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The Johnsonville sale was held yesterday, when Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., offered an average yarding -of. all classes of stock. The bullocks comprised chiefly prime heavyweights, with a few pens of lighter sorts. These met with a dragging sale, prices being from 5s to 10s per head easier. Prime heavy station cows showed no alteration, while medium, weights and unfinished sorts were slightly easier. 'I he demand for cows ex-dairy , was not so keen an usual, prices being easier to the extent of 5s per head on previous sales, Prime heavy runners and prime lightweight vealers met with spirited competition, prices being firm at late rates. The yarding of wethers comprised chiefly light to mcdiiunweight, no heavyweights being yarded. A good sale resulted with prices slightly above export parity. The yarding of ewes comprised chiefly heavyweight sheep, with a few pens of light and inferior sorts. Prices for heavy sheep were -slightly firmer, while inferior sorts were not wanted, 'flic yarding of lambs was of indefinite .quality, only u fSw pons of prime heavyweights came forward. Prime heavy lambs met with a good demand, prices showing Is per head rise on last, week’s quotations, while plain and lightweight lambs were hard to quit. Cattle. —Prime extra heavy bullocks, £l2 15s, £l2 11s, £l2 ss, £l2; prime h->avy, £ll 15s, £ll 10s, £ll 7s, £ll 2s 6d. £11; heavy, £lO 10s, £lO ss, £lo"2s 6d, £9 18s; extra prime heavy cows and heifers, £8 4s, £8 2s 6d, £B. £7 17s; prime heavy, £7 10s, £7 ss. £7; cows and heifers, £4 17s, £4 12s, £4 6s, £3 19s, £3 14s, £3 12s; runners, £4 2s. £3 18s, £3 15s, £3 9s, £3 ss, £2 19s, £2 10s; vealers, £2 2s 6d. £1 17s. £1 15s, £1 16s. Sheep.—Prime heavy wethers, 25s lOd, 25s 7d, 25s 6d; medium. 245, 23s 6d, 235; prime extra heavy ewes, 20s 2d, 19s 6d, 19a: prime heavy, 18s Bd, 18s 6d, 18s; medium, 17s, 16s 6d; heavy lambs, 255, 24s 3d, 245, 23s 4d; medium. 21s 6d, 21s, 20s, 19s lOd; light, 18s 6d, IBs 3d, 18s. LEVIN SALE. At the Levin sale there was an • average yarding of cattle, sheep and pigs, which met good competition. _ Prices realised were on a par with .last week’s quotations, porkers being slightly dearer. The following is the range of prices:—Pigs: Medium stores, 10s to 15s; largo do.. 17s to 20s; porkers, 26s to 335; large porkers, 39s to 475; baconcrs, 50s to 555. Sheep: Small wether lambs, 11s to 14s 6d; good ewe lambs, 17s 6d: fat lambs, 22s Id to 255; f.f.m. ewes, 23s 6d. Cattle: Prime fat rows. £6 to £6 15s; good fat cows, £4 17s 6d to £5 15s; heavy store rows. £2. Ids to £3. 15s; light store cows, £1 5s to £2 ss; vealers, £2 2s 6d to -£2 15s; heifers in calf; £4 ss; potfer bulls, £3 10s. PAHIATUA CATTLE FAIR, Keen competition was experienced at the Paliiatua cattle fair, when a good entry of all classes of cattle was offered to a large and representative attendance of 'buyers. .Bullocks of forward condition were keenly sought after, and goed 18-months and 2£-ycar steers 6old readily, a lino of 18 months P.A. cross steers, making £7 10s, and li-ycar steers, £7. With the exception of one pen of empty cows, a total clearance was effected. FROZEN MEAT The New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op. Dist. Coy., Ltd., have received the following advice from London: “Lamb, stability established, indications are for continued firmness. Average prices: Down twos. 71d ; eights, G-J-d, 7d; fours, 6§d, 61-d ; prime twos, 7-Jd: eights, GJd: rourg, 6§d; seconds, Gld, ,7idi” WpEAT CARGOES. LONDON, April 6. Wheat cargoes are easier. Parcels are in small request and lower. Futures, —London : May, 27s lOd; November, 27s 111 d per quarter. Liverpool: May. 6s OJd; July, 6s ljd; October, 6s OJd per cental. FARMING NEWS. RURAL RAKINGS. The first Young Farmers’ Club in South Taranaki was formed at Manaia this week. It was decided at a meeting of directors of the Levin Co-operative Dairy Company, yesterday, to advance 9Jd for butterfat supplied during March. As the payout, for the corresponding month last year was Bd, this figure represents a good increase. The production figures show an increase on last, year, and the final figures should bo a record, as there arc still two months of the year to go. “I sav emphatically that the guin lands of North Auckland can he made into as good land as any in Taranaki at comparatively small cost,” said the Mayor of Whangarei (Mr IV. Jones), at a meeting in Whangarei. Mr Jones, in "discussing the possibility of inducing settlors to settle in North Auckland, said it was true there were no largo estates or properties to cut up for farming. However, there were thousands of acre's in the Whangarei county alone that could be put into firstclass land. ,

WELLINGTON MARKETS. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. WELLINGTON, April 7. Prices of fruit, vegetables and ot.hqr produce in the Wellington markets this week are quoted ns follows: Apples.—Cox's Orange, 3s 6d to 6s per bushel case, cookers, 2s 6d to 4s; Jonathans. 2s 6d to 3s; Ballarats, 4s to 5s 6d; Delicious, 3s to 4s; Granny Smith, 5s 6d to 7s. Quinces, choice, 6s to Bs. Pears: W.8.C., 4s 6d to 6s ( per jj-caso; L.8.J., 6s to 8s 6d; cookers, 4s to ss; Winter Coles, 3s 6d to 6s 6d; Keiffei's, 5s to 6s. Peaches, 5s to 6s 6d a half-ease; capo gooseberries, 4s 6d to 5s 6d a half-case; passion fruit, 6s 6d to 8s 3d a box. Tomatoes, 4s to 7s a half-cnse; grapes, hothouse, Is 2d to Is lid a pound. Lemons, cured, 12s to 15s a bushel; others, 6s 1o 10s. Cucumbers. —2s to 4s a case; beans, 5s to 11s 6d per part sack; potatoes, 6s to 9s a ewt; peas, green, 12s to 19s 6d a bag; others, 4s to 10s; kuincras, 8s to 10s a sugar-hag; celery, 12s to 14s a ease; cauliflowers, 6s to 10s a sack; cabbago, 3s 6d to 5s a case. lettuce, 2s to 3s 8d a ease; others, Is to Is 6d a case; spinach, 7s to 9s a ease; swedes, Is 6d to 2 6d a case; marrows, 1 to 1 6d a case; pumpkins, 4s to 6s a sack; parsnips, 2s to 3s 9d a case; carrots, 2s 6d to 4s 6d a case; beetroot, 2s 6d to 4s 6d a case; leeks, 4d to 9d a bundle; rhubarb, 2s to 4s per dozen bunches; onions, 3s to 3s 6d a sugarbag. Eggs.—Fresh, hens, 2s 5d a dozen; medium, 2s Id; pullets, Is 7d; preserved, Is 6d; walnuts, choice, 4£d to sid a pound. AUCKLAND MARKETS. AUCKLAND, April 7. The potato market is in short supply and merchants aro doipg most of their business with Rangitikei. The quotation is £lO per ton. Sufficient onions to meet all requirements arc available from Pukekohe, and values are unchanged at £5 10s per ton on rail. Bran is in good supply at unchanged rates. The southern market for feed oats is very firm, due to delays in threshing, and local merchants have raised charges for B Gallons Id per bushel to 4s, thrqugh store. Somo good samples of Duns became available recently, and the price was lowered to 5s 3d per bushel, but further supplies from the south arc not available at present. Chaff is unchanged at £7 17s, 6d per ton. Maize is dull of sale as a result of the Irgh rates ruling, and dealers have dropped their price Id a bushel to 6s Bd. Bailey is in very short supply at present, duo to the late arrival of the March shipment from Australia. b WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY’S BUSINESS AND PRICES. A slightly-improved tone was shown on the Wellington stock and .share markets yesterday, a feature of the day’s bus ness being a sharp recovery in Bank of New Zealand shares. A sale was made on change at 465, an advance of 2s on recent dealings. Buyers stayed in at 46s 3d but sellers moved up to 47s 9d. r lli6 D long-term mortgage shares were . wanted at 275, but holders hardened to 30s Sellers of Reserve Bank shares were asking £6 11s, - which fully covers the 25s premium and the accrued dividend. Bank of Australasia were again sought at £ll 12s 6d, sellers casing to £ll 17s. Other bank shares were nut in demand. Financial issues were quiet and unchanged. There was a strong demand for gas shares at late rates. Insurance shares were a. shade firmer. National gained 2d at 18> 4d, but' there was no response. New Zealand wore firmer on business at 58s 9d. and more were wanted at 58s 6d, Queensland were unchanged at 55s 6d, and South British Insurance were sixpence better at 88s 6d. No interest- was shown in moat freezing shares. Union Steam preference were 9d up at 265; no sellers. Wellington Woollen were firm at £5 15s. tor both issues, and Kaiapoi were 6d better at. 14s. Timber issues were firmer, and there wore four sales of Kauri at 245. Taringamutu moved up 4d to 9s 4d. Brewery shares showed l'ttle change. New Zealand wore fractionally better at 525. and Staples were 3d lower at 335. Miscellaneous industrial and trading, issues were steady to slightly firmer. British Tobacco were quoted at 39s 6d, sellers holding for 40s 6d. Woolworths, Lid., on the unofi.*',al list, sold at from £7 3s to £7 5s 6d, with a reversion to the former price. Mining issues were very dull. YESTERDAY’S QUOTATIONS. The latest buying and selling quotations recorded yesterday on the V ellington Stock Exchange were as follow: — Buyers. Sellers. N.Z. GOVT. LOANS— £ s. d. £ s. d.

YESTERDAY’S SALES. Wellington.-—Bank of New Zealand, £2 6s; New Zealand Insurance, £2 18s 9d; Standard Insurance, *£3 2s 6d; Kauri Timber (4), £1 4s; Dominion Fertiliser, £1 ss; Wilson’s Cement, £2. *Late sale Monday. Auckland.—Bank of New Zealand (2), £2 6s, £2 6s 3d, £2 6s 6d, D. mort., £1 7s 3d-; New Zealand Insurance, £2 19s, ditto, £2 19s South British Insurance (2) £4 9s; Auckland Gas, £1 5s lid, 15s paid, 18s 9d; B. and 0. def. stock,(2), £1 3s 6d; New Zealand Breweries, £2 12s 3d; Farmers’ Trading (2), 9s sd; Morris Hedstrom (2), £1 ss; Northern Roller, £1 4s; Golden Crown (2), 8s 4d, contrib., 8s; Golden Dawn, 3s 2d; Maori Gully, lid; Mount Morgan (2), 16s 7d. Christchurch. —Comm. Bank of Aust. (3), 19s lOd; Timaru Brewery, 10s paid (4), 14s 6d; Broken Hill Pty., new issue, 10s pd. (2), £1 15s 9d; Argo Gold (2), Is 3Jd ; Big River, 2s; Maori Gully, lid; Skippers, 2ld. Sales reported; Cook Cty., 4J per cent., 1-5-64, £lO3 15s; New Zealand Guarantee Corporation. *ss 3d; United Building, £1 0s 6d; Devonport Ferry, *£l Is; Auckland Gas, *£l 5s l'Od; N.Z. Breweries, £2 12s Id; Broken Hill Pty., new issue. 10s pd., £1 15s 10d; Tooth and Co., £2 11s 8d; Mount Lycll, £1 4s Id ; New Zealand Farmers’ Co-op., 41 per cent., 1945, £9O 2s 6d; Argo Gold (2), Is 3sd. *Late sale Monday. Dunedin. —Inscr. Stk., 4 per cent.,* 1946, £lO3 ss; National Insurance. 18s Gd; Standard Insurance, *£3 2s 6d; Huddart Parker, pref., £1 7s; Gillespies Beach, Is ljd- *Late sale Monday. LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. LONDON, April 6. On the Stock Exchange to-day the markets were quiet in view of the approach of the holiday, but the general tone was favourable. British funds were steady. War Loan 3i per cent, being quoted at £lO7 3s 9d. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. ON NEW ZEALAND CURRENCY BASIS. The Bank of New South Wales, Web lington, quoted the following rates for their purchases and ot foreign exchange yesterday: Now Zealand. Buying. Selling.

T.T. represents telegraphic transfers. O.D. represents on demand transatioas The above rates are subject to altera tion without The Associated Banks (other than the Bank of New South Wales) quoted the following dollar rates yesterday, _ on a New Zea'anu- currency haul*. They ar« subject to alteration without notice. U.S.A. Canada, (Fer tper £1 N.Z.) £1 N.Z.i belling— dols dols. TT 3.961 3.98| O.D. 3.971 -3.991 Buying , O.D 4.011 _4.o3|'

3| p.c. Riser. Stock, March, 1939-43 .100 16 0 — 3j p.c. ditto, March, 1941-43' .100 10 0 — p.c. ditto, 1938-52 ... .102 5 0 — 3. [ p.c. ditto, 1939-52 ... 62 p.c. ditto, Nov., .102 ' b 0 1941-52 p.c. ditto, May, .102 5 0 1941-52 .102 5 •o — 4 p.c. ditto. 1937-40 .. — 102 5 0 4 p.c. ditto, 1943-46 ... ,102 15 0 103 2 6 4 p.c. ditto, 1946-49- ... .103.10 0 104 10 0 4 p.c. ditto, 1952-55 .. .103 10 0 104 0 0 4 jVc. Bonds, 1937-40 .. ,102 0 0 102 5 0 • 4 p.c. ditto, 1943-46 ... 103 5 0 4 p.c. ditto, 1946-49 ... .103 10 0 104 0 0 4 p.c. ditio, 1952-55 .. .103 0 0 104 2 6 5 pc. Rural Bonds, 1947 .102 0 0 — DEBENTURES — Waitomo E.i\, 4J- p.c., 1952 .100 0 0 104 0 0 Well. Harb., p.c., 1940 Arnulg. Brick (Auck.), .101 10 0 102 2 6 0 Vi p.c., 1/3'44 — 100 15 Ditto (Wghi.), 7i 0 . p.c.. 31/3/44 — 100 15 BANKS— 17 Australasia 11 12 6 11 0 Comrcl. of Aurt., ord. — 1 0 2 Ditto, prof Eng., Scot., and A list. National of N.Z Z 9 10 *6 6 3 17 0 0 0 National of Australasia, £5 paid — 7 7 0 New South Wales ... — 34 7 6 New Zealand 2 6 3 2 7 9 Ditto. D long Icnn .. . 1 7 0 1 10 0 Reserve Bank of N.Z — 6 11 0 Union of A ust — 9 18 0 FIN A NCI A I.— . Equitable Bdg. Co. .. — t) 15 0 Goldsbrough, Mori and 11 . 1 11 3 1 9 Mortgage Corporation 0 9 9 —- National Morlgage, “A’' — 2 12 6 N.Z. Guarantee Corp . 0 5 2 0 5 8 N Z. Invest., Mort. 0 Deposit : — 0 0 10 N.Z. and River IMale 0 16 — Well. Invest., T. & A . 0 8 9 . 0 9 6 Well. Trust, Loan .. GAS— . 5 3 6 9 . 1 . 0 18 9 0 19 6 Ditto; con t rib . 0 18 9 0 19 6 — 0 10 6 Napier, contrib. . 5 0 0 5. 10 0 . 5 0 0 b 1U 0 Ditto, ord. , in 0 0 — Ditto, . 10- - 0 0 — New Plymouth '■■■■ 19 5 5 c Wellington, ord 1 9 Ditto, prof INSURANCE— . 1 4 3 National, of N.Z . 0 18 .4 — New Zealand . 2 18 6 — Queensland . 2 15 6 — South British MEAT PRESERVING*4 8 6 0 Gear Meat .— • i 9 N.Z. Refrig., lCs paid — 0 9 10 Well. Meat ICx., prof. — '10 0 TRANSPORT18 .6 Huddart, Barker, .ord. — 1 Union Steam, pref. .. WOOLLEN — . i 6 0 Kaiapoi, ord . 0 14 0 0 14' 9 Manawatu —■. : 1' 16. 9 Prestige .N.Z., prof. .. —. 0 r 1 3 6 Ditto, pref . 5 15 COAL— • ■ 0 0 Grey Valley 9 — . 1 2 0 Westport — 1 2 6

TIMBERKauri 1 3 10 1 5 0. Rotoiti — 0 7 0 Taringamutu 0 9 4 — Taupo Totara, ord. ... BREWERIES0 9 3 . N.Z. Breweries ih. 2 12 0 2 12 3 Staples and Co 1 13 0 — Tooth and Co — 2 12 3 Tui to to O' — MISCELLANEOUSAnthony Hordern 0 19 3 0 19 8 British Tobacco, Aust. 1 19 6 2 0 6 Broken Hill l’ty 2 19 3 3 0 0 Ditto, contrib 1 15 6 — Burns I’hilp and Co. — 3 9 9 Colonial Sugar 41'10 0 42 2 6 Con. Brick and Pipe — 0 11 0 Den. and Med. Sup. 0 10 0 0 12 6 Dominion Fertiliser .. — 1 5 6 D.I.C., ord 0 15 0 . Ditto, pref .' — ~ 1 4 6 Dunlop Perdriau 0 13 11 — General Industries ... 0 18 6 0 18 11 — *3 11 6 N.Z. Paper Milk 1 8 : 0 — l’rocera Bread, old. .. 1 1 6 — Ditto, vendor 1 1 6 ■ — Sharland and Co., ord. — *1 1 6 Ditto, pref — *1 1 6 Taranaki Oil 0 0 6 Wilsons N.Z., Cement 1 19 9 2 0 3 Woolworths N.Z., ord. 5 5 0 5 7 6 Ditto, Ltd., 2nd pref. MINING— — 1 5 ' 6 Big River 0 1 11 0 2 2 Brian Born — 0 0 3 . King Soiomon 0 2 10* 0 3 2 Martha * . 1 0 6 Mataki. ' 0 2 0 *Cum dividend.

on London — £N.Z. to £st g .ioa T.T. 121 124/10/0 O.D. 123/10/0 124/8/9 A ustralia — £A. to £N Z. 100 T.T. to; 100/10/0 O.D. 101 100/10,0 Fiji— £F. to £N.Z. 100 T.T.' 90/7/6 69 O.D. 90/7/6 89 New York — Dollars to £1 N.Z .- TT. 4.00i 3.964 O.D. 4.01J 3:971 Montreat — Dollars to £1 N.Z T.T. 4.02a 3.93| O.D. 4.03& 3.991 France— N.Z T.T. £0.84 60. or O.D. 61.29 60.05 Hong-Kong— N.Z. lienee to 1 dollar .. T.T. 18 57-64 20 25-64 O.D. 18 51-64 20 23-64 Japan— N.Z, pence to 1 yen T.T. — 17 19-32 O.D — 17 37-64 Shanghai— N.Z. pence to 1 dollar . T.T. 17 17-64' 18 41-64 O.D 17 5-64 18|

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LVI, Issue 109, 8 April 1936, Page 5

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FARMING AND COMMERCIAL Manawatu Standard, Volume LVI, Issue 109, 8 April 1936, Page 5

FARMING AND COMMERCIAL Manawatu Standard, Volume LVI, Issue 109, 8 April 1936, Page 5