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THE STOCK MARKET. SALE AT JOHNSONVILLE. CATTLE SELL WELL. At the Johnsonville sale yesterday (Wright, Stephenson and Co., Ltd., and Abraham and Williams, Ltd., offered, a medium yarding of cattlo and an average yarding of sheep and lambs. No vealers came forward. Bullocks were in good domand at last week’s rates and cows and heifers sold freely. The quality of the wethers offered was not up to last week’s yarding, but a good sale resulted at no alteration in prices. Ewes were slightly easier, while lambs were dull of sale. Prices ranged as follow: —Cattle: Heavy bullocks, £l6, £ls'los, £ls 7s 6d, £ls ss, £ls; medium bullocks, £l4 10s, £l4 ss, £l4; light bullocks. £l3 10s„ £l3 2s 6d; cows, £9 ss, £8 12s 6d, £8 ss, £B, £7 12s 6d, £7 2s 6d. Sheep.—Heavy wethers, 30s Id, 295; medium wethers, 28s, 27s 3d, 275; light wethers, 26s 6d, 25s 4d; ewes, 23s 9a, 23s 6d, 235, 22s 6d; lambs, 22s 6d, 21s, 18s. VALUES FIRM AT WESTFIELD. Per Press Association. AUCKLAND, Aug. 13. At the Westfield fat stock sale held to-day ox beef was yarded in lesser numbers than last week. The quality was first class and sold under a steady demand, the previous week’s rates again ruling. No extra heavy prime bullocks were yarded. Prime heavy bullocks realised £l4 15s to £ls 12s 6d; lighter prime, £l4 to £l4 12s 6d; light prime, £l2 10s to £l3 7s 6d; small and unfinished £lO to £l2 7s 6d. Cow and heifer beef was yarded in average numbers. Again the quality was good and the offering sold readily at full rates. No extra heavy cows or heifers were offered. Heavy prime cows and heifers realised £lO 10s to £ll 17s 6d; lighter prime, £8 to £lO 7s 6d; other killable cows, £5 5s to £7 17s 6d. Extra choice ox sold to 40s per lOOlbs; choice and prime, 37s to 395; just killable, 34s to 365; prime young cow- and heifer, 34s to 375; just killable, 25s to 335. The sheep yarding was small and sold under a steady demand at values a shade better than at the previous week’s market. No extra, heavy wethers wero yarded. Heavy prime wethers brought 2?s 6d to 28s; medium, 27s to 27s 3d; light and •unfinished, 24s to 25s 6d; extra heavy prime ewes, 27s 3d; lighter prime, 22s 6d to 22s 9d; other ewes, 19s 9d. Lambs. —There was an average yarding, which sold at late fates. Medium prime made 20s to 21s; light, 18s 3d to 20s. Calves.—A large number was penned and realised full rates. Heavy vealers brought £4 10s to £5 10s; medium, £3 10s to £4 ss; light, £2 5s to £3 ss; rough, 20s to 40s; small, 14s to £1 _lss. Pigs.—There was a decline in values from last week, porkers in particular being easier. Heavy baconers made £3 10s to £3 15s; medium and light, £3 to £3 8s; heavy porkers, £2 12s to £2 18s; medium end light, £2 to £2 10s. GOOD SALE AT BURNSIDE. Per Press Association. DUNEDIN, Aug. 13. There was a yarding of 206 cattle at Burnside to-day, comprising for the most part good quality lines. There was-a large number of prime bullocks, and the general quality of the cows and heifers showed an improvement. A good sale was experienced and the ruling prices were on a par with the best of last week’s rates. Prime heavy bullocks made to £23, good mediums to £lB, and lighter sorts from' £l2 10s to £ls. The best heifers wero worth up to £ls 17s 6d, primo to £l4, and light and medium £7 10s to £ll 10s. A small entry of store cattlo, mostly good young stock, met with a slack demand, and prices were a shade lower than those ruling last week. The fat sheep numbered 2370 t including three trucks of very fine prime heavy butchers’ wethers, which reached 395. There were also a few light halfbred freezers of nice quality. Ewes of good to medium quality made up fully 50 per cent, of the entry. There was a quiet sale. Wethers were firm at par, but ewes being in over-supply dropped by 2s to 3s per head. The penning of 96 lambs was barely sufficient for butchers’ requirements. The i result was a good sale, with slightly botl ter prices. Good lambs made from 21s to ! 22s 3d, and others from 16s to 19s. ■ A fair entry of fat and store pigs sold ! .well at values about on a par with those ' jculing at last sale. CHEESE INDUSTRY. Per Press Association. NEW PLYMOUTH, Aug. 13. Whether to form a voluntary cheese pool to provide for a levy on each crate exported, the money thus collected to be paid as a premium on finest grade cheese, was considered to-day by a hundred representatives of dairy companies exporting through New Plymouth. The scheme was defeated by eight factories to six. Many did not vote, having no instructions.

WELLINGTON STOCK EXCHANGE. YESTERDAY’S BUSINESS AND PRICES. With a slightly improved demand, especially for gilt-edgeds and banks, seven sales wore recorded on the Wellington Stock Exchange yesterday. There was, as has become usual, a fairly full list of sellers. Government stocks and bonds were in strong demand and showed a firming tendency. The 4£ per cent, shocks and bonds (1939) were unchanged at £99 12s 6d, but the 4j per cent. stockß and bonds (1938) were up 2s 6d at £99 15s. The 5j per cent, stocks and bonds (1933 and 1936) wero steady at £99 ss. , Bank shares were in good demand. Bank of Australasia were wanted at £ll 12s, but sellers asked £ll 19s. Australian Bank of Commerce at 21s lOd were unchanged. Commercial Bank of Australia wero up 2d at 20s 2d and Commercial Bank of Sydney advanced 5s to £2O 7s' 6d. National Bank of New Zealand were Is up at £5 13s 6d, and Bank of New Zealand were 4d better at 55s 10d, tho long term shares being unchanged at 275. National Bank of Australasia £lO paid were steady at £l4. Bank of New South Wales were up 5s at £36 ss, a sale being made at £36 12s 6d. Union Bank were 6d up at £lO 13s, with a sale at £lO 14s. Goldsbrough Morfc and Co. were firm at 27s 4d. Wellington Trust and Loan wero unchanged at £6 19s, and Wellington Deposit wero steady at 9s 9d. Wellington Gas wero in demand at 29s 3d. National Insurance were wanted at 13s 9d, and New Zealand Refrigerating 10s paid ai 4s 7d. Union Steam were unchanged at 20s 3d, and there was a bid of 9s 6d for Kaiapoi Woollen. Staples and Co. were steady at 43s 6d, and Burns, Philp and Co. at 34s 2d; British Tobacco were 3d down at 375; Colonial Sugar at £37 10s were 5s higher; Holden’s Motor Body Builders were up 3d at 8s 9d. Taranaki Oil were wanted at 2s with a sale at 2s 6d. Wilson’s Cement wero firm at 39s 6d with a sale at 40s 6d. Midland Bank were again in demand at £9 3s 9d. YESTERDAY’S QUOTATIONS.

Buying and selling quotations at the final call yesterday on the Wellington Stock Exchange were as follow: — Buyers. Sellers.

YESTERDAY’S SALES. The following sales were recorded on the Stock Exchanges of the Dominion yes-teWeflington.-Banlc of N.S.W £36 12s 6d; Union Bank of Aust., £lO 14s; N.Z. Breweries (2), £2 10s 9d; Wilson sCement, £2 Os 6d; Auckland Gas, hi 4s; Taranaki Oil, 2s 6d. Auckland.—Com. Bank of Aust., £1 Os 3s- E.S. and A. Bank, £5 17s; Bank of N S.W. (Sydney reg.), £36 10s; Bank of N.Z., £2 15s lid; N.Z. Insurance, £2 Is 9d; N.Z. Loan and Mercantile, £B9; Taupiri Coal, pref., £1 3s; Auckland Gas £1 4s; Northern Steam, 14s 8d; Kauri Timber, 13s; N.Z. Breweries, £2 10s lOd; British Tobacco, £1 17s 9d; Waihi (2), 14s 2d; Mount Lyoll, £1 2s 4d. Christchurch. —Bank of N.Z., £2 16s; Tooth’s Brewery, £1 8s lOd; Tooth’s Brewery, £1 8s 9d. Sales reported: Com. Bank of Aust., £1 Os 3d ; E., S. and A. Bank. £5 16s 6d; National Bank of N.Z., £5 14s 6d; Union Bank of N.Z., £5 14s 6d; Union Bank of Aust., £lO 13s; National Insurance, 14s. FOREIGN EXCHANGES. 'LONDON, Aug. 12. The following rates on foreign exchanges are current to-day, as compared

BUTTER AND CHEESE. REPORT ON MARKETS. Markets for New Zealand dairy produce during July are reported upon by advice from London as follow: “Butter.—The stocks on July 1 are estimated at 1,250,000 boxes. Tho weather in Germany is very dry, and the cattlo in some districts are suffering from tho foot and mouth disease, and Germany has taken during tho past two weeks 95 per cent, of the Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish butter, but, notwithstanding this, the stocks here continuo to incroasq, showing that tho consumption of butter is far from what it should be. Tho mako in European countries, apart from Germany, is 10 per cent, to 15 per cent, above that of last year.. Siberia continues to ship l a little under one-half of last year’s quantity. With the respects of another good season in Now Zoaland, and with plenty of cheap food for tho cattlo on this side, that is no doubt that! wo will need every possible outlet for butter during the coming winter, and we think it would be advisable for New Zealand and other countries exporting now throughout the whole year to advertise the merits of butter. Wo are sure that tho consumption can bo increased considerably it butter is properly advertised and this will increase the return to tho producer. | “Cheese. —This market is decidedly disappointing. The stocks are no heavier than last year, and yet the prices are 15s per cwt. less, which goes to show tf'at the markets generally are suffering from tho economic position of this country as well as practically tho whole world.” * STATE WHEAT POOL. BALLOT IN NEW SOUTH WALES. The Now South Wales State Cabinet has decided that on September 20 a ballot will be taken of wheatgrowors on whether they favour a State compulsory wheat pool. Tho question of a State guarantee for wheat on delivery is to be brought forward at another meeting of the Cabinet. A proclamation was issued, declaring wheat a commodity under tho Marketing and Primary Products Act. The Act provides that .for a pool to be established 66 per cent, of the growers entitled to vote must record their votes, and that two-thirds of this total must favour the constitution of the pool. Tho Minister for Agriculture (Mr Thorby) arranged to confer with the Victorian Minister for Agriculture (Mr Slater) in Sydney the proposal to form a compulsory wheat pool in Victoria. WOOL IN LIQUID FORM. FEW PROCESS INVENTED. BOTTLED NEW ZEALAND CLIP. New Zealand wool-growers attending the wool conference in Bradford a few weeks ago also visited the laboratories of the British Research Association for the Woollen and Worsted Industries at Torridon Lodge, Leeds. Among the things they learned was the fact that a process had now been invented whereby the irritating quality of the rougher wools is eliminated. This process has been taken up by the manufacturers and woollen underclothing in the future should lose all its terrors. The party were also shown wool from tho Dominion in liquid form. Professor S. G. Barker, director of the laboratories, produced two 'bottles containing a dark blue liquid which, he said, .was New Zealand wool in solution. Tho liquid wool is part of a process, which was only discovered a few months ago, of producing synthetic wool of a softness and texture not unlike artificial silk. The wool is first reduced to liquid form and then blown forcibly through small appertures, when it solidifios into the strands which are woven into the shiny, soft material of which the visitors were shown a sample. It is claimed that this synthetio material is also free from “tickle.” GOLD AND SILVER. LONDON, Aug. IS. Gold, 85s per oz. Silver.—Spot, 16 3-6 d per oz.; forward, 16 3-16 d.

N.Z. GOVT. LOANS— £ s. d. £ s. d. 4 A p.c. Ins. Stk., 1939 99 12 6 — 4A p.c. ditto, 193d 99 15 0 — 5A p.c. ditto, 1933 99 5 0 — p.c. bonds, 1939 ... 99 12 6 — 4A p.c. ditto, 1933 99 15 0 100 0 0 5 1 p.c. ditto, 1933 and 0 1936 99 5 — DEBENTURES— Wright, Stephenson, 5 p.c. prior Hen tax 81 0 0 BANKS- — 6 9 0 Australasia 11 12 0 11 19 0 Aust. of Commerce ... 1 1 10 1 2 3 Commercial of Aust. (ord.) Commercial Banking 1 0 2 1 0 20 17 5 Co. (Sydnoy) 20 7 6 6 National of N.Z National of Australasia 5 13 6 0 14 3 (£10) 14 0 6 0 — 7 0 36 5 0 *36 15 0 . New Zealand 2 15 10 . 2 16 6 Ditto, long term 1 7 0 — Union of Australia ... FINANCIAL— 10 13 0 10 15 0 Dalgety and Co Goldsbrougli Mort 1 7 4 1U / 0 1 7 10 N.Z. Guaranteo Corp. 0 8 0 Well, invest., T. & A. — 0 11 0 Well. Trust and Loan Well. Deposit and 6 19 0 9 0 $ 0 10 GAS- , , , Wellington (ord.) .... 1 9 3 1 9 8 INSURANCE— 0 13 0 14 9 MEAT PRESERVING— 1 17 6 N.Z. Refrigerat. (10s) 0 4 7 0 4 20 Well. Meat Ex. (prof.) TRANSPORT— u iy 1 18 0 Huddart, Parker (ord.) — 6 Union Steam (pref.) . WOOLLEN— 1 0 0 9 6 Kaiapoi, (ord.) 6 — Wellington (ord.) .... COAL— *5 14 0 6 3 1 TIMBER0 10 Leyland-O’Brien BREWERIES— 1 6 2 11 0 0 New Zealand — Staples and Co. ........ MISCELLANEOUS— 2 3 1 14 6 1 15 Burns, Philp and Co. 2 0 British Tobacco (ord.) 1 17 0 1 17 9 Colonial Sugar 37 10 0 38 10 0 Dental and Medical ... — 0 12 0 Electro. Zinc (ord.) . *0 '8 *1 0 6 Holden’s Motor Bldrs. 9 — National Klectric — 0 10 t 3 2 9 N.Z. Paper Mills — 0 19 9 Sharland and Co., ord. . 0 ' 0 18 6 Ditto (pref.) 0 18 — Taranaki Oil Wairarapa Farmers’ 0 2 0 0 14 6 Wellington Cordage ... 0 8 6 — Wilson’s Cement 1 19 6 2 1 5 Con. Brick and Pipe — 0 17 9 Midland Bank mining— 9 3 9 Mount Lyell ............ — 1 z 1U 0 13 11 — *Cum. dividend.

with par: — Aug. 12. Par. N. York, dol. to £1 4.87 3-32 4.866 Montreal, dol. to £1 4.861 4.866 Paris, francs to £1 123.81 124.21 Brussels, bel. to £1 34.825 35.00 Genova, francs to £1 ... 25.045 25.221 Amsterdam, florins to £1 12.085 12.107 92.98 92.46 Berlin, marks to £l 20.39 20.43 Stockholm, knr. to £1 ... 18.115 18.159 Copenhagen, knr. to £1 Oslo, knr to £1 18.165 18.159 18.165 18.159 Vienna; schgs to £1 34.465 34.585 Madrid, pes. to £1 44.45 25.221 Prague, knr. to £1 1641 164.25 Hel’fors, marks to £1 ... 193.50 193.25 Lisbpn, esc. to £1 Athens, drach. to £1 Bucharest, lei to £1 Rio do Janeiro pence to 108.25 — 375 375 818 813.6 5 1-16 5.899 B. Aires, p. to dol 41 1-16 47.577 Calcutta, p. to rup 17 25-32 18 Shanghai, p. to tael 18 i — H.-Kong, p. to dol 151 — Y’hama, p. to yen 24 11-32 24.58 Batavia, florins to £1 ... 12.081 12.107

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Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 221, 14 August 1930, Page 5

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FARMING AND COMMERCIAL Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 221, 14 August 1930, Page 5

FARMING AND COMMERCIAL Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 221, 14 August 1930, Page 5