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HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY’S SHOW. DISPLAY OF CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Nodding their heads in beautiful clusters, chrysanthemums nmaea magnificent display in the Empire Hall on Saturday afternoon, when the Palmerston North Horticultural Society’s Show was radiant with bio of every hue. There were Mme f markable colour effects, with . rare shades and exquisite tints. \ over 500 entries, the support accorded the fixture was a record. All tne blooms were of first quality. I?. was also an exceptionally good display of fruit. The cooking section was well up to the standard, and pleasing feature was the presence o exhibits bv punils of the Technical School. Every class listed in the catalogue was well filled. , The judges were as follow :—Unrysanthennims, Mr A. Gibson fHarton, other flowers, vegetables and fruit. Mr F. Mason (Feilding); decorative section. Mrs V. Smith (Feilding); domestic, Mrs A. B. Wilton (Hiwinui). Stewards’ duties were carried out t y Misses Dawick and Chapman, Alesdames Wimsett, W. J. Phillipps and R. A. McKenzie; Messrs A. W. Just, G. H. Dawick, Morine, W. H. Chapman and Mountfort. T Mesdames A. W. Just, A. J. Shailer. Bayliss and McKenzie were in charge of the afternoon tea arrangements, while Mrs Wimsett controlled the stall. Mr J. Galland was an energetic and enterprising secretaryThe show was officially opened bv His Worship the Mayor, Mr A. J. Graham, who congratulated the exhibitors on the splendid display, adding that it must be extremely gratifying to the society to note a substantial increase in the number of entries. The societv were a willing band of workers, and the Mayor expressed the hope that the people of Palmerston North would take a real life interest in the work of the society. The Mayor, however, said he had only one criticism to make, and that was in regard to the display of flowers in beer-bottles. He would donate one guinea to the society for the purchase of new vases. He called attention to the exhibit of Mrs T. R. Willis, of Greatford, who was to be congratulated upon growing the champion bioom of the show. The Wallace Cup for the most improved garden of the year was won by Mrs Larsen, of Albert Street, Palmerston North, Mr N. M. Wallace making the presentation. Mr V allace also paid a tribute to Mr T. F. Conways work in judging the competition, and expressed the hope that next year the entries in this event would be increased also. The prize list was as follows;

OPEN CLASS. Chrysanthemums, three dark varieties. Aiks Wischnewsky 1; three (any other colour), Miss Wischnewsky 2; one bloom, Miss Wischnewsky 1; three blooms (hirsute), Mrs E. W. Collins 1, Mr A. J. Shailer 2; six single (not lees than three varieties), Mr Ogier 1. Dahlias, three blooms (cactus), Mr A. J. Shailer 1; three blooms, (paeony), Mr A. J. Shailer; three single blooms, A. J. Shailer 1. Cosmeas (six blooms) : Mr Ogier I. Any other variety: Mr A. W. Just 1, Mr A. J. Shailer 2. Autumn foliage: Mr A. W. Ju6t 1, Mr A. J. Shailer 2, Best Chrysanthemum bloom : Miss Wischnewsky; best variety, Miss Edith Cavell. AMATEUR. Chrvsanthemums, 12 varieties —Mr W. Grey 1, Mrs T. R. Willis 2, Mrs J. B. Morgan 3; 6 varieties, Mrs T. R. Willis 1, Mr W. Grey 2, Mrs V. E. Smith 3; 3 varieties, Mrs X, R. Willis 1, Mr W. Grey 2, Mrs V. E. Smith 3; white, Mr W. Grey 1, Mr F. J. Nathan 2, Mrs J. B. Morgan 3; yellow or cream, Mrs T. R. Willis 1, Mr Ogier 2, Mr W. Grey 3; pink, Mrs T. R. Willis 1, Mr Ogier 2, Mr W. Grey 3; bronze, Mr F. J. Nathan 1, Mrs E. L. Homan 2, Mrs J. B. Morgan 3; dark colour, Mrs T. R. Willis 1, Mr W. Grey 2, Mr Ogier 3; any other colour, Mr Ogier 1, Mrs T. R. Willis 2, Mr F. J. Nathan 3; one bloom, Mrs T. R. Willis X, Mr W. Grey 2 and 3; spray (garden flower and not disbudded), Mrs Wilkinson 1, Mr Ogier 2; 3 sprays (same), Mr Ogier 1, Miss L. D’Ath 2, Mrs A. C. Arthur 3; spray (not less than six blooms but disbudding allowed), Mr Ogier 1, Mr G. 11. Best 2; three sprays (single), Mrs V. E. Smith 1, Mr Weightman 2, Mr Ogier 3. Dahlias, cactus, .six blooms, Mrs V. E. Smith 1; three blooms, Mrs V. E. Smith 1, Mrs Hughes 2; one bloom, Mrs V. E. Smith 1. Paeony, three blooms, Mrs V. E. Smith 1, Mrs E. L. Homan 2; one bloom, Mrs E. L. Homan 1, Mrs V. E. Smith 2. Decorative, three blooms, Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs V. E. Smith 2; ono bloom, Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs V. E. Smith 2. Best bloom, Mrs T. R. Willis. NOVICE CLASS (Amateur).

Chrysanthemums, 6 varieties: Mrs G. Butcher 1, Miss H. Cheetham 2; three varieties, Mr E. L. Homan 1, Mrs Williamson 2, Mrs F. Cresswoll 3; yellow or cream, Mrs Williamson 1, Mr E. L. Homan 2, Miss H. Cheetham o; white, Mrs Williamson 1, Miss H. Cheetham 2; pink, Miss H. Cheetham 1; one spray not disbudded, Mrs Williamson 1, Mr 3 L. D’Ath 2, G. H. Best 3; three sprays, varieties, not disbudded, Miss D’Ath 1 and 2, Mrs Williamson 3; three sprays single, Miss H. Cheetham 1, Mrs G. P. Atkinsson 2. DECORATIVE (Amateur). Basket chrysanthemums: Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs J. Galland 2. Basket of flowers (excluding chrysanthemums) : Mrs Faulding 1 ; Mrs J. Galland 2. Bowl of chrysanthemums (bin to 8 in) : Mrs J. Galland 1, Mrs Faulding 2. Bowl of chrysanthemums, over Bins. : Mrs J. Galland 1. Bowl of flowers, 6ins. to 81119., excluding’ chrysanthemums : Miss L. D’Ath 1, Mrs J. Galland 2. Bowl of flowers over Bins, excluding chrysanthemums: Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs J. Galland 2; mantelpiece vase: Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs J. Galland 2, Mrs E. Y. Collins 3. Table vase: Mrs J. Galland I and 3, Miss D’Ath 2. Posy: Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs J. Galland 2 and 3. Lady’s spray : Mrs J. Galland 1 and 2, Mrs Faulding 3. Buttonholes: Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs j! Galand 2, Miss P. Collins 3. Floating bowl: Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs E. L. Homan 2. Decorated table, chrysanthemums only: Mrs Faulding 1, Mrs J. Galland 2. Decorated table, embellished : Mrs J. Galland I and 3. Mrs Faulding 2. DECORATIVE CHILDREN (under 14). Buttonholes.—J. McKenzie 1, M. Hicken 2, N. Amos 3. Basket: M. Hieken 1 N Amos 2, M. Kaye 3. Vase; N. Amos 1, J. McKenzie 2, M. Kayo 3. Table decoration : N. Amos 1, J. McKenzie 2, M. Waldegrave 3. DECORATIVE (14 to 18 years). Basket.—Miss B. Amos 1, Miss M Shader 2. Bowl: Miss B. Amos 1, Miss Waldegrave 2. Vase, table: Miss M. Shader 1; mantelpiece, Miss B. Amos 1 Miss M. Shailer 2. Buttonholes: Miss B* Amos 1, Miss M. Shailer 2. Spray: Miss B. Amos 1, Miss Waldegrave 2. Table decoration : Miss M. Shailer 1, Miss B Ames 2. CUT FLOWERS (Amateur). Antirrhinums. Miss D’Ath 1, Mrs N. M. Wallace 2. Cosmeas; Mrs G. Trevor 2. Zinnias, three blooms: Mrs G. Luxmoro 1; collection, Mrs V. E. Smith 1. Delphiniums: Mrs H. N. Watson 2. Pansies: Mr W. Grey 1. Gaillardias: Mrs J. L. Weightinan 1. Marigolds (French) : 'Mrs A. E. Mansford 1, Miss L. D’Ath 2; African, Miss G. Trevor 1. Anemones: Mrs J. E. Larsen 1, Mrs H. N. Watson 2. Violets: Miss Hughes 1, Mrs G. Butcher 2. Calendulas: Mrs L. Morlno 1, Mrs Field 2. Pcnstcmons: Mrs Weightman 1. Hydrangeas: Mrs E. V. Spear 1, Terrace End School 2 and 3. Any other variety: Mrs Galland 1 and 3, Miss D’Ath 2. Collection of cut flowers: Mrs J. E. Larsen I. FRUIT (Open). Dessert apples.—Sturmcr Pippin, F. H. Owtram 1, T. F. Conway 2, Mrs F. Cresswell 3; Cox's Orange Pippin, F. H. Owt-' ram I, W. B. Ellis 2; Jona-

W B Ellis 1, Mrs i Crosswell 2; Adams Pearmam. V. : Fllis 1 T r ■ Conway 2: Delicious, \\ . I km i Mr. Spall 2. T. F. Cbm, I Statesman, T b. Gonwdy 1, W. B. Llu--2: any other variety, F. H. Owtram 1, X. F Corns ay 2. Appies, culinary: \\ a-hiic ton, F. H. Owtram 1, A. Woodroofe _ Lord Wolselev. Mrs Spall 1; Reinettc < Canada, W. B. Ellis 1, Mrs F Crcssw, 2; Alfriston, W. B. Ellis 1; Ohincmun W B. Ellis 1, Mrs F. Crcsswell 2; an other variety, T. F. Conway 1, F. H. Owt ram 2, F. 11. Ellis 3. Pears, dessert: Mi Spall 1; cooking, T. F. Conway 1. FRUIT (Amateur). Bosworth 2; cooking, Mr W. Grey 1, Mr Spall 2; collection, Mrs Spail 1. Pears, dc o sort: Mrs Spall 1; cooking, Mrs Spall 1. Walnuts: Mis N. Gorton 1. Passion fruit. Mrs A. C. Arthur 1, Mrs Wilkinson 2, Airs Field 3. VEGETABLES (Amateur.) Beans, dwarf.—Mrs H. N. Watson 1. Mr H. J. Ogier 2. Beet, oval: Mr X. Mayhew 1 and 2; round, Mr G. Wilkinson 1. Mrs G. Trevor 2. Carrots, intermediate Mrs G. Trevor 1, Mrs Spall 2; short, Mr T. Mayhew 1, Mr G. Wilkinson 2. Cabbages: Mrs F. Creewell 1, Mr Ogier 2 Onions, quality: Mr T, Mayhew 1, Air U H. Best 2; weight, Mr T. Mayhew y Leeks: Mrs A. C. Arthur 2. Marrow, quality: Mrs Spall 1, Mr G. H. Best 2 heaviest, Mr G. J- Bennett 1. Pumpkin, quality; Mr G. Wilkinson 1, Mrs Spall 2; heaviest, Mrs H. N. Watson 1, Mr G. Wilkinson 2. Parsnips: Mrs Spall 1, Air A W. Mcyrick 2. Lettuce: Mr A. W. Aleyrick 1, Airs A. C. Arthur 2. Rhubarb: Alls A C Arthur’ 1. Potatoes, collection: Air J.’ B. Morgan 1, Mr T. Mayhew 2; white, Mrs H. N. Watson 1, Mrs G. Trevor 2. coloured, Airs Feild 1, Mrs A. C. Arthur 2; heaviest, Air T. Mayhew 1 and 2. Any other vegetable: Mrs H. N. V atson 1, Air A. O. Aleyrick 2. Collection of vegetables: Mrs H. N. Watson 1, Mrs A. C. Arthur 2. Tomatoes: Mrs N. M. Wallace I, Air W. Ogier 2. DOAIESTIC (Amateur).

Bread.—Airs A. C. Arthur 1. Spongecake: Mrs Spall 1. Aladeira cake: Airs G. Johnson 1, Airs A. C. Arthur 2. Gingerbread: Airs J. A. Chectham 1, Miss H. Chcctham 2. Fruit cake: Airs Spall 1, Mrs A. C. Arthur 2, Aliss E. Wagstaff. 3. Plain scones: Airs S. Bradfield I, Airs E. W. Collins Aliss F. Heard 3. Butter scones: Aliss H. Chcetham 1, Airs J. A. Cheethani 2, Airs 3. Bradfield 3. Gems: Airs S. Bradfield 1. Airs W. Chapman 2, Aliss D’Ath 3. Sponge sandwich: Airs E. V. Collins 1, Airs Williamson 2, Aliss Shailer 3. Sponge roll: Mrs Williamfson 1, Airs J. A. Chectham 2 and 3. Cream puffs: Airs A. C. Arthur 1. Jam tarts: Airs A. C. Arthur. Pikelets: Airs Williamson 1, Airs A. C. Arthur 2, Aliss N. Alitchcll 3. Shortbread: Aliss E. Wagstaff 2. Sausage rolls: Aliss R. AleGregor 1, Airs A. C. Arthur 2, Aliss E. Wagstaff 3. Nuttics: Aliss 11. Cheeth.nn 1. Jelly: Airs J. A. Cheetham 1, Miss L. D’Ath 2, Mrs Spall 3. Jam: Mis Williamson 1, Aliss L. D’Ath 2 and 3. Bottled fruits: Airs Williamson 1, Airs Spa 1 2, Airs Wimsett 3. Pickles, onions: Alls B. Al. Alunro 1, Mrs Winlsett 2; any other variety, Airs Spall 1, Airs A. F. V inisett 2, Airs Williamson 3; two varieties, Airs Williamson 1. Tomato sauce: Airs Jennings 1, Airs Spall 2, Aliss L. D Ath 3. Sauce, any othre variety: Airs Spall 1, Mrs J. C. Corkill 2. Chutney: Airs WE Chapman 1, Mrs Jennings 2, Miss L. D’Ath 3. Fruit cake (eggless): Airs R. A. McKenzie I, Aliss H. Chectham 2,-Airs' A. C. Arthur 3. Marmalade: Airs Spall 1, Mbs L. D’Ath 2, Airs Spall 3. Girls under fifteen. —-Plain scones : Aliss Waldegrave 1, Aliss J. Kaye 2. Butter scones: Aliss Waldegrave I,' Aliss J. Kaye 2. Sponge sandwich: Aliss J. Kaye 1, Aliss E. Hansen 2. Sausage rolls: Miss J. Kaye 1. POINTS -PRIZES. Points prizes were won as follow: Open section.—A. J. Shailer and Son, 29 points; amateurs, Airs T. R. Willis (Greatford), Airs V. E. Smith (Feilding), 36 each; cut blooms, -Aliss D’Ath, 11 points; vegetables, Air T. Mayhew, 31 points; fruit (open), W. B. Ellis, points; domestic, Airs Spall 33 points, Mr 3 Williamson (Sanson) 29 points; decorative, Airs Galland, 55 points. The cake was won by Airs Coles with the correct weight, 21b lljozs.

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Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 2

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AUTUMN BLOOMS Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 2

AUTUMN BLOOMS Manawatu Standard, Volume L, Issue 139, 12 May 1930, Page 2