JOBP, 9 11 163 d; Obau, 28 133 d; AB-Opaki, 6 II 153 d; Fernloa, 4 II 193 d: DFE, 8 II 133 d; 4 123 d; Reiki, 7 11143 d, 6 163 d; Burnfield, 6 153 d: Cuves-WD conjoined, 6 133 d; Awatea, 9 11, 153 d; 25 163 d ; Opau, 7 II l6§d ; CM, 15 II 153cJ, 13 163 d, 14 16d, 4 153 d; JB-Te Apiti, 4 16d, 13 153 d; JP conjoined-Elmley, 4 163 d; JNB. 6 15d; SG-W, 17 153 d; TJM, 9 143 d; Broadlands-W, 31 184.(1, 15 183 d, 6 163 d; Pakaraka, 6 II 153 d, 9 163 d, 8 153 d, 9 163 d; Ravncville-Mli, 4 II 20d, 5 II 153 d, 6 16d, 13 153 d; JOB-Pibautca, 31 153 d, 22 14d: Weka, 12 II 203 d, 13 IJ 17d. 9 H 143 d; lIGS over line, 6 II 173 d, 14 153 d; AY-F, 13 H 193 d, 5 153 d; LPL-Ros-kild, 24 143 d; Rarackny.hai-MAB-NZ, 6 15d; Feruyhurst-FBC, 4 II 20d; AIP-U, 4 H 13d; JOBP, 15 153 d: Pirinoa, 7 II 143 d, 6 H 143 d, 17 153 d. 15 153 d; JIITIfomewood, 12 II 193 d, 5 II 153 d, 4 II 143 d, 26 163 d, 12 15d; Kobe Kohe, 5 15id. Crossbred.—T-Ngaiana. 4 II 173 d, 7 153 d, 6 153 d, 6 153 d, 5 163 d, 4 16d; BFS, 6 11 153 d, 6 143 d; HJA, 4 143 d; Tuscan llill 5 II 14iid; 9 V-Pines, 6 II 15-id; TT2. 11 163 d; AEA, 5 11 153 d, 9 153 d; RAR, 11 H 15d; Opunake, 4 bales I'll, 193 d, 7 143 d, 9 143 d; Te Awaputahi, 10 H 193 d, 4 II 173 d, 23 H 18d,- 14 163 d: Brookiands-Tiraiimca, 4 II 193 d, 13 II 173 d 8 II 15d; Papatahi-H under sign. BIT 153 d, 11 173 d; EBY, H 153 d, 11 153 d; Manawa, 15 II 163 d, 8 II 153 d, 6 il 153 d; Malco, 15 *lsd, 4 14d; Esscndale, 9 153 d: B3X, 5 15d; Butts-R3, 8 163 d, 4 17d; CTR-Waitawhiti, 18 If 153 d, 5 II 15d: Ngatnwa, 8 15d; TB-Waihi, 4 II 153 d, 5 163 d, 4 163 d, 6 17)d, 4 16d -. sign-Orui, 10 H 153 d, 8 II 143 d, 34 153 d, 38 143 d, 4 15d, 19 15d; T reversed R conjoi.ned-Tika-pu 13 II 183 d, 10 II 153 d, 4 II 15d, 14 I7d, 18 163 d, 8 153 d, 4 153 d; Te Maire, 4 173 d, 4 17d; SBA, 8 II 173 d, 20 15d; anchor-Awatoitoi, 16 II 183 d, 13 11 163 d, 10 183 d, 6 153 d. Crossbred. —Anchor Awatoitoi, 4 bales 153 d. Strathcden-N, 811 16d, 7H 153 d, 29 163 d, 15 173<1; Pirirna, 10 II 16d, 5 H 17d, 15 153 d, 7 153 d; AWA, 22 163 d, 9 153 d, 4 153 d; R.TC-0, 11 153 d; Makerua, 16 153 d, 6 153 d; Ngaputabi, 5 II 193 d, 6 11 163 d, 15 153 d, 12 16d; 00-O, 8 143 d; WBX, 11 If 16d; Part To Parac Rawhiti, 5 183 d, 5 16d; HWD-K, 5 143 d; P-O-D, 5 173 d; ,IBC, 18 143 d; Wheel, 5 II 143 d, 13 15d, 30 143 d; Maraokowhai-MAB-NZ, 21 II 143 d; JBC, 20 133 d; DWMcL, 6 153 d, 14 163 d; Tuscan Hill, 4 143 d, 11 153 d; Tarata. 4 II 15d; TW. 4 II l6d, 4 141<1; MJM-Hamcnga,. 13 143 d, 5 143 d; W.McL. 8 II 153 d 8 H 15.1: GM-Burnsidc. 6 H 143 d; Wbola, 14 133 d; WL, 7 II 153 d, 9 II 14d; Wairnahoc, 19 153 d; B reversed LH, 4 173 d, 4 153 d; Tang, 7 153 d; Avdi-lea-L, 10 183*1. 21 19d, 5 183 d; Rcwanui, 5 H 213 d; 11 II 17d, 4 II 143 d, 12 163 d, 23 17d 10 153*1, 7 173 d, AL in diamond, 5 II 163 d, 8 II 153 d. 4 II 143 d: Langley Dale, 4 17d, 10 15d, 4 143 d, 4 143 d. Crossbred. —HH-Oporua, 6 U 153 d, 5 153 d, 9 153 d, 4 133 d; AC-S, 5 143 d, 12 14d; Kaiwarra, 45 F 18d, 47 mod, 153 d, 11 mcd. 14d, 4 mod. 163 d, 11 F 14d, 6 F 143 d, 4 mod. 183 d, 4 esc. 173 d, 11 F 193 d, 22 F 213 d, 24 F 18d, 4 F 16d, 12 F 163 d. 23'F 16d. 31 F 203*1. 15 F 153 d, 20 F 143 d, 4 F 15(1, 23 F 15.1, 15 F 133 d, 8 13jd, 6 mod. 14(1, 33 med. 15d, 94 rned. 17d, 5 mcd. 14d, 45 esc. 173 d, 15 ese. 16d, 5 low, 163 d; Ranch, 11 15d, 4 153 d; Tas-Fairfield, 6 II 163 d. 6 II 163 d. 4 H 153 d. 163 d; Hororata, 4 153 d; JOB-Pihautea, 7 1633 d: Ilororata, 4 153(1; PGM. 9 153 d; .JUT-Homcwood, 7 18d, 5 163 d; T-Ngaiana, 7 18d; Ohau, 5 143 d; Stratheden-sign, 5 18(1; Makerua, 4 17*1; Ngaputabi, 4 18(1; Kaiwarra 213 in oblong, 5 173 d; PGM, 11 16d.

A list of Dalgety and (Jo.’s realisations of interest to this district appeared in the "Standard” yesterday. N.Z. FARMERS’ CO-OP. DISTRIBUTING CO. The New Zealand Farmers’ Co-operative Distributing Co., Ltd., report:—Wo contributed 5211 bales to a full bench of buyers, representing Bradford, Japan, Germany, America and France. .Japan and America were again responsible for the excellent prices paid for all grades of fleece wool, with France again operating keenly for bellies and pieces, while the New Zealand mills paid special attention to super lines of halfbreds. The wool generally was much lighicr in condition, and opened up exceptionally bright. Our catalogue comprised some very attractive Romney clips from the Manawatu and Wairarapa districts, and these commanded very keen attention from tho Japanese and American representatives. Generally speaking, the sale was a very good one, prices ruling throughout being much beyond expectations and as a result we cleared practically tho whole of our catalogue at prices fully up to tho Auckland and Napier sales’ levels. As compared with our December, 1935, sale, the following comparisons will be of interest:—

A few of tlie outstanding prices in our catalogue and of the sale were as follow : AG-Ramaroa (IT. Godding), halfbred AAH 233 d, halfbred AAE 223 d; WP-Pen-rosc (Sir William Perry), Romney ram hoggets 16d, Romney ewe hoggets, 173 d; Wharcpapa-CM (N. Matthews), AH 16d, BH 15(1, AE 173 d, BE 19d; Kamona (11. B. Johnston), AAH 193 d, II 16d, FAE 173 d, AE 153 d; Otahuao (C. J. Bennett), super AA 213 d, FA 17jd, mod. A 19d; Kamano (C. E. Johnston), AH 173 d, FAE 173 d, medium AE 163 d, crossbred A 16d; JllD-Ngatawa (J. D. Hocking), super fine H 203 d; M-Haurangi (M. McLeod), AAE 153 d; AE 183 d; Tcrangi (D. S. McKenzie), AW 163 d; Pattina (J. A. McDouga.ll), CE and CW, 16d. Tho following arc some of our realisations :

> WP-Pcnrosc. —Super fine RII 16d, fine j RII 14d, super fine EH 173 d, film EH 1173 d Romney W. 17d, first pieces 123 d. Mamaku: AW skirted 16d. AKS: II 16(1. Tokaroa: II 153 d, W 153 d, AE 163 d, E 15d, necks and pieces 123 d, bellies 113 d. AMK: II 15d, E 14d. HA-Battlehill : AH 153 d, AE 143 d, AW 143 d. RRRR: A lambs 143 d, lambs llid, JCM: Romney All skirted 143 d. JMW: E 14(1. J1IJ- ! Mata: Romney lambs 133 d. JHT-M: A Down lambs 1.53 d; HB, All 153 d. DGGWaircrc; AAE 18d. JHD-Ngatawa: Super EH 203 d. CS over line; II 143 d. Motu-kavva-TW: Fine All 133 d, line II 133 d, fine A 153 d, AE 143 d, All pieces lid, A ] crutchings 14d. GM-F: Romney II 143 d. K-R: 11 153 d. EP-Maracntti: Romney All skirted 153 d, Romney 811 143 d. WJG-C: E 16d. KMK-M: II 15d. Mt. Huia: II 143 d, W 143 d. Matapihi: E 153 d. WTF-M: Romney H 153 d. M-Haurangi: AAH skirted 153 d. GLP: E 143 d. RMcA-Glcnray : II 15d, E 143 d. WM-Limcliurst: II 143 d. Tonnwhai: Romney A 143 d. SH-Sham-rock: All 143 d. FE over lino: II 153 d. WGF-Cliffside : AAE skirted 151 d. AKSRatanui: Romney II 153 d. AG-Ramaroa; Super halfbred H 233 d. super halfbred Ej 223 d, halfbred E 20d, halfbred bellies and pieces 153 d. Kestrels: Roninev 11 skirted 173 d, Romney E 15d. RR-M: II 153 d, crutchings 133 d. Taumata: Romney All 143 d, Romney, AE 153 d. JJB-P: 11 15d. ELM-Tckapua: A lambs 143 d, B lambs 123 d. Kamano: Romney AAH 193*1, Romney AH 16d, fine AE 173 d, medium A 153 d pieces 12d, bellies 113 d. Glonotrae: All 16d, 811 143 d, AE 153 d, BE 143*1, CE 143 d. D 14-3 d, 11 first pieces 113 d, first pieces 113 d, bellies 10id, lambs 153*1. EHS: E 133 d, pieces and bellies 113 d. Otahuao: Super AA 213 d, fine A 173 d, medium A ; 19d, crossbred A 183*1, DE 141(1, skirtings 123 d, bellies 103 d. ABIC; II 153 d. AS-X: Crossbred 133 d. Makara; E 143 d. Ware Rim it: E 133*1. AJM-W: AE 15d. C in box: E 14d. JEN-Otea; E 14d. R-RR-R: Down 11 193 d, llcmney II 143*1, Conic dale 163 d, Romney E 143*1. LO: II 133*1, E 143 d. Pukeokabu-FT: E 133*1. H’lL: H 143*1. JN conjoined: II 133 d. Kckcpa: E 133 d. Hadleigh: AAH skirted 153 d. JBB:j Fine A 143*1; fine B 143*1, medium A 143 d, | crossbred A 153 d, crossbred B 153 d, bellies I and pieces 113 d, A lambs 15d. LJM-Wai-j tiro; Fine A 133*1, fine 133 d, medium A 133 d, crossbred A 133 d, crossbred 133*1, cots 133 d. WP-Penrcsc; Down 20d, Romney E 16d, pieces lid, hollies 103*1. I K-DS in block: AAII 153 d, AA 15d, BB 143 d CC 163 d, BB 143 d, B 143 d. K-DS in block: CC 153 d, C 153 d, Lincoln 153 d, cots 151 d, necks, 143*1, H pieces, 13d, first pieces) 12|d, bellies 11*1. Patunn.: All 15d. 811 j 14d, CH 143 d, A, E and W 153 d, B, E • and W 16d, necks 14(1. first pieces 113 d, 1 bellies lid. M-Haurangi: Down 193 d, AAII 15d, AH 14|d, AAE 18J,d, AE 183*1, AE 183 d, W 153*1, BE 14d, first pieces 12*1. Te Rangi: AH skirted 143 d, 811 14(1. AW 163 d. Mcllington: Super II 37*1, AAH 16d, AE 16jd, BE 15d, A pieces 123*1. WG : AA 183 d, A 173 d. Waircpo; II 143 d. H-Bentwater: Romney H 15*1. Mcllington: A Down 203*1, first crutchings 13d. GP-P: Romney 7 163 d. Bighili: E 153*1. DC: E 143*1. DGG-Waircre: All 16d. II 14(1, A lambs 15d. BBZ: E 14(1. AJW; E 143*1. B plus T-Glcntui: All skirted 153 d. \IGP: Fine AII 203*1. Ilinau-REB: II 153c1, E 143*1. TJ-Burford: E 143 d. WWD: Down 183(1. F-Piik-nmii: BH 13|d, BR 143 d. nock 123*1. Mako : II 143 d. ACM: AAII 17d AH 15d. Kawiu: Down II 18(1. Roninev H 143*1. GLM: Down 193*1, FII 143*1, Romney II 143*1, E 143 d. HA-Battlchill: AAE 143 d. HA-Battlehill.—AE, 143 d, hollies and pieces lid. MD-Bagshot: AAE 143 d. Wfl F: E 15d. OH-A: H 143 d. IT: II 15d. Waiomi: II 143 d, W 14-3*l. WII-Tauanui: AE skirted 16d, BE 153 d. VH-W: II 143 d. Rock: Down II 193 d, AH 143*1, H 143*1, E 15*1, cot,? 153*1, bellies lid, crutchings 143 d. HB conjoined: Down E 21-jd, RH 143 d, Itomnov 143 d. JK: RH 143*1. JN conjoined f AE 153 d, BE 143 d, CE 143 d. JHLongvicw: Southdown 203 d, RII 153 d, E 143 d. Ongo: H 153 d, E 143 d. RM-Mata-puna: Southdown 213 d, RE 143 d. IR A: Halfbred 193 d, crossbred II 143 d. Fair-leigh-JJT: AII 16d, AE 15d. Karowa: H 15d, E 15d. Ivaiweka: E 14|d. TBH: E 153 d. CLM-Ratana: RII 153 d. WOC-C: E 14-3(1. JWP: H 15id. Kiwi: AE 143*1, BE 143*1, A lambs 133 d, B and P 113 d, FSWanui: A halfbred 223*1, FA hoggets 19d, F crossbred A 16d. medium crossbred A 153*1. medium crossbred B 15d, bellies and pieces 113*1. H-Mironui: II skirted 143 d, E 153 d. Appin: Fine E 133c1, E 13d; AESRatanui: E 18*1, pieces 123 d. HII-H: Crossbred 143*1. PL: Crossbred 133 d. F reversed P-R: E 14d. MG-Raumunga; Romney II 143 d, Romney E 15d. Turakina; AAE 133*1. AE 133 d, bellies lOd. OA underlined; Rom. 15d. NBS: AH 14(L Waiwhetu: AE 17d, BE 163 d, GE 153 d, first pieces 12d, bellies lid. Ipunui, med. 143 d. Terata-DHR: AE 153*1, BE 143 d. Inaba: E 15d. Turakina: E 133 d. T-KK: II 15d. Wavortrcc: A A Dn. 213*1. WH-Beaumont; Rom. AAE 153*1. Tehau-A in circle; AE 15*1, BE 153 d, bellies and pieces 113 d. Totarapark: E 143*1. G 3: E 133 d. BMcE: E 143 d. EJR: E 143*1. Hcssett: II 14d. GHI: All 143 d. Awarau: E 143 d. CG-M: Crossbred 143 d. ARW: E 143*1. ZZ-I adcroft: E 143*1. GEH: AII 163 d, BH 143 d. WLG • II 14d, E 143*1. Vald’or: Rom. H sktd. 15d, Rom. E 15d. JHN-Tarata: E 143*1. FW-M: E 143 d. JMW: E 143 d. Benartv: H 14*1. S Bros.: A 15d, B 143*1. JBB: A 143 d, pieces 103*1, Dn. cross lambs 143*1, A lambs 15Jd. LCF; Fine A 133 d, mod. A 143 d, A crossbred 15d, pieces lljd, bellies llid. Wharepapa-CM: Rom. H 143 d. Ngatarahanga; A A Corr. 21d, AH 14d, AE 153 d, BE. 173 d, CE 15d, DE 16*1. Ngatarahanga: Pieces 12d, bellies 103 d. Wbarepapa-CM: AH 16d, BH 15d, AE 173 d, BE 19d, CE 173 d, bellies lid, first pieces 123 d, nocks 14d. Ngahue: H 15d AE 153 d. BL-Wainclla: AE sktd. 15id, BE 143 d. GSOK.—AH 15d, AE 153 d, BE 153 d, CE

153 d, pcs. 113 d, bell. 103 d. DR under line: Dll. 20d; AW; E 133 d. Matatua: Super Dn. H 203*1, AA Dn. 213*1. KG : II 153*1. Merivale: H 14*1, AE 143*1. Pungaiwi: AE 153 d, BE 15*1. Tonanm: Halfbred W 153 d, W 133 d, E 133*1, bellies 103 d. AR-U: threc-quartcr-brcd H 143*1. RF.M-MV; FAH 153*1, FBH 15*1, All 143*1, 811 143 d, AW 163*1, FAW, 183(1; BW 153 d, H necks 143 d, first H pieces 13d, first pieces 12il, II bellies 103 d. Totarahil!s-C&MH: AII 143 d, AE 183(1. Co-op.: Dn. 183 d, halfbred A 193*1, FAH 163 d, FII 153 d, FH 143*1, FH 143 d, FAE 153*1, Fine cdg. 163 d, fine 153 d, fine 14jd, fine cdg. 143*1, fi lle 143 d, fine 15*1, mod. II 14d, mod. A 153 d, mod. 153*1. mcd. 143*1, med. 143 d, mcd. 133 d. RFM-MV: Crossbred W sktd. 153 d. Kamano: AH 173 d, FAE 173 d, mcd. AE 163*1, crossbred A 16*1, A pieces 123 d. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND COAX'D ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMS, LTD. Wright, Stephenson aiid Co., Ltd., in conjunction with Abraham and Williams, Ltd., report as follows: — We offered 4209 bales and practically cleared our catalogue at auction. The selection of wool offered was equal to that of the usual opening sale at this centre, and included some superfine sorts in atI tractive condition. There was a big showing of average to good types and the usual quantity of ordinary and inferior sorts. Owing to the wet season some ol tho hogget wool in particular showed signs of tenderness, and most of the wool compared with last year was lighter in condition. There seems to bo no doubt now that the current season New Zealand clips will showa considerable shortage in , weight compared with that of last year. ) Prices for all super wools were firm on Auckland and Napier values. Course wools, if anything, showed a hardening tendency. In many clips the coarac wools realised higher prices per pound than the medium wool. It was not unusual for eotted and coarse wool to he'at the prices for hoggets which were inclined to be erratic. Japan and America dominated tho market and Bradford buyers were unable to compete sucecrisfidly to any extent with their present limits. The Continent took the major quantity of the wool the local inillti paid higher prices for wools suitable for their requirements. TIIO following are some of the realisations in this district:— Lindalc: 4 hales AAH, 203 d; 4 All, 163 d; 8 AFE, 153 d; 12 . A.ME, 143 d; 10 A esc. E, 143*1; 9 XIB, 143 d; 8 A piece*. 12d; 5 BLS, 103 d; 5 ci ts, 143*1. Tync-Hall: 5 sup. FH, 193 d; 4 FH, 163 d; 4 sup. FE, , 18d; 13 FE, 17d; 8 mcd. E, 173 d; 6 esc. E, 173 d; 6 nks. and H pieces, 143 d; 8 E pieces, 123 d; 4 bis, 10jd. Ken Trace; 7 SI belli., 183*1. Glcnwarloek: 5 Sthdn., hgt., 173 d; 28 E, 143*1. Wbarcluiu-J-.M: 19 AH, 19id; 5 811, 163 d; 5 AE, 163 d; 6 BE, 163*1; 7 CE 163*1; 5 Ist pieces, 123 d; 4 bis. and pieces. 113 d; 5 AE and BE, 153*1; 5 CE, 15d; 6 CE, 16c!; 4 dg. E, 14*1; 6 Ist pieces, 123 d. Moorficld: 5 AR, 16d; 9 BH. 133 d. F 5: 14 AH, 15*1; 20 811, 14*1; 6 CH. 123*1; 4 pieces, 113 d; 4 bis., 9d. IRS: 11 H 15id. Wainumi: 9 XB, 15cl. A Bros.: 5 XBH, 15d; 14 AE, 123 d; 7 BE, 131 d; 20 XH, 13d; 31 AE, i33d; 20 BE, 14d; 6 B and T, 103 d; 5 erts., 123 d. Ratanm: 6 XBH, 143*1; 7 XW, 133*1. WCS: 7 Rom. H. 153*1. FERN: 8 XH, 143*1. BIEN : 6 XII 143 - 14 AE, 143*1; 4 bis. and pieces, 103 d. AJ\V-Mahoc: 11 XHB, 143 d. AA: 5 XVI 14(1. WMS: 4 XH, 14*1; 8 AE, 13 3 d. FS-K: 4 XII, 14d; 12 XE, 143*1. M.M-P: 4 XH. 133 d; 9 XE, 143 d. JG-L: 5 H, 143*1. Kawiu: 6 H, 12d; 17 XE, 13d. Arapeti: 4 FXJ3, 183*1; 6 MXB, 143*1; 4 coarse XB 123 d; 4 XB. 133 d. Otama: 4 A h XB, 14*1; 5 Ist FXB, 14d; 19 Ist mcd. XB, 14*1; 12 Ist XB, 14d; 6 esc XB, 1S 4 d ’i7 Ist XF, 14).d; 7 Ist med. XB, 14d; 13 BFXB, \XB cot.. 143*1; 15 BXB Cot., 14. d; 5 nks 13ld; 5 A pieces, 113*1; 5 2nd pieces, lid; 6 Ist FX edg.. 134(1; 7 Ist n»ed. cdg., 133*1; 7 Ist XB edg., 143*1; 6 Ist FXB. 14d; 19 Ist mcd. XB, 143 d; 5 XB, 13,d, 12 BFXB. 14d; 23 B mcd. XL,l3id; 14 •{ cots., 143*1; 15 B cots., 14*1; 4 nks., 123*1; 5 A pieces, 113*1; 6 B pieces. ll*d: 5 Ist FX edg., 14d; 7 Ist mcd. cdg.. 13.(1; 5 Ist FXB, 133*1: 19 Ist mod. XL, 133*1; 11 Ist XB, 13d; 6 Xsc. XB. 153 d: 9 FXB. i7i c i. 5 XB 133 d; 12 BFXB, 133 d; 23 B mod. XB 133 d; 13 XB A cots. 15*1; 14 X BB cots, 143 d; 4 nks., 12gd; 4 A pieces, 113 d; 5 pieces, 103 d: 1 b£. 10|d. 8 XB BF 14(1. RAK: 33 XB, 133 d; 6 lbs., 153*1. GIIB: 4 XB. 133 d. Kohanga: 5 AE. 143*1; 5 »E 14J.1 JGA\ in d,a.,.ond: 26 AE 14id; 5 BE, 15id. A^[K. 9 14'd MM-L- 11 XW and E, 143*1. IML-II: ?,S-N hd L X 2 E d ‘ 133 T TOW: 8 XE^KJA. K ’lS, iVa-R3'c “xf l4 d R KA 7X7 9 E lsif*bC^fyxl’ I 9X XBE 13clV 4 erts 2 . X 2d': 133 d. N33R-E- . 18 S’* k “ft ™ XE 143*1. RWT-M: 8 XW. 133*1; 7 XE, 133 d. CGP: 7 XW, 133 d Fencourt: 1 SE&ISft f N - z - Sc«Sf T “, The New Zealand Lean aiid Mercantile Agency Co.. Ltd., report :-Our quota was 3715 bLs There was a full and representa the bench of buyers, but competition was g 1 '), Tls Steady‘‘and Tf f laiLd

accounted for largely owing to the wool not having the style and quality. The principal easing in prices was in the ordinary toprnakmg hoggets, and these can be quoted about Id lower. Bellies and pieces were also a shade easier, but the same applies to these as to fleece wool, namely, that they were ' a lower quality and many of them containing seed. Taken ail through, the sale can be quoted as very irregular with prices owing to the style of wool being a shade easier. The keenest competition caiuo from Japan and America, but Bradford and the Continent were also in the market and picking up suitable lots. Wo are pleased .to report that our clients had decided to meet the market, with the result that wc _ had an almost total clearance at prices which must he satisfactory to the vendors. The following are some of the prices obtained by us at our sale:—

IK-Ngaio.—l2 bales hogget 14d, 26 owe 143 d. Ederdalo: 7 hogget Waiora: 5 A 153 d, b B 14|d. Kiverlands: 6 huitbred 17d, 5 halfbred hogget 18d, 6 hall bred 20id, 4 thrcc-quartorbrcd hogget 153 d, 5 line crossbred, 5 crossbred 14Jci. KB: 4 tlcecc 15d. THP: 5 hogget 143 d, 6 AAE 14d, 6 ewe 13Jd. PC-Kivcrsidc: 8 hogget 163 d. 'KB (in circle) : 4 dead 143 d. Opouru: 7 hoggot 15|d. MB-Hakawai: 8 hogget 15d. C'W : 4 hogget 14d. JS-Kumc-roa: 13 first hogget 16jd, 6 second hogget i4Jd. U-'FJ-K: 7 first hogget 18d, 17 A 15d, 11 B 15Jd, 6 pieces iljd, 4 bellies IOJd. Heck: 4 hogget 13d. Lon, 7 first crossbred 143 d. Shamrock-Hills: 12 A 14d, 15 B 143 d. LAl’-M: 5 ewe 143 d. VT: 8 lioggct 16d, 9 crossbred 14Jd. Mam: 17 owe 16d. ijF-Ngarara: 11 lioggct 14d, 29 A ewe 123 d, 5 B ewe 123 d. JAP-F: 4 owe 14d. DOD: 16 hogget 17jd. AWS: 5 halfbred 20d. AS: 8 ewe l4id. KJC-l: 5 hogget 143-d. Braomoar: 6 hogget 14d. tlJlt: 6 hogget 143 d. Abbotsford: 6 A hogget 153 d, 8 A ewe 17d, 6 crutchings i3id. Haze.burn: 6 AA hogget 153 d, 13 A owe 143 d. Waipapa-ll: 4 ewe 143 d. To Arowhcnua. —4 Merino hogget A 193 d, 4 Merino crutchings 12j,d. V-Poko-rua: 5 lioggct 15Jd. AJ W : 4 crossbred 143 d. Rotcsay: 5 A A Merino 213 d, 5 A Merino 213 d, 5 AA halfbred 21,d, 5 A iialfbred 20d. Makiekio: 4 crutchings 133 d. V|B • 4 A halfbred 203 d, 4 B haltbrcd 18d. Lionsback: 4 halfbred 203 d, 5 thrce-quai-terbred 173 d, 5 crossbred 13 a d. WO: 4 halt bred lad, 3 three-quarterbred, 3 fine crossbred 143 d, 4 crossbred 13 a d- JK=>Ulcnlca: 7 ewe 14d. RL-O: 6 halfbred if 3d, 5 crossbred A 143 d. CMC: 4 hogget i6jd. JUL-Mt. Curl, 24 ewe 143 d. NMLOT: 11 owe 14d, Nothcrwood 4 hogget A 203 d. JR conjoined: 8 Romney hogget 14Ad. JB-Mangatau: 10 hoggot 133 d, 13 ewe 16d. TU-Uimu, 12 hogget 15 s d, 21 ewe 163 d. Strath: 4 hogget I4d, 5 A fine Crossbred 143 d, 8 B fine crossbred 13„d, 5 A medium crossbred 14d, 15 B crossbred 133 d, 5 C medium crossbred H a d, 4 A crossbred 143 d, 13 13 crossbred 153 d, 7 coarse crossbred lojd, 7 crossbied 143 d. Tui-K: 5 Down cross hogget • 20d, 5 A hogget 153 d, 6 B hogget 143 d 5 hogget 123 d Arawa-R: 9 crossbred 123 - JM-k 5 A crossbred 153 d. 5 B crossbred 15d. Kilmory: 8 A hogget 16d, 17 ■ A ciossbred ifiAd, 9 B crossbred 153 d. . W \.J —4 A crossbred 13Jd, 4 B crossbred 135 d FZ : 7 hogget 15d. FM : 5 hogget, 14 d, 13 ewe l4jd. JB-T: 10 crossbred ewe 143 d. WJS-Ahanui : 5 hogget 16d. AWA-MKU: 4 ewe 14d. Crossland: 4 hog-et 143 d. JK-K: 5 crossbred 14 s d. JJ N- 4 crossbred 143 d. Gionbrae: 4 hogget 15d, 9 owe 14d. Kawiu: 37 crossbred 12Jd. Koromiko: 4 A hoggets 14|d. 6 h - crossbred 143 d, 4 A crossbred 15d HI (in diamond): 13 hogget:l43d, 3o ewe 143 d, 4 bellies 113 d. EM-F 3: 5 halfbred hoggot 14Jd, 16 halfbred owe 1.7*1, 6 crossbred . 13.3 d. 6 erts 10Jd. Makiekie: 14 hogget 153 d, 6 wethers 14d. G (in semi-circle): 20 crossbred 14-3 d. WDD: 5 Ryeland 1M 5 crossbred 14d. AL-0: 5 halfbred 203 d 6 A crossbred 143 d, 7 B crossbred 15d. HHS : 5 crossbred ewo 14-Jd. DW K: 8 halfbred A 15id, 6 AA halfbred, 19Jd, 8 fine crossbred 14d. Aff-K: 5 halfbred 19Jd. TEC: 4 A hogget 16d, 6 B hogget. 16d. Makaira, 4 Merino 17Jd, 5 hogget 15(1. Rannoch-plus (in circle).—4 Southdown 20Ad. LHB: 4 crossbred 133 d. H aipawaMPC • 3 super ,hogg et 14Jd. Te Kopi: 4 hogget 14d. 16 A ewe 143 d, B ewe 14d, 4 C ewe 133 d. HP-FDG : 5 Southdown hogget 19d, 6 Romney hogget 14 a -d. BWERvalk: 4 crossbred ewe 133 d. Parer a: 4 hogget 133 d, 6 ewe 133 d, 5 ewe B 12jd. = Lincoln 15Jd. Orope: 7 A crossbred 15 s d, 13 B crossbred 16Jd, 4 crossbred 15 a d, b pieces and bellies Hid. CBC: U crossbred ewe 14d- IIJR: 5 ewe 143 a. Kea-W 5 fine crossbred 14id, 4 B pieces 103 d. Glenwai : 6 first hogget 153 d 4 A crossbred 153 d, 8 B crossbred 143d’ 4 crossbred I4£d, 4 pieces 12a. Argyll: 5 hogget. 143-d, 8 A crossbred 153 d, 7 B

crossbred 153 d. Matai-MJL-lluka: 9 A crossbred 15d, 5 B crossbred 14Jd GR-1J - 8 ewe 15d. Braemoar: 8 wethers 14d. RVS-Pittencrief: 9 ewe 14d. JMR, block): 7 hogget 153 d, 13 ewe 14|cL IAL--7 ewo 133 d. ELN-K: 6 halfbred 20d. RMCK-C-K (in diamond) : ’ Southdown 19d. OOO: 5 crossbred 133 d. HL conjoined : 8 crossbred 13Jd. BBB: 4 hogget 153 d, 12 A ewe 15d. IISS: 8 Down lambs 14Jd, 4 Romney lambs 13Jd, 5 Romney 14d. HW-A: 7 crossbred ewe 14id. Mironui: 7 crossbred 14d. 7L under line. 6 crossbred ewe 14d. . . j Homebush. —16 ewe 143 d. OM conjoined--5 hogget 153 d, 6 ewe 14|d Airhrac: 4 hoggot 133 d. J-B-I-inton: 5 A A hoggets 16 2 d 5 A hoggets 15d. RJHM-Kawakawa 7 »vo 143 d. JHS-Kilmarnoeh: 2 halfbred, 2 three-quarterbred 20Jd, 5 fine crossbred 17d, 5 crossbred 143 d. Highland-Home 7 ewo 15d. Craigncuk, 6 halfbred X hog get A 19d, 7 Lcieoster-Merino cross hogget A 18d. Leicester-Merino cross hogge, B 173 d. I-ITK: 6 hogget 14Jd, 10 ewe 143 d; OTM-Clova: 2 hogget A, 2 hogget B 13Jd, 5 A crossbred 14d, 5 B crossbro 143 d. IJF-Tini: 6 hogget 14 a d 25 A ewe 143 d. To Rimu: 17 wethers 14d 22 owe 133 d. Mironui, ’ Southdown 19c. HLM - 4 fine crossbred 153 d, 5 crossbred 15d. le Kopi: 5 bellies and pieces ll a d. JL: 4 crossbred 14d. DII-A: 4 . hf } l , f , b l rod 7rF l^ d ; MIIK: 2 medium crossbred 14jd. i ■ 4 fine crossbred 16d, 6 crossbred 14k . BJCj 4 halfbred and fine crossbred 14 a d. Taumaha: 17 Southdown 17d, 36 hogget 13Jd, 72 ewo 133 d, 4 hogget 13d Snow. 10 A hogget 143 d. 5 B hoggets 14d 11 A crossbred 14jjd, 15 B crossbied 154 » crossbred 15Jd. SYDNEY SALES. INFERIOR SORTS IRREGULAR. SYDNEY, Dec. 9. At the wool sales 12,120 bales were offered, 8900 being sold at. auction and 2544 privately. Best descriptions realised lull late rates, but irregularity for medium and inferior sorts continued. Greasy Merino made to 30£d. /

remarkable advance: — April, 1936. Lee., 1936 Merino — d. d. d. d. Extra super ... Super ‘ _ 214 to 215 Average 13 to 14 184 to 21 Inferior Hi to 12J — to 17 Fine halfbred : 56-58's — Extra super ... — — — Super 125 to 15A 21 to 244 Average 105 to 124 18 to 205 Inferior 8J to 95 15 to 175 Medium halfbred: 50-56’s— Extra super ... - — — Super 125 to 14s 204 to 23 Average 105 to 124 164 to 20 Inferior 8 to 104 13 to 164 Extra fine crossbred : 48-50's — Super 104 to 115 17 4 to 18g Average 85 to 104 15-4 to 17 Inferior 74 to 84 13 to 15 Fine crossbred : 4b-48’s — Super 94 to 104 154 to 19 Average 84 to 9 14 to 164 Inferior 7 to 8 12 to 14 Medium crossbred : 44-46’s — Super 85 to 94 154 to 19 Average 75 to 84 144 to 16 Inferior 64 to 74 12 to 15 Coarse crossbred : 14-44’s — Super 85 to 94 154 to 18 Average 75 to 84 14 to 164 Inforior 64 to 74 125 to 154 Low crossbred : 36-40’s- - Super 85 to 10 — to 164 Average 75 to 84 144 to 154 Inferior — to 74 13 to 15 Hoggets: 52-54's 48-50's — — 204 75 to 12 13 to 18 Medium, 44-46’s 8 to 94 13 to 16 Coarse, 40—44’s 7 to 85 . Low. 26-40’b ... 7 to 84 Lambs — Down, 50-56's . —4 O 134 Id 16 Fine, 44-50's ... ?2 to H 2 13 to 18 Med., 40-44’s ... 7 to 9 12 to 14 Seedy and inf. 4? to V, 11 to 135 Bellies and Pieces Merino — Good to super 94 to 105- — Low -to rued .. — to 74 Ilalfbred— Good to super 55 to 94 13 to 15 Low to mad. . 5 to 7 11-4 to 124 Crossbred— Good to super 6 (0 94 105 to 144 Low to mod. .. 4 to 64 7 to 11 Crutchings: Med. to good 6 to 85 12 to 15 Inf. and seedy 24 to 52 9 to 13 Locks: Merino 8 to 95 Half bred 5 to 5 2 85 to 94 Crossbred 34 to 54 74 to 104

Branscombe— AAII loj zz AH 12 21 II nocks 91 151 Perilled — Super three-quar-ter bred E 12 X9 2 Super medium three-quarter-bred E lli iyi Super crossbred E 11 18i Super H lli 211 Eastry— AE 111 Z1 BE 10i 18 AAII 131 21 i All 12 20 Fvvie — Halfbrc<l II 161 zz\ JEli-Maire — AAII 10i 1D2 Pukeruru-plus— BE 91 lb CE 8 161 ilillcrsden — 21 Merino W 151 lialfbred E Hi V 18| lialfbred H 12i 4 20 Maunga-Raki— - AAE Hi • lbi AE io„19 BE ' 11 18 CE 91 18 Tepuhi — AAII 11 16 BBII 9i 14-Tutu-'i'otara— All 101 17 AE 91 I7i ACK— All 12 181 AE 9i loi Muteroa — AH 9i 16

Dec., 1955. Dec., 1936. d d d d Hoggets, 48-50 9 to 13 16 to 20j Hoggets, 46-48 8 to 103 133 to 15i Extra fino crossbred, 48-50 104 to 12 143 to 164 Fine crossbred, 46-48 to JO?? 14 to 164 Med crossbred, 44-46 9i to 103 144 to 164 Coarse crossbred. 40-44 83 to 10a 15 to 16 Crossbred bellies and pieces— Good to super ... 64 to 83 104 to 123 Low to mod 43 to 6 9 to 10j

Crossbred crutchings— Med. to good 6 io 7 1 13 to 143 Inferior and seedy 4 to b* 9 to 10 Crossbred locks .... 4 to 6i 8 to 93

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LVII, Issue 10, 10 December 1936, Page 4

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SOUND WOOL MARKET Manawatu Standard, Volume LVII, Issue 10, 10 December 1936, Page 4

SOUND WOOL MARKET Manawatu Standard, Volume LVII, Issue 10, 10 December 1936, Page 4