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ADDINGTON SALE. ADVANCE IN- PRICES FOR SPRING LAMBS. Per Press Association. CHRISTCHURCH, Oct. 12. Heavy entries had the effect of depressing values in both mutton and beef at the Addington market to-day, and the decline in mutton was the sharpest recorded for a long period. Store Sheep.—A big yarding, but a dull demand for ewes and Good lines of hoggets sold well. Values were: Ewes and lambs (all counted), 3s 6d to 9s 7d; medium ewe hoggets, lls 6d to 12s 6d; medium wether hoggets to lls 3d; ordinary wether and m.s. hoggets, 8s to 8s 7d; twotooth halfbred wethers (shorn), 7s to iOs; good four and six-tooth to 13s;- Merino, to 6s sd. Spring Lambs.—A yarding of 610 of good quality. Values advanced Is 6d a head'in a keen sale and the top price was 18s lOd. Fat Sheep.—An entry of 5400 constituted an over-supply, resulting in a general easing in values of Is 6d to 2s a head, with many passings. Values were: Extra prime heavy v/ethers to 17s lOd; prime heavy, 15s to 16s; medium-weight prime, 13s fid to 14s 9d; ordinary, 12s to 13s; light, 10s to lls 6d; extra prime heavy ewes to 16s sd; prime heavy, 13s to 15s; prime mediumweight, 10s fid to 12s 6d; ordinary, 9a to 10s; light, 7s fid to 8s 9d, Fat Cattle.—An entry of 410 head, which inoluded 171 head from the North Island and over 100 from south of Rakaia. The quality was generally excellent, but the market was easier for all classes by 15s to £1 head. Best beef made 25s a 1001 b; good prime, 21s to 245; heavy, 18s 6d to 21s; secondary, 15s to 18s; inferior to 15s. Values were: Extra prime heavy steers to £ll 7s 6d; prime heavy, £8 to £10; prime medium-weight, £6 10s to £8; . ordinary quality, £4 15s to £6; light to £4 10s; extra prime heifers to £9 7s 6d; prime, £5 10s to £7 15s; medium, £4 5s £5 ss; light to £4; extra prime cows to £8 12s 6d; prime, £5 to £7; medium, £3 10s to £4 15s; light, £2 10s to £3 .10s. Fat Pigs.—There was a smaller entry. Pork was in little better demand, with bacon unchanged and choppers easier. Values were: Choppers, 35s to £3; baooners, 45s 6d to 55s 6d.; heavy, £3 to £3 14s fid (average price per lb, 4 3-4 dto s£d). Porkers, 27s 6d to 323 fid; heavy, 34s 6d to 38s 6d (average price per lb, 4 3-4 dto sid).

ASHHURST SALE. Associated Live Stock Auctioneers, Ltd., report on their Ashhurst sale held on Wednesday, as under: A moderate entry of sheep came forward, consisting chiefly of fat ewes. Prices were slightly easier than our previous quotations. However, vendors were meeting the market and every pen changed hands under the hammer. A full yarding of cattle met with good competition, practically ta -total clearance being effected. Pigs also met a good enquiry. Wo quote as follows: Fat maiden ewes, 8s Id to 3s 9d; fat ewes, 7s, 7s 7d to 7s 9d; fat hoggets, 12s Id to 13s; springing heifers, £3 12s 6d, £5- 7s 6d, £5 15s, £5 17s 6d, £6 10s, £7 to £8 15s; springing oowe, £6 ss, £7, £7 10s, £B, £8 10s to £9 10s; forward cows, £1 15s, £2, £2 7s 6d, £2 14s to £4; forward store cows; £l, £1 ss, £1 10s to £1 12s 6d; store cows, 3s, ss, 7s 6d to 10s; yearling Jersey heifers, £2 Is, £2 7s 6d, £2 12s fid, £2 14s to £4 12s 6d; 4-yr. ped. bulls, 7Jgns to 16grus; 2-yr. ped. bulls, 74gns; 1-yr. ped. bulls, £4 to £4 10s; grade bulls, 2 years and over, £1 10s, £2 ss, £3 ss, £3 17s 6d, £4 10s, £5, £5 7s 6d to £6 fis; grade yearling bulls, £l, £1 10s, £2, £2 5s to £3. Pigs: Slips, to 16s; weaners, 10s 6d to 126; aged mares, £9 to £9 ss.

SALE AT JOHNSONVTLLE. SLIGHT FIRMING IN PRICES. At Johnsonville yesterday Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., offered an average yarding of all classes of stock. Tho quality of the yarding generally was better than last week’s offering, and this accounted for a slight firming in prices, particularly in tho ewe section. Taking into account the better quality offering there was no quotable change fob both cattle and eheep. Spring lambs met with a good demand. Cattle: Prime extra heavy bullocks, £8 5s (single), £8 3s (single), £B, £7 18s, £7 15s, £7 12s 6d, £7 lOsr heavy bullocks, £7 ss, £7 2s, £7, £6 17s; bullocks, £6 15s, £6 12s, £6 Bs, £6 ss; prime extra heavy cows and heifers, £6. £5 17s, £5 14s, £5 10s, £5 7s; cows and heifers, £4 16s, £4 6s to £3 15s; runners, £3 10s, £3. Sheep: Prime extra heavy wethers, shorn. 14s 9d, 14s sd, 14s 4d; woolly, 15s lid, 15s 3d; prime heavy wethers, shorn, 14s, 13s 9d; prime extra heavy ewes, woolly, 14s lOd, 14s 6d, 14s Id; heavv owes, woolly. 13s 9d, 13s Bd, 13s 7d; shorn, lls 6d, lls 3d, lls. 10s lOd, 10s 6d; heavv hopfgete, woolly, 15s sd, 14s 9d, 14s 6d. 14s 4d; shorn. 13s 3d; extra heavy spring lamb, 17s 7d. 17s 2d 16s 5d 16s 3d, 16s; heavy spring lamb, 14s 9d, 13s lid, 13s 9d, 13s 6d, 12s 8d; spring lamb, lls, 10s 9d, 10s.’

LEVIN SALE. There were good yarding in all sections at the woeklv stock sale at. Levin yards on Tuesdav. The attendance was well up to the usual standard and prices were practicallv the same as at recent sales The pig market was brighter and slightly better prices were being offered. Quotations are as followSlieep: Fat hoggets, 12s 14s; -fat ewes, 9s. 10s. 10s 3d, lls 3d, 15s: wethers, 9s 9d. Cattle: Fat aows, £2, £2 ss, £3, £3 15s; forward do., 225, 30s 355; stores, 15s, 21s; springing heifers £2 17s 6d, £3 ss. £4 ss, £5 2s 6d. £6 7 9 -6 d. £7 10s; cows in milk, £2, £2 IPs. £3 ss, £5 ss, £8 Pig: Wcancrs. lls. 12s; slips, 13s, 14s, 15s; stores, 14s, 15s, 16s, 17s 18s, 20s, 225; light porkers, 245, 265; medium, 28s, 295; heavv 31s. £2; baconer 31s; pedigree Large White boar, 2igns.

PAHIATUA SALE. A good yarding of dairy cattle was offered by Associated Live Stock Auctioneers, Ltd., at their Pahiatua sale on Tuesday. There was keen competition for cows and heifers near calving, and the bulk of the entry was sold at the following prices:—Good Jersey cows, calved, £7 1* 6d to £8 12s 6d; good springing cows, £8 to £8 7s 66; good springing heifers, £5 10s to £7 173 6d; heifers, calved, £o to £7 12s 6d.

BURNSIDE SALE. FAT WETHERS AND LAMBS EASIER Per Press Association. DUNEDIN, Qct. 12. There was little change in prices for most classes of stock at Burnside to-day. Fat cattle sold at prices similar to those which ruled at tho previous salo, while wethers and lambs were a shade easier. A yarding of 272 head of fat cattle included a large number of extra heavy bullocks, a fair offering of prime mediumweights, and a big selection of cows. One consignment of bullocks brought from £9 10s to £lO 10s, and several pens of prime bullocks sold from £8 10s to £9 10s, Only a few heifers were penned, and these brought from £6 10s to £7 7s 6d. Cows realised from £6 to £7 10s. Prices for prime ox beef averaged about 21s per 1001 b. A few extra heavy cattle sold at 20s, and heifers and cows were worth from 18s’ to 20s per 1001 b. ■ The chief attraction in the store cattle entry was a lino of 40 bead of good; steers. The highest price obtained for this consignment was £5 78 6d, and the whole lino averaged just over £4 per head. Old cows made up the balanco of tho yarding and sold at late rates. About 2000 sheep were offered. There was a fair yarding of prime jieavy weth ers along with several trucks of good heavy owes, and a fair number of medium to light owes. The sale for wethers opened with a drop of Is per head compared with last week’s rates. Early in the sale the top prico was realised —17s 6d per head for several pons of wethers. Good handy weights sold from 14s to 16s, and a few pens of extra primo owos brought from 12s to 12s 6d. Tho majority of the ewes, however realised from 10s to 11s. Wethers were equal to 2£d a lb for heavyweights and 23 cl alb for light, while owes were worth l|d per lb. .... There was a larger yarding of spring lambs and several pens sold from 25s to 25s 6<3, with lighter sorts bringing from 17s 6d to 20s. The whole yarding averaged about 8d per lb.

STORTFORD LODGE SALE. HASTINGS, Oct. 12. The previous record of 500 head of fat

cattle at Stortford Lodge was easily beaten by an entry of 704. head to-day. Tho offering included a largo number of extra well-finished cattle. A draft of • primo Hereford bullocks realised up to £6- 4s; a pen of extra well-finished Hereford bullocks ranged to £6 7s; a draft of primo P.A. cross bullocks realised to £6 Is; Shorthorn cows and heifers ranged to £4 15s 6d; a pen of medium-weight Hereford bullocks realised £5 15s; lightweight P.A. steers, £5 10s, and a draft of lightweight steers, £4 13s 6d. The yarding far exceeded market requirements, more especially in tho fat cow and heifer entry. The drop in cow and heifer prices was equal to 20s to 30s per head. Heavy bullocks were also down 20s, but lighter weights wero much on a par with recent sales. The top prico paid for ox beef was £6 12s 6d compared with £8 last week. Tho best price paid for heifers was £4 15s, compared with £6 last week, and tho best prico for cow beef, £4 ss, compared with last week’s £5 ss.

Buyers were apt to loso interest in tho sale of store cattlo owing to tho lato hour at which tho salo was completed. An entry of 1000 head was yarded and prices wero commensurate with sales in the fat cattle section. Tho fat sheep yarding totalled 3000 head of good quality. Prices showed a marked drop. 'The entry was mostly shorn fat ewes. Lambs, 10s to 12s 6d; ewes, 6s 6d, 7s, 7s 9d, Bs, 9s 6d; hoggets, 11s 3d; wothers, 10s 6d; woolly wethers, 12s 3d; spring lambs, 12s 6d to 15s 4d; ewes and lambs, 8s 6d to 9s. Store sheop: Ewes, 5s to 6s 4d; lambs, ss. There was little demand for storo slump.

WESTFIELD SALE. Per Press Association. AUCKLAND, Oct. 12. There was a large yarding of good quality beef at Westfield to-day, but tho demand was slack. Values were decidedly easier for all grades, extra choico ox receding 3s to 19s per 1001 b. Choico and primo made 16s to 18s per 1001 b; secondarv, 14s to 15s; prime cow and heifer beef, 15s to 18s; and ordinary. 10s to 15s. Extra heavy primo steers realised £7 5s to £7 15s; heavy prime, £6 12s 6d to £7 2s 6d; lighter, £5 to £6 10s; light, £4 10s to £5 17s 6d; small and unfinished, £3 10s to £4 7» 6d. Extra heavy primo, cows and heifers. £5 5s to £5 15s; heavy, £4 10s to £5 2s 6d; lighter. £3 to £4 7s 6d; others, £1 10s to £2 17s 6d.

A good yarding of sheep sold at lato rates, , the demand being steady, Woolly wethers realised up to 16s; shorn. 13s 9d: woolly hoggets. 13s 6d; shorn, 10s; woolly ewes, 12s; shorn, 9s. Values for lambs showed a slight rise, attributable to a smaller penning. Prime lambs sold at 11s 6d to 15s 6d; lighter and small, 8s to 11s 3d.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume LII, Issue 269, 13 October 1932, Page 5

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STOCK MARKET. Manawatu Standard, Volume LII, Issue 269, 13 October 1932, Page 5

STOCK MARKET. Manawatu Standard, Volume LII, Issue 269, 13 October 1932, Page 5