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ADDINGTON SALE. RATES FULLY MAINTAINED. Per Press Association. CHRISTCHURCH, Jan. 16. 'lhole were heavy entries at the Addington market to-day, but late rates were fullv maintained. Store sheep.—-All but a small proportion of the entry were lambs, which sold well, the best price being 17s. Fat lambs.—36o9 were penned, and as the export rate has been increased by Id during the week a good sale resulted. Best made to 26s Id; good, 23s 3d to 255; ordinary, 19s 6d to 22s 6d; and light, 16s to 19s. Fat sheep.—4 800 were penned. Ewes made 6d a head better, while wethers were unchanged. Extra prime heavy wethers, to 27s 4d; prime, 24s 6d to ! 25s 6d; medium weight prime, 21s 6d to 245; others, 17s 6d to 21s; best ewes, to 22s 4d; prime, 18s 6d to 20s; medium weight, prime, 16s 6d to 18s; ordinary, 14s to 16s; light, to 13s 6d. Fat cattle.—-496 were penned, the rates of the last sale being maintained. Best beef made from 22s to 24s a 100 lb; extra prime heavy steers sold to £lO 12s 6d ; prime heavy, £8 os to £9 10s; prime medium weight, £7 10s to £8 15sordinary quality, £4 5s to £7; light, to £3 15s; extra prime heifers, to £9 2s 6d; prime, £4 15s to £6 15s; medium, £3 5s to £4 12s 6d; light, to £3 2s 6d; extra prime cows, to £7 7s 6d; prime, £4 5s to £5 15s; ordinary, £2 7s 6d to £4; light, to £2 ss. Fat pigs.—There w-as a very large entry in the fat pig section, and last week’s values were well maintained. Two export buyers operated, and secured 250 of the entry. Values were as follow: —-Choppers, 60s to £5 14s 6d; baconers, 45s to 54s 6d; heavy baconers, to £3 4s 6d; extra heavy baconers, to £3 14s 6d; average price per lb, 51 d to porkers, 27s 6d tb 33s 6d; heavy porkers, 35s 6d to 39s 6d; average price per lb, 51d to 6d. JOHNSONVILLE SALE. Large yardings of cattle and lambs and an average offering of sheep were forward at the Johnsonville stock sale held yesterday by AVriglit, Stephenson and Coy., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd. Cattle.—Very few prime bullocks were penned, the majority being plain and unfinished. Competition for prime ox was keen, with a firming tendency ; unfinished were not wanted, with frequent passings. There was a larger yarding than usual of cows of good quality; prime heavy weights sold at late rates, while plain sorts were slightly easier. The yarding of vealers was of indifferent quality, prices showing no alteration.

Sheep.—Prime heavy sold well at late rates; liglit and unfinished were not sought after. Heavy ewes met with a ready sale; plain sheep were not wanted. Well-finished lambs met with keen competition, prices being slightly above export parity, medium and plain lambs showing no alteration on last week’s prices! Cattle.—Prime extra heavy bullocks, £9 14s single; £9 12s single; prime heavy bullocks, £8 15s single; £8 12s single, and £8 10s single; heavy bullocks, £8 5s .single; £8 4s, £7 17s, £7 15s, £7 8s; light and unfinished bullocks £7 11s, £7 Bs, £7 ss ;_ extra prime heavy cows and heifers, £5 11s single; £5 10s single; £5 8s single; prime heavy cows and heifers, £5 4s, £4 10s, £4 ss, £3 15s; cows and heifers ex“dairy, £3. £2 11s, £2 7s, £2 2s, £1 17s 6d. £1 10s, £1 4s 6d; vealers, £2 7s 6d, £1 18s, £1 10s. Sheep.—Prime extra heavy wethers, 25s 3d, 24s lid, 24s 3d; prime heavy wethers, 23s 6d, 235; prime extra heavy ewes, 17s 6d, small pen; 17s small pen; 16s 9d small pen ; prime heavy ewes, 16s 6d, 16s 4d. 16s; medium ewes, 15s 9d, 15s 6d, 14s 7d, 14s, 13s 9d ; heavy spring lambs, 23s 5d singles; 22s small pen; 20s 9d, 20s 3d; medium spring lambs, 19s 9d, 19s 6d, 19s 2d, 18s lOd, 18s 6d; light spring lambs, 16s 10d, 16s 3d, 15s 9d, 15s 3d. LEVIN BALE. Values were on the whole well maintained at the Levin stock sale held 011 Tuesday. A fair offering of pigs came forward, although the price of porkers suffered somewhat as a result of the imposition of the recent embargo. Large yearlings of sheep were presented, values in this section remaining firm, except as regards lambs, on which the raising of the schedule has had a derogatory effect on realisations. The offering of cattle was somewhat small. Prices received ranged as follow: —Pigs: Weaners, 10s 6d, 11s, 11s 6d, 12s, 12s Od, 13s, 13s 6d; porkers, 255, 25s 6d, 26s 6d, 275, 28s 6d, 295, 29s 6d, 30s, 30s 6d, 31s, 325. 32s 6d; choppers, 37s 6d, 38s, 395, £2, £2 0s 6d, £2 Is. Sheep : Store lambs, 9s 6d, 10s, 12s 6d, 13s 6d, 14s 6d, los, 17s 6d; ewes. 15s 6d. 15s 9d, 16s, 16s 3d; fat wethers, 22s 6(1, 235, 23s 6d; hoggets, 25s 6d, 25s 9d, 265, 26s 6d. Cattle: Vealers, 12s 6(1, 13s 6d, 15s, 16s 6d, 17s 6d; store cows. 15s, 15s 6d, 16s, 16s 6d, 17s, 17s 6d; bulls, 15s, 17s 6d, 20s, 21s; fat cows, 355. 365, 37s 6(1, 38s 6d, £2. £2 2s 6d, £2 3s, £2 ss, £2 6s; heifers, £2 4s, £2 ss, £2 5s 6d, £2 7s, £2 7s 6d. FORDELL SALE. There was a yarding of 5000 sheep and lambs at the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Coy., Ltd’s. Fordell sale yesterday. Lambs comprised the bulk of the entry. They included all sorts and qualities, prices ranging from 3s for little cull lambs to 17s 3d for a line of ewe lambs. The poorer class of lambssold at comparatively higher values than the medium lambs. Good forward Southdown lambs made up to 16s 9(1 for a line sold on account Mr 0. J. Hawken. Top prices for lambs and wethers were made by lines sent up for sale from the Marl-

borough Sounds; 360 wethers from the Sounds made 19s 9d, a splendid line of ewe lambs 17s 3d and a medium line of wether Romney lambs 14s 9d. The sale opened at about last sale’s prices, but improved considerably and the strong enquiry was apparent towards the end of the sale. Taranaki buyers bought freely, especially the smaller lambs. Prices ranged as follow : 2-t-ooth ewes, small, 20s sd, medium, 23s sd; 320 wethers and lambs 19s 9d; 146 wethers ex Sounds, 17s 9d ; 84 ewe lambs ex Sounds, 17s 3d; 270 wether lambs ex Sounds, 14s 9d; local linos of good Southdown lambs 15s to 16s 9d; medium S.D. lambs, 13s 3d to 14s 6d ; good Romney wether lambs, shown, 13s 3d to 15s od; medium, 10s "6d to 12s 9d; small, 5s to 9s 9d; ewe lambs, good, 17s 3d ; medhim, 13s to 14s 9(1; small, 8s to 11s 6d. Only two or three lots were passed, practically all the yarding being sold at auction. BEEF RISES. STORTFORD LODGE VALUES. Per Press Association. HASTINGS, Jan. 16. With a smaller entry and with quality lines in short supply, the beef market at Stortford Lodge took a further rise, prices showing a distinct improvement on last week, this making the third successive sale at which the demand has been ahead of the supply. Bullocks, which were few, met with a very good inquiry, with cows and heifers also selling well. Dairy-bred sorts, which were m fair supply, also participated in the improvement. Bullocks, medium to prime, £8 to £8 6s; others from £6 16s; cows, medium to prime, £4 10s to £5 Is; others from £2 ss; heifers, medium to prime £5 15s to £( ; others from £4 Is. There were scarcely anv store cattle offering. Fat sheep, which were in fair supply, made late rates generally, with ewes appreciating slightly, export buyers paying up to their limits. The lamb and wether offerings sold steadily, all classes in the section meeting with good local and export demand. Ewes, medium to prime, 15s to 16s 3d; others from 13s 6d; wethers, to 23s lid; lambs, 17s Gd to 23s Bd. Store sheep, which, with fat sheep, numbered over 20,000 head, were in steady demand with outside and local buyers purchasing at rates much on a par with last week. Rape lambs were firm, while ewes and wethers sold steadily. Rape lambs, store to good store, to 13s 8d; fat and forward, to 16s Id; wethers to 21s 3d; two-tooth ewes to 2Gs 4d; older ewes to 16s 2d; store ewes to 6s 2d. BURNSIDE SALE. Per Press Association. DUNEDIN, Jan. 16. There were larger entries in the major sections at to-day’s Burnside sale. The yarding of fat cattle totalled 306 head, and comprised principally medium quality bullocks and a large percentage of cows and heifers. The sale opened with prices showing a drop of 10s per head, and over the final races the market had a further easing tendency. Extra prime heavy bullocks sold to £lO 17s 6d; prime heavy, £5 2s Gd to £9 7s 6d; medium, £6 17s 6d to £7 12s 6d; liglit, down to £5 10s; extra prime heavy cows and heifers, to £7 17s 6d. A yarding of 280 store cattle was offered, including a large entry of vealers. The latter were slow of sale, and considerably reduced prices had to be accepted. A pen of good conditioned three and four-vear-old steers changed hands at £6 ss, while boner and cull cows sold at late rates. A medium entry of 45 dairy cows attracted more competition than has been the case for some time past, and good young cows, close to profit, sold (o £6 ss. There was an entry of 2077 fat sheep, a largo proportion being freezing and medium ewes. Heavy wethers, of which only a few consignments were forward, made barely last week’s higher rates. Heavy ewes firmed at tlie commencement, but values declined later and over the last races there was a drop of Is Gd to 2s per head. All .light sheep with the benefit of freezing competition were firm at late rates. Extra prime heavy wethers sold to 27s 6d; prime heavy, 24s Gd to 25s 9d; medium, 23s to 24s 3d; light, down to 19s 6d; extra prime heavy maiden ewes, to 24s 3d; extra prime heavy ewes, 19s 6d to 21s 6d; prime heavy, 17s to 18s 9d; medium, 15s Gd to ids 9d; light, down to 13s. The recent dry weather showed its effect in the large entry of lambs, more than 900 being forward. The quality was very disappointing, vendors evidently being inclined to sacrifice quality for numbers. Export buyers operated at the increased schedule rates, and the market appreciated accordingly. Extra prime heavy lambs sold to 25s 3d; prime heavy, 21s 9d to 23s Gd; medium, 19s 9d to 20s 3d; light, down to 17s 6d. In the fat pig section 163 were forward. Baconers hardly made recent values, and porkers depreciated in value from os to 8s per head. Heavy baconers sold to £3 9s, and best porkers to £2 6s. The yarding of store pigs numbered 112, and the quieter tone in the fat section showed its effect here, lower values ruling.

RAM SALE AT MASTERTON. TOP PRICE 190 GUINEAS. Per Press Association. MASTERTON, Jan. 16. Prices in advance of last year were realised at the Wairarapa stud sheep breeders’ ram sale to-day. A total of; 47 Romneys was sold at an average price of about 54gns., compared with last year’s average of 41gns. Sir William Perry topped the market, securing 190gns. Mr Q. Donald (Featherston) averaged 64gns. for 15 Romneys. There was a good sale for good sheep. DAIRY PRODCE. The New Zealand Producers’ Co-op-erative Marketing Association’s weekly cabled market report from London dated January 15 is as followsßutter: Market dull due to buyers having filled their requirements during the recent rise. New Zealand finest grade, 80s to 81s; Danish, 115 s to 116 s. Cheese: Market dull. New Zealand white and coloured, 45s 6d to 465. Joseph Nathan and Coy., Ltd., have received from London the following cabled advice, dated January 15:—New Zealand butter, 80s. New Zealand cheese : White and coloured, 465. Doth markets weak.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LV, Issue 42, 17 January 1935, Page 5

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THE STOCK MARKET. Manawatu Standard, Volume LV, Issue 42, 17 January 1935, Page 5

THE STOCK MARKET. Manawatu Standard, Volume LV, Issue 42, 17 January 1935, Page 5