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KIA TOA'S NARROW VICTORY. UNITED ACCOUNT FOR FEILDING. Saturday's Rugby matches were productive of two surprise results in the senior grade, Feilding Old Boys narrowly failing to hold the heavy Kia Toa forwards, the latter team's victory being restricted to a bare point. United had made a favourable debut against Old Boys the previous week and the whites went on to secure a well deserved victory over Feilding on Johnston Park, the fast, but light white forwards running the opposition to a standstill. THE SCORE BOARD. Senior Grade. Kia Toa 11 v. Feilding Old Boys 10. United 17 v. Feilding 3. Senior B. i Kia Toa 15 v. United 0. Feilding 6 v. Woodvillo 0. Old Boys v. Massey College match not played. JUNIOR. Kia Toa 16 v. Bunnythorpe 6. Old Boys 6 v. Feilding 0.8. 3. High School v. Massey College game not played. THIRDS. Y.M.C.A. 9 r. Woodville 7. St. Patricks 32 v. Bunnythorpe 0. Kia Toa 9 v. United 3. Old Boys won by default from Feilding High School. FOURTHS. High School 21 v. Kia Toa 6. United 12 v. Technical 3. CHAMPIONSHIP TABLES.

It I Note: While Woodville were credited with a default, Massey College have been given the right to arrango to play their I outstanding games later on. Junior..

Noto: Feilding Old Boys were credited •with a default against Massey College, but as in the senior B grade the College has now the right to play their outstanding games later. KIA TO A v. FEILDING 0.8.

AN EXCITING FINISH. BLUES ONE POINT MARGIN. Glorious weather conditions prevailed .When Kia Toa and Feilding Old Boys, both of whom had enjoyed a victory over Feilding at their meetings, met at the Showgrounds in the presence of a large crowd, who came fully confident that they would bo furnished with a fast, interesting contest. In that they were not disappointed for play swept up and downfield at a fast rate. The composition of the opposing fifteens was as .under: — Kia Toa (double blues). —Wasley, Strange, Grifhn, Jamieson, McKay, A. (Weston, Spratt. Gleeson, Crawford, Rae, Webber, McKenzie, Conrad, Doherty Argyle. Feilding Old Boys (green).—S. ißramwell, Dewe, Cochrane, Salter, Mitchell, N. Bramwell, Irvine, Amadio, iTait, Heard, Wells, Baxter, McKay, (Farmer, Waugh. The opening moments were quiet, ,iKia Toa kicking off towards the south-

ern goal and, following upon exchange kicking, play settled in green territory, although offside tactics by the attacks kept them at bay. The homesters were holding control in the tight work and a loose rush to the visitors’ goal line saw McKenzie open the scoring by getting over from a melee. McKay’s kick failed. Ivia Toa 3, Feilding 0.8. 0. Amadio was enterprising when he essayed a shot at goal from the centre line, hut the attempt went astray, Strange coming away with the ball at his too to go right through to Bramwell before being halted, the full-back lining out nicely. Webber burst away in a solid rush, McKenzie catching an opponent in possession to drag him further upfield. A free kick for offside by the over-anxious blues halted them once again, but they were keeping the greens on the run, their backs being badly bustled. A wide flung pass from a melee set the blues on the move and Griffin made a bold effort to get through on the wing. McKay relieved the pressuro, but Wasley returned upfield. Matters looked promising for the greens when Amadio accepted a clearance to feed Dewe, but the winger failed to pierco the line. Aided by a nice liner by Waugh, the greens invaded and the ball emerged from the ruck to Salter who, from the midst of a mass of players, dropped a beautiful field goal. Feilding Old Boys 4, Kia Toa 3. By way of a change, the visitors got offside and Kia Toa secured their first free kick of the game and McKay lined out. A further kick through saw McKenzie catch S. Bramwell in possession, but the burly forward swung the full-back over the line, enabling the green member to effect a force down. A fast loose movement set the greens down in the corner. The blue scrummagers worked free, but lifting in the scrum cost them a penalty and Amadio made a good effort to turn it to profit. In a flash Gleeson went away with Conrad in support, but, when right down to the line, offside again marred the attackers’ play. Webber was prominent in the succeeding play when ho burst through and then chased Cochran© to prevent his getting in his kick. McKay cleared, hut back piled the greens and a force resulted. One of the few breaches by the greens gave McKay a long shot at goal, but the range proved too great. A nice cut in by N. Bramwell carried the visitors right to the goal front and an infringement by a defender enabled Amadio to add three points. Feilding 0.8. 7, Kia Toa 3.

With the greens bard on the attack, Strange snapped up, but he elected to kick when he was clear. The movement, however, went on and it was only when Irvine stepped in to line-out inside his own twenty-five that danger was averted. At this stage Weston, who had damaged his knee in a tackle, was compelled to retire, but he resumed following the interval. In the few minutes remaining for play the blues were hard on the attack, but they failed to reduce their deficit. BLUES REDUCE THE DEFICIT. Hard on the kick out, Kia Toa went to the attack and when at the twentyfive line McKenzie secured and he burst clean through and over the line to score in a good position. Rae failed, however, to add the all important major points. Kia Toa 6, Feilding 0.8. 7. Failure by Dewe to field a rolling ball enabled Jamieson to secure, but he knocked on when Weston had an opportunity offering. A free kick to the atackers gave Wasley a shot, but his direction was faulty. Matters were willing until Salter cleared with a (series of short ground kicks and then caught Wasley in possession. The blues, I using their superior weight in the forwards to advantage, came to the attack once again, AlcKay spoiling an opportunity by electing to kick, the leather passing over the visitors’ line. Weston, who had been injured earlier, again sustained a knock on the knee and retired, Hancock replacing him which brought an adjustment in the blue line, Jamieson going in to fiveeighth. A pretty handling bout, which opened from the forwards, set Kia Toa going, Hancock accepting an awkward pass to hand on to .Griffin, but the winger was thrown out at the corner flag. The blues threw away another scoring opportunity when McKay elected to cross kick when the line was on the move, although the same tactics nearly brought success when an awkward bounce bent Salter and Morgan snapped up only to lose possession as ho threw himself over the lino, Bramwell forcing in the nick of time.

The long delayed score promised to be forthcoming when Strange went off for the corner, but Cochrane got to the speed merchant just short of the line. The greens were, fighting hard to avert a reverse, their defence being solid, although much of their handling was still faulty. A typical cross field gallop by Griffin saw him tipped up when danger threatened and obstruction by McKenzie halted a blue advance just short of the green citadel. The greens were fighting hard and they sparkled up when Irvine handed on to N. Bramwell, to Mitchell, to Cochrane, to Dewe, the winger bolting upfield, _ but when down to Wasley he passed in field for McKay to accept. The blue player was tackled in turn and, Wasley was quilty of playing the ball on the ground and was penalised. Amadio’s shot, however, passed outside the near post. The game had degenerated into endless kicking, the blues throwing away their opportunities by failure to handle the leather. The blues were carrying all the play, but it was not till S. Bramwell made one of his few mistakes when AlcKay kicked high and the full-back failed to take it that Kia Toa secured their opportunity. The ball went over the lino and Rae, who had followed up fast, pounced on it. Wasley goaled to make victory assured. Kia Toa 11, Feilding O-B. 7. It was an unfortunate incident for the greens, but they came back in an attempt to save tho day and, with the blues penalised, Amadio found the uprights to leave his side one point in arrears. Feilding 0.8. 10, Kia Toa 11. Right on the call of time N. Bramwell went away to swerve his way right through to the opposite end prior to bringing Salter into action, but the winger was stemmed when looking dangerous and tho game, which had increased in interest in the concluding stages ended with the scores: Kia Toa 11, Feilding 0.8. 10. Air A. It. AlcKegg carried the whistle.

UNITED ACCOUNT FOR FEILDING. PATCHY GAAIE. It was not until the closing stages of an uninteresting game at Johnston Park that Feilding made any reply to the 17 points United had run up against but it served to brighten tho play ot the yellows for tho remaining. few minutes of the game. Play throughout was practically confined to the forwards—wholly so in the Feilding team—tho visitors alone giving what was seen of rearguard actions. The teams were as follow: — Feilding.—Waldin, C. Hight O. Hight, Pike, J. Nesfiitt. Nield, J. Fitzgerald, K. Fitzgerald, Shapleski, Aloore, Elliott, R. Darragh, H. Darragh, T. Amadio, Benge. j United.—Fearnley, Robb, A sin Kells, Ormond, Evans, AlcCarthy, Flowers, A. Nesbitt, Cope, Bartlett, AlcLellan, Burgess, Dalziell, Anderson. Bartlett brought the opposing sides together, the whites facing a bright sun. United carried play to the yellows’ twenty-five line where the attack consolidated, K. Fitzgerald eventually ! coming through with the ball at his toe, but Fearnley held up the rush. From a scrum McCarthy worked the blind side, but the liand-on to Ash went astray for Aloore to secure, the leather coming out to Amadio who streaked for the lino. The winger’s punt to the open when halted hung low and the whites relieved for the pack to rush the opposition back to the goal line where a tight forward tussle set in. United secured the advantage in a line-out almost on the chalk mark, Flowers bursting over in the corner. Bartlett’s effort to convert dropped short. United 3, Feilding 0. Elliott fumbled a hand-on from Moore immediately following the resumption, but in clearing a white forward infringed, giving Amadio a chance from a Jikeiy position, but the leather went wide. AlcCarthy used the blind side in getting the leather away from

the scrum, but Shapleski intercepted to hold the movement up. Feilding infringed in the following play, but Bartlett’s attempt was weak Amadio securing to punt well dowiineld and, coming down on Fearnley fast, K. Fitzgerald gave tho custodian a hard tackle. J. Nesbitt and Amadio staged a dual effort which gained valuable ground for tho yellows, Pike carrying on to endeavour to burst over, but the white pack held him up for the rearguard to relieve. A thrust by the yellow scrummagers carried play to the United area, but Fearnley was sound, evading Hight to find the line at the centre flag. Anderson pame out of the ruck to gain good ground before Elliott grassed him and again tho forward tussle set in. An infield pass from H. Darragh was badly fumbled by C. Hight, the whites gaining relief from the scrum. Tho rearguard got into action per medium of Evans, the hand-on, going to Dalziell, to AlcLellan, to Evans, who sent a reverse pass to Ash for the winger to cross in the corner after a nice cut-in. Bartlett failed. United 6, Feilding 0. Half-time was called shortly after with Feilding attacking, while Shapleski had been injured. United went to the attack immediately on resuming, the scrummagers carrying the opposition before them, but the leather got beyond their control, Elliott forcing. Fearnley secured to centre and launch a rearguard action which resulted in Evans streaking for the force, but to be beaten by Elliott. The yellow pack spurted to reach the whites’ homo area, Kells repulsing them for Burgess nnd Cope to stage a passing bout down the side line to near the yellow twenty-five where Feilding were penalised, Ormond finding the uprights with a good kick. United 9, Feilding 0. Lack of cohesion again spelt the undoing of the yellow pack after a drive had reached the United territory, the retreat setting in for Robb and Amadio to race all out for a good 50 yards downfield for possession, the bounce of the leather finally favouring the yellow winger, a danger for the yellows being removed. AlcCarthy got the oval away to Evans, to Kells, but yellow support arrived for Darragh and Elliott and the attack was driven off temporarily, the white forwards working with renewed energy to give the hard pressed opposition no rest. Aloro than one white attack broke down when within an aoe of succeeding, the forwards fumbling the leather in their eagerness but their work finally received its reward when Nesbit snipped up to dive over under the bar. Fearnley made no mistake. United 14, Feilding 0. K. Fitzgerald made a fast follow up of the kick in to beat several tacklers and boot up field, Robb securing to come through the slack defence and line out well down, United broke through the yellow pack, Nesbit and Dalziell dribbling clean through the opposing rearguard for the latter to get over unopposed. Bartlett’s kick was disallowed through re-handling. United 17, Feilding 0. Feilding now sprang a surprise oil the opposition, Shapleski opening up a movement which caught the whites out of position, the rearguard co-operating well to get past the defence. A race to the force saw H. Darragh gain the decision by inches. Amadio failed to convert. Full time was called a few moments later with the score board reading:— United 17, Feilding 3. Air F. S. Hewitt carried the whistle.

SENIOR B GRADE. KIA TOA BEAT UNITED. The curtain-raiser at the Showgrounds was furnished by tire senior B fifteens of Kia Toa and United, tho double blues facing the sun at the commencement. Immediately following the kick out, Kia Toa brought their frontal division into

action and, aided by a knock-on which passed unnoticed, they worked their way down into the corner where from a throw-in Kerrigan bullocked his way over. J. Weston failed with the kick, although his direction was good, the leather striking the post below the bar. Kia Toa 3 —o. Although frequently beaten for the ball in tho 6et scrums, the blues used their weight to advantage and almost invariably recovered possession. Nesbit was giving his rearguard plenty of ball in consequence, but the movements lacked finish and the next score again came from the forwards when Comber secured the leather, following upon a clearance by Hughey being charged down, to race over and round behind the posts. Powell failed badly with his essay to add the major points. Kia Toa 6—o. Comber was again in the picture a few minutes later when he snapped up inside the white’s twenty-five to dash to the line where he lost possession in a tackle. However, Findlay was handy to pounce on tho leather for a try. Weston failed. Kia Toa 9 —o. The white forwards were being outplayed by tlieir opponents, but Hughey, the United full-back, got his side out of some awkward positions. With the ball emerging' from a serum, Nesbit came across to feed Alorgan on the left wing and the receiver prettily side-stepped his way through the defences to get over for a good try. • Strange’s kick went the way of the others and half time found the blues enjoying a comfortable lead. Kia Toa 12—United 0. ' . On resumption following the interval, the United forwards infused greater vim into their work and for a period kept their opponents busy, one promising opening going unrewarded when a forward whipped out a pass to the blind side only for the receiver to knock it on. The blues gradually worked free and a handling bout saw Morgan tackled in the corner to be swept into touch in goal. Broughton got away for the whites in a pretty solo run, but the invasion was quickly repelled and Holden, who was filling a prominent role for the blues, snapped up a mark in good position, but his drop shot fell short, Rehau clearing. Back tho blues piled, and from a scrum Nesbit worked the blind to feed Alorgan and the winger ran over unopposed. Weston’s kick fell short. Kia Toa 15—0. The blues were in complete command right to the close, but the final whistle sounded with tho scores unaltered. Air I. Robinson controlled the game. FEILDING BEAT WOODVILLE. At the Recreation Ground, Woodville, Feilding senior B mot and defeated Woodville by two penalty goals to nil in a gamo which did not attain the spectacular, although the home side gave evidence of considerable improvement. In the early stages of the play, the homo teani, with the sun at their backs, threatened the visitors’ line, but Feilding retaliated with fine team work and, just short of tlie interval, were awarded a penalty shot at goal which Adsett turn to account. Feilding 3—o. The Woodville team made a very favourable showing in tlie second spell, Charles, Hutchison and Spackman being outstanding, but at an advanced stage of the spell Feilding worked to the assault and ■ Adsett added another three points from a penalty to make the scores: Feilding 6, Woodville 0. Tho homesters made great efforts to register a crossing, but time was called without further alteration. Mr H. Hands carried the whistle. TE KAWAU SUB-UNION. Senior. —Awahuri 8 v. Hui Mai 0. Junior: Oroua Downs 12 v. Huia Alai 0. OROUA SUB-UNION. Senior.—Wanderers 5 v. Rangiwahia 0, Kimbolton 0 v. AVaituna 0. Junior.—Rangiwahia'' 20 v. Wanderers 3.

HOROWHENUA UNION. Senior. —Foxton 25 v. Hui Mai 14 (played, at Foxton); Otaki 9 v. Wanderers 6; Shannon won by default from County. Junior. —Foxton 19 v. Tokomaru 0 (played at Foxton). In the latter game Guy (Tokomaru) sustained a fractured leg. BUSH UNION. Senior. —Star 17 v. Makuri 3; Athletic 8 v. Eketahuna 3; Alfredton 12 v. Konini 0. Junior. —Nireaha 3 v. Athletic 3; Star 10 v. Kaitawa 3. BRITISH TEAM’S TOUR. WANGANUI TEAM SELECTED. M. WALDEN INCLUDED. Per Press Association. WANGANUI, May 10. The Wanganui team to play the British Rugby team was selected after the match this afternoon. The names are as follow Thompson, Tilley, Ambrose, Prince, Iv. Gibbons (captain), McLennan, Duncan; forwards, M. Walden, Leahy, Lockett, L. Stewart, Oxley, Heise, Lumsden, R. Lowry. Emergencies: Graham, J. Morgan, Ward. M. Walden is an ex-Feilding High School Old Boy Club player, and has represented Manawhenua. Lowry is a Cambridge blue, and Gibbons, the captain, played last year for Martinborough. Three extra players are J. Morgan (Wanganui), Graham (Taihape) backs, and Ward (Wanganui) forward. The team will a.ssemble on May 19 and will be coached bv Mark Nickolls and Andy Mercer. Dr. G. J. Adams, president of the New Zealand Union, will leave here on Tuesday to meet the British team arriving at Wellington on Wednesday. Their programme is to come to Wanganui on Friday and attend the winter race meeting on Saturday. They will go for a trip up the river on Tuesday, play on Wednesday, and leave for New Plymouth on Thursday. Indications art that the largest crowd the citv has ever known at football, will be here for the match. Public interest has never been so keen.

RUGBY ATTRACTIONS. THIS WEEK’S TRIAL MATCHES. May 14.—North Island Possibles v. Probables at Palmerston North. May 17. —Manawatu v. Horowbenua at Levin. May 17. —Manawatu B v. Oroua at Kimbolton. Local enthusiasts will be offered a feast of Rugby during the present week, the Nofth Island trials being held at the Showgrounds on Wednesday afternoon when the stars of ;he North Island will bo seen in action. On the following Saturday Manawatu will have two teams in the field, the A fifteen journeying to Levin to engage in the annual inter-council trial with Horowlienua, while the B fifteen will meet the Oroua Sub-Union’s representatives at Kimbolton. The lower grade competitions will, however, be played at the Showgrounds as usual. REPRESENTATIVE ENGAGEMENTS. TO OPPOSE HOROWHENUA. The first of the two annual trials between representatives drawn from Manawatu and Horowhenua, which precedes the selection of the Manawhenua team to meet tho Britishers will take place at Levin next Saturday and the selectors, Messrs J. Ryan, J. R. Hardie and A. W. Thompson, have chosen the following 19 players to go into training. The final selection will be made on Thursday evening and all those selected are requested to attend at the gymnasium for training on

Tuesday and Thursday evening of next week at 7.30 o’clock. Backs. S. Bramwcll, Strange, Fletcher, Page, Akuira, N. Bramwe 1, Ormond, Riddell, Shapleski. Forwards. Henry, Crawford, Miles, Conrad, Galpin, C. Higlit, K. Fitzgerald, Waugh, N, Amadio, Gleeson. TO OPPOSE OROUA. GAME AT KIMBOLTON. While the Manawatu A’s are engaged at Levin, a B team will journey to Kimbolton to meet Oroua Sub-Union and the following 19 players have been selected to go into training in view of the final selection:— Backs. Wasley, H. Darragh, Mitchell, Griffin, Moore, Cochrane, i’acey, Fearnley, 1. Amadio. Forwards. Flowers, M. Higlit, Webber, McKenzie, Heard, Wells, Doherty, Bartlett, Dalzell, Neild. FOOTBALL CASUALTIES. SATURDAY’S HEAVY LIST. PLAYERS IN HOSPITAL. There was .an unfortunate series of Rugby casualties locally, on Saturday, and two players sustained injuries which were sufficiently serious to entail their admission to hospital. Playing for United thirds against Kia Toa, J. Towle.r sustained injuries to the head and face and, in addition to a fractured jaw, it is feared that he is also suffering from a fracture of the skull. F. Hayes, another third grade player, aLso sustained concussion, while there is a distinct prospect that the skull is fractured. The third unfortunate was R. Guy, of Tokomaru, vho had his left leg broken in a match at Foxton. While the condition of the two local lads is serious, it was reported from the liosiptal to-day that they had both spent satisfactory nights. Minor mishaps were numerous enough. Among them were those of C. Ma reliant, of the Palmerston North Technical School team, who sustained an injury to tire nose, and A. Weston and J. Dewe, of tho Kia

and Feilding Old Boys senior respectively, who were both con, Kd to retire with injuries, a). though, fortunately, they arc not oi serious nature. COOKE TO PLAY FOR HUTT. A E Cooke, who has been a membef of the All Black team in many international match* k f d ßa f taken the held for Hawke s if ay, auck land and Wairarapa representative Sms has disposed of his business interests in Masterton, and v, ill, in future reside in Wellington. Cooke Sll turn out for Hutt, it is understood. RUGBY ELSEWHERE. TTnwke’s Bav.—H.S.O.B. 11 v. TCO.B. 3; Pirates 14 Ta ? iat^ a Q - Celtic 13 v. Hastings 0.8. 3; Hnstmgs 14 v. Maori Agricultural Gol1CS Uannevirke.—Excelsior 9 v. TipapaDaunevirKe Boys 10. kU Timaru -Waihi 16 v. Celtic 12; Star 3 v. Old Boys 3; Temuka 21 v. —Grammar 21 v. Marist 5; Ponsonby 31 v. Coljege Rifles 10; University 8 v. Training College (i; Technical Old Bovs 33 v. Grafton 8; Manukau 18 v. City 0. , Dunedin.-Pirates 21 v Z.ngari 8; Varsitv B 27 v. Union G; Alhambra 22 v. Kaikorai 0; Dunedin 8 v. Taien G; ’Varsity A 8 v.. Southern p. Wellington—Senior A: Oriental 6 v. Hutt 6; Berhampore 8 v. University • Marist 21 v. Poncko 11; Eastbourne *2s* v. Petone 14; Old Boys 10 v. Athletic 8. Senior B: Miramar 16 v. Old Boys 9; Porirua 11 v. .Melrose 9; Wellington 25 v . Johnsomulle 3: Oriental 11 v. Upper Hutt 6; Sclwyn won by default from Training Northern division: Tukapa 16 v. Star 3; Stratford 9 v. Old Boys 9; Clifton 21 v. Okato 3. Southern division : Hawera 14 v. Athletic 9; Okaiawa Bv. lvaponga 3; Patea 9 v. Opunake G; Waimate 21 v. Eltham 0. , , ... Wairarapa.—Gladstone 13 v. Masterton 6; Old Boys 2o v. Red Star 13; Carterton 20 v. Greytown 13 Christchurch.—Christchurch 61 v. Merivalo 0; Albion 11 v. Varsity 3; Svdenham 8 v. West Christchurch ?; Linwood 17 v. Technical 6.

Senior. Total Ch. p. w. r>. l. For. Agst. Pts. 2 2 — — 46 19 4 2 2 — — 19 16 4 Feidling O.B. 3 1—2 37 46 2 2 1—1 25 23 2 3 — — 3 18 41 0 12 6 — 6 145 145 12 Senior B. Total Ch. P. W. D. L. For. Agst. Pts. 2 2 — — 59 0 4 2 2 — — 21 0 4 3 2—1 9 6 4 Woodville ... 3 1—2 0 53 2 United 3 — — 3 0 30 0 Massey Col. 1 — — 1 0 0 0 14 7 — 7 89 89 14

Tc ital Ch P. W. D. L. For. Agst. Pta Kia Toa 3 3 — — 57 12 6 High School 2 2 — — 35 '16 4 Old Boys ... 3 1 — 2 17 39 2 Feilding- O.B. 3 1 — 2 6 26 2 Bunnythorpe 2 — — 2 14 36 0 Massey Col. 1 — — 1 0 0 0 14 7 — 7 129 129 14

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Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 4

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RUGBY FOOTBALL Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 4

RUGBY FOOTBALL Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 4